CEF Nominal Rolls
Processing and analyzing the CEF Nominal Rolls
17th Battalion
Cover Page Information
Canadian Lx
Nominal Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned
Officers and Men.
H O- 593-2-29.
Page | Bounds | |||||||||||||||
2 | 636 581 3213 613 |
Name of Next of Kin. | Country of | |||||||||||||
2 | 826 759 3646 788 |
Sept. 22, 1914. | Cameron, Daniel Duncan……… | Salt Springs. N.8 | Vaieart ier.. | |||||||||||
2 | 826 789 3646 817 |
Sept. 28. 1911. | Murray, Dunicl | Valcartier.. | ||||||||||||
2 | 540 818 3646 847 |
Captain …. | Val earlier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||||||
2 | 541 847 3647 877 |
Captaia | (‘ultcn, Italic llaymond | Can, Mil | < ntten, Mrs. Helen Sarah… | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||||
2 | 541 963 3647 995 |
f ‘aplain. | Bentley, Flora A | Port Greville, N.8 | Canada | Va* car tier.. | Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||||
2 | 540 1022 3645 1053 |
Captain. | Sept. 28, 1914. | 106th Reg. | Forbes, Mrs. J. W | Dept, of Interior, Immigration Office,Winnipeg, Man. | Valcartier.. | |||||||||
2 | 1867 1052 3646 1081 |
Reed, Mrs. Fanny Mnria…. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 22. 1914. | ||||||||||||
2 | 1893 1255 3648 1286 |
M.A | 129 Milton 8t., Brooklyn, N.Y | Aug. 29, 1914. | ||||||||||||
2 | 1866 1286 3649 1314 |
25 Walter St., Truro, N.3 | Nor. 1, 1914. | Archibald, Mrs. Mvrtle | Canada | Pond Farm. | ||||||||||
2 | 1894 1344 3649 1375 |
Alinyra | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||||||
2 | 542 1374 3649 1401 |
Lieu tenant | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||||||
2 | 543 1419 3666 1463 |
Lieutenant | Valcartier. . | Sept’.’irl.’iiu. ’ | Harris, Garnet Wellesley. | OBtu i(pct | Van Husk irk, Mrs. Richard. | Hear River, N.8 | Canada | |||||||
2 | 827 1460 3649 1492 |
Sept. 28, 1914. | Rentlcy, Freeland M nr tell | Can. MU | Ment ley, Flora A | Port Greville, N.R | ||||||||||
2 | 543 1490 3649 1524 |
Sept. 20, 1914. | Mao Donald, Frederick Grant | 7ftt,ti Kcgt | MacDonald, Donald G. . | tf) Church Bt., Halifax, N.S | Lieutenant | Canada | Valcartier.. | |||||||
2 | 542 1519 3649 1550 |
Sept. 28, 1914. | Christie, Jnmcnon Earle | Nil | (’hristie, Mrs. Margaret M.. | Box 059, Truro, N.S | Lieutenant | Canada | Valcartier.. | |||||||
2 | 829 1549 3649 1579 |
Sept. 28, 1914. | Russell, Richard Kaston | S.A | Rush’ll, J. A | |||||||||||
2 | 544 1570 3650 1610 |
Sept. 28, 1914. | l inger, (leoiTry Edgar Clarence… | Imp. Forces | linger, Mrs. A. ZoO | Lieu tenant.. | IS Croftdeen Rd., HighgateRd..London,N.W.,Eng. | Ireland | Valcartier.. | |||||||
2 | 545 1607 3650 1639 |
Sept. 28, 1914. | Mingo, Edgar Willard | C.K.A | Mingo, J. Archibald | 1 .ieutenant | Denmark, N.8 ICanada | Valcartier.. | ||||||||
2 | 544 1633 3650 1675 |
.Sept. 28, 1914. | Groggott, Clinton James | n.o.R | Groggctt, Mrs. Alma | Lieutenant | r>4 Charles Bt., Ilnlifni, N.8 | r’anads | Valcartier.. | |||||||
2 | 830 1667 3650 1696 |
Sept. 20, 1914. | Ross, George Adam Russell | Rons, Rev. G, McMarray.. | ||||||||||||
2 | 827 1696 2265 1728 |
McKee, Norman Frederick | Me line, Henry Elmwood. .. | 97 th Regt , | ||||||||||||
2 | 541 1812 3654 1843 |
Lieutenant | Goforth, Paul. | NO. | Goforth, Rev. J. | Valcartier.. | ISept. 28, 1914. | |||||||||
2 | 456 1987 3655 2020 |
4004.1 | Sergeant,,, | Van Hunkirk, Fred | Van Puskirk, C. I., | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||||
2 | 457 2016 1854 2047 |
Private | W»7 | Particulars w ill l»e furnished when o | ||||||||||||
2 | 457 2047 3654 2078 |
4fV)48 | Nil | Houshey, I* red | Valeartinr. | Sept. 28, I’ll4. | ||||||||||
2 | 457 2077 3655 2109 |
Peach, James Clyde | 40040 | Private | 94th R^irt | 1 teach. Morton | Mosherville. N.8 | Canada | Valcart ier | iSept. 2H, 1914. | ||||||
2 | 457 2105 3654 2144 |
Pitney, James William | 40050 | Private | Can. Mil. | Byrne, Mrs. A | Joggins, N.8 | < ‘annda | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
2 | 457 2133 3655 2168 |
Chipman, Thomas., | 40044 | Private.,,..!,..*.. | Utl» Horse | C’iiipinnn, Thomas 11 | Tupperville, N.S | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
2 | 457 2169 1854 2195 |
4 IMHO | Private | Particulars will bo furnished w hen a | ||||||||||||
3 | 637 312 3834 348 |
4 now | 1’rivatr | Casey, llli*i. | Nil | Cas»v, Michael | Wallace, N.S | Canada. | Valcartier. .ISept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
3 | 637 342 3835 378 |
40O,V> | i’rivftlo. | ‘ o»»kr, Je^nph | Nil | CheRten, Mrs. John… | Sydney, (‘spf> llreton, N.S…. | Canada., | Valcartier. . Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
3 | 637 372 3835 407 |
4 | Private*. | * ’airne*. W illinm | Imp. Forces | (‘airnes, f!porgc | .1 Gravel Walk, Drogheda, Ire, | Ireland.. | Valcartier. . Sept. 27, 1914. | |||||||
3 | 724 402 3835 438 |
JVival^, | (‘olhui n, (*. William…. | (‘an. Mil | Colburn. Mrs. Fannie. | Amhorst, N.H | Canada., | Valcartier.. Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 636 435 2357 467 |
4WVW | Private | Dukraliire, () | Particulars will bo furnished when a | vailable | ||||||||||
3 | 636 465 2356 497 |
41,u:,7 | I’rivnte | I >einille. It. . …… | Particulars will l>o furnished when * | ‘•silnble | ||||||||||
3 | 636 487 3835 527 |
4006D | l’rivnto | 1 r, «latnefi Warcn…. | Nil | II mi land, Mrs. J. W… | Itor 689, Now Gln« r.r, N.S… | Canada,. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 636 522 3834 556 |
4 cm:* | I’rivnte | (ScHxIwin, William Jl…. | iWll Rent | Goodwin, Mrs. W. B.. | Victoria Bench, N.H | Canada,. | Valcartier.. | Sopt. 27, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 636 551 3833 586 |
4wmi | Private. | Gray, Angii*.. | 7SI.li Regt | Gray, Mrs. .John | (Jrnnton, N.M. | Scotland. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 637 581 3834 616 |
4G0G0 | Private | ’ rant, 11. 1 > | Nil | Grant, W. 11 | Strathconn Hall, Sherbrooke St | , P | Canada.., | Valcartier.. | ‘•ept. 20, 1914. | |||||
3 | 636 611 3833 644 |
4000? | PrlvMe.. | ( Ijirrimn, Ilorare | 03rd Re^t | Garrison, Henry Charles | Horton lUurf. N.H | Canada.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 29, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 636 641 3834 674 |
4«»O04 | Private | Mm low, Uu.^noll ……. | 75th Regt | llnrlow, M. M | Caledonia, N.S | Canada., | Valcartier.. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 637 669 3833 703 |
4WXV, | Private | .iol»n«on. Peter | Nil | ltydermasher, Stephen. | Woodstock, N.l* | U.S.A…, | Valcartier.. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 636 701 2385 732 |
40102 | Private | Ivnowles, I’’ | Pnrticulars will bo furnished when | vnilable | ||||||||||
3 | 637 715 3834 765 |
40000 | Private., | Mili.1, Prank T/e«lie,,… | Nil •••■ | Mills, Mrs. Elhel Naomi | 41 Park St., Atnhwst, N.H.. | iTi’A’.!!! | Valcartier.. | Se’p’t. if.ioii. | ||||||
3 | 636 759 3834 791 |
40007 | Private | Nil | Mills, Howard | f/indonderry, N.H. | Canada… | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
3 | 636 789 3521 820 |
4G0C!) | Private | Uuiu, Katherina. | Elestenia, Russia… | Russia… | Sluig | |||||||||
3 | 636 847 3835 881 |
40070 | Private | Ne^.tw, Thoinnn I/co…. | Cnn. Mil…. | Negus, Thomas…. | I Princess St., Amherst, N.S.. | Canada., | Valcartier.. | Sept. 27,1914. | ||||||
3 | 636 877 3835 910 |
4004fi | Private | ()’( onnell, W illiam | Nil | Day. F. II | Shanty Hav, < >nt | Canada., | Valcartier., | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 636 906 3835 940 |
40072 | Private | Porter, ‘l lmmafi | n.lnl Regt.. | Porter, Mrs. Elisabeth | Springhtll, N.S | Canada., | Valcartier.. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 636 937 3834 968 |
40070 | Private | Iv’isliton, Otis | i ‘nn. Mil…. | Uushton, David…. | Amherst, N.S | Canada.. | Vnlonrtier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 636 966 3624 998 |
40076 | Private | 4th Drags.. | Rice, John | Gftllan, Kilkenny, Ire | Ireland.. | B.9. Ruth- | ||||||||
3 | 637 1018 3833 1075 |
40074 | Private | llceves, Georgo Edward | It/th Htnsars . | White, Mrs. Elisabeth | 10 Paradise St., Landport, Portsmouth, Hants | ng.j England. | Valoartier.. | Sept. 25, 1914. | ||||||
3 | 722 1056 2356 1086 |
Private | Rood. A.. .. | Particulars will bo furnished when | vailable | |||||||||||
3 | 637 1074 3837 1120 |
4007« | t’nvnte | Haunnem, Wylie Uurke.. | Nil | .iSaundTS, W. E | Trcmont, N.S…. | …(Canada.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28,1914.’ | ||||||
3 | 637 1114 3521 1145 |
4O077 | Private… | Scritch, Alexander | Nil | :-icritch, Joseph | Vilou, Russia | … Russia.. | Sluig | |||||||
3 | 638 1163 3833 1206 |
40070 | Private | Van Tuyll. Curtis | Nil…. | i'an Tnyll. Jolin Smith. | Hunter’s River. P.E.I. | .J Canada. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 20. 1914. | ||||||
3 | 637 1202 3626 1237 |
40080 I’rivato | Winnlow, ilandolph | Nil…. | I Window, Alfred | Woodstock, N.13 | .(Canada. | S.S., Ruth- | ||||||||
3 | 638 1429 3834 1464 |
40101 C.-Hergt. Mnjor. | Blnci.eney, Howard ‘63rd Regt…. | Blackeney Mrs. Howard | Upper North River, N.8…. | Canada.. | Valoartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 638 1455 3019 1498 |
48272’Q.-M. Scrgt. | I Ley noldo. i’ -.•••.• | Wentsell, Annie.. | liridgewater, N.S | |||||||||||
3 | 639 1477 3837 1520 |
401O3!’‘crirant., | Miinnern, J. W iVrri‘orlals.. | Mpnncrs, Mrs. J. W…. | I’rinco St., Truro, N.S | ISnglnnd,. | Valcartier. | Hopt’.28.’i914.’ | ||||||||
3 | 638 1519 3835 1551 |
46IS7 i.Si’vici’nnt… | Ridden, H.. OSth Regt…. | Redden, Mrs. R. W…. | Water St.. Windsor, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 28. 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 638 1548 3834 1590 |
46105jHergcnnt… | ■’’n111», Wyman A 70tli Regt…. | Smith, Mrs. J. W | Upper Prince St., ISoi 1, Truro, N.S… | * ‘anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 28. 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 639 1577 3834 1615 |
4 0273j^»* recant., | jWid’-y, Percival 03 rd Regt.,., | I >alcy, Mr^ | 20 Umokhill Rd., Woolwich, Eng | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept.. 20, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 639 1604 3834 1642 |
•lOKKpi-u’cant.. | 1 ’n, Eltner Chirk Nil | MoCully. Mrs. nrj-»on. | Ililden, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 638 1636 3834 1668 |
4fll0tVStTgcant.. | ■,,iniCi’, Percy jl 7Gili Pen*….. | Lawrence, George H… | Hoi 441, Truro, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 2-;. 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 639 1665 3835 1697 |
4(1107 Sergeant.. | I.nytuo, i “d. It !)3r<l Rei^t…. | Layton, F. W | Victoria, Australia | W. Indies. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 639 1693 3834 1727 |
40274 Sergeant.. | I iouchcr, Fred. ( ‘nil. Mil | Ocruolier, M>”« Mary… | Home of the Guardian Angel, Halifax, | Canada,’.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 639 1722 3834 1758 |
4027iijScrpcant…. | II armon, John \V 67th Regt…. | Harmon, Sb-lla Mary., | Woodstock, N.H | Canada… | Valcartier, | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 639 1748 3834 1791 |
4(i01(.jScrgt. Cook | 1 in nnni-h. < i OT | 1 Nil | t’avanngh, Mrs. I), il. | Hot 602, Truro, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept, 28, 1914. | |||||||
3 | 639 1774 3834 1817 |
461 l2 | Cor;iornl.,. | Itlnkeney, Raymond OGtURcgt…. | niaken-‘y, Mrs A. H.. | 45 Allen St., Halifax, N.S. | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 28,1914. | |||||||
3 | 639 1810 3834 1842 |
4<1113,t ‘orpornl.. | 1 ,eak, Reginald Edwnrd (‘hambers Nil.. | Leak, Mis. R. B | “Tho White House,1 Little M iaseuden, | Eng, | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
3 | 639 1840 3835 1873 |
4!110fiU ’orpornl.. | Wright, Normnn Roy Nil | Wright, Mrs, George… | P.oi 351, Truro, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 639 1868 3834 1903 |
4<j | 0N’Corporal.. | Walters, Daniel Royal Navy. | Wnlterr, Thomas | 8.’ Ilcrctile Rd . Lambeth, London, Eng | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept.. 28, 1914. | |||||||
3 | 640 1898 3833 1938 |
40110jCorporal.. | I Kay, Frederick Thomas Imp. Forces.. | Kay, Mrs. | 261 Rochdale lid.. Manchester, Eng | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 640 1927 3834 1959 |
4027)!,Corporal.. | Siini««on, Frederick C ‘”tn Rent..,.. | Simpson, Joshua | Victory, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 640 1956 3833 1992 |
40270i(‘orporal.. | !«’< “k, Charles rn,h Regt.,.. | Peck, Whitman | Rear River, N.S s | Canada… | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 640 1986 3834 2021 |
4t’i2fv.1, Corporal.. | ‘.Milner, Ernest C9tll Regt…. | Milner, Avard | Annapolis Royal. N.H | Canada.,, | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 641 2016 3833 2055 |
40277iCorporal.. . | ji’oole, Eugene A Nil | Poole, F. J | Bridgetown, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||||
3 | 640 2043 3833 2080 |
40314 | L.-Corporal. | I Kane, J. 11 tard lfegt…. | Kano, Mrs. A | 27 Albion St., Amherst, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
4 | 498 547 3251 586 |
.£’55 | Name of Nuxt of Kio. | Country of | ||||||||||||
4 | 496 698 3680 730 |
46281 | L.-Corpornl.. | Green, Thomas. | Imp. Forces.. | Green, Mrs. C, | 14 Derby St., Dundee, Scot | Scotland. | Vn I car tier,. | ■Sept. 29, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 496 729 3680 760 |
40284 | L.-Corporal.. | Olsen, Emil | Nil | Olsen, Bertel | Stavanger, Norway | Norway.. | Valcartier., | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 497 756 3680 789 |
40282 | i,.-( ‘orpornl. | Jones, William Harris | Nil | Jones, Frank. | Bear River, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier.. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 495 789 3679 818 |
40120 | Private | Anthony, Addison,… | Nil. | Anthony, Mrs. Richard | Kennotook Corner, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 497 818 3680 850 |
40288 | Private | Ayling, William li | Nil. | Ayling, KateE | 125 Mar cm Hill, Bromley, Kent, Eng., | England.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 20. 1914. | ||||||
4 | 496 848 3679 878 |
40110 | Bugler | Burke, James E. | Nil. | Burke, Miss., | Not Btated | Scotland. | Valcartier., | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 581 876 2244 906 |
Private | Berry, A | Particular* will bo furnished when a | vailable. | |||||||||||
4 | 497 906 3679 937 |
40289 | Private | Baker, Leo | Baker, E. J…, | 80 Blackfriars Rd., London, Eng | England.. | Valcartier., | Sept. | 20, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 497 936 3680 964 |
40290 | Private | Berry, O. J | 09th Regt. | Merry, F. M | Cletnentsvale, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier., | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
4 | 496 965 3679 996 |
40121 | Private | Benvio, Augustus | Nil | Benvio, Mrs. J… | (.Centre Post Office, Muaquodoboit, N.S.. | Canada… | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 28. 1914. | |||||
4 | 497 993 3681 1024 |
40122 | Private | Nil | Betts, James W | Londonderry, N.S.. | Canada… | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 497 1022 3681 1052 |
40123 | Storesman… | Blanchard, Benjamin Howes. | “1th Regt. | Blanchard, A. Percy | F.Ilershouse, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28. 1914. | |||||
4 | 497 1048 3680 1082 |
4(12(11 | Private | Borrlen. Frederick | SHth Regt. | Borden, W’illiam | Tupperville, Ann Co., N.S | Canada… | Valcartier., | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 496 1081 3680 1110 |
4021)2 | Private | Bond, Howard | Nil | Bond, Gertrude | Chester, N.S | CanadH… | Valcartier, | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 496 1109 3681 1139 |
40121 | Private | Blaikie. Aldcn Samuel | Nil | Blaikie, Mrs. D. M | Upper Stewiaehe, N.S | Canada… | Valcnrtier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 496 1133 3681 1168 |
40125 | Private | Bruce, John It | Nil | Bruce, Mrs | Onslow, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 496 1167 3681 1198 |
40120 | Private | Brown, Kugeno Cecil | Nil | Brown, C. E | IJoi 282, Truro, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 496 1195 3682 1227 |
401 in; | (’ook | Brown, Kelson Edward | Nil | Brown, John O | Box 22, Windsor, N.S | (’anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 496 1225 3681 1256 |
•10127 | Private | Buchanan, Walter Allan | Buchanan, Mrs, W. A | Oxford. N.S | U.S.A…. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 497 1256 3683 1289 |
40293 | Private…… | Burden, Herbert | Burden, Frederick | 384 Wilton Ave., Toronto, Ont | England.. | Tid worth.. | Jan. | 2. 1915. | ||||||
4 | 496 1285 3683 1317 |
4021)4 | Private | Burt, Daniel Jo’ephi | Burt, J. H | Badby, Northants, Fng | England.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 29, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 495 1315 3682 1346 |
40114 | Private | Burris, Daniel II | Nil | Burris, Harvey | 10 Waddell St., Truro, N.S | Canada… | Vnlcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 495 1344 3682 1375 |
40279 | Private | Bennett, Robert George | Nil | Bennett, Miss Ethel | P.O. Box 299, Dauphin, Man | anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 494 1374 3682 1405 |
4012ft | Private | Chapman, (’lamle E | Nil | Chapman, George T | Head of Amherst, N.S 1 | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 494 1403 3683 1435 |
401OT | Private | Chamberlain, Edwin | Nil | Chesnut, Mrs, John | Sussex, N.B. | England.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 493 1432 3683 1463 |
40130 | Private | Carter, Antoie F> ., | Nil | Carter, Mrs. M | Londonderry Station, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 493 1461 3684 1493 |
<10(180 | Private *. | Curry, John | 78! Ii Regt | Curry, Frank | Charlottetown, l’.E.I | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20. J914. | |||||
4 | 493 1490 3684 1521 |
40132 | Private….,. | Coulter, Frederick W .,, | Nil | Coulter, John | 79 Silver Birch Ave., Toronto, Ont. | (’anada… | Valcartier. | ■yept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
4 | 493 1514 3684 1550 |
40133 | Private…… | Carswell, James Morrison | ■’nd Hegt | Carswell, W. E | 10.) Bnlmm Ave., Toronto, Ont | (’anada ., | Valcartier. | Sept. | 38, 1914. | |||||
4 | 493 1548 3684 1581 |
40115 | Private | “‘itnpbell, Henry Wallace | Nil | Campbell, Frederick | c/o Dr. Randall, Truro, N.S | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 493 1578 3685 1609 |
40134 | Privatn | Covek, Wornel | Nil | Covek, Mrs.. | Kievskoi, llubcrhi P.O.. Buko, Kon, Russia. | Buraia., . | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
4 | 492 1605 3373 1637 |
40135 | Private | Call an, CUvo | Imp. Forces… | Callao, Mrs. Mary | 81 Lyall Ave., Toronto, Ont | Canada… | 81uig | |||||||
4 | 3307 1636 3685 1663 |
Plantation. | Jan. | 13, 1915. | ||||||||||||
4 | 493 1663 3685 1695 |
40130 Private… | (,’arson, Farl | 1701 >i Bent. | arson, Mrs. B. O | Windsor, N.B… | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
4 | 492 1691 3684 1730 |
40295 | Private | Clark, Edmund .lames.. | 891 li Regt | jBalsam, Mrs. Frederick…. | Annapolis lloyal, | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
4 | 492 1721 3685 1753 |
402(10 | Private | Grossman, Charles | Nil | i< ‘n»smM, Paul,. | Lunenburg, N.S. | 1 ‘anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
4 | 492 1750 3685 1784 |
4821t7 | Private | Cold well, E | Will | iCoidwell, A. B | Lunenburg, N.S. | (’anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
4 | 492 1780 3684 1811 |
40291’ | Private ,.. | Cameron, .lames | Ilino, Force* | i Nil | Nil | Scotland. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28. 1914. | |||||
4 | 492 1810 3684 1846 |
40298 | Private | ameron, Bruco Malcoli | Nil | jCameron. Lawrence | Mahono Bay, N. | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27. 1914. | |||||
4 | 492 1839 3684 1871 |
40302 | Private | t ’huri’hiil, .lames | if (S.A | !< ‘hnrctdll, Samuel | Ilallfar, N.H…. | Canada… | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 27, 1914, | |||||
4 | 491 1869 3684 1901 |
40057 | Private | I to Mille, Roy.. | :70th Regt. | De Mille, Maynard | Windsor, N.S… | Canada.., | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
4 | 492 1898 3372 1928 |
40058 | Private | Dukoshire, Clinton…,, | Nil | Dukeshire, Benigh | Clementsvale, N | Canada… | Sluig | |||||||
4 | 491 2016 3684 2047 |
40138 Private Dickson, Roy S | I.Ot.h Kegt, (Dickson. Hugh A | ntral Onslow, N.S. | Cnnarla.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||||
4 | 490 2038 3684 2076 |
48139jPrivate iDoane, Holund II | !t8th Regt . .t Donne, ILL. | Truro, N.B. | Canada.. | Valcartier, | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||||
4 | 490 2073 3685 2125 |
40140]Private Dupuis, Jules | ..Ill ltcgt j Dupuis, J. A.. | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||||||
5 | 703 286 2395 326 |
I Private., | I lundnlc. C. ■ ■ | Particulars will bo furnished when n | vailable | |||||||||||
5 | 1500 314 2672 349 |
90th lle^t ..,.. | Pent,land, Mrs. Margaret. | Liverpool, ling. | ||||||||||||
5 | 2041 371 3822 400 |
Allan. Mrs, P. 8 | Cobourg, Ont | U.B.A 1 | V’alcnrti*»r.. | 28. 1914. | ||||||||||
5 | 714 381 1962 416 |
Private.. | F.IWworlh, Ernest M | Nil | ||||||||||||
5 | 630 400 3823 435 |
1>. | M | Fllieott, Chris Mary | ‘177 Collyhurst Rd., Manchester, F,ng | (Cngland | Valcart ior.. | 28. 1914. | ||||||||
5 | 714 412 1962 446 |
Private.. | r.lluuM, John | Nil | ||||||||||||
5 | 627 429 3823 475 |
461 | ? | Private.. | Kldridge, Arthur Wilbert | Nil | McGinnis, Mrs. Robert.. | Greenfield. N.S | Canada | Valcai t.mr.. | 28, 1914. | |||||
5 | 628 454 3823 493 |
46I4H] | Hawkins, John | lemoear Plnins, Boston, U.fl.A | Canada. | Valrartior.. | 28, 1914. | |||||||||
5 | 715 471 1962 505 |
Private., | Klliolt, George Gordon | Nil | ||||||||||||
5 | 628 482 3825 521 |
4*144! | !■ inlnyson. John | Truro, N.H | Canada | Val^artior.. | 28, 1914. | |||||||||
5 | 715 501 1962 534 |
Private.. | Finlavson, II ,I ■ | pit h Kegt | ||||||||||||
5 | 628 518 3825 551 |
4011« | Fnwlle, Mrs. F. It | Truro, N.S | Canada | Vnli»articr.. | 28, 1914. | |||||||||
5 | 715 529 1962 563 |
Private.. | I’nwlle. Harold Eugene | Nil | ||||||||||||
5 | 628 547 3824 582 |
4002?] | Frinell, Mrs. (leorge. … | i? 1 James St., Craig’s Blk., Winnipeg, Man | Canada. | Valrarti»»r.. | 28, 1914. | |||||||||
5 | 715 560 1962 594 |
Private.. | Frisnell, Forman | Nil | ||||||||||||
5 | 629 578 3825 623 |
40110 | Private.. | Frsncis, Milehotl | O’.H li Hegt. | Francis, M lichen | Middleton, N.H | Canada | Valcarticr.. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 628 599 3826 642 |
4n:un! | Gnreley, Mrs. J. A | Truro. N.H | Canada. | Valcarticr.. | 28, 1914. | |||||||||
5 | 716 620 1962 652 |
Private.. | t in* ‘Icy, George William | Nil | ||||||||||||
5 | 629 634 3826 671 |
40147 | Greggs, A | 143 Upper Canning St., Liverpool, Eng | Kngland | Valeartier. . | 28, 1914. | |||||||||
5 | 715 648 1962 683 |
I’rivnt”.. | . 1Irej’gs, Walter | Nil | ||||||||||||
5 | 629 657 3826 711 |
40I49 | Private,, | .!(, irgin, William | Nil | Onrgm, John | Windsor, N.S | Kntflnml | Valcarf ier.. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 629 694 3826 741 |
40118 | Private.. | .il lilcs, Herbert | Nil. | Giles, Rose. ……….. | Feeehurch Lane, Suffolk, Kng | is ngland | Valcarticr.. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 629 717 3826 758 |
40150] | Gore, Mrs. William.. i >.. | 20 Dartford Rd., Toronto, Ont | Knn;liind | Valcarticr.. | 20, 1914. | |||||||||
5 | 715 738 1962 770 |
PliViltC.. | Gore, Frederick | Nil | ||||||||||||
5 | 629 752 3827 800 |
40117, | Privute.. | Grccnotlgll, l,Owell M | Nil… | Orcrnot’gh, Mrs | Windsor, N.S | (jumdrk. | \ al car tier.. | Sept. | 23, 1914. | |||||
5 | 629 782 3827 829 |
40157 | Private.. | i !li nn. George. | I nip, Forces | Glenn, Hnehel | 50 Chappell St., l’endlington, Manchester, Eng. | Kngland | Valcarticr.. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
5 | 629 804 3828 858 |
4 (VlOl! | i iaron, Joseph Alyre | Nil | Gnrou, Trudent | St. Bernard de Dor., Dorchester, P.Q | Canada | Valcartior.. | ■Sept. | 20, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 629 845 3828 892 |
4(ir!(l’-‘ | Private.. | I larris, Thomas | 001 II Regt | IIarris, If. b | Wilmot, N.S | Cftnudii. | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
5 | 715 875 3829 917 |
Private., | Harris, George | Nil | Harris. Mrs. James..,… | 2 Back of 129, Lndypool Rd., Ulrmingham, Eng. | linKl’t’id | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 629 899 3829 944 |
481A2 | Ilnley, .John 1/ester | Nil | Haley, Mm. 8 | Truro, N.H | </Atmda | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 629 929 3829 973 |
40153 | II igney, John James | Nil | Ilignoy, William | 1 Liganean, Bcllord, ire | Ir^lnnd | Valoartier.. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 629 951 3829 1009 |
401.Ml | 40155 | Private., | Private., | Hutchinson, Frederic]’ Arnold. | Nil | Hutchinson, Henry | 5 Clarence Termee, Clarence St., Nottingham, Eng | Engliind | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 2ft, 1914. | |||
5 | 717 990 3830 1032 |
Private., | Ilcndcrson, George William…. | Nil | Henderson, Mrs. Daniel. | S. Maitland, N.S | Canndn | Valcarticr.. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 631 1015 3830 1060 |
40150 | Private., | 11:>rv> v, William S | Nil | McKenzie, Angvi | Urookvillage, N.H | •Junndrv | Valcarticr.. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
5 | 631 1043 3830 1100 |
40157! | 4’. | Wj | Private., | Harrison, Henry | Nil | Harrison, Mrs. K | c/o Government l arin. Truro, N.S | Englnnd | Val cartier.. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||
5 | 629 1074 3828 1132 |
40150, | Private. | Hopk irk, James | Imp. Forces | Hopkirk, Mrs. James… | 189 Causeway Tide. Edinburgh, Scot | ScoLlund | 8.8. Kuth- | Oct. 8, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 629 1134 3943 1182 |
•iOSnfll Private.. | i1 iNhej’, Frank | I Nil… | Hilshey, George | Chester, N.S | Cnnnda | Val car tier.. | Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
5 | 630 1164 3831 1210 |
46307 (Private.. | .:; lunter, Robert | Nil •. | Hunter, R. K | 20 llow St., Medford, Mass., U.S.A | CiiJiada | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
5 | 983 1194 3832 1235 |
, llervey, Bernard | IN il | Hervcv, Cuthbcrt | Itound Hill, N.S | Canada | Valcartier.. | Sept. 26, 1914. | ||||||||
5 | 708 1223 2390 1265 |
I Private.. | . I Inrln’.ve. W | ] Particulars will be furnished when n | vailabie | |||||||||||
5 | 2049 1241 3832 1284 |
Her, Mrs. R. A | Truro. N.S | u.s.a’.: | Valcjirtier.. | Sept. 28,” i914. | ||||||||||
5 | 2044 1282 3833 1314 |
Joy,John | Barclay St., Waterfiold Rd., Bradford, Eng.. | Kng land | Valcartior.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||||
5 | 632 1291 1957 1334 |
40161jPrivnto.. | . Joy. F red | ‘1’erritorials | ||||||||||||
5 | 1009 1311 3834 1352 |
Imidre”, Parle | ]Oan. Mil | .foudrey,J.A | Mnhone liny, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 26. 1914. | ||||||||
5 | 1002 1341 3834 1380 |
Janes, I ^a> id | Imp. Forces | Jones, Mrs. A | 104b Wnrbeck Moor, Aintree, Liverpool, Eng., | Kngland | Vfalcartier.. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||||
5 | 986 1370 3835 1409 |
. Kane, Michael Austin | 0.’!rd Hegt , | ‘Kane, John | Dartmouth, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr.. | Oct. 26. 1914. | ||||||||
5 | 986 1399 3834 1437 |
. Knowles, 8. J | Nil | Knowles, Mrs. Hnnnnh. | 95 Hughes St., St. Thomas, Ont | England | 8.8. Kuth- | Oct. 10, 1914. | ||||||||
5 | 635 1459 3136 1500 |
40315’Private.. | Knox, Robert. | I mp. Forces. | Knox, Isabella.. | 58 Church St., Herwick-on-Twecd, Eng.. | ||||||||||
5 | 1009 1514 3837 1553 |
Loomer, Nelson Foster…. | Nil | Loomer, P. W | 2148. “tli Ave. W., Vancouver, B.C | Canada | Valcartier.. | Sept. 2R, 1914. | ||||||||
5 | 1009 1543 3838 1583 |
I*“iter, Robert Cordon…. | Nil | Lester, Mrs. T. W | Box 23, Truro, N.S | Cnnnda | Valcartinr.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
5 | 635 1571 3838 1615 |
4010.t Private. | I.nllin, Gnj | Nil | fjiflin, Mrs. Edward | Hennigan, llnnta Co., N.S | Canada | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
5 | 635 1601 3839 1644 |
Private.. | 40105 | txielrbart, Frank MoAbe… | Nil | Mrs. Lockhart… | Truro, N.S | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
5 | 635 1630 3837 1674 |
Private.. | 40100 | I/>ckhnrt, William Parker. | Nil | Mrs. Lockhart | Truro, N.S | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
5 | 637 1660 3836 1703 |
Private.. | 40107 | Lynda, Berry | i Mil | Lynds, Mrs. C | Box 952, Truro, N.S … | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
5 | 1012 1693 3103 1730 |
I.aytc, Herbert | I Nil | Not stated | Royal Hank of Canada, i>avrcnccU>wii, N.S. | |||||||||||
5 | 722 1726 2422 1760 |
Private.. | ’ vnch, A. J | ! Particulars will be furnished when a | vailable. ,.., | |||||||||||
5 | 723 1755 2422 1795 |
Private.. | Mais, m | I Particulars will be furnished when n | vailable. | |||||||||||
5 | 638 1777 3839 1822 |
Private.. | 40008 | Morris, John Jnoies | Imp. i’orccs | Cook, Mrs. A B | State Hospital, Westboro, Mass., U.S.A | Canada | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
5 | 638 1807 3839 1849 |
Private.. | 46321 | McLaughlin. I!o | ,crt | 60t h Regt | McLaughlin, Austin | S. Farmington, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 26. 1914. | |||||
5 | 639 1836 3839 1879 |
Private.. | 40323 | M it> hell, Ira William | Nil. | I laymen, Mrs. Minnie,… | 23K Spring Garden Rd., Halifax, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 26, 1914, | ||||||
5 | 639 1866 3839 1907 |
46322 Private.. | Mcljiughlin. Sumner | Nil. | S. Farmington, N.S | Canada | Valcartier.. | Sept. 26,1914. | ||||||||
5 | 640 1895 3840 1938 |
4032S Private.. | Me –nger, lloy Ernest…. | Nil | Messenger, Alfred | Tuppeiville, N.S | Canai i a | Valcartier.. | Sept. 26, 1914. | |||||||
5 | 640 1933 2290 1974 |
40320] Private.. | Moister, Otis | 5th Hegt Meister, John R. | ||||||||||||
5 | 728 1963 2293 1995 |
Private.. | Moelers, W | Ptii ticulars will bo furnished when a vailable | ||||||||||||
5 | 2470 1970 3841 2012 |
Chester, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. . | Sept. 26,’1914. | |||||||||||
5 | 642 1991 2293 2025 |
40328 Private.. | M ills, Carl | Nil Mills, Douglas… | ||||||||||||
6 | 644 659 3224 692 |
Name of Neit of Kin. | Country of | |||||||||||||
6 | 466 807 3656 837 |
40324 | iVivnte.. | Mitchell, Lawrence… | Nil | .iiMitchell, Mrs. Frank.. | Chester, N.S | Canada., | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 465 833 3657 869 |
-17024 | Private., | McLennan, Frol | Nil | (McLennan, Robert W.. | New Glappow, N.S | Canada. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20,1914. | ||||||
6 | 464 866 3657 896 |
4«ics | i Private.. | McKenzie, Charles Rutherfi | Nil | McKenzie, John F | Halfway Brook, Middle Stewiacke, | Canada. | Valcart ier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 464 896 3655 926 |
46111 | Private.. | McDowell, Charles 8 | Nil | McDowell, Mrs. O, C.. | Truro, N.S | U.S.A. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 464 921 3655 955 |
411170 | Private.. | MeAdnms, Georvc# | R.C.G.A | McAdams, John A | S. Maitland, N.B | Canada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28,1914. | ||||||
6 | 464 954 3655 986 |
■loino | I Private.. | MeCallum, Ralph Arthur, | Nil | McNutt, Mrs. Fraser.. | North River, N.S | Canada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 463 985 3655 1013 |
40171 | Private.. | M unroe, Duncan | Nil | M unroe, John.. • * | Hot 85.’!, Truro, N.S | (“anada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 462 1013 3656 1044 |
40172 | Private.. | McCabe, Grover Cleveland | Can. Mil | . Mc< al>e, BttfJP | Upper Economy, N.S | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 462 1042 3656 1074 |
4017.1 | Private.. | Merryweather, Prank | Nil | . M err v weather, Albert.. | Frcdericton, N.B | U.S.A… | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 462 1072 2199 1102 |
40174 | I Private., | Mewwon, F | Pn rticulars will be furnished when | a vailable | ||||||||||
6 | 462 1100 3655 1132 |
40175 | i Private.. | Mounce, Andrew Gibson.. | Nil | Mounce, Fred | Windsor, N.S | Canada… | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 461 1130 3655 1161 |
401 | ’ Private.. | MacLeod, 13. V | IC.F.A | MacLeod, George S…. | Fredericton, N.H | Canaria… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 462 1159 3656 1190 |
4 0320 | Private., | Mitchell, William | f ‘nn. Mil | Mitchell, Mrs. J. A…. | Bridgetown, N.S | Canada… | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
6 | 461 1188 3656 1220 |
40)78 | i Private., | Nickerson, William A. L.. | Nil | Nickerson, L. | Sh el bourne, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 461 1217 3656 1251 |
40330 | i Private.. | Nearing, Mark | Nil | Nearing, Mrs. Michael. | Dominion No. 1, Cape Breton, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. | 22, 1914. | |||||
6 | 460 1246 3656 1281 |
40331 | Private.. | O’Connor, Arthur | 9.A | O’Connor, Mrs. James. | 52 Cargill St., Dunedin, New Zealand.. | Mew /oalaiu | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
6 | 460 1276 3656 1309 |
40179 | I Private., | O’Hrien, Georno | Nii | . O’Brien, William…… | Truro, N.S | < ‘anada | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 461 1305 3656 1341 |
4018(1 | i Private.. | I’ayne, llobert | Nil | Payne, lames | New Albany, N.S.. | Newfoundla | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 460 1334 3656 1370 |
401ft) | Private.. | Pent*, Edward Kaye | Can. Mil ‘ | Pent*, Mrs. H. S | Truro, N.S | Canada… | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 460 1362 3656 1406 |
40182 | ! Private.. | Pinch, Arthur Wiley | j Nil | Pinch, Mm. Everette.. | Wolfville, N.H | < ’anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 2*. 1014. | |||||
6 | 460 1391 3657 1428 |
40183 | 1 Private., | Pctcou, An^el | Illulgarinn Army | I’etcoff, Mrs. Rod a…. | Bello Anam, Troyan, Bulgaria… | Bulgaria.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 2*, 1914. | |||||
6 | 460 1420 3657 1460 |
40184 | i Private.. | Probcrt, John | Nil | Probert, Mrs. Sarah Jan | 103 Earl scour t Ave., Toronto, On | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 22, 1914. | |||||
6 | 459 1449 3657 1486 |
40332 | ! Private., | Parker, liali’h | IfHWh Kept | Parker, II. T. | Upper Granville, N.S | <’anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
6 | 460 1478 3658 1516 |
40185 | i Private.. | Robertr.cn, irrnnk I,cater.. | 7*M.h Hegt. | Bommett, Mrs. A | Truro, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20. 1914. | |||||
6 | 460 1507 3657 1548 |
40180 1 | Private.. | Robertson, John | Nil | Robertson, John , | Nesbit St., Windsor, N.S…… | nanada.,. | Valcartier | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 459 1542 2199 1580 |
40188 1 | 40188 | Private.. | Heid, P | i **nrticulars ■will ho furnished when | vailable. | |||||||||
6 | 460 1552 3658 1602 |
40333 Private.. | How. .Tollti | Nil | Row, William | 8 Ingestro Rd., Forest Gate, Essex, Eng | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20,’i9i4. | ||||||
6 | 459 1592 3658 1638 |
40334 Private.. | Ritchie, Wiley | Nil | Ritchie, W. C | S. Farmington, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | (Sept. | 20, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 459 1622 3658 1664 |
40335 Private.. | Roberts, William | Nil | Hughes, Mrs. Sarah… | 02 Grovo Park Rd., Colwyn Bay, Nortl | England.. | Tid worth.. | Jan. | 27, 1915. | ||||||
6 | 458 1651 3658 1693 |
40336 Private.. | HtjfTel, Harry S | (Nil | Itulfcl, C. A | Bridgetown, N.S | (‘anada… | Valcarticr. | ! Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 458 1675 3660 1724 |
4716.1 Private.. | ltilcy, John | I Nil | F? ilr»v. Vera | Chippenham, Wilts, Eng | England.. | Tid worth.. | (Jan. | 27, 1915. | ||||||
6 | 458 1710 3659 1749 |
40388 Private.. | Saufidfrt. Ot to | Nil | .ISnundrra, Dr. D | Bridgetown, N.S | < “anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 458 1739 3659 1780 |
40330 Private.. | Sella, William Matcome… | Nii | .ISnlig, William | Lawrence town, N.S., | 1 “anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 458 1767 3663 1809 |
Private., | 40S41 | Stafford, V.’ | . liStfttiord, Elisabeth.*.. | Ashton-undcr-Lvne, Lancs, Eng. | England.. | Valcartier. | I Aiir. | 24, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 458 1798 3660 1839 |
Private.. | 40342 | St. Louis, Joseph | 1 ouis, Mrs. Mary.. | 283 Cumberland St., Ottawa, On | Canada… | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 22, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 457 1828 3660 1870 |
Private.. | 40313 | Savaid, Frank | l>7t H P. on1 | . iSavaid, Joe. | Caraquet, N.B | (Canada… | Valcnrtjer. | Sept. | 23, 1914. | |||||
6 | 458 1855 3660 1899 |
Private.. | 40191 | Stratford, Jcri e Joseph…. | Nil | . ISt.ratford. Mrs. J | Londonderry, N.S, | England.. | Valcartier. | Scpr. | 28, 1911. | |||||
6 | 3282 1885 3660 1913 |
Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||||||||
6 | 457 1891 3175 1928 |
Private.. | 46102 | Skerry, 1 ago Lester | ‘Nil | .IMkcrry, W. U | Ijondonderry, N.S | Canada… | ||||||||
6 | 457 1915 3659 1955 |
Private.. | 40031 | Stewart, Frederick | Royal Navy . | . IStevart, Mrs* K……. | Itobic St., Truro, N.S | England.. | Valcartier, | Sept. | 28, i’m ;. | |||||
6 | 456 1944 3660 1985 |
Private.. | 40193 | Salmon, Donald | Nil | iHalmon, Mm. if | Bart on Turf, Norwich, Norfolk, Eng.., | Englnnd.. | Valcai tier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 457 1973 3660 2014 |
Private.. | 40104 | Sleeves, llorold Ernest… | Nii | , jSteevos, Mrs. Henry… | N. Maitland, N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
6 | 456 2001 3661 2043 |
Private.. | 40105 | Scllon, Charles Edward… | . ISellon, Mrs. ii. B…… | Windsor, N.S…. | Canada… | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1915. | ||||||
6 | 532 2038 2198 2075 |
(Private.. | Solway, J, | i’ rticulnrs will bo furnished when | a I vailable | |||||||||||
6 | 456 2032 3429 2103 |
40344 Private.. | Scott, William | Nil | . Scott, James | 2fl Albion Rd., Hounslow, Middlesex, Eng | I England.. | j s’. S. Ruth - | ||||||||
6 | 456 2118 3661 2164 |
40340 | Private.. | Spun, Augustus. | Nil | . ‘Spun, Mrs | Round I Fill, N.S | Canada… | (Valcartier | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
6 | 456 2148 3662 2191 |
40100 | Private.. | ‘1 ucker, David Dimock.. | Nil.* * | Tucker, Mr*. W. H, . . | Onslow Mountain, N.S | Cnnnda… | , Valcartier. | Sept. 28. 1914. | ||||||
6 | 455 2183 3168 2223 |
40108 | Private.. | Thompson, Gerald S | I Nil | . ‘I’honii^aon, Charles B*. | East Queen St., Truro, N.S | Scotland. | ||||||||
6 | 454 2201 3653 2250 |
40287 | Private. | iVienotto, Andrew | itU’.A | . i Vienotte, M rs. A. J,… | Mahone Bay, N.S | Canada… | . I Valcartier. | I Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
7 | 616 301 3808 334 |
40100 | Private | . .Wyatt. 1 red | Nil | iWyatt. Mrs. Arthur | •Windsor Jet , N.S | Canada | Valcartier.. | opt. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 331 3809 367 |
40200 | Private | ’ jWarr Arthur | Nil | Lunn, M rs. E. R | Falmouth, N.S | Canada | Valearticr.. | Sept. | 28, 1014. | |||||
7 | 616 361 3810 396 |
4 !•.’■> i | Private | (Woodworth, Ralph Nathan | Nil | j Wood worth. Mrs. Fred.. | Stewlneke, N.S | (.’anada | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 28, 1914, | |||||
7 | 616 390 3809 433 |
40202 | Private,….. | [White, Joel | Nil | Whit’’, James E | Noel Rd., N.S | Canada……. | Valcartier.. | Sent. | 2H, 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 419 3810 453 |
4021’;! | Private | Wfv»ds, I >nniel | Nil | IWckmIs. Mrs. W. J | Truro, N .S.. | < ’anada | Valeartior. . | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 449 3809 489 |
40204 | Privnto…,.. | IWn’-on, Samuel George | Nil | W,iKon, Mrs. Minnio M., | 20 Col lego Bq., N. Belfast, Ire | Ireland | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 478 3810 515 |
(Wall bridge, J | 4».;’ti:> | Private | iWullbridge, John | Nil…. | New Rd., St. Sampsons, Guernsey, Channel Island* | (’hannel Is… | Va I eartier.. | Sept. | 28, 191t. | |||||
7 | 616 507 3810 544 |
40151 | Private | W’iley, Herbert | Imp. Forces | {Wiley, Thomas C | London, Eng | England | Valcartier., | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 538 3810 573 |
40207 | Private | …. IWicks, Walter E | Nil ; | …… j Wicks, W | Middle Musrjuodoboit, Halifax, N.S | England | Valcartier., | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 567 3811 602 |
4iL»*’S | Pi ivnte.,.,,, | Wicks, William Herbert,.* | Nil | Wicks, W | Middle Musrjuodoboit, Halifax, N.S | England | Valeart i«*r. | Sept. | 2H, 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 595 3811 634 |
40209 | Private | Wnldorf, W. H | Roval Navy | JWtddorf, J. A | 188 Avo. St. Jean, Mnisonneuve, Montreal, P.Q | England | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28i 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 626 3813 665 |
40210 | Private | (Wickham, Jeremiah IV | C.A.S.C | Wickham, Mrs. Johanna | 21 James St., St. John’s, Newfoundland | Newfoundland | Valcnri ier. | S.>pt. | 20, 1914. | |||||
7 | 617 654 3812 693 |
4o2ll | Private | Willmott, llichard Harry | Nil | …… Willmott, Mrs……… | Juniata* Sask | England | Valcartier. | Sept. | J I, 1014. | |||||
7 | 615 684 3813 718 |
4034f» | Private | Wile, Letter B | Nil | …… I Wile, Augustus N | Bridgewnter, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | ^cpt. | 20, 1914. | |||||
7 | 615 714 3814 748 |
.. .. ,’Vorko. Jbreemnn | 4o::i;; | Pi ivate | ‘Vork»\ Evander W | Nil | Parrsboro, N.B i……….. | Canada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 615 912 3586 952 |
40441 | Col. Sergt | 11all, Charles. | 91st Regt | Hall, Mrs. Nina | 244 James St. N., Hamilton, Ont.., | Scotland | IS.R. Kutli- | |||||||
7 | 3462 946 3804 971 |
cnia | Oct. 11, | 1914. | ||||||||||||
7 | 616 974 3814 1012 |
40015 | Q.-M. Frrgt.. | Harkncps, Leonard C | Nil | Ilarkness, D. B | 1022 Ruby St., Winnipeg, Man | Canada., | Valcartier. | Sept. 2S, | 1914. | |||||
7 | 616 1005 3813 1041 |
40441 | Sergeant | Wil«nn, Jnines Archibald.. | 97th Iicgt | Wilson, Mrs. J. A | Ilox 334, Cochrane P.O., Ont | /anada.. | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 2D, | 1014. | |||||
7 | 616 1034 3815 1073 |
40110 | Sergeant | f ‘uj>i «, Francis | Imp. Forces. … | Cupiss, E | No. 12 Fire Hall, Winnipeg, Man… | England. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28 | 1914. | |||||
7 | 617 1062 3814 1098 |
4 0445 | Sergeant | llUfK’h, Joseph William C.. | 90th Regt…… | Black. Mrs* Cv | t Bryson St., Belfast, Ire | Ireland.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
7 | 617 1093 3814 1128 |
47129 | Sert’cnnt | >/ ifO) haw, William J…… | iTth Regt. | Grog haw, Janet | Dundns St , Toronto, Ont | U.S.A… | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 2.8, | , 1914. | |||||
7 | 617 1119 3814 1161 |
404!’ | Corporal | [l.nwson, Albert James…. | {Imp. Korops | Lawson, (lorence | 14 Swynyard St., London, ling | England. | Va’carticr. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
7 | 617 1152 3814 1187 |
40449iCorporai | iWnrrcn, H. M | 11 tn p. Forces…. | Warren, William Charles | 2 Rot hey PL, Church Lane.U. Islington, Lc | Eng | England. | Valenrticr. | Sept. VS, | 1914. | |||||
7 | 617 1181 3815 1217 |
40450 | Corporal | I i l* r, Charles | 7th Regt | 1*idler, Mrs. Elizabeth.. | 82 Dundas St., Jxindon, W., Ont | England. | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 20, | , 1914. | |||||
7 | 619 1212 2372 1247 |
41)451 | Corporal | i . Ei | Particulars will | when | vailable * | |||||||||
7 | 618 1239 3816 1273 |
40455 | I’i ivnte.. | ■A *kinrun, Sam . . | f mp. Forces…. | Samson, Arthur | Stcllarton, N.H | England. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 618 1269 3816 1303 |
40463 | I’riv ule | j Ai«h i: >11, Thomas.. | ! 1 nip. Forces…. | Wasby, Mrs. Jane | , llnrwielc St., M.R.W.R., Eng. | England,, | Valcartier. | Sept. | 2*1, 1914. | |||||
7 | 618 1298 3816 1333 |
404.-,;-) | I’rivuto | I \ t kinson, R | I Nil. | \t kinson, Mrs. A……. | 4f).VAlexander Ave., Winnipeg, Man…. | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 618 1327 3817 1362 |
40457 | I’i ivatc | iPlnrl:burn, Itobert G.... | :7th Ilegt | 1 Hackbum, R. N | 2240 Garnet St.. Regina, Sask | England.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 617 1357 3817 1392 |
4646.8 | Private | I i’road wood, John. | {Tilth Hegt | Broad wood, Major.. | Ounbnr, E. Lothian, Scot | Scotland. | Toronto… | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
7 | 619 1385 3807 1428 |
■lOt.v/Privato | u”.y<1, Henry Ormsby…. | ‘Nil | Boyd, H. O. (M.D., C.N | Hobcaygeon, Ont | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | 2.8, 1914 | ||||||
7 | 624 1415 3817 1450 |
'’VI00Private.. i | Harries, I’crev | I7t.h Regt | Barnes, Charles | Hydn J’ark, Nortldam, Sussex, Eng | England.. | Toronto .. | Sept. | 26, 1914. | ||||||
7 | 619 1444 3818 1480 |
40401 | I’rivnto……. | Il’remner, Arthur | 03 rd Regfc | Bremner, H | •’•V Carlton St., Halifax, N.S | Canada… | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 619 1473 3817 1509 |
40402 | 1’rivate | Brown, Waller | ■ i Regl | Brown, Lawrence | 1’icnton. N.B | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 618 1502 3818 1544 |
40-104 | Private | Barcy, Reuben | Nil | liarey, Mrs. Martha. … | Foley St., Wentviile, N.H | Newfoundland. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
7 | 980 1532 3818 1574 |
jHmvn, Vincent | 78th llegt | Brown, Lawrence | Trenton, N.S | Canada | Vnlcn rtier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||||
7 | 618 1562 3592 1610 |
40450] Privato | Brllamy, William Ororge. | Imp. Forces…. | Bellamy, Annie Maria. . | 314, 10th Avo. E., Vancouver, D.C | England | 5.5. ituth- | ||||||||
7 | 704 1605 3818 1655 |
Private | jcon-v-lly, Patrick…. | Imp. Forces.. | Jones, Mery | 209 Rinns ltd., Liverpool, Eng | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
7 | 618 1649 3819 1686 |
4041.9 | Private | larke, James A. | Nil | Clarke, Mrs. Sarah…. | Stellnrton, N.S | tngland | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
7 | 619 1678 3819 1714 |
404711 | Private | Cholmondely, Richard II | Nil | Cholmondely, Mrs. E.. | Hox 493, Wmtville, N.S | Cnnada | Valcartier. | Sept. 28,.1914. | ||||||
7 | 619 1708 3591 1745 |
40171 | Private | Cootcs, Robert | Imp. Forces.. | Cootes, Charles | llcnnton, Cambridgeshire, Eng | England | 5.5. Ruth- | |||||||
7 | 988 1766 3592 1802 |
Crccilon, James it. | Imp. Forces. | (Creedon, Annie. | 25 North Ave., Hanford, Me., U.S.A | Ireland | 5.5. Rutli- | |||||||||
7 | 993 1823 3820 1857 |
Payment, William Henry | Royal Navy.. | Day men t, Mrs. Edith.. | 15 Wellington lid., London, Ont | England | Toronto… | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||||
7 | 993 1853 3820 1886 |
Davi?. John | Linp. Forces., | Davis, Walter | I’arm Home, Walsham, Suffolk, Eng…. | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 28,1914. | ||||||||
7 | 994 1882 3819 1918 |
I Jpvallcy, John | Imp. Forces.. | Lewis, J | Iloyal Farm, BennLla, Victoria, Australia | Australia | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1U14. | ||||||||
7 | 992 1911 3820 1945 |
Dixon, Charles | Nil | Dixon, J | Sydney Mine?, N.S | Scotland | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
7 | 992 1940 3593 1973 |
Durkin, Robert. | Servia Corps. | Durkin, Annie | 511 Clarity St., Edinburgh, Soot | Scotland | 5.5. Ruth- | |||||||||
7 | 991 1998 3822 2032 |
Emmett, James. | Imp. Forces .Emmett, Luther. | 79 Wellington Terr., Bristol, Eng | Ireland | Valcarticr. | Sept. 29, 1914. | |||||||||
8 | 682 609 3265 640 |
Name of Next of Kin. | Country of | |||||||||||||
8 | 501 755 3466 789 |
■10477 Private., | Egging, James Imp. Forces | Foley, Mrs. Jennie | 120 Catherine St., Ottawa, Ont. | England. | S.S. lluth- | |||||||||
8 | 501 814 3695 856 |
40478 | ,’rivntP.. | Emery, Irvirr;……. | Nil | IDmery, Ale* | Calgary, Alta | Canada | Valcarticr. | Sept. 2S,1014. | ||||||
8 | 504 843 3695 876 |
I Private.; | Fox, Arthur William. | C.E… | Fox, Mrs. Elisabeth…. | School house, Bnrdi;ea, Ulverston, Lancs., Eng | England…. | Vnlcarticr. | Sept .28, 1014. | |||||||
8 | 500 873 3694 906 |
4 6481’Private.. | Foster. Samuel | Imp. Forces | Lawips, Mary Elizabeth. | Bolton, I^nnes,t Eng | England…. | Valcartier. | Sept. 2*. 1014. | |||||||
8 | 499 900 3694 936 |
4048? Private.. | Fry, William M | R.C.R | Fry, Thomas ,,…. | 00 Bushir Park, Totten Down, Bristol, Eng | England…. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1014. | |||||||
8 | 500 932 3696 968 |
404Ki | Privut’n.. | Franklin, Alfred | 1st Roy. Drags | Franklin, Hannah | 2 Neats St., Middlesboro, Yorks.. Eng. | England…. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1014. | ||||||
8 | 500 961 3695 996 |
40484!Private.. | French, Harry | Nil.. | French, Miss Lea | 13 Orman St., Barry, Glam., 8. Wales.. | England | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1014. | |||||||
8 | 576 990 2266 1031 |
[Private., | Farrnnt, .10. (I. | Particulars will be furnished when | vailable | |||||||||||
8 | 499 1007 3696 1061 |
4048fi | i’nvatc.. | Grom, At thur. .*.. | Nil | Green, I* | Port Simpson, B.C | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, ioi4. | ||||||
8 | 500 1049 3696 1082 |
4(Hl’7 | l’riv:it>’-. | Grant, Oillici | Nil | Grant, Angus | Trenton, N.S | Canada | Valcartier., | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
8 | 500 1077 3696 1113 |
48488 Private.. | Goving, Joseph, | Nil | Goving, David | Not stated | (’anada… . | Valcartier. | Sept. 28. 1014. | |||||||
8 | 500 1106 3696 1142 |
40491! Private.. | Iiiggins, Percy | Nil | Higgins, George | Catalina, Newfoundland.. | Newfoundland | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1014. | |||||||
8 | 500 1140 2310 1170 |
48492’ Private.. | ilupsey, II | 8th Jluss | Hussey, Mrs. Minnie Elisa¬ | |||||||||||
8 | 1937 1166 3044 1196 |
beth | c/o Mrs. Lunn, Hilleot, Brownedge Rd | |||||||||||||
8 | 2354 1193 3696 1226 |
Eng.. | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 2«, 1014. | |||||||||||
8 | 499 1221 3697 1258 |
40494’Private. | Jackson, Richard | 0th Horse… | Jackson, Richard. | 110 Cromwell Rd., Manchester, Eng. | England.. | Valcartier | 9tpt* 28, 1914. | |||||||
8 | 499 1253 3468 1301 |
40495] Private. | Johnson, James Edward | Imp. Forces. | Johnson, Annie… | Ovenden, Durham, Eng | England.. | S.S. Ruth- | ||||||||
8 | 499 1309 3698 1349 |
4 (1497( Private. | Knight, William | C.F.A. | Knight, Margaret | 125 Bruce St., London, Ont | Canada… | Valcartier. | >f-pi. 28, 1914. | |||||||
8 | 595 1340 3697 1375 |
Vivnt fit | Kennedy, Edw.’id | lrm. Forces. | Hiseock, Mips B | Woolwich, Eng | Ireland… | Valcarticr | Sept. 28, 1014. | |||||||
8 | 498 1369 3697 1409 |
4 0400 j Privat c. | Lus<ombc, A if hi bald Ho | 25th Regt. . | Luscombe, Mary | 10 Brokenfield Terr., Pl.vinpton, Eng. | England.. | Valcart if*r. | Sept. 28, 1014. | |||||||
8 | 498 1396 3698 1432 |
4 05001 Private. | Larmnur, David | Nil | Larmour, Sarah | 122 Brookmount St., Belfast, Ire | Ireland… | Valcarticr. | Sept. 26, 1911. | |||||||
8 | 498 1427 3698 1463 |
4 0.r,(Jl (Private. | Lewis, George. | Nil | Lewis, M innie | Springhill, N.vS | ida… | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1014. | |||||||
8 | 499 1457 3470 1501 |
40502} Private. | Ledingharn, George…. | R.F.A | Davies, Mrs. S. A | ( omox, Vancouver Js., B.C | i Canada… | S.S. t Ruth- | ||||||||
8 | 3345 1484 3687 1509 |
on ia | Oct. 14. | 1914. | ||||||||||||
8 | 500 1508 3698 1550 |
4H50*r»j Priv-nto. | Mercer, John Carson…. | iR.C.n | Mercer, Martha | 10 Park St., London. Ont | (’anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. | . 1914. | ||||||
8 | 499 1542 3698 1581 |
46500 Private. | Moore, Edwin Harry… | 7th Kus | Moore, Lizzie | 02 Hii’hfield Rd., Wellingboro, Northan | England.. | Vnlcarticr. | Sept.. 28 | , 1914. | ||||||
8 | 499 1571 3700 1611 |
40507 Private. | Morris, William M | (Nil | Morris, Julia | 213 Albert Rd., Jarrow-on-Tyne, F-ng… | i Scotland. | I Valcart ier. | Sept. 28 | 1914. | ||||||
8 | 499 1600 3700 1642 |
4 0508 (Private, | Murray, George | 78th H-rt… | Man win, M rs. Mary | Black Diamond St., Westvillc, N.H…. | ( anada… | Valcart ior. | Sept. 28 | 1914. | ||||||
8 | 503 1623 3700 1671 |
j0509 Privato. | M urphy, Juines F | ‘mi. Mil…. | Murphy, Mrs. Margaret.. | Glasgow St., New Glasgow, N.H | (‘anada… | I Valcartier. | Sept. 28 | 1914. | ||||||
8 | 500 1653 3700 1696 |
4 65 lOl Private. | M antield, Fred | Nil | Manfield, Annio | 14 Turner St., Lower Gornal, Staffs., Eng | j England.. | [Toronto. .. | Sept. 20 | 1914. | ||||||
8 | 1911 1687 3700 1718 |
Me).end. Alex | 115 Snekvillo St., London, Ont | ’Scotland. | Valcartier. | I Sept. 28 | , 1914. | |||||||||
8 | 500 1699 1556 1736 |
40511 Privato. | MeLood, Alex | j7Ui HrRt…. | ||||||||||||
8 | 500 1715 3701 1764 |
40512 Privat«. | Mcl >onncll, James | 11 mp. J’orecs. | M e 1 )onnel I, M rs. | >1 Samuel St.., Rochdale Rd., Manchest | i England.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 2* | 1914. | ||||||
8 | 1909 1738 3701 1777 |
M’-Phie, H | I.-ooh Cod pel, S^ot | Scotland. | Valcartier. | j Sept. 28. | 1911. | |||||||||
8 | 500 1765 3701 1814 |
405! 1 i Privnic. | McOuarrie, John | ;n!i:: | Mcijunrrie, A. P | King St., Halifax, N.S | Cnnnda… | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, | 1914. | ||||||
8 | 1890 1802 3700 1838 |
. McNeil, EfTie May | Westville, N.H.. | i( /anada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 2K, | 1914. | |||||||||
8 | 501 1815 1557 1844 |
46515’ Privnto. | McNell, ilaroId H | 7iitll iteRt, .. | ||||||||||||
8 | 3069 1831 3701 1859 |
K ‘anada.., | Valcarticr. | ISept. 2«, | 1914. | |||||||||||
8 | 500 1837 2898 1873 |
40510’Private. | MaeKensie, Finlay….. | Nil | MfjrKf nr.io, Mary……. | Box 45, Trenton, N.H.. | ||||||||||
8 | 500 1860 3701 1909 |
40517 [Private, | McArthur, Daniel | 78th Hegt. ,. | . c Arthur. Mrs. C | Fronton, N.S | . | < ‘anada.., | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, | 191*. | |||||
8 | 1912 1885 3701 1924 |
M rl.i fin, J | ( algary, Alta | < Canada.. | Valcartier. | I Sept. 28, | 1911. | |||||||||
8 | 500 1901 1556 1937 |
4 0518 ] Private. | McLcan, E. B | 10,’lrd JteRt.. | ||||||||||||
8 | 1917 1918 3703 1952 |
Mflvor, Fllen. | 25 Elden Place, Birkenhead, Eng | England.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 2’*, | 1914. | |||||||||
8 | 499 1930 1558 1968 |
40519] Privato. | Mcivor, Percy | ; 11. N. Vols… | ||||||||||||
8 | 499 1948 3702 1991 |
‘10522 Private. | Nunn, Roy G. | ‘Nil | . i N’onn, John | Strathroy, Ont | . | ( ‘anada.., | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
8 | 2330 1978 3702 2010 |
Dalhousie, N.B | . (‘anada.*. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | ||||||||||
8 | 499 1984 2267 2027 |
48523) Pri vat p. | Nolan, Joseph James..,. | Nil | . j Nolan* John | |||||||||||
8 | 1890 2006 3703 2044 |
. (olliver. Mrs | 107 Denison St., Hamilton, Ont | . j< anada.., | Valcartier. | (Sept. 2X, | 1914. | |||||||||
8 | 500 2019 1558 2050 |
40.128 Private. | Olliver, John Edwin…. | lSth IleRt. .. | ||||||||||||
8 | 1890 2037 3703 2078 |
. | Pa*s, Mrs. Rose | Box 237, New Glasgow, N.S | . if ‘nnada.., | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | ||||||||
8 | 500 2048 1558 2085 |
4 05301 Pi ivaf q. | Pbps, Ucorgo | Nil | ||||||||||||
8 | 1914 2063 3703 2099 |
i’ei «tm. G. W | M2 Juniper St., Stepney, London, Eng.. . | . | England., | Valcart ier | ISept, 28, | 1914. | ||||||||
8 | 500 2077 1550 2113 |
40531 j Privato. | Peters, Arthur | ‘I>rritorial». | ||||||||||||
8 | 1914 2097 3703 2132 |
Pulh*yn Mnry.. | Newbiggen, Yorks., Eng | England., | Valear tier. | [Sept. 28 | 1914. | |||||||||
8 | 500 2110 1558 2145 |
46532 (Private. | Pulloyn, Andrew | .Nil | ||||||||||||
8 | 1914 2127 3702 2161 |
Reid, David | Sydney Mines, N.S | England., | i Valcartier. | .Sept.28, | 1914. | |||||||||
8 | 500 2131 1558 2168 |
40535 Privato. | Reid, Alex | iNil | ||||||||||||
9 | 650 265 3849 304 |
4AM7 | Private | Sharmnn, William J | Nil | Phnrman, Miss Annie. | W Hichmond Pi.., I<ondon, Ont | Canada | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 650 294 3849 333 |
4r,*»r>S | Pi ivate | Sherlorl , Thomas Martin | Nil | Sherlockf Martin | :M I Jlorton St., ].ondon, Ont | Ireland | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
9 | 650 324 3849 368 |
4GMP | Private.. .. | Smith, Fred | 02ajl Wilt* ‘* | I.anenster, William… | * Richmond Rd., (iosswood, llant«., Eng. | England | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 650 353 3849 395 |
4 CM n | Private | -pri,” ‘S, Albert F.rnest | Imp. Forces | Spripn*, Elizabeth… | j 110 Bristol Rd., Hridgewater, Eng | England | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 2061 383 3850 419 |
Smith, Heatrie« | jl taiifai, N.H | Canada*. | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 2H, 1014. | ||||||||||
9 | 650 393 2045 421 |
4IHBV | Private | Smith. Pre«rott David | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 651 413 3851 451 |
4GM2 | Private | Stroud, Robert,, | Nil | Stroud. Robert | Trenton, N.S . | C ’anada. | Vnlcart ier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 2061 442 3850 474 |
Shaw, (jnnrrn | (Sydney Mines, N.8 | Scotland | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||||||
9 | 651 452 2045 480 |
40M3 | Private | l-)*aiv, Thomas | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 651 472 3851 509 |
4 AM 1 | Private | Sf*ntner. Prank | Nil | iScntnrr. William | ’ I rent- n, N.H | Canada. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 2*. 1014. | ||||||
9 | 2060 498 3851 535 |
Train, Mrs. John.. … | Il’nrt M’rien, (’ape Ireton, N.8 | Scotland | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||||||
9 | 651 510 2046 539 |
4 CM 7 | Privato | t rain, William M | 78th Rcpt | |||||||||||
9 | 652 530 3851 570 |
4 nvi 1* | Private | W’ypo, John | 7th Regt | Wyse, Julia | • Tccumsch Ave., Toronto* Ont | Kngland | Toronto…. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
9 | 2062 560 3852 593 |
Wood, Mrs. C. R | INS York St., Jyomlon, Ont. . * | < ‘anada | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||||||
9 | 652 570 2046 597 |
4(W»2 | Private.,. | Wood, f ’larence U | C.A.8.C | |||||||||||
9 | 652 588 3853 627 |
4 CTO | Private | W hite, Percy | Nil | White, Mary | ;<i 8. Cumberland St., Dublin, Ire | Ireland | Valcartier,. | Sept. 28,1914* | ||||||
9 | 651 619 3852 657 |
4M55 | Privato … | Watts, George Edward | R II.A | Wnf t,s, William J | Clinton, Ont * . | Canada.*. | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
9 | 651 655 2375 687 |
40660 | Private | . P | Particulars will bo furnished when a | vailable | ||||||||||
9 | 651 666 3853 719 |
46W»7 | Private | Williams, J. W. Augustus | Nil | William*. Mine W… | Bridgend, Glamorgan, 8. Wale* | England | Valcartier.. | Sept. Vs.* i 014. | ||||||
9 | 652 710 3853 747 |
405*31 | Private …. | Whalen, Edmund | 2nd Regt • • | Whalen, Mary | 10 Garveau 8t., Montreal, P.Q | England.*…… | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 651 741 3620 776 |
40551 | Private | Walker, Arnold | li.E | Walker* Mabel | Bryn Mnwr, Flowers tone, Penn., U.8.A | England | 8.8. Ruth- | |||||||
9 | 652 799 3854 836 |
40^)01 | Private | Warren. Frank Willard | Can. Mil | Warren, Edward Mrs., | ilVnpboro, N.B…. | (‘anada. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 651 829 3863 866 |
4ft5fitt | Private | Yoll, Charles William | Nil | Yell, Phoebe | i . I bourne fore., ‘i oroatO, Ont | England | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 653 1032 2361 1068 |
4 |
Pnrtii’ulars will be furnished when a | vnilable | ||||||||||||
9 | 653 1057 3857 1095 |
4G78.r»l | Q.-M. Herpfc…… | J Inncf. James 1 dwurd.. | Cnn. Mil | Mclnncs, W. tl . | Quebec, P.Q | Canada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 654 1086 3857 1132 |
40’J.l>7{Plat.. Hergt | i’t i ■ r, Simon McKay…. | Nil | McNeil, Mr*. Anno . | Westside, Now t.lnsgow, N.S | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 2ft, 1014. | |||||||
9 | 654 1116 3857 1155 |
4GUr>9 Plat. iScrgt | Sin’ ‘ it, Edward | Imp. Force*. | Simpson, Urn. Basil. | 17llcnt v I/ine, Kendall, Westmoreland, Fng. | England. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20. 1014. | |||||||
9 | 654 1143 3856 1185 |
40780 | Plat. .^cr*;t | Donovan. Patrick Joseph. | imp. Forces | Donovan. Mrs. Para. | Hpringhili Mines. N.H | England. | Vnlcnrticr. | Sept. 27, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 655 1175 3628 1216 |
407S7 | Plat. Sergt | Sowd* n, George | Imp. For ecu | Sowdcn, Charles….. | 37 Orchard St., Otlcy, Yorks, Eng | England. | S.S. lluth- | |||||||
9 | 3503 1204 3858 1229 |
enin | Oct. | 14, 1014. | ||||||||||||
9 | 657 1234 3858 1271 |
40*1 “18 ■ Sert’can t | 78th Regt | Seaman. Stephen | Fast Wallace, N.S | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. | 20, 1014. | ||||||||
9 | 656 1263 3859 1302 |
4001’ Scrrcimt | Martholomew, Arthur…. | Imp. Force* | Bartholomew, Minnie…. | 92 Birmingham St., Halifai, N.S | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||||
9 | 656 1291 3858 1331 |
40788 | Serp/Mint | Mont., John James | C.F.A | olont, Mrs. Martha J | Springhill, N.S | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 27, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 656 1323 3859 1363 |
4678!*!S«srgcant | Meades, Henry Michael… | Con. Mil | Meade*. Mrs. Helen | Springhill, N.S | Newfoundland. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 657 1352 3859 1392 |
4 “000 | sergeant | Seymour, John | S. A .; | Seymour, Mia. Sarah Ann.. | 12 Dundonold St., Amherst, N.S | England | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 27, 1014. | |||||
9 | 657 1381 3859 1421 |
40901 | Corporal. | McDonald, Hert | Can. Mil | McDonald, John . | I’ictou, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 27. 1014. | |||||
9 | 657 1410 3859 1447 |
40904 | Corporal | (irant, Alexander Gordon. | 00t.li Kegt | . <irant, Endio R | Cor. Kinr * Victoria Sts., Truro, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 27, 191*. | |||||
9 | 658 1440 3859 1479 |
40902 | Conwral | Taylor, TIiopjbm | A.M.C | Taylor, George | HO Allen Ave., Toronto, Ont | U.S.A | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1014. | |||||
9 | 658 1469 3859 1509 |
40003 | Corporal | Coulter, {’rnnk Wesley…. | 93rd Hegt | Coulter, Wesley | Wallace, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1014. | |||||
9 | 658 1498 3859 1537 |
47000 | C ’orpornl | Thompson, Eldon It….*, | 78Ui Hegt | Thompson, George | I’onds, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 20, 1014. | |||||
9 | 659 1527 3860 1565 |
40701 | Corporal | Dale. Jerry | c.r.F. | Dnle, Andrew | Darcourt, N.H | Conada. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27. 1914. | |||||
9 | 659 1556 3860 1596 |
40790 | Corporal | Webb, Alfred Ilenry | Imp. Forccs | Webb, Florence Mrs | Allerathorpe Rd., Lutterworth, Leicester, | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
9 | 743 1589 2455 1623 |
(.’ornoral | Lustuck, A | Particular* will be furnished when n | vailaiile | |||||||||||
9 | 660 1614 3860 1653 |
4-: | Jiupler | Danson, Hurry | Cnn. MU | Dan Km, Mrs. Elisabeth… | Cold ate, N.8.W., Australia. | England… | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
9 | 660 1642 3860 1684 |
46800 Bugler | Cartipbell, John.. . …. | Nil | Campbell, William. | 1(1 Smith St., Nelson, Lanes., Eng | England.., | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1014. | |||||||
9 | 661 1671 3860 1716 |
40H(C>; Private | Ashiey, Thomas Henry… | IVn-itorials | Ashley, Mrs. Martha Matilda Million St., Amherst, | England… | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1P14. | ||||||||
9 | 660 1699 3862 1738 |
4^01; Private | Atkinson, Charles Arthur. | Nil | Atkinson, Mrs. Isabella I Amherst, N.S | Canada … | Valcartier. | Sept.. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
9 | 661 1730 3861 1767 |
40032 Private | Anderson, James Morris.. | Nii | Anderson, John ■ ‘-1 H Honaly Rd., Edinburgh, Scot | Scotland.. | Salisbury.. | Dec. 16, 1914. | ||||||||
9 | 2517 1787 3862 1816 |
Australia | Australia. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1011. | |||||||||||
9 | 661 1817 3856 1857 |
47423 | Private | Andrews, Ernest.. | Nil | No Man’s Land, Cornwall, Eng | Andrews, Mrs | England.., | Salisbury.. | Dee. 15, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 662 1846 3863 1885 |
Armour, John | 40075 | Private | Nil | Westville, N.S | Armour, John | Canada…, | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1014. | ||||||
9 | 662 1876 3863 1916 |
40070 Private | Ainsworth, William……. | Nd | Main St., Raverglnss, Cumberland, Eng | Ainsworth, William | Canaria…. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
9 | 661 1905 3862 1946 |
46077 Private | Armstrong, William | 3?nd Ilon>e | Cd Elliot St., Glasgow, Scot | Armstrong, Mrs. Jane .. | Soot land.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1014. | |||||||
9 | 662 1935 3863 1975 |
46800lPrivate | Dark house, George | Can. Mil | 14 Patterson 8t., Amherst, N.S | Uarkhouse, Mrs. George.. | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
10 | 661 523 3241 557 |
Name oi Next of Kin. | Country of | |||||||||||||
10 | 854 670 3660 706 |
Burnley, Frank Vi’ilford…. | Nil | Burnley, Arthur. | Windsor, N.S | Canada. | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||||
10 | 480 700 3660 740 |
>10008 | Private., | Best, Walter | Cnn. Mil. | Bent, Mrs. Amelia | Stellarton, N.8 | Canada. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 480 730 3660 768 |
-10800 | Private. | Borrtiftm, Frank | Nil | Borcham, Mrs | ■Pi Albion St., Amherst, N.S | England, | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 480 760 3660 797 |
•10310 | Private., | Brndley, Krnest James | Can. Mil | Bradley, Mrs. Sarah Ann. | 11 Moxnrfc St., Radford, Notts, Eng | Ei 1and | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 480 787 3660 825 |
40811 | Private., | Boss, Nornmn | Cnn. Mil | Bosh, Mrs. Anna | Springhill, N.S | . jCanada. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 479 818 3660 855 |
‘10812 | Privato.. | Brodie. Peter | Nil | Bro4li’>, Mrs. Msrtha Jane. | 14 Mission St., Amherst, N.S | . {Canada. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27,1914 | ||||||
10 | 478 847 3659 883 |
40813 | Private.. | Htiehnnnn, John Alex | R.C.R | Buchanan* Dnnicl | Springhill, N.S.. | Canada. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 478 877 3660 912 |
4 0811 | Private.. | Hurnstein, Jacob | A.M.C | BurnHtcin, Mrs. Rosie….. | Glace Bay, N.S | Canada. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 477 906 3660 941 |
4081 r, | Private.. | Barrett. Ale*. Robert | Can. Mil | Brown, Mrs. Mary E | Springhill, N.S | Canada. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 477 934 3444 970 |
40810 | Private.. | Bailey, Robert | Imp. Forces | Bailey, Mrs. Gertrude…. | Seaview Ave., Cloutarf. Dublin, Ire. | Ireland.. | 8.8. Ruth- | |||||||
10 | 476 992 3660 1028 |
40978 | Private.. | Balpent, Arthur | Territorials | Bnigent, Alfred John | t4 Nespus St., Portsmouth, Eng | England, | Valcartier. | Sept. 20f 1914 | ||||||
10 | 476 1023 3659 1056 |
40P70 | Private.. | Betts. Newman | Nil | Betts, Mrs. Newman | Glasgow St., New Glasgow, N.S | Canada., | Valcarticr. | Sept. 26, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 475 1052 3659 1087 |
4G932 | Private.. | Brown, John Dan | 78lh Regt | Brown, Daniel | New Glasgow, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 474 1083 3659 1116 |
40060 | Privatei. | Bower, Harry | Nil | Bower. Mrs. Annio | II Hobart St., E. Braintree, Mass | Canada. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 562 1111 2256 1143 |
I’rivatc.. | Best, F | Particulars will bo furnished when n | vailable | |||||||||||
10 | 474 1129 3659 1173 |
40081 | Private.. | P.owran, William Edward.. | 781 li lie* t | Muirhead, Mrs. Ben | Box 473, Stellarton, N.S | Canada., | Valcartier. | Sept*. 26,” 1914 | ||||||
10 | 473 1170 3657 1203 |
4I10S3 | Private.. | Binhop, Albert | Nil | Bishop, George E | (14 Prospect Heights, Milford, Mass., U.S.A | Canada , | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 473 1199 3658 1234 |
40985 | Private.. | Curley, John | Nil | Curley, Thomas | l>oWell, Mass, U.S.A | England. | Valcartier. | Sept.. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 473 1229 3659 1261 |
40818 | Private.. | Cnmeron, Herbert Luther. | 03rd Regt | Cameron, Simon | Denmark, N.S | Canada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 472 1259 3659 1292 |
40819 | Private.. | Chapman, Roland Hill…. | Nil | Chapman, Mrs. J. II | Amherst, N.S | Canada., | Valcarticr. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 471 1288 3659 1322 |
40820 | Private.. | Coates, Robert Thompson. | Nil | Copeland, Mrs. D | Springhill, N.S | Canada., | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 472 1317 3659 1348 |
40821 | Private.. | Cook, George Peter | Nil | Cook, Mrs. Cecilia | Springhill, N.S | (‘anada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 471 1346 3021 1377 |
40822 | Privato. | Grossman, John Alei | Nil | CroRsman, Mrs. Hugh.. | Andrews House, Marley Hill, Swalwell, Durham | |||||||||
10 | 2326 1375 3659 1403 |
E | Englnnd. | Val cart ier. | Sept. 28, 1914 | |||||||||||
10 | 471 1404 3659 1437 |
48823 | Private.. | Churchill, Douglas W | 2nd Regt | Churchill, A. II | Colmore How, Birmingham, Eng | England. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 471 1433 3004 1463 |
40792 | Private.. | Curtis, Horace | Imp. lorces | Curtis, Mrs. Elixabeth.. | St. John’s Institute, St. John’s ltd., Holloway, Lo | |||||||||
10 | 2324 1462 3659 1491 |
don, Eng. | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 22, 1914 | |||||||||||
10 | 471 1490 3660 1521 |
40821 Private., | Conic, A. Cordon | Nil | Cook, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth. | Sutton, P.Q.. | Canada. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1914 | |||||||
10 | 557 1520 1993 1551 |
Private., | Ciirlin, Kdwm | IVrticulars will be furnished whe | vailable | |||||||||||
10 | 470 1549 3441 1610 |
40S25j Private., | Cook, Fredk. Charles | imp. Forces | Cook, Mrs. Elizabeth.. | Kid more, Heading, Eng. | England. | S.S. Ruth- | ||||||||
10 | 470 1607 3660 1643 |
40PSI | Prirate., | Claude#, Crick. | Nil….. | Cnrlson. Mrs. 8igna | Humlcgord rg. 10, Stockholm, Swedeii | Sweden.. | Valcart ier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 470 1636 3661 1668 |
40131 Private.. | Currie, John McLean | Nil | Currie, Mrp. J. I) | Windsor, N.8.. | < Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914 | |||||||
10 | 470 1666 3019 1699 |
40089 Private.. | Cnnhnn, Ralph B | Nil | Maki, Mips G. A | e/o Mrs. MeSpinik, 153 Gilmour Ave., Jersey City | ||||||||||
10 | 2329 1695 3660 1724 |
U.S.A | England. | Va! cart ier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | |||||||||||
10 | 470 1724 3660 1756 |
40090] | Private., | Cooke, Orris Btevan | 78tl> Regt | Cooke, RusppII | Now Glasgow, N.S | Canada.* | Vi IcartleT; | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 470 1753 3659 1785 |
40087 | Private., | Currie, Jot ph | Nil | • ;iili«, Mr*. Dunoaa Jl. | Stellarton, N.S | (‘anada.. | Valoartier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 471 1779 3659 1815 |
40991 | Private., | Co*, Alfreil K | O.T.C | j< ot, Mrp. Henry | 7 Henry ltd., Kinsbury Park, I/)ndon | Walcn. . . | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 470 1812 3658 1842 |
40992 | Private., | Carbary, Thomas | Nil | •Cnrlmry, Mrs. Thomas | International Pier, Sydney, N.S. | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 469 1840 3659 1874 |
400K8 | Private., | Cantley, Irving H | Nil… | 1 ;antley, I )avid H | [Trenton, New Glasgow, N.S | Canada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 470 1865 3659 1900 |
40003 | Private., | Corrigan, Gcoign Thomas. | 78th lt-i-t | < ’a»rip:an, Denis | ‘Weptvilie, N.S | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 556 1896 2003 1926 |
Private., | Clark, T | Particulars will be | ||||||||||||
10 | 469 1926 3656 1958 |
4 OOH/i | Private., | Curley, Daniel | 78<li Rent | ICurley, Mrs. M | 2 Cornwallis St.. Halifax, N.S. | * ’nnada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 469 1953 3655 1988 |
4fl09!i | Private., | Chisholm, Charles | Nil | [Chipholin, Mips May.. | Boston, Mass., U.S.A | U.S. A… | V n 1 cart inr. | Kept. 20, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 470 1987 3656 2016 |
40320 | Private., | Davison, Charles l’raser… | Daviaon, Charles E… | Halfway River, N.S | (’nnada.. | Valcartier. | -■!>’. 27, 1914 | |||||||
10 | 469 2015 3656 2045 |
40707 | Privnte.. | Davidge, Freeman | Nil | IDavidge, Alfred,….. | Burger. Newfoundland…….. | Newfoun< | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 469 2043 3656 2076 |
40827 | Private., | Dewar, Harry | (Via. Mil… | I Dewar, 1 >aniel M | Ea*L Wallace, N.S | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914 | ||||||
10 | 470 2050 3656 2105 |
40820 | Private.. | Doncaster, Frederick | il | :1n | BValker, Mrs. Lucy…. | Ainherpt, N.S | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914 | |||||
11 | 662 326 3856 368 |
4fv;,8 | Honcnft. r, James Lester Harris. | I Nil | Doncaster, Mrs. Fanny. .. | Amherst. N.H | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1B14. | |||||||
11 | 662 356 3856 399 |
4»ih;m | Pr ivnte… | Davis, Harry .’ | Can. Mil. . .. | Davis. Mrs. Margaret | Springhill, N.H | England | Valcarticr., | Sept. 20. 1914. | ||||||
11 | 662 385 3857 430 |
41599(1 | IVivntc.. | Pay, Walter | Nil | I )iv, John. | 2 Shakespeare i’crr.. I ecrls, Eng | Kngland | Valcartier. | .Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 662 416 3857 458 |
4(ii’,.)T | I’rivnlr.. a | IJirkson, I’dwnrd | 7Hlli rtegt. .. | Dick«on. William | (Jeoraetown, Prince Edward Is | (‘anada | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 662 446 3857 487 |
4 0909 | Privntf*.. | Dlnnle, Donald | Nil | Dinnie, Edwin G | The Chalet, Wesleults, Aberdeen, 8oot. | Scotland. | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 27. 1914. | ||||||
11 | 662 476 3857 517 |
4099S | Private.. | Dewar, Lawrence | Nil | Dewar, A | Dewars Mill, Pieton Co., N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 661 505 3858 546 |
47d0(> | Private.. | Dawaon, Ralph W | Nil… | Dawson, K. E | Wcstvill”, N.H | Canada | Valearl ier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 662 535 3858 575 |
40X31 | Private.. | El.wortli, Michael | Nil | Elsworth, lane | Springhill, N.H.. | Cnnnda..’…… | Valcarticr. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 662 565 3858 605 |
40832 | Privato.. | Fiubree, Willinm Anderson | Can. Mil…. | Bmbree, Mrs. Kosumon… | Windsor, N.S | Cftnadn | Valcartier., | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 662 595 3859 636 |
40833 | Private., | Everson, Herbert | R.C.R.. … | Davidson, David | 59 Wnler St., Galt. Ont | Canada.. | Vidcn rtier., | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 662 625 3631 665 |
4W35 | i*rivate… | Fenton, William James | Imp. Force*. | Fenton, Mrs. Alice | 000a Aylwin St., Montreal, P.Q …….. | Ireland | 8.8. Ruth- | |||||||
11 | 662 689 2470 724 |
40820 | Privato… | Friend, George | Particulars will be furnished when a | vailable | ||||||||||
11 | 662 700 3875 754 |
40837 | Private… | Footer, Alminndcr Richard | < ‘an. Mil | Foster, Mrs. Mary | Springhill, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept.’28,’i914.” | ||||||
11 | 662 743 3859 783 |
4083.’’ | Private.. | Ferdinand, Harry | Ceil. Mil | Ferdinand, Mrs. Elizabeth.. | Pugwash, N.S | Canada | Vnleartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 663 773 3858 811 |
4 7001 | Private.. | Flood, James | 8th Hegt | Flood. Edward | Plctou, N.S | t ‘anada | Valcarticr. | Hept. ?0, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 663 801 3858 843 |
47002 | Private.. | Fry, Henry | I nip. Forces | Fry, Mrs. Florence | High St., New Glasgow, N.S | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 663 831 3858 873 |
47U03 | Private.. | Forsythe. Ernest. | 78tli llegt | Pcrikon, Mrs. Ernest | Greenwell Station, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 663 862 3859 900 |
4700:i | Private… | Forlx-s, Harry O | C.F.A | Forbes, Dr. A. 12 | Maccan, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept,. 24, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 663 891 3859 930 |
40839 | Private.. | Goddnrd, Edwin | Imp. Forces | Goddard, Mrs. E | Living-done Ilouso, Omnge, New Jersey, U.H.A… | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 663 920 3860 966 |
40840 | Private.. | (‘inllighcr, I/cylnnd | Nil | Gallighcr, Mrs. Alice | Springhill, N.S.< | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 663 950 3860 987 |
40841 | Pr ivote.. | i ioldrick, Waller Dougina | Cnn. Mil | Goldrick, James 12 | Springhill, N.S | Cnnnda | Valcartier. | ■lept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 663 980 3860 1017 |
40842 | Private.. | < ioodwin, Alonzo | Nil | Goodwin, Mrs. Charles. …. | Amherst, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 664 1009 3860 1046 |
4081:: | Private.. | C-imlcy. Henry Hector…….. | Cnn. Mil | Grimley, Matthew | Amherst, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 665 1039 3860 1074 |
47004 | Private.. | Crahnm, Robert | Nil | Graham, William A | Alma, N.S | Canada. | Val cartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 750 1073 2474 1106 |
Private.. | Cray, II | Particulars will be furnished when a | vailable | |||||||||||
11 | 664 1097 3861 1133 |
47000 | Private.. | ii i- r nrt, A | e^ | Nil .. ,r. | Orossart., Mrs Mai inn. | Lanark, Scot | Scotland | Valcartier., | Sept. 24, 1914. | |||||
11 | 664 1128 3860 1162 |
408H | l‘rival*?.. | liggs, Lome Albert | ( ‘an. Mil | liiggs, Mrs. Albert. | Nnppan, N.S…. .’ | ( ‘anada | Valcartier. | Sept. 29. 1914. | ||||||
11 | 664 1157 3861 1197 |
40845 | 1 ‘rivate.. | j i lolt, Thomas | Nil | Holt. Mrs. E | 113 Chorley New Rd., Leigh, I,tines., Eng | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 665 1183 3861 1221 |
4(1 SOI | Private.. | 11 leflcrtnnn, M | I mp. Forces. | Heflermnn. Michael | 12 New Comer Court, Dublin, Ire | Ireland | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 665 1216 3862 1259 |
4700S | Private.. | j I lickcn, Stewart | Nil | Hickcn, Albert | Trenton, N.H | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 666 1244 3862 1285 |
47009 | Private.. | Hyrd, Robert | Nil | Hynd, George,, | Bridge St.. Kilbirnie, Ayr, Scot | Scotland | Vnleartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 666 1274 3863 1310 |
40973 | Private.. | !I lallnm, John | Territorial* | Ilallarn. Benjamin…, | Waterloo Hdge., I<indon, Eng | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 666 1304 3864 1340 |
471)10 | Private.. | Hughes. George | (Slli Hegt | Hughes, Mrs. Edith . | ‘.Ves’side, New Gla«cow, N.S | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 666 1333 3864 1370 |
40847 | I’rivato.. | ;ind‘ rwick, Unfit Lees | R.M.C | fndcrwick, Mrs. Edith | Perth, Ont | Canada | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 667 1362 3864 1399 |
4 08 IS | Private.. | Jennings, Willinm | Imp. Forces | Hownrth, Mary. | 7 Town Mill Brow, Rochdale, Lanes., Eng | I ungland | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 666 1389 3864 1429 |
40M9 | Pri\ ate.. | Judge, A. Stanley | S. A | Judge, Violet. | c/o 11. H. King A Co., London, Eng | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 666 1419 3864 1457 |
47012 | Pi ivnte.. | Johnson, Gus | Nil | Johnson, J. H | Stellarton, N.S | Australia | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 666 1450 3865 1485 |
40850 | i ‘rivate.. | .Kingsley, Charles | Imp. Forces | Kingsley, Mrs. Pose | 25 Barney St., Church, Lancs., Fng | England | Valcarticr. | Sept. 27. 1014. | ||||||
11 | 668 1479 3865 1513 |
4<»857 | i‘rivate.. | Kent, John | Nil | Kent. Charles Jeptha | Joggins Mines. N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 27. 1914. | ||||||
11 | 666 1509 3865 1552 |
47013 | iVivut*. | I Kirk, George Patrick | Nil . | Kirk, Mrs. Thomas | Stellarton, N.S | Newfoundland. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20. 1914. | ||||||
11 | 667 1539 3865 1582 |
47014 | Private.. | I Kennedy, John | 78th Hegt | Kennedy, David R | Pictou, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 667 1567 3866 1602 |
4G8,”2 | 1 ’rivate.. | King, Tlvirir : William | v A | King, Mrs. E | 2 March Ave., Knaresboro, Eng | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 27. 1914. | ||||||
11 | 754 1598 3865 1634 |
i’rivato.. | Lister, Od but < arlo | Can. Mil | Lister. James Lucemoro…. | 25 Piince Arthur St., Amherst., N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1BI4. | |||||||
11 | 667 1628 3866 1664 |
4W53 | Private.. | Livingstone, John Laughlan | Can. Mil | Livingstone, Thomas | Toggins Mines, N.H | Canada | Val cartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 667 1660 2478 1692 |
41*54 | Private.. | I.angill, Douglca | Particulars will be furnished when a | vailable | ||||||||||
11 | 667 1674 3881 1721 |
408f)G | Private.. | Lusk, John Robert | Nii | Lusk, Mrs. E | Holly St.Aoburn, N.Y.VU.S. A.!I!!;;!!!!!!;’. | England | Vnleartier. | Sept. 27,’i»i4.’’ | ||||||
11 | 667 1716 3867 1750 |
40867 | Private, | Lann nee, Willinm | Nil | Lawrence, Mrs. Jane | 95 Highgrove St., Reading, Beiks, Eng | England | Valcarticr. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
11 | 756 1748 2478 1779 |
Private.. | . I .enininj’, J | l’artieulurs will be furnished when a | vailable | |||||||||||
11 | 668 1774 3867 1810 |
46974 | I‘rivate.. | Livingstone, James | r.c.r | Livingstone. John | Westville, N.S | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
11 | 668 1805 3867 1837 |
47010 | 1‘rivate.. | iLupcombe, John Thomas | I73l | l Hegt | Luscombo, John | Westville, N.S | Canada | Valcart ier. | Sept. | 26. 1914. | ||||
11 | 668 1835 3868 1867 |
4701V | Private.. | Long, Willinm Edward | Nil | I/ong, Patrick | Trenton, N.S | Cnnnda | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
11 | 669 1864 3868 1897 |
4*? 53 | Private.. | Lowther, George Stanley | Nil | Lowthcr, Mrs. Marin……. | Amherst, N.S | (.’anada | Valcart ier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
11 | 669 1892 3868 1930 |
40H58 | Private.. | j Magee, Robert | in 11 Hegt | Magee, Mrs. M | Lnmavady, Co. Derry, Ire | Ireland | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. | 27. 1914. | |||||
11 | 669 1920 3869 1962 |
408.V.I | Private.. | [Mann, Arthur J | Nil | Mann, Mrs. E | 130 Newport St., Hirst. Northumberland, Eng. | Englnnil | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
11 | 670 1951 3868 1982 |
40860 | Private.. | Mcekinp, Jarm-s Noble | Nil | N il | Nil | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept, | 27, 1914. | |||||
11 | 668 1980 3870 2017 |
4686) | 1’rivate.. | jMountiord, Thomas | Cnn. Mil | Mountford, Fred | SpTingbill, N.H ,… | I ‘anada | Valcartier. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
11 | 670 2009 3870 2042 |
40801 | Cook…. | , Millington, John Bert. | Imp. Forces | Millington, Mrs. Rosa… … | 5 Mill St., Amherst, N.S | England | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
11 | 670 2038 3870 2073 |
40795 | Private.. | Markham, Harry John | Imp. Forces | Markham. Mrs. Emily Jane | 202, 8rd St., Nutana, Bask | England | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
12 | 525 693 3720 726 |
47018 | Private— | Moron, Leslie | 78th Regt.. | Mason, Wentworth | leaacs Harbour, N.S | Canada.. | Valcarticr., | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 610 723 2820 756 |
Private…. | Moore, T | French, Miss Margaret. | New Glasgow, N.S | |||||||||||
12 | 526 742 3493 786 |
47057 | Private…. | Miller, Hubert L. * . | r.c!h.’.‘il! | Morrell, Mrs. Annie | Minto, Sunbury, N.B | Canada.. | 8.S. Rutli- | |||||||
12 | 524 811 3720 842 |
47053 | Private…. | Morris, Frederick Henry | Pint Regt… | Morris, Henry. | Hamilton, Ont | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28. 1914. | ||||||
12 | 525 841 3719 873 |
40853 | Private— | McTigtie, James | Imp. Forces | McNamara, John | New Antrim, Castlebar, Ire | Ireland.. | Val car tier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 525 871 3720 902 |
40864 | Private…. | Mclsnac, Patrick | Nil | Me Isaac, P | Springhill Mines, N.S | Canada.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 525 900 3719 932 |
40865 | Private…. | Mclsnac, Frank…….. | Can. Mil.. . | McJsaac, Mrs. Sarah | jhill, N.S | Canada.. | Valcartier., | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 525 929 3719 960 |
4702’.’ | Private…. | McArthur, Allan | G.G.B.G… | Lankin, Mr?. W. K | 85 Gould St., Toronto, Ont | Canada.. | Valcartier., | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 525 960 3719 991 |
46700 | I’rivate…, | M an Kay, Ha rry Junies | Can* Mil .. | Mac Kay, John | Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A | Canada.. | Vnlcarticr., | Sept. 27. 1914. | ||||||
12 | 525 989 3720 1019 |
4 Odor, | 1’rivate…. | McDonald, Ronnie.. .. | 93rd Regt.. | McDonald. Roderick Neil | Springhill, (Cumberland, N.H…. | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 526 1018 3721 1050 |
wm | Private…. | McLeod, John. | Gflth Regt.. | McLeod, Mrs. Mnry…. | Springhill, ‘ ■ 8 | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 526 1047 3721 1078 |
40pr,« | Private…. | McKinnon, Neil .. | Cnn. Mil…. | McKinnon, Mrs. Jennie.. | 15a Walk Hill, Forest IT ill, Mass. | Canada.. | Valcart ier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 526 1075 3720 1108 |
mm | Private…. | McFcoters, David | McFecters, W iliiarn | Balnagranon, Tyrone, Ire | Ireland.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | |||||||
12 | 526 1104 3721 1135 |
40S70 | Private…. | McPherson, Unrold Glads ton | Can. Mil… | McPherson, Mrs. Isabella. | Amherst, N.S. . | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 525 1133 3721 1166 |
46900 | Private…. | McFarlanr, Willinm George. | C.M.R | McFarlane, Mrs. Jennie… | New Glasgow, N.S | Canada*. | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 527 1163 3721 1195 |
4701U | Private…. | McNetil, Joseph | Nil | McNcal, Neal | Upper North Sydney, N.S | Canada.. | Valoartier. | Sept. 26, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 525 1191 3722 1224 |
47020 | Private…. | McOillivray* Dugal…. | 781 h Regt.. | McGillivray, John D | New Glasgow, Pictou, N.S | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
12 | 527 1220 3723 1253 |
40521 | McKenzie, D | Nil | M cKenzie, James W.,.. | Stellarton, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada., | Val cart ier. | Sept. 26, 191 L | |||||||
12 | 526 1249 3721 1283 |
4090.- | McKenzie, Adain James | Nil | Me Konaie, Donald R… | Barney River, Pictou Co., N.S.. | ’ ianada.1 | Valcartier. | Sept. 20, 1911. | |||||||
12 | 612 1281 2280 1310 |
Privnt, | McKenzie, J.i | Particulars will | vailable | |||||||||||
12 | 613 1311 2280 1341 |
Private…. | McNeil, W | Particulars will | vailable | |||||||||||
12 | 527 1328 3723 1373 |
4002D | Pi iva!,-…. | McKay, Neil | Nil | McKay, Mrs. Neil | Caledonia F.O., Glace Bay, N.S. .. | Canada… | Valcartier. | ^ept. 20, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 526 1364 3724 1401 |
47021 | Private | McLaughlin, William.,. | 78th Regt.. | McLaughlin, Mm. Margari | Now Glasgow, Piefou Co., N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Sept. 26, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 526 1394 3723 1429 |
47022 | Private.,.. | McLaughlin, Archie…. | 78th Regt.. | McLaughlin, Mrs. Archie. | New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S | f ‘anada.., | Valcarticr. | Sept. 2*. | 1914. | |||||
12 | 526 1422 3723 1458 |
47023 | Private.,.. | McKinnon, Dali H | Nil | McKinnon, Hector | Framboise, C.B., N.S | Canada… | Valcartier. | Oct. f». | 1914. | |||||
12 | 527 1451 3724 1488 |
•10320 | I’rivnto…. | McLollan, John | Nil | McLellan, A. J | Grand River, P.JE.I…….. | Canaria… | Vnleartier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 526 1479 3724 1517 |
47020 | Private…. | McDonald, William Robert | Nil | McDonald, Mrs. Jane… | Jauvrins Harbour, C.B., N.S | Canada.., | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 526 1508 3724 1547 |
47027 | I’rivati’…. | McDonald, George Benjamin | 78th Regt. . | McDonald, John A | Trenton, N.S | (‘nnada.., | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 526 1536 3725 1576 |
47028 | Private.,,. | McJ>onald, Willinm | Nil | McDonald, Margaret | Loehearron, Ross-shire. Scot | Scotland. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 526 1567 3647 1606 |
40971 | Private..,. | McDonald, John George | 78th Regt.. | McDonald, Charles | North St.. We^tville, N.S | (‘anada.. | Valcartier. | Sept* 26* | ||||||
12 | 527 1595 3724 1635 |
47033 | Private.,.. | McDonald, Hoy | Nil | McDonald, Archibald… | Murray Harbour, P. 13.1 | V’al cart ier. | Sept. 26, | 1914. | ||||||
12 | 526 1624 3724 1664 |
47030 | 1 ’rivate..,. | McDonald, 1 )aniel…. | 78th Regt.. | McDonald, Hugh | Meadowvillo, Pictou Co., N.S | U.S. A«, * | Valcartier. | Sept. 24, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 3349 1654 3724 1685 |
V’ai cart ier. | Sept. 26, | 1914. | ||||||||||||
12 | 526 1659 3240 1693 |
4703(1 | Private…. | McIntosh, Isaac | 78th Regt]. | McIntosh, Jennie | 4/58 Chariot to St., Sydney, C.B., N. | Canada**. | ||||||||
12 | 526 1683 3724 1723 |
40907 | Private..,. | McLeod, Willinm | Nil | McLeod, John W | Wcstvillo, Pictou, N.S | (‘nnada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 26, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 527 1715 3647 1752 |
47031 | Private…. | McLaren, F/dwsrd..,. | Nil | McLnr. n, Mrs. John | P.O. Box 080, New Glasgow, N.S.. | U.S.A…, | Valcart ier. | Sept. 2ft, | ||||||
12 | 527 1741 3724 1783 |
47032 | Private…. | McPherson, John Thomas | 78th Rr«rt. . | Mcphernon, Andrew…. | Dorchester, N.B | (’nnadn.., | Valcartier. | Sept. 26, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 527 1770 3725 1811 |
40*71 | Private.,., | Nichols, Hugh Melvin…. | :Can. Mil… | . I Nichols, Alex | Psrrsbore* N.S | < ‘anada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 527 1799 3726 1841 |
46872 | Private…. | O’Kane, Daniel., | jimp. Forces | , < Ireet, Mrs* M | Fahnm St., Londonderry, Jre …. | Ireland.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27 • | 1911. | |||||
12 | 527 1830 3648 1874 |
46873 | Private…. | Oakley, Jonri Samuel…. | Nil | . jOakley, Herbert | Spi inghilt, N.8 | (‘nnada.* | Valcart ier. | Sept. 27, | ||||||
12 | 527 1858 3725 1900 |
40.H74 | Private..,. | Omani, Jack | Nil……… | . Oxnard. Mrs. L | *>0 Victoria St., North Shields, Eng. | Knglnnd. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 528 1888 3649 1929 |
40*75 | 1 ‘rivate,.,. | O’Brien, James | Imp. Forces | K)’Rn< n. Peter | Ferris, Wexford, Ire | Ireland. *. | Valcartier. | Sept* 21, | ||||||
12 | 527 1917 3649 1957 |
46901) | Private..,. | Orr, Charles | Imp. Forces | Orr, Robert | !) Boston St., Bootle, Lanes., Eng… | I roland.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, | ||||||
12 | 527 1944 3727 1987 |
40876 | Private…. | Power, John | limp. Forces | . < nrroll. Miss Kate | Pldllip St., Waterford, Ire | I roland.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 527 1973 3727 2016 |
46802 | Private…. | Porter, Willinm | I hop Forces | .Nil | Nil | Knglnnd. | Valcart ier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 527 2004 3650 2046 |
40877 | Private…. | Puddington, Fredk. Br> | Nil | j Pudding ton, Harry J… | jPugwnsh, N.S | (‘nnada.* | Valcart ier. | Sept. 27, | ||||||
12 | 527 2031 3727 2077 |
40878 | Private.,.. | Phillips, Harry | Imp. Forces | iPhillips, Robert | (1483 Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S | Knglnnd. | Valcart ier. | Sept*. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 528 2060 3727 2106 |
4 08711 | Private…. | Pippin, Charles | iir»th Hegt., | • j Pippin, < ‘harlcs | School for Deaf, Belleville, Ont. … | (‘nnada.. | Valcart ier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
12 | 528 2090 3726 2135 |
40880 | Private…. | Pearce, Charles | limp. Forces | . I Pearce, George | 129 Mnrlton St., K. Greenwich, Kng. | England. | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, | 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 406 3814 450 |
4703’ | [Private., | Penney, Joseph Edward. . . . | Nil…. | Penny, John | INew Glasgow, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr.. | Sept. | 26, 1014. | |||||
13 | 622 436 3815 470 |
4703* | Private., | Pollard.*11. JO | Imp. Forces | Pollard, Mrs. Maria | (Stoke I’errv, nr. Brandon, Norfolk, Eng | England | Valoartier.. | Sept. | 20, 1014. | |||||
13 | 622 466 3815 499 |
47039 | I’rivnto., | Payton. James | Nil | Payton, Richard | St. Johns. Newfoundland. | Newfoundland. | Valcartier. , | Sept, | 20, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 496 3816 528 |
47010 | Privn to., | Patterson, Pen ’….. | Nil | Patterson, Pat | Point du Cheno, N.IJ | (‘anada | Valcartier. . | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
13 | 623 525 3816 558 |
4GSK2 | Priv’nt”., | Hoes, Gus | Nil | Rees, William | 7 Mill St., Amherst. N.S | ( ‘anada.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 26, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 554 3817 586 |
40881 | Private*, | Rees, (‘larenrn | Nil | Rees, William | 7 Mill St., Amherst, N.H. | Canada.. | Valcartier., | Sept. | 20, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 583 3818 617 |
46883 | Private, i | Uoilev, (lordon., | I mp. Forces ..»* | Roilcy, H | Springhill, N.H | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 613 3819 645 |
408*4 | Private., | Uoncn, William | Cnn. Mil. | Roach, .farncs. | Stellarton, N.H | Canada | Valcartier., | Sept. | 26, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 642 3819 675 |
40885 | Private., | Ryan, Thompson | (‘an. Mil | Ryan, Mrs | Springhill, N.H | (.’anada | Valcartier*, | Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 672 3819 704 |
40972 | Private., | Rees, David | Nil.. | llces, Esther Hanna | c/o Mrs. 1. Shaw, long Ashton, Bristol, Eng | Wales | Valcartier., | Sept. | 26, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 703 3819 735 |
47011 | Private., | Robertson, Alriandra.,*…. | 00th Regt | Robertson, Mary | Box 847, New Glasgow, Pictou, N.8 | Canada | Valcartier., | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 732 3819 765 |
47042 | Private., | Robertson, Alex | 001 h Regt | Rob«rtnoM, Mrs. Thomas. . | Dartmouth, N.S | Canada | Valcarticr., | Sept. | 24, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 762 3818 794 |
47064 | Private.. | Ritchie, Robert James | Nil | Ritchie, M. A * | High HJuff, Man | (.’anada | Valcartier., | Sept. | 26, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 791 3818 825 |
47U55 | Private., | Rogers, John Ilcnrv | 78tii Regt | Rogers, Mrs. Jimes | Ann St., Now Glasgow, N.S | Canada… | Valcarticr.. | Sept. | 26, 1914. | |||||
13 | 622 824 2424 856 |
47043 | Private.. | Rogers, Norman Walker…. | Nil | Rogers, Rev. D. D. Ander¬ | ||||||||||
13 | 2061 850 3819 881 |
son | 441 Brunswick Ft., Halifax, N.S… | Canada | Valcartier., | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||||||
13 | 621 881 3820 914 |
47015 | Private.. | Pop*, Hugh. | 78th Regt | Rons, William « *. *., | Ne.w Glasgow, N.S | Canada.* | Valcartier., | Sept. 20, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 621 911 3820 943 |
47046 | Private.. | Hops, Alex. Roderio | 23rd Regt | Rom, Mary B | Loch Broom, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada… | Valcartier., | Sept. 26, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 621 940 3819 972 |
470*4 | Private.. | Ross, James Muir | 78 M» Regt | Hops, Catherine | Westville, N.S,…* | Canada | Valcartier., | Sept. 26, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 622 971 3820 1000 |
470-47 | Private.. | Richards, Cecil | 93rd Regt | Richards. James.. | Pugwash, N.S * | Canada | Vnleartier. | Sept. 26, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 622 999 3819 1038 |
4 0886 j Private.. | Spencer, Clarence C | Imp. Forces | Spencer, Mrs. C. A | Amherst, N.S | Canaria | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 623 1029 3821 1060 |
40887 Private.. | Rlors, Reginald T | Territorials | Gates, Mrs. E | 161 The Brent, Dart ford, Kent, Eng | England*.. | Valcartier. | Sept. 26, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 622 1057 3821 1090 |
46888, Private.. | Sullivan, Jfimn, ……* | Imp. Forces | Burns, Francis | o-o Pat. Dewar, Bridge St., Tipperary, Ire | Ireland | Valcartier. | Sept. 27, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 698 1086 2421 1117 |
I Private.. | Saunders, W. B | P rtfcutars will be furnished when a | vailaMe | |||||||||||
13 | 622 1116 3822 1148 |
40890 Private.. | Smith, Frank Sydney | Nil | Smith, Edward Do Vous. . | Hiawatha, Carbon Co., Utah, U.S.A.. | Ireland.. | Valcarticr.. Sept. | 27, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 623 1146 3822 1185 |
40891 | Private.. | Smith, Robert | Nil…; | Smith, John. | Tyne Dock, Durham, Eng. | England. | Valcartier.. Sept. | 26, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 623 1171 3822 1207 |
40892 | Private.. | Stephenson, Edward | I mp. Forces.. | Stephenson, Harry | 137. Ave. G-, Saskatoon# Bask | Ireland.. | Val curt ier.. I Sept. | 26, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 624 1203 3822 1237 |
40893 | Private.. | Slonn, John George | 93rd Regt * | Sloan, William | Walton, Liverpool, Eng ; | England. | Valcartier. .jSept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 624 1233 3822 1263 |
47050 | Privato.. | Smith, Mike | NH | Nil | Nil | Russia.., | Valcartier. . Sept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 624 1262 3823 1296 |
40894 | Private.. | Tour hot, Alei | Nil…. | Vernier, Mims Jacques | Bienville, Levis, P.Q | Canada.. | Valcartier.. jSept. | 29, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 624 1292 3824 1324 |
468951 Private.. | Temple, James | Imp. Forces | Moore, John | 20 Throgmorton St., London | England. | Valcarticr.. iSept. | 27, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 624 1319 3824 1354 |
4C890? Private.. | Tab<»r, David Elroy | Nil ; | Tabor, David | Springhill, N.S.. | Canada.. | Valcartier.. jSept. | 27, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 625 1350 3825 1386 |
40897 j Private.. | Taylor, Samuel Henry | 93rd Regt | Taylor, Margaret Jane | 7 Queen St., Fpringhiil, N.S | Canada.. | Val car tier.. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 625 1380 3825 1411 |
40900 Private.. | Townsend, George Esekiol, | Nil | Townsend, Jo<v»ph……… | Leamington, Warwick, Eng.. | England. | Vn I cartier.. | Sept. | *8, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 624 1409 3825 1443 |
40.H98, Private.. | Terris, Delbert Hart Will.. | Nil…. | Terris, Mrs. Mary Ann | Springhill, N.S | Canada. | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 26, 1911. | ||||||
13 | 624 1437 3824 1473 |
40899 j Private.. | Thompson, James. | Nil.. | Thompson, Wm | 00 Catherine St., Ashington, Northumberland, Eng | Knglnnd. | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 26, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 624 1468 3826 1500 |
47051 Private.. | Trainer, Robert Emmet… | 78th Regt | Trainer, James | 70 Menries St., Victoria, B.C | Canada.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. | 20, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 625 1497 3618 1528 |
47048 Private.. | Turner, Wilfred A | R.M.R | Turner, Mrs. George……. | Lauderdale Bldgs., Iondon, Eng , | England. | Sling Plan¬ | ||||||||
13 | 3490 1525 3826 1551 |
tation. . | Dec. | 17, 1914. | ||||||||||||
13 | 623 1554 3826 1587 |
47052 Private.. | Urqubart, Edwin | 78th Regt | Urquhart, Mrs. Catherine.. | R.F.D. 2, New Glasgow, N.B ; | Canada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 26, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 624 1584 3827 1616 |
40798 Private.. | Walling. Alexander | as.c.i. | Watling, Catherine | Chatham, N.B | Canada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 625 1614 3826 1650 |
40902; I’rivate.. | Wilson, Janies Wm.. | NU | Wilson, Mrs. Sadie | Springhill, N.S | Canada.. | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 626 1643 3827 1675 |
40903, Private.. | Wynn, Martin Luther.*.. | ’93rd Rof;t | Wvnn, Jo^ph ,.,, | Wallace, N.S | (‘anada.. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 625 1673 3827 1704 |
40904! Private.. | White, Harold..’ | Nil | White, A. D. C | 13 Union St., Edinburgh, 8cot | England. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 27, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 627 1700 3828 1736 |
467931 Private. • | Willey# George | Australian Mil | Willey, Eleanor | 208 York St., Lancaster, Tasmania, Australia | England. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 627 1731 3827 1768 |
4090“ | Private.. | Winship, M icuael.. | 93rd Regt……… | Winship. Mrs. M | Springhill, N.S | England. | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 27. 1914. | |||||
13 | 627 1760 3829 1792 |
469001 Private.. | Webb, John Edward | Nil | Webb, Mrs. Ellen | Ellisfield, nr. Basingstoke, Hants, Eng | England. | Pond Farm. | Nov, | 1. 1914. | ||||||
13 | 629 1934 3832 1975 |
4742,: ,Col.-Ser(tt | . j Fairley, John | Imp. Forces. | Faiilcy, Mary | . j.r’4 Cambridge ltd., 1 loumlov , Kng. | England | Vnleartier. | Sept. 25, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 714 1963 3832 2001 |
Sergeant | .Iliiillock, Arthur | U.G.A | Bill lock, H | . jEnbowinn House, Newbury, 15ng… | Knglnnd | Valoartier. | Sept. 28, 10H. | |||||||
13 | 630 1992 3831 2037 |
47301 Sergeant | .jlillis, Perry 11 | K.A.M.C…. | lEllis, Mrs. Emma Bessio.. | . 7 Cedar Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont… | Knglnnd | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 630 2022 3831 2059 |
47128 Spri,rmnt | . j linnti a, Charles | 1 ’r.n. Form. | Hands, Mrs. Lillian | . I4H Hope Ave., Toronto, Ont | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 25, 1914. | |||||||
13 | 630 2051 3831 2090 |
47298 Sergeant | . | I,ni>gtry, l-onv A | U.C.1X | langt.ry, Mrs. L | . 538 < Islington Ave., Toronto, Ont.., | England | Val cartier. | Sept. 2H, 1914. | ||||||
13 | 630 2080 3831 2117 |
47131iSergeaot | .iNuRBpy, William Thomas.. | Imp. Forres. | Nussey, Mrs. Elsie | ,. 207 llollwood Ave.. Toronto, Ont… | England | Val ‘-artier. | Sept. 28. 1914. | |||||||
13 | 631 2109 3831 2147 |
40012; ISugler | .Wray, Walter Herbert | 48IU Hegt… | Wray, Sarah A | ,. 50 Greenlaw Ave., Toronto. Ont | Canada | Valcarticr. | Sept. 28. 1914. | |||||||
13 | 632 2138 3830 2178 |
47127 ‘(‘orpornl | • IMulliolUnd, John | Imp. Force*. | Mulholland, Mrs | .. 400 Symington Ave., Toronto, Ont.. | Ireland | Valcarticr. | . Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
14 | 631 602 3210 634 |
Name of Next of Kin. | Country of | |||||||||||||
14 | 454 749 3642 780 |
47382 | Corporal… | Moorr*, C, T T | R.GA | Moore, Mrs. L. H | e/o Cox Ac Co., London, Eng: | England.. | Valcartier. . | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
14 | 454 778 3641 817 |
47408 | Corporal… | Tyrcll, George ( iratten.. | C.F.A | Tyrcll, IL O | 817 Hem man Ave., Evanston, 111., U.8.A | Canada… | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
14 | 455 808 3641 840 |
■’‘7130 | Private | Wntts, Mauricn B | 7th l’efft | Watts, Fred | 535 QtteJ>eo St., Ixmdon, Ont | England.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28. 1914. | ||||||
14 | 455 838 3642 870 |
47308 | L.-Corporal. | Gibson, Andrew | Hoval Navy. | Gibson, Mrs. Louise… | 193 Carlton St., Toronto, Ont | England.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
14 | 455 868 3642 901 |
47303 | I..-Corporal. | Mallory, Harold Reginalt | It.M.C | Mnllory, Mrs. Laura… | 780 Guildford St., Vancouver, B.C | Canada… | Valoartier | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
14 | 455 897 3433 929 |
47305 | Private | Allsopp, Wm. 1 Icnrj’,.. | Imp. Forces.. | Allsopp, Mrs. Florence. | 10 Southend, Devises, Wilts, Eng | England.. | 5.5. Rutli- | |||||||
14 | 455 955 3433 986 |
47320 | Private.. | Ashton, Thomas., | H.F.A | Ball, Sarah | Salt Lake City, U.S.A | England.. | 5.5. Ruth- | |||||||
14 | 455 1014 3435 1047 |
47200 | Private., | Appleton, Arthur Henry, | Imp. Forces. | Appleton, II. IL… | 8lade Lane, lyevenshulme, Manchester, Eng | England.. | 3.8. Ruth- | |||||||
14 | 455 1073 3437 1103 |
47310 | Private., | Andrewp, Sidney James.. | Imp. Forces. | Andrews, J | No Man’s Land, nr. Lyndhurst, Hants, Eng | England.. | 5.5. Ruth- | |||||||
14 | 1856 1102 3645 1128 |
! | enia | Oct. 1, 1914. | ||||||||||||
14 | 456 1131 3646 1170 |
47.117 | Private | Aitliie, OoorRC | Imp. Forces. | IA «f hie. George… . | 142 Daley Rd., Edinburgh, Boot. | Scotland. | Valcartier., | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
14 | 456 1160 3647 1190 |
47130 | Private | Axlord, Robert | Nil | Axford, Emma…. | Plymouth, Devon, Eng | England, | Pond Farm | Nov. 1, 1914. | ||||||
14 | 457 1189 3646 1221 |
47318 | Privato | Austin, GeorRe, | Imp. Forres. | Austin, Mrs | 10 Elm St.., Toronto, Ont | ngland., | Valcartier | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
14 | 458 1212 3439 1273 |
47323 Private | Butler, Frank | Imp. Forces.. | I Butler, H | 19 Queens St., Oldbury, Worcester, Eng | England. | 5.5. Ruth- | ||||||||
14 | 457 1276 3420 1309 |
47325 Private | Burgess, Cecil Ernest | It.G.A | Morten, Mildred | 0 Boundary Rd., Notting Hill, London, Eng (England. | S.S. Rutl | |||||||||
14 | 457 1336 3441 1368 |
47322 Private | Bennett, Frank | Imp. Forces. | Bennett, Mary A | GIossop. Derby, Eng | England. | 5.5. Ruth- | ||||||||
14 | 457 1394 3441 1425 |
40017 Private., | Bradshaw, Samuel…. | A.B.C. | Bradshaw, Mrs. Margaret.. | 90 Rockview St., Belfast, Ire. | Ireland.. | Sling Plan¬ | ||||||||
14 | 3299 1423 3652 1448 |
tation. … | Jin. 13, | 1915. | ||||||||||||
14 | 457 1451 3652 1484 |
47320 | Private., | Bailey, Fred Thomas.. | Imp. Forces | Bailey, Lillian | 95 Osborne St., E. Toronto, Out | England. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 25, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 458 1481 3652 1512 |
47327 | Private., | Barnard, Arthur | ll.C.F. | Barnard, J. J… | 152 (‘oldershaw Rd., Ealing, London, Eng | England. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 457 1507 3652 1541 |
■17328! | Private., | Barnett, William | ‘3rd I!cpt | Morrison, Mrs. Fred | 168 Huron St., Toronto, Ont | (‘anada.. | Vnleartier.. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 457 1537 3652 1571 |
47328 | Pr iviite., | Hell, Fiank | Imp. Forces | Bell, Mrs. Hannnh | 9 Harmony Ave., Homeside P.O.. Hamilton, Ont.. | Knglnnd. | Val car* ier.. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 458 1568 3652 1601 |
473 ‘l | Private., | llerry, Gordon II | K.G | Berry, Mrs. R. . | .148 l<*‘ke Front, Balmy Beach, Toronto, Ont | < ’anada.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 2 | 1914. | |||||
14 | 458 1597 3652 1630 |
47135 | Private., | Ilians, James | 1 mp. For^cB ‘ | Binns, Mrs | Ogle Terrace, Newcast.le-on-Tyre, Eng | England. | Vnleartier.. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 458 1622 3652 1659 |
47300! | Private., | Bliss, F/incst Charles.. | Imp. Forces. | Bliss, F | 2nd Her!ford Regt., War Office, I*ondon, Eng | England. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 458 1656 3653 1688 |
473.30 | Private., | Bliss, Edward Brody…, | Nil | Bliss, F. | 2nd Bedford Regt., War Office, London, Eng | England’. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 459 1682 3654 1716 |
47331 | Private. | Moyle, Patrick Matthew. | U.S. Army | Workine, Mrs. Fanny | People’s Bank, Canill St., New York City, U.S.A. | Ireland . | Valcart ier.. | Sept.. 25, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 459 1711 3654 1753 |
4”‘“2 | Private. | iBradley, Ed ward | iNil ‘ | jnrwHey, Margaret.,/ | 24 b i^’V tons tone Rd., London, Eng. | England. | Valcnrt*er. . | Sepi* 88, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 459 1738 3656 1775 |
47333! | Private. | I’ranngan, Thomas Patrick. | 1 mp. Forces | Met .’arty, Harvey | Sacred Heart Convent, Jx>ndon, Ont * | Ireland.. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 459 1772 3446 1802 |
47334 | Private. | Brown, W | 1 Particulars will bo furnished v.l | i vailable | Sl’ng Plan¬ | |||||||||
14 | 459 1821 3446 1864 |
40010 | Private. | . jCol vin, James, | A.8.0 | IColvin, James | 1915 William Ave., Winnipeg, Man … | Scotland, | Sling Plan¬ | |||||||
14 | 461 1888 3446 1922 |
47341 | Private., | Cullen, James. | ftth Hits | Culleti, Thomas | Phillipsburg, New Jersey, U.8.A…. | Ireland… | 5.5. Hutli- | |||||||
14 | 3302 1920 3657 1946 |
enia | Oct. 1, | 1914. | ||||||||||||
14 | 461 1948 3658 1979 |
47336 | Privato. | Cain. John Willinm | ..Nil | K r,in. Florence | 100 Gresham Ave.. E. Toronto, Ont. | England.. | Valcartier.. | . | 1914. | |||||
14 | 462 1977 3659 2010 |
47330 | Private., | Castle, Albert | .. Imp. forces. | ;< ‘antic, R.,» | Westcott, Oxford, Eng | I ‘.ngland,, | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, | 1911. | |||||
14 | 461 2007 3659 2038 |
47142 | Private. | Challenger, Franklin | .. u’nd Regt…. | (’liaMrngor, Mmn | 2<w) Dunn Ave., Toronto, Ont, | mada | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 462 2036 3660 2067 |
47.::7 | Private. | Chalmcre. F. Thomas… | … NU, | , Chalmers, Mis. M | 22 Kyle St., Ayr, Heot. | Scotland. | Valcartier. | Sept. 24* | 1914. | |||||
14 | 461 2061 3660 2097 |
47313 | Private. | Churles, l.eslie Herbert,. | .. 2nd Ili-at…. | ,If’liarli’s, Robert Edmund. | 120 Audley Rd., l/ondon, Eng | Knglnnd. | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, | 1914. | |||||
14 | 462 2095 3661 2125 |
47141 | Private. | Corbett, Jack | 1 ‘ot ‘ ‘«*tt, (’ | 19 Delaware Ave., Toronto, Ont | Valeart ier. | Sept. 24. | 1914. | |||||||
14 | 462 2117 3660 2154 |
47338!Prival«., | Corfield, Snmuel | Imp. Forces. | • ‘ field. R .!.,!’.!!! | Valcartier. | Sr.pt. 28, | 1914. | ||||||||
14 | 462 2149 3662 2184 |
473U4’l’rivalo., | Cosgrove, Ed. Bernard.. | A | iNii | Nil | Valcart ier. | Sept. 24, | 1914. | |||||||
15 | 618 426 3815 469 |
473.19 | Private | Cowlc, William | Imp. Forces | Co win, Mrs. Mary. | «0 Markham Rd.. Edinburgh, Soot | Scotland.. | Valcartier.. | IScpt. 21, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 618 450 3814 491 |
4734(1 | Private | ( ,’ioss, Leonard Weslcott | Nil | Cron®, A. (1 | j 121 < *1,ester Ave., Toronto, Ont | England.. | Valcartier . | jSept. 24, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 618 486 3606 519 |
47342 | Private | Imp. Forces | Dunn, Mrs. E | Albert St., Go.port, Eng | England.. | 5.5. Ruth- | ||||||||
15 | 619 545 3815 578 |
47:: | Privnle | Ml. Mrs. Emma.. | 110 Qu^n St., Winnipeg. Man.. | Oanadn… | Valcarticr.. | Sent. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
15 | 619 574 3814 608 |
4134-t | I’rivnto | Uavis, Samuel | Javis, Mm. Untlicrine | 17-T-rstff 11(1., QUMrr, I clcwtei. Eng.. | England.. | Valcarticr . | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
15 | 619 605 3606 639 |
46452 | Private., | Imp. Forces, | James, Charles…. | 8 Hermitage St., Paddington, London, W., Eng | England., | 5.5. Ruth- | ||||||||
15 | 618 663 3816 699 |
47345 | I’rivnto | Doidge, Arthur J | 77tli Hegt | Doidge, Alice | 126* Cumberland St.. Toronto, Ont | Valcnrticr. . | .Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
15 | 619 688 3816 728 |
47340 | I’rivnto | Fust wood, Daniel | Imp. Forces | Eastwood, Mninr 8. | Duke of Wellington, W.R., Eng… | England | Valcartier,. | ‘Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 619 724 3816 757 |
47145 | Private., | i ;Uerbaok, Frank .. | A. M.C i, | Ellerbeck. Willinm.. | 91 Catherine St., Hamilton, Ont | England | Valcartier. . | Sept. 28, 1911. | ||||||
15 | 618 751 3816 786 |
47348 | Private | I■>«<•», Juhn Victor William | Nii ,,,..» | Adams, Mrs F | Prospect Place, Koto Cottage, Surrey, Eng…. | England | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 618 783 3816 816 |
47347 | I’rivnto | Kvernfield, Thomas Perry | I^li. | F vers field, T | 80 Snlein Ave., Toronto, Ont | Cnn ail a | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 618 815 3588 849 |
4714(1 | Privato | Fleming, Harry George | Imp. Forces | 1 lcining, Mrs. Helen | 24 Wolfo St., Sherbrooke, P.Q | Ireland | 5.5. Uutli- | |||||||
15 | 706 873 3816 906 |
i rivnie………… | Fernie, Alonnndcr..,. | Hill Town, Dundee, Scot | Scotland…. | Valcart ier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||||
15 | 704 898 3816 935 |
Private | l-“t’n, Owen L | ‘Jnd Regt | Finn, Mrs. It | I Home Place, Toronto, Ont | England | Vnleartier.. | Sept. 28. 1914. | |||||||
15 | 619 932 3815 965 |
473.’, 1 | Private | Fisher, Albert Francis | .. .. … | f.cvcrrmitli, E | 19 Hue do la Val I Ac Avenue Louise, Brussels. | England | Vnleartier.. | Sept. 25, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 618 961 3817 995 |
47352 | Private | Fowle, Allied | R.A.M.C. …. | Fowle, John | Robmrt St., Briiton. London. Eng | England | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1014. | ||||||
15 | 618 992 3591 1024 |
47364 | Private | Imp. Forces | Grant, P | 533 Syndicate Ave., Port Willinm, Ont | Scotland | 5.5. Ituth- | ||||||||
15 | 618 1048 3817 1083 |
47353 | IV vnte | Gullngiter. Joseyh | Imp. Forces | Gatlaglier, Katherine | I Bolton St., Drogheda, Ire. | Ireland | Val cartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 618 1077 3817 1112 |
47358 | Privnle | Garrett, Alfred George | lltli Hubs | Garrel t, W illiam…. | Tottenham, F)ng …..: | England | Valcorticr.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 618 1108 3817 1140 |
47355 | I’rivnto | Goode, Arthur Edward | imp. Forces | Goode, Mrs. Elizabeth | IS Annette St., W. Toronto, Ont | England…. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 617 1136 3818 1172 |
47360 | Private | Grover, George | Nil… | Grover, Mrs | 14 Court Houies St., Norwich, Eng | England…. | Valcarticr.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 618 1165 3818 1201 |
47357 | I’rivnto | Grey, George | ■ 11 fi R CRt………. . . | Grey, Juno | 19 Elisabeth St., Swansea, Ont | Scotland… | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 619 1195 3809 1230 |
47315 | I’rivnto | Green, William Georga | Imp. Forces | Green, Mrs. Ethel,. | “12 Lauder Avn., Toronto, Ont | England | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. 28, 1814 | ||||||
15 | 619 1226 3591 1259 |
47304 | Private | Hawkins, Sidney Charles | imp. Forces | Hawkins, Mrs. E… | 017 Fish Ponds Hd., Bristol, Eng | England…. | 5.5. Huth- | |||||||
15 | 619 1283 3593 1317 |
47305 | Privnto., | Imp. Forces | rtendy, T | Prnokley, The Hill, Monckstown, Ire | Ireland | 5.5. Ilutb- | ||||||||
15 | 619 1342 3593 1379 |
47302 | Privato | Howard, Hnrry | Imp. Forces | Howard, H. | North Walsham, Norfolk, Eng | England | 5.5. Iluth- | |||||||
15 | 3469 1370 3822 1397 |
caia | Oct. | 1, 1914. | ||||||||||||
15 | 620 1400 3822 1437 |
47310 | Privnto… | Henthorne. Thomas George | Nil | Henthorne. Juno… | 23 McKav Ave., Toronto, Ont | Scotland. . | Valcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1430 3821 1466 |
47311 | I’rivnt** | House, Ernest | N il.. .»………. ….- | Mouse, Thomas… | Ghrmor ltd., Thame, Oion, Eng ■…. | England…. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1459 3822 1498 |
47360 | Privalo | lludgin, Ernest Albert | N li | Hndgint Albert…. | 19,S Dundns St., Toronto, Ont | (’nnadn | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1488 3821 1524 |
47301 | Private | Hunt. Stephen H | Imp. Forces. | I hint, 1 lorence…. | (11 .ovett Place, Toronto, Ont | Englnnd…. | Valcnrticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 620 1517 3821 1554 |
47303 | Privnto | Hutchison, Joseph | Imp. For cop | ] Mac kin, Mrs. Jean. | 10 Soho St., Toronto, Ont | Scotland.. .. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28. 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1547 3822 1584 |
46028 | Privnto | Hyde, William John | Imp. Forces | Hyde, Chas | Rowes Cottage, Eversland, Lymington, Hants.. | England | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1575 3822 1612 |
47300 | Privnto | Iron*, Thomas | Imp. Forces | Irons, Mrs. Alico… | 0 “ illiamsoa Plrico, Toronto, Oat | England | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1604 3822 1643 |
47153 | Private | Johnstone, Stephen | Territorials | King, Mrs. Eliza… | BO Markham St., Toronto, Ont | England…. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1634 3822 1671 |
47151 | Privato | Jones, Thomas | Imp. Forces | Jones, Willinm | .”>70 Wellington Ft. W., Toronto, Ont | England | Vnlcnrtier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1663 3822 1702 |
47307 | I’rivnto… | Jackson, Edmund Hnrry | Imp. Forces | Jackson, Fre<l | 1 Folkestone Hd., Stratford, London, Eng | England | Valcnrticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1693 3595 1732 |
47309 | Private | Leedhnm, Walter Lewis | Imp. I1 orces | Iicedhara, Mrs. P.. | 51 Popo Ave., Toronto, Ont | Englnnd | 5.5. Ruth- | |||||||
15 | 2030 1751 3595 1785 |
Ling, D. | 40 Broughton Rd., Edinburgh, 8cot. | Scotland… | 5.5. Ruth* | |||||||||||
15 | 619 1809 3596 1848 |
4602P | Private | II. O. A. •»•••••••*•«••♦»»•••»•«••»••■ | Nil | Nil | Englnnd. ., | 5.5. ltuth- | ||||||||
15 | 619 1868 3824 1909 |
*7368 Private | Lacey, Alfred | A.M .0 | t<nrey, Mrs. Ellen.,. | <19 I’enhold Are. W\, Toronto, Ont | Channel Isl. | Vnlcarticr. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 619 1897 3824 1937 |
471:1,1! | Private | I .nwton, A. E | ?nd Hegt | Lawton, Alfred E…. | Hirminnhnm, Enu | England…. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 619 1927 3825 1967 |
47370 | Private | I.eitch, James Frederick.. | 2pri Rrgt | I.eitch, Daisy | 32K Wellesley St., Toronto, Ont | Canada | Vnlcarticr. | Sept, | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 620 1956 3826 1996 |
47372 | Private | I.ucas, Iter Hicks | r.ii. | Lucas, A | Ashville. Whnlley r.nnge, Manchester, Eng … | Englnnd | Valcartier. | ■Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 620 1984 3826 2026 |
47370 | 1 Vi vat” | McCartney, Samuel | Nil | McCartney, Ellen…. | 155 Antrim Rd., Ballymena, Ire……… | Ireland | Valcartier. | Sept. | 24. 1914. | |||||
15 | 620 2015 3826 2057 |
47377 | Private | McConnell, Edward Charles | Imp. Force?*.. * * | Rlc< ‘onnell, Mrs. E… | I^i-ds, Megantic, P.Q | Canada….. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 24, 1911. | |||||
15 | 619 2045 3826 2086 |
471 ,ri’J: Private | McNafTerty, James | 1.mp. J*orces. • | McNafTerty, Mrs. Ann | 30 Jones St., Berwick, Sussex, Eng. | Englnnd | Valcartier, | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
15 | 620 2074 3827 2120 |
47376 | Private | ‘Irulir, Robert Stanley | Imp. Forces | Martin, R. 8 | 17 Agnes Rd., Dnvcnnort, Devon, Eng | England | Vnleartier. | Sept, | 28, 1914. | |||||
15 | 620 2103 3598 2146 |
47374 | Private | Mills, Frederick | II. A. 11.0 • i n. i n. • • •. | Mills, Mrs. L | 3220 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pn., U.S.A. | England | S.S. Ruth- | |||||||
15 | 2011 2153 3827 2197 |
.iMallinson, Thomas. | Graybull Cottage, Penrith, Cumb., Eng | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||||
16 | 664 501 3248 532 |
Former Corps. | Nemo of Next of Kin. | Country of | ||||||||||||
16 | 485 647 3679 679 |
47ii7t) | ’’rivate.. | Marncy, Richard, •.. | imp. Forces. | Oriffith, John | 219 John St., Toronto, Ont | Ireland | Vnleartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 486 678 3679 709 |
47:).8 | Privnto.. | Mnnon, James J | 91st Regt | Mason, Mr? | 0 Huntsman’s Brow, Stockport, Eng | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 485 708 3679 738 |
47383 | Private.. | Miller, Robert | Imp. Forccs. | Miller, William James | 550 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ont | Scotland…… | Valcartier. | Sept. 2», 1914. | ||||||
16 | 485 738 3680 767 |
47184 | Private.. | Miller, Thomas Edward | Nil | Miller, Willinm | 252 Horrid Are., Toronto, Ont | Scotland | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 484 766 3680 798 |
47ns.1; | Private.. | Molloy, Juhn | Imp. Forces. | Molloy, Rachael | 42 Sutton Ave., Toronto, Ont | Scotland | Valoartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 483 796 3679 826 |
47380 | Private.. | Monkmnn, Lionel Cecil | Nil | Monk man, Mrs. L. C | 159 Willow Ave., Toronto, Ont. | Englnnd | Val cart ier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 483 826 3681 856 |
47)58 | Private.. | Moriarty, Walter Edwa | A.M.C | Moriarty, Mrs. Mary……. | 900 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont | Cnnnda | Vnleartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 484 855 3679 884 |
47378 | Private.. | Muirhend, Charles F.. | Nil | Muirhend, W. D | 525 Kingston ltd., Toronto, Ont | t ’anada | Valcartier. | Sopt. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 483 884 3679 913 |
47387 | Privai e.. | Nokcs, Wm. Jones | Nil | Nokes, Mrs. Mary | 70 Bencon*»ficld Ave., Toronto, Ont | England | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 488 913 3680 942 |
<0(145 | Private., | O’Connell, William…. | Dayd, R | Shanty Bay, Ont | Canada | Valoartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
16 | 484 942 3680 970 |
473.8.8 | Private.. | Owen, Francis | Nil | Owen, Mrs. Sarah | 94 Salem Ave., Toronto, Ont | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 494 969 3679 1006 |
,7:.W!ljPrivate.. | O’Brien, George | 12t h Rogt. .. | ttrooks, Marion | 03 Kensington Garden Bq., London, Eng | Ireland | Vnleartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
16 | 490 1000 3679 1030 |
17310 Private., | Pavier, Sidney Frank.. | 9th Regt…. | Pavier, S. M | …… 5 Marlowe Villas, Mill Iiill, London, Eng…, | England | Valoartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
16 | 483 1028 3680 1059 |
473UI Private.. | Perkes, George | S. ,V…….. | Perkes, Rosand Mrs 29 Franklin Ave.. Todmorden, Toronto, Ont. | Canada | Valcartier. | Sopt. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
16 | 483 1057 3671 1088 |
47312 Private.. | Ponritt, .Tolin Milligan,. | Territorials.. | Porritt, Mrs. J. M 137 Hubert St., Toronto, Ont | England | Valcartier. | Sopt. 28, 1914 | ||||||||
16 | 482 1082 3680 1118 |
4739- Private.. | Purdy, James | Lin p. Forces. | Brown, Mrs. A 49 Bell Garden Rd., Peckhnm, Ixmdon, Eng. | England | Valcartier. | Sopt. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
16 | 482 1112 3451 1146 |
47.1th)! Private.. | Riddell, John James… | Imp. Forces. | Halliger, Mrs. Mabel 22 Long field St., South fields, London, Eng.. | Englnnd | S.S. Kuth- | |||||||||
16 | 3326 1145 3680 1172 |
enin | Oct. | 1, 1914. | ||||||||||||
16 | 481 1175 3681 1204 |
40188 Private., | Reid, Luther | Nil . | N.S.. | Roid, Mrs. S Truro, | Canada | Valcartier. | Sept.. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 482 1197 3682 1241 |
47393 Private.. | RafTarty, Frank | R.N… | Nil | N il | .! England i Vnlcarticr | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||||
16 | 481 1234 3682 1266 |
Private., | 47310 | Raisback, George… | Imp. Forces. | Raisback, Mrs. Hannah. . . .17 Penhold Ave., Toronto, Ont | I Fngland | Val cartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 482 1264 3681 1301 |
I Private,, | 47393 | Roese^ Robert Kay.. | Nil | Pearson, Mrs. James. | 24 Ann St., Toronto, Ont. | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 482 1294 3682 1324 |
i Private.. | 47390 | Renwick, Thomas… | R.F.A | Ken wick, Mi’s. T | Park Farm, Top Croft, Norfolk, Eng | England | Valcartier. | Sopt. | 28, 1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1323 3683 1353 |
Private.. | 47.101 | Richards, R | Richards, Charles E.. | Mountain Ave. S., Hamilton, Ont | • In (land | Valcartier. | Sopt. | 25, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 482 1349 3682 1384 |
Private.. | 47397 | Rigby, Jame3 | A.M.C.. | Rigby, Thomas | 17 VI ilsey t;t., Lancaster, Eng | ! Englnnd | Valcartier. | Sopt. | 28, 1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1381 3683 1413 |
Private.. | 47399 | Robertson, George.. | H<1.A | Robertson, C | 73 Chown St., Aberdeen, Scot | [Scotland…… | Valcartier. | Sopt. | 24, 1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1410 3683 1441 |
Private.. | 47400 | Robinson, Walter…, | Nil | Robin- on, George | 0 Sprina Rd., Kompston, Bods., Eng | Englnnd | Valcarticr. | Sopt. | 28, 1914. | |||||
16 | 558 1441 2206 1470 |
I Private.. | Roose, O. L | Pnrticulars will bo furnished when a | vailable | |||||||||||
16 | 482 1456 3685 1499 |
47401 | Private.. | Rowland, Herbert… | Y.M.C | Rowland, Arthur | •M Alexander Hd., Richmond. Surrey, Eng… | England | Valoartier. | Sept. | 28,* i914.’ | |||||
16 | 482 1496 3684 1528 |
4740? | Private.. | Scott, Arthur Alexander | Nil… | R’vjtt, Walter. | 21 Portlnnd ltd., Southall, Midx., Eng | England | Valewrtier. | .Sept. | 28, 11 11. | |||||
16 | 483 1523 3684 1559 |
4 74 OH | Private.. | Short, Joseph | Imp. Forced.. | Short, Mrs | Maol)onnldville, Kitscoty, Alta | England | Vnleartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1553 3685 1586 |
47107 | Private.. | Smith, ( liarles | R. A.M.C | Smith, W | 191 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont | (’anada | Valcartier. | Sept. | 28.1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1583 3684 1617 |
47404 | Private.. | Spinks, Joe | Imp. Forces. . | -SpiTiks, Edith | 179 8ira< oe St., Toronto,<)nt | Scotland …. | Valoartier. | Sept. | 25, 1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1611 3686 1644 |
•174 05 | Private.. | Stevenson, James | R.m.A | Stevonson, Edith R.,.. | 181 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ont | Scotlnnd | Valcartier. | Sopt. | 28.1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1642 3686 1676 |
47100 | Private.. | Stroud, Francis Hugh.. | H.IJ.A | troud* D | 37 Marion ltd., Bristol, Eng. | England | Valcart ier. | Sept. | 28# 1914. | |||||
16 | 483 1669 3688 1711 |
47400 | Private.. | Tighe, James | Nil | j’lV.he, Rev. S. A | 39 Ann St., Toronto, Ont | Canada | Valcartier. | Sopt. | 28.1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1700 3687 1733 |
47407 | Private.. | Torrance, Edge A | Nil… | . … jTormnoe, James. | Milverton, Ont | Canada | Valoartier. | Sept. | 28, 1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1730 2954 1764 |
47409 | Private.. | Tretheway, Harry | R.N | Tretheway, Wm. Robt. | .. .{Longford Cottage, Mooredhop inTiriitock, l | |||||||||
16 | 2343 1757 3688 1798 |
Eng | . j England | Toronto… | Sept. 25, 1914. | |||||||||||
16 | 482 1786 3690 1823 |
47410 Private- | Turley, William Ed wart | Nil. h urley, George | 129 Lnnsdowno Ave., Toronto, Ont | ; ngland | Valcartier. | Sept. 2h, 1914* | ||||||||
16 | 482 1817 3688 1856 |
4741 1 ;1) ]’rivate | Waide, Peter | I iii)> Forces. . Waid«\ Mrs. liettie… | 324, 7th Ave., Homestead, Pa., U.S.A | . (Ireland | Valcartier. | Sept. 28, 1914. | ||||||||
16 | 569 1846 2209 1884 |
Private.. | Watson, II … < | Particulars will be furnished when a] vailable | ||||||||||||
16 | 482 1877 3458 1913 |
47418; Private.. | Whitney, Patrick…. | R.F.A. Whitney | Drumlish, ire. | Ireland. | S.S. Ruth* | |||||||||
16 | 3334 1904 3689 1932 |
enia | Oct. | 1ft, 1914. | ||||||||||||
16 | 482 1934 3688 1973 |
47411 a Private | Walsh, Rirl»ard… | Forces. | ,lm p. | Walsh, Ernest | , . 5 Dermott Plneo, Toronto, Ont | j t rolnnd… | Toronto… | Sept. | 24, 1914. | |||||
16 | 482 1960 3690 2005 |
47814; Private., | Wallaco, William.. | Forces. | .Imp. | Wnllnrr. Sarah | … 157 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont | ! England.. | Vnleartier. | Sept. | ?8, 1914. | |||||
16 | 483 1989 3690 2032 |
474 111 I Private,. | Walt, Joseph | . Nil… | .•Wn.lt, Mrs. Mary | . .. 0 Marshall St., liomlon, Sunderland, Eng.. | j Knglnnd.. | Valcartier. | Sopt. | 28, 1914. | ||||||
16 | 483 2022 3691 2057 |
47414 | Private | Wardell, Edwin…. | .(Nil… | . ‘Vurdi ll. Mis | .. .1147 Kennedy Rd., Fairhank, Toronto, Ont. | Knglnnd., | Valeartier. | I Sopt. | m2H, 1914. | |||||
16 | 483 2049 3691 2091 |
474 u, | Private | Wilson, John | .Imp. | J* orces. | . Wilson, Mrs. J | … 11612 Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont | I roland.., | Valcartier. | j Sopt. | 28, 1914. | ||||
16 | 483 2080 3691 2116 |
471,12 | Privato., | Wilson, John | .limp. | . orces. | WiIhoq, Mrs. Mary.. , | .. .1045 Gnllowgate St., Glasgow, Soot | Scotland. | Vnleartier. | Sopt. | 28, 1914. | ||||
16 | 483 2110 3691 2146 |
47410 | Privato., | Wood, Thomas…, | . Nil… | . iWoori, Mrs. Violet . . | … !U24 Eastern Are., Toronto, Ont.. | Englnnd., | Valeart ier. | Sopt. | 28, 1914. | |||||
16 | 483 2134 3691 2176 |
47417 | Private,, | Wisoncr, William.. | Jimp. Forces. | JWi*»onor, Mr | .. iTabbermore, I)erry, Ire. | Ireland.. | ’ Valcnrtier | ISopt. | •;S, 1914. | |||||
17 | 637 476 3828 516 |
40001 | It. : rr,-t-Major.. | Mniwrli, William. | Imp. J’orccs | Maxwell, Mrs. Mnry. | 45 ( Imtham Pi., Hamilton, Ont . | Valcartier.. | Sept. 21, 1914. | |||||||
17 | 637 506 3828 543 |
4 0002 | . P’rancis, William.. | Imp. Force* | Franoi*, Annie | Stellarton, N.H | Valcartier.. | Sept. 20, 1014. | ||||||||
17 | 638 536 3829 575 |
4<’.(K« | li.Q.M. Hrrgt…. | . I Hlelmnis, Dick.i. | 8. A | Nil | Nil | Valcartier.. | Sept. 28, 1914. | |||||||
17 | 637 565 3829 603 |
40004 | Sonant | ‘itailin, Kenneth.. | Imp Forces | Bailie, Mrs. Catherine | I/Opirtville, N.B | Valcartier.. | Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
17 | 722 601 2317 632 |
Sorgt. Drummer. | I Hoy | Particulars will bo furnished when a | vailnble | |||||||||||
17 | 639 622 3606 664 |
4 OIK 15 | I’jonr, tfergt | I .0 Hoy, Will mm. | 37th llogt | l/e Koy, Mrs. W… | Dunkirk, Now York, U.S.A Panada. | S.S. Iluth- | ||||||||
17 | 638 682 3831 730 |
40025 | Sar. Hcri»t | . j\Iills, HoUert CrMiton. | C.H.C | Mill; Mrs. A. K | l’ruro, N.S Canada. | Valcartier.. | Sept. 20, 1914. | |||||||
17 | 637 712 3830 751 |
40008 | Shoemaker…… | loysey, Thomas U | S. A | Joy Hey, M rs. Ellon… | Mission St., Amherst, N.8 Knglnnd | Valoartier.. | Sopt. 27, 1914. | |||||||
17 | 1514 942 3565 978 |
S.A | Portland, Oregon, 17.S. A | Buetnrd | ||||||||||||
17 | 672 1060 3567 1107 |
155!Private…. | Imp. Forces | Bustard |