CEF Nominal Rolls
Processing and analyzing the CEF Nominal Rolls
193rd Battalion B&W
Cover Page Information
Canadian Expeditionary
Nominal Roll, of Officers, Non-Commissioned
Officers and Men.
Port: Halifax, N.S.
itji-s-17. Ship: S.S. “ Olympic.”
. Date: October 12th, 1916.
Page | Bounds | ||||||||||||||
2 | 607 502 3097 536 |
Knnk. | Former Corps. | Birth. | |||||||||||
2 | 534 648 3624 684 |
Liout.-Colonol | Langford, Hubert John S,.. | H.C.R | Langford, Mrs. Betty Almon. | c/o Bank of Montreal, Vancouver, B.C | India | Aldershot | June | 7.1916. | |||||
2 | 534 679 3624 714 |
Major | (.eGnllum, Jiuiic:! Philip…. | 70th Rcgt. & | LeGnllnis, Mrs. Margaret J.. | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Feb. | 14, 1910. | |||||
2 | 532 709 3625 743 |
Major | Macdonald, John Wclpford.. | 78th Rogt. | Macdonald, 10. M | Pictou, N.8 | Canada….:.. | Truro | April | 22.1916. | |||||
2 | 533 739 3624 772 |
Major | McLean, Adam Thomas…. | Sth IIuS3. . | McLean, Mrs. Maudo M | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S. | Cannrla.; | Truro | et>. | 14, ltflO. | |||||
2 | 533 768 3624 802 |
Mnjor | Sturloy, Albert Avorn | Imp. Force | Stuiloy, Mrs. Violet Winnifrc< | Windsor, Hants Co., N.8 | England | Truro | Mar. | 1.1916. | |||||
2 | 534 798 3625 832 |
Hon. Cnpt.. | Baird, Fred. Cecil | 70t.li Jlegt. | Baird, Mrs. Gladys Jennie.,. | Tniro, Colchcster Co., N.S | Canada | Tniro | Feb. | 14, 1910. | |||||
2 | 531 828 3625 861 |
Cnptnin…. | Good, Clinrlcs Atkinson…. | With Rcgt. | Good, Mrs. Ilelon Mary | Agricultural College, Truro, Colchester Co., N.S. | Ireland I.. | Truro | Feb. | It, 1910. | |||||
2 | 534 858 3626 891 |
ITon. Cnpt.. | McArthur, Colin Stewart… | 7fith Regt. | McArthur, Mrs. Ilubio Coffin | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Feb. | 14.1916. | |||||
2 | 530 888 3627 921 |
Cnptoin | McKay, Hoy Gillespie | 14 th lluss. | McKny, Mrs. Helen Margaret | 20 Rupert St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S… | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 2, 1910. | |||||
2 | 534 918 3628 950 |
Hon. Captain | Mae | ,o.’in, Kdwin David…. | C.A.M.C.. | MacLcnn, Mrs. Plcsah A…. | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada.. | Englnnd | Nov. | 13. 1‘tlO. | ||||
2 | 530 947 3627 981 |
Captain,,.. | McQunrrio, George James… | 78th Rent. | McQuarric, Mrs. Mary C…. | P.O. Box 133, New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S | U.S.A | Truro | April | 22.1916. | |||||
2 | 530 977 3627 1009 |
Cnptnin… | Sohiirman, Frederick Bulmcr | 14th Hum. | Sohiirmnn, Mrs. Iioonorn F.. | Truro, Colchester Co., N.8 | Canada | Truro | l-eb. | 14.1916. | |||||
2 | 530 1006 3627 1039 |
Cnptnin.,. | Smith, Robert Knowlton… | U3r<l Kent. | Smith, Mrs. Ida L | c/o G. L. Moss, Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S.. | Canada | Tniro | Mar. | 17.1910. | |||||
2 | 530 1035 3627 1068 |
Cnptnin | Todd, Alexander Brown…. | 81stllegt.. | I’odd, James | 11 Braid Ave., Edinburgh, Bcot | Srotlnnd | Truro | May | 0.1910. | |||||
2 | 533 1064 3628 1098 |
Flon. Cnptnin | Tuppor, Joseph Freeman…. | 78fcli Regt. | Tupper, Mrs. Kathryn Munroo | Kcntville, King’s Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | April | 1,1910. | |||||
2 | 533 1093 3628 1126 |
Lioutcnant.. | Andrews, Percy Thorno | 14tli Huhs. | Andrews, Mrs. Mnry M | Bathurst, Gloucester Co., N.B | Canada | Alderahot | July | 21.1910. | |||||
2 | 534 1123 3628 1155 |
Lioutcnant.. | Baxter, Alexander Daniel… | 75 th Regt. | Baxter, Ilenry P | Addington Forks, Antigonishe Co., N.8 | Canada | Hsntsport | May | 27, 1916. | |||||
2 | 533 1153 3629 1183 |
Lioutcnnnt,. | Cliri«l io, Norman Cali ill…. | 14tli Hubs. | Christie, Mrs. Ethol C | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 2.1916. | |||||
2 | 532 1182 3629 1213 |
Lieutenant.. | Cunningham, Herbert DoWolfi | 14th Hubs. | Cunningham, Mrs. Susan…. | Dominion, C.B., N.S | Cnnnda | Tniro | Mar. | 7.1916. | |||||
2 | 531 1210 3629 1242 |
Lieutenant.. | nieknon, IIui’h Archibald.. | 76th Regt. | Dickson, Mrs. Hannah R… | R.lt. No. 6, Truro, Colchester Co., N.S. | Canada | Tniro | Fob. | 20, 1916. | |||||
2 | 531 1239 3629 1272 |
Lieutenant.. | 11 ,o | ’:»n, Tlionins Kdjrar | 14th IIuss. | Logan, Alexander | New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Aldershot | June | 15.1916. | ||||
2 | 532 1269 3630 1309 |
Linutonant.. | I.owl.lier, Harold Charles… | 93rd Regt. | 1/owther, Mrs. C. II | Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.S . | Canada | Aldershot | July | 20.1916. | |||||
2 | 532 1299 3630 1331 |
Lieutenant.. | Maeiion.’ild, William JOdwin | 14th IIuss. | MacDonald, William C | Stellnrton. Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Aldershot | June | 10.1916. | |||||
2 | 530 1328 3631 1369 |
Lioutonant.. | jMacGillivray, Donald Joseph | O.T.C | MncGillivrny, Mrs. I). C… | Ilawthorno St., Antigonislie, N.S | Canada | Aldershot | June | 10.1916. | |||||
2 | 531 1358 3631 1390 |
Lioutcnnnt,. | MiieI«ood, John Owen | 78th Rcgt. | Maclxsod. Mrs. Hugh | U.K. No. 3, Scotsbnm, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnadu | Truro | Mar. | 7, 1U10. | |||||
2 | 531 1384 3631 1420 |
Lioutonant.. | ! Markham, (Veil JefTiiea,.. | O.T.C | Markham, Mrs. A. j | 222 Duko St., St. John, N.B | Canada | Aldershot | Juno | 22, 1910. | |||||
2 | 532 1416 3631 1450 |
Lieutenant.. | Murray, John Jnmos | 14th IIuss. | Murray, 1,0 win 8 | 133 W. Broadway, San Diego, Cal.t U.S.A | Cannda | Aldershot | May | fi, 1U1«. | |||||
2 | 531 1446 3632 1479 |
Lioutcnnnt,, | Ormon, Henry l’‘indlny…. | 70th Regt. | Ormon, Mrs. Helen L | 8 Walnut St., Halifax, N.S | Canada | Truro | Feb. | 14, 1910. | |||||
2 | 531 1475 3632 1512 |
Lioutcnnnt.. | I’otlcr, Ilenry Bigclqw | 93rd Rogt. | Potter, Mrs. Henry B | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Canada | Tniro | Mar. | 7, 1910. | |||||
2 | 532 1505 3632 1538 |
Licutcnnnt.. | llo:«, John Allister. | 76t.h Rogt. | Ross, N. S | P.O. Box 648, Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Tniro | June | 1,1916. | |||||
2 | 532 1534 3633 1568 |
Lioutcnnnt.. | Soy, Jnmci Matthew | 78th Rcgt. | Hoy, Richnrd C | Stellarton, l’iotou Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | April | 29.1916. | |||||
2 | 532 1563 3634 1597 |
Lioutcnnnt,. | Wotrnorr, Cyril Francis…. | C.G.A | Wotmore, Frnnk O | 142 Robie St., Halifax, N.S | Canada., | Aldershot | Oct. | 12.1916. | |||||
2 | 430 1592 3634 1626 |
mm | Privnto | Adams, George Russell…. | 93rd Regt. | Adams, Mrs. Harriet | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Spring Hill | Mar. | 30.1916. | ||||
2 | 430 1623 3634 1657 |
901801 | Private | Adderlcy, Thomas | Nil | Addcrloy, Thomas | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | England | Stellarton | Mar. | 13.1916. | ||||
2 | 431 1652 3634 1686 |
1)02107 | Privnto | Akerley, Frank | 93rd Kept. | Akerley, Mrs. Rlma | Pugwnsh, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Pugwnsh | Mar. | 29.1916. | ||||
2 | 431 1695 3635 1729 |
601209 | Privato | Aldridge, Arthur Bnul | Nil | England | Wcstville | May 6,1916. | |||||||
2 | 431 1739 3636 1772 |
001011 | L.-Corporal. | Allan, Kdward | Territorials | Allan, George | P.O. Box 499, Stellnrton, Pietou Co., N.S | Scotland. | Stellarton…. | Mnr. | 19.1916. | ||||
2 | 431 1767 3636 1800 |
H01472 | Privnto | Allan, William Dougins | Nil | Allan, Mrs. Carrie | Pugwnsh, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Pugwnsh | Mar. | 2K, 1916. | ||||
2 | 431 1798 3636 1831 |
902488 | Privnto | Allen, Albert Edward | Nil | Allen, Joseph | Birmingham, Eng | Knglnnd | Tniro | May | 25.1916. | ||||
2 | 431 1827 3637 1861 |
902144 | I’rivnto | Allen, Harry Jnckson | C.G.A… | Alien, Mrs. Margaret | South Mnitlnnd, Hunts Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro. | Mnv | 1, 1916. | ||||
2 | 431 1855 3637 1889 |
901251 | Privnto | Allen, John | Nil | Kerr, Mrs. Isabella | ]’.<) Box 292, Wcstville, Pictou Co., N.S | U.S.A | Westvillo | Feb. | 19, 11)16. | ||||
2 | 431 1884 3638 1919 |
902381 | I’rivnto | Allen, Kenneth | Nil | Allen, Charles. | Port Crovillo, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Canada | l’nrrsboro’… | April | 21, 1010. | ||||
2 | 430 1914 3638 1949 |
001530 | Privnto | Allen, Thomns | Nil | Alien, Mrs. Winnilred | Flinsdnle, Halifax Co., N.S… | Englnnd | Halifax | Feb. | 29,1910. | ||||
2 | 430 1943 3639 1978 |
901500 | Privnto | Allen, Walter, Sherwood.. | Nil | Allen, Able | Snckville, Westmorolnnd Co., N.B | Canada | Amherst | April | 0,1916. | ||||
2 | 430 1973 3638 2009 |
9(11011 | Corporal… | Ambrose, Albeit I,ognn.., | I Nil | Ambrose, Mrs. Annie | Stewinnke, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Fob. | 29, 1910. | ||||
2 | 430 2002 3639 2037 |
901500 | Privnto | Anion, Charles William . | Nil | Amos, Charles A | Bayfield, Westmoreland Co., N.B | Cnnnda | Amherst | April | 7, 1910, | ||||
2 | 430 2033 3639 2071 |
901021 | Privnto. | Anderson, Kolnnd Coorgo. | Nil | Anderson. David | Grent Village, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn | [Truro | Mnr. | 27, 1910. | ||||
2 | 430 2057 3637 2100 |
901130 Corporal. | Andres, Frank Cnlvin | Nil | Andros, W. II | 107, O Street W., South Boston, Mass., U.S.A… | Canada | ^Amherst | Mnr. | 8, 1910. | |||||
3 | 635 347 3126 378 |
(10111.12 | Private | ylor, Harry | . Debcrt Station, Colchester Co., N.S | ||||||||||
3 | 636 377 3367 407 |
tKiin-.’v’ | Private | Archibald, Ianc Jnrk»»n | Nil | Archibald, Fulton | . Great Village, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | |||||||
3 | 636 407 3825 437 |
DO 17 “>7 | Private | Archibald, Wnlter llurton | Nil | Archibald, Elislm | . Kempt Town, Colchester Co., N.H | Cnnnda | R. | . | |||||
3 | 636 436 3126 467 |
90176!! | Private | Archibald. William Johnson | Nil | Arrliilmlil, Fulton | . Great Village, Colchcptcr Co., N.H | ||||||||
3 | 636 466 3126 497 |
1101077 | Private | Arnnworfny, Arthur Ilnnlm | Nil | Armswnrthy, Joseph ■. | . Cnnso, Guysboro Co., N.S | ||||||||
3 | 636 497 3750 528 |
901070 | Private | Armsworthy, Buokley Androw…. | Nil | Armsworthy, Freeman…. | . Cnnso, CJuyBhoro Co., N.H | Cnnnda | , | ||||||
3 | 636 527 3126 557 |
901519 | Private | Armnworlhv, Willinm | Nil | Armsworthy, Mrs. Hannah | . Belmont, Colchester Co., N.H | ||||||||
3 | 636 552 3612 587 |
»oh:i7 | Private | Arnold, William A :.. | Nil | McKay, Mrs. F.lla | . Church HI., Wcstville. Piclmi Co., N.H | (.’nnnda | Wostvillc | ||||||
3 | 636 587 3827 616 |
(mii::8o | Private | Arsno, Clare | . Maccnn, Cumbcrlond Co., N.S | Cnnnda | , | . | |||||||
3 | 636 616 3828 646 |
»oi or. t | Privato | Atkinson, Cecil Douglas | Nil | Atkinson, William 1) | . Truro, Colchestcr Co., N.B | Cnnnda | Tniro | , | . | ||||
3 | 636 645 3827 675 |
001207 | Private | Atkinson, Gordon Carson | C.A.M.C | Atkinson, Carson | . West Brook, Cumberland Co., N.B | Canada | Truro………. | , | . | ||||
3 | 635 676 3828 705 |
902020 | Private | Atwater, Wallace | Nil | Atwater, J. J | . Now Glasgow. Pictou Co., N.S | Amherst | i, | «. | |||||
3 | 635 705 3828 735 |
901 (‘03 | 1V UpaIa | Amin*, Alfred | . P.O. Box 100, Prince Ht.E., Truro, Colchester Co.,N.S. | Englnnd | Tniro | i. | 1. | ||||||
3 | 635 736 3829 765 |
901.’ (25 | Private | Audas, Isaac | 701 h Regt | A’Mins, Hr». 1 fouler Florenc | . Young St.. Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Tturo | o, | . | |||||
3 | 634 765 3828 796 |
001540 | Privnto | Austin, Noble Kdgar | Nil | Austin, John | . Thompson’s Station, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | 0. | |||||
3 | 635 795 3126 825 |
902179 | Private | Austin, Thomas Alexander | Nil | Austin, John W… | . Thompson’s Station, Cumberland Co., N.S | ||||||||
3 | 634 825 3370 856 |
901550 | Private | Bacon, Lanrie Bedford . | Nil | Bacon, Mr*. Robert | . Nnnpan Station, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | |||||||
3 | 634 849 3830 886 |
902114 | Privato | Bailey, Mclvillo McKay | Nil | Ilailcy, Mrs. Robert | . Nokomis, Snsk | Oxford. | I, | . | |||||
3 | 634 885 3830 915 |
901103 | L.-Corporal | Baker, John | . 04 liOwer Victoria St., Amherst, Cumberland, Co,N.8. | Cnnnda | , | 1. | |||||||
3 | 634 914 3829 946 |
901 111 | Private | Baker, Lament Kstellio | Nil | Itaker, Jtolnml Leo….. | . Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.H | i. | |||||||
3 | 634 944 3614 972 |
90170.1 | Baker, Mrs. Harriett Ann. | . Oxford. Cumberland Co., N.S | Oxford | ||||||||||
3 | 635 974 3128 1002 |
90181(1 | (!nrnorfil | V ^ 1 fj 1 | \ / Wl 1 (Hi m t i * > i i | Baker, James 14 | . Barronsfield, Cumberland Co., N.S | ||||||||
3 | 634 1001 3129 1034 |
901013 | Sergeant | Ballard-Brown, Colin Robert | Nil | Brown, Mm. Patricia Eldn. | . 107 Action l<anc, Chiswick, Ix<ndon, Eng | ||||||||
3 | 634 1027 3128 1063 |
901394 | Private | Barrett, Arthur Langillo | 71st Regt | Bnrrott, Peter | . Miller St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | ||||||||
3 | 634 1062 3615 1093 |
Nil | 901332 | L.-Corpnrnl | Barrett, Charles l’redorick | Barrett, John A | . P.O. Box 402, New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | ||||||
3 | 634 1091 3831 1123 |
901758 | Sergeant | Barrett, Samuel Peter | Nil | Barrett, Mr*. Charlotte E. | . P.O .Box 842, Truro, Colchestcr Co., N.8 | Englnnd | 0. | . | |||||
3 | 634 1121 3129 1153 |
902123 | L.-Corporal | Barron, Wilton Havelock | Nil | Barron, Mrs. Jcnnio I/…. | . Hnntsport, Hants Co., N.S | ||||||||
3 | 635 1150 3130 1183 |
902295 | Private | Bnrry, Frank William | Nil | Barry, James Richard… | . Cnpo Tormentine, Westmorrlnnd Co., N.B | ||||||||
3 | 634 1180 3616 1210 |
vwlV/U | Private | Bares, Harris | . Guysborough, N.S | Cnnnda | Guynbo rough… | ||||||||
3 | 634 1210 3615 1242 |
901731 | Privato | Barton, Richard | Nil | Barton, Mrs. Annio | . PugwaBh, Cumberland Co., N.S | England | Pugwash | ||||||
3 | 634 1240 3129 1276 |
902510 | Privato | Baxter, Roy Raymond | Nil | Baiter, Mrs. N | . Trucmnnville, Cumberland Co., N.S | ||||||||
3 | 634 1270 3130 1302 |
901000 | Privato | Beckier, Walter | , Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | ||||||||||
3 | 634 1299 3373 1334 |
90I2M | Private | Bell, Alexander | Bell, Mrs. Isabella | . P.O. Box 603, Wcstville, Pictou Co., N.8 | Scotland | ||||||||
3 | 634 1328 3834 1365 |
901900 | L.-0!orpornl | Belliveau, Frederic Joseph | Nil | Belliveau, 1). M | . Joggin Mines, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | River lleberl… | , | . | ||||
3 | 634 1358 3833 1394 |
901903 | Private | Bellivoati, Jaincs Matthew | Nil | Belliveau, Mrs. Mnrgnret.. | . Joggin Mines, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | River HclHtrt… | », | . | ||||
3 | 635 1388 3835 1423 |
9020.-,:, | Private | BelofT, Mike | Russian Army | BelofT, Mrs. Pilnjea Pavlovi | . Alater, Russia | Russia | New Glasgow.. | . | |||||
3 | 634 1417 3757 1451 |
90180!’ | Private | Benner, Forest Charles | Nil | Benner, Mrs. Knto | , Shubenacadie, Hants Co., N.S | C’nnadn | Shubrimcndie.. | , | |||||
3 | 634 1447 3834 1482 |
901812 | PrivBto | Uonnott, Charles | Nil | Bennett, Elislm D | . Eatonville, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Pnrrsboro’….. | , | . | ||||
3 | 634 1475 3835 1513 |
901025 | L.-Corporal | Bennett, Mrs. Mary | . Harbour an Bouche, Antigonieho Co., N.S | U.K. A | New Glasgow.. | 1. | . | ||||||
3 | 634 1506 3758 1541 |
Privato | 901717 | Bcnnott, Preston | Nil | Bennett, Elisha | . Advocate Harbour, Cumberland Co., N.S | 1, | |||||||
3 | 634 1535 3619 1572 |
901095 | Private | Bent. Aubrey David | Nil | Bent, Walter | . 4(1 Copp Ave., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S … | Cnnnda | Amherst | ||||||
3 | 634 1564 3835 1601 |
CO 1057 | Privato | Bentley, Hubert Keller | Nil | Bentley, Edgar | . Diligent River, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Tniro | «. | |||||
3 | 634 1594 3836 1630 |
902050 | Privato | Betts, Fraser | Nil | Betts, Mrs. Allan | , Now OlftFgow, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnmidn | Now Glnrgow.. | . | |||||
3 | 634 1623 3836 1659 |
90219’! | Privato | Betts, John Robert | Nil | Betts, Mrs. Annie | . New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.B | Cnnnda | New Glasgow.. | 916. | |||||
3 | 634 1653 3759 1689 |
901527 | Privnle | Binglcy, George Ernest | Nil | Joyce, Mrs. Annie | . Boston, Mass., U.S.A | Cnnnda | Gtiysborough… | 1, | |||||
3 | 634 1682 3620 1716 |
901237 | Privato | Binks, Norman | Nil….. | Binks, Mrs. Mary | . Epnleby, Winston, Darlington, Yorks, Eng | Englnnd… | Wcstville | ||||||
3 | 634 1712 3836 1747 |
Bird, Hubert Craige | 901553 | L.-Corporal | Nil | Bird, Mrs. Lina, May | . Atnol, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | I. | |||||
3 | 634 1740 3837 1776 |
901507 | Privnto | Bird, Richard Morley | Nil | Bird, .lames W | . Mnpleton, Cumberland Co., N.S… | Canada | Parrsboro’ | «. | |||||
3 | 634 1770 3838 1807 |
902180 | Private | Bird, Robert Orciuhton | Nil | Bird, Mrs. Joseph E……. | . Nappan Station, Cumbetland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | . | |||||
3 | 634 1799 3837 1835 |
901552 | Private | Bird, William Richard | Nil | Bird. Mrs. Augusta | . 13 Pulmcr St., Amherst, Cjinberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Amherst | . | |||||
3 | 634 1829 3835 1864 |
902510 | Privato | Bissctt, Frederick Robert | Nil | Bissctt., Mrs. Maud….., | . Oxford; Cumberland Co., NiB.. r. | Cunnda…… | Aldershot……. | i | |||||
3 | 635 1858 3838 1894 |
901551 | Privato | Black, Clarence F/dward | Nil | Black, Mrs. Ethol Ruth. .. | . 02 Spring St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | AmlicrBt | . | |||||
3 | 1841 1887 3839 1918 |
Biark, Charles 0 | . Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada…: | Truro | . | |||||||||
3 | 635 1895 1822 1924 |
902397 | Private | Black, Claude Oxley | Nil | ||||||||||
3 | 1842 1912 3753 1948 |
Black, A. H | . It.It. No. 3, Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst. t s | > | |||||||||
3 | 636 1924 1822 1954 |
901518 | Private | Black, Ear! William | Nil | ||||||||||
3 | 635 1946 3839 1982 |
90170(1 | Private | Black, Herman | Nil | Ulnck, Mrs. Elizabeth | . Oxford, Cumberland Co.. N.S | Cnnnda | Oxford | . | |||||
3 | 635 1976 3608 2012 |
901703 | Private | Black, Ira Garnet | Nil | Black, Mrs. Artlicnsa | . Valley Road, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Oxford | ||||||
3 | 1842 2005 3841 2033 |
Black. Mrs. Charles | . Three Mile Plains, Hants Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Windsor | . | |||||||||
3 | 636 2013 1823 2043 |
90128!) | Privato | Black. Willinm Henry | Nil | ||||||||||
3 | 1841 2035 3842 2064 |
Biaikic, Mrs. Elmirn. | . Upper Ktowiacke, Colchester Co., N.S. ……. | Canada…. | Tniro | I. | |||||||||
3 | 636 2042 1826 2072 |
901520 | Private | Blaikie, Harry Lee | Nil • | ||||||||||
3 | 1841 2064 3842 2095 |
Blanch. Mrs. Mary S…. | . 4 Park St.. Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Conadn | Amherst | . | |||||||||
3 | 636 2072 1823 2103 |
901547 | Privato | Blanch, Frank Bradley | Nil | ||||||||||
3 | 1841 2094 3626 2124 |
Blanch, Mrs. Mary Sarah.. | . Amherst. Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst.* | ||||||||||
3 | 636 2102 1823 2130 |
902022 | Privato | Blanch, Frederick Ronald | Nil | ||||||||||
4 | 642 425 3168 457 |
Himk. | Former Corps. | Country of | |||||||||||
4 | 486 470 3610 496 |
o | Place. | Dato. | |||||||||||
4 | 462 573 3661 604 |
901117 | Privnto | Blonkhorn. Cecil Thomas… | Nil | Blcnkhorn, Charted W | Athol, Cumberland Co., N.S | Mnr. | 8, 1910. | ||||||
4 | 462 603 3661 634 |
W1W3 | Private | Blonkhorn, Karlc II | Nil*. | Blonkhorn, W. 10 | Advocate Harbour, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | I’nrmboio | Mnr. | 2S, 1910. | ||||
4 | 461 633 3662 666 |
002233 | Privnto | Blris, Willinm Henry | Nil | Blots, Mrs. William 11 | Upper Nino Mile River, IiantB Co., N.S | Canada | Shubonucadie… | April 13. 191(1. | |||||
4 | 461 663 3662 696 |
91)1019 | Act.-SiTROiint… | Blomquist, Gordon AlliBon.. | Nil | Blomquist, A. G | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Tniro | Feb. | 24, 1910. | ||||
4 | 462 693 3662 722 |
til) i | Privntc | Bombnci, Costa Vito. ….. | Nil | Uombaei Francisco. | Mnssa S. Lucia, Messina, Italy | Westville | Mnr. | 12. 1910. | |||||
4 | 461 722 3662 754 |
901121 | Private | Bon.l, Clifford Cecil | Nil | Bond, W. W | IWi Church St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Atnborfit | Mnr. | 8, 1910. | |||||
4 | 462 753 3662 784 |
001100 | Private | Bonneil, William Kenneth… | itkh Rcgt. | Bonneil, Mrs. Laura I’mmn… | Ixmise St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | Mnr. | 4. I9i0. | ||||
4 | 462 782 3661 815 |
uoi2a-, | Privnto | Boomer, Ceortfe Allan | Nil | Boomor, Mrs. Melina. …….. | Quern St., Tniro, Colchester Co., N.8,. | Cnnnda | Mnr. | 13. 1910. | |||||
4 | 462 811 3661 843 |
»nmi | Privnto | Boomor, Herbert. Lester…. | Nil | Boomer, Mrs. Florence May.. | R. It. No. 1, Went Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S…, | Canada | AtnboiHt | Mnr. | 10, 1910. | ||||
4 | 461 841 3661 872 |
901910 | Privnto | Bom, James Oscar | Boss, Mrs. Henry | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S. | Cnnnda | Spiing Hill | Mar. | 3<>. 1910. | |||||
4 | 462 871 3661 902 |
901887 | Private | Boudreau, Willinm | Nil. | Boudreau* Charles | 126 Garden St., Cambridge, Mass*, U.S.A | Antieonislio … | Mnr. | 20. 1910. | |||||
4 | 461 901 3660 932 |
9015.r>l | Private | Bourgeois, Simon C | Bourgeois, Mrs. Ceeile | .Jnggin Mines, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Hivcr Hrhoj-t… | M nr. | 29. 1910. | |||||
4 | 461 930 3660 963 |
Boinm | Privnto | Bourque, Procule | Nil | Bourque, Mrs. Mary | Irving St., Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda | iVestvilln | Mar. | 22. 1910. | ||||
4 | 461 957 3660 992 |
9018(1,1 | Privnto | Boutiiicr, l<oy | Nil | Bontilicr, Mrs. Alice | Stewiacke, Colchester Co , N.S | Cnnnda | ■>hub«nnerd!c… | Mnr. | 31, 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 989 3659 1022 |
901301 | Privnto | Bowden, Lionel Victor | Nil | Bowden, Mrs. Henry . | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co , N.S. | C’anndn | ■’pi ing Hill | Mar. | 17, 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 1019 3660 1050 |
90 IMS | Privnto | Bowers, Wnllacr W. | Bowers, W. W | Great Village, Colchester Co , N.S | Cenndn | Truro | Mnr. | 2.r». 1910. | |||||
4 | 460 1048 3660 1081 |
901101 | I..-Corporal | Bowles, Frederick Borden.. | Nil | Bowles. Frederick | 8 < ‘hatnberlain St., Cumbetland Co., Amherst, N.S., | Cnnadn | AmlierM | Mar. | K, 1910. | ||||
4 | 459 1077 3660 1111 |
9019R9 | Privnto | Boyd, Andrew Neil | Nil | Boyd, Mrs. Annus U | Morristown, Antigonishe Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Antigoniylie.. . . | Mar. | 2:i. I9i(i. | ||||
4 | 459 1107 3659 1141 |
9022-12 | Privnto | Boyd, iJnniol Anp,us. | Nil | Boyd, Mr*. Catherine | Morristown. Antigonishe Co., N.S. | Cnnadn | Anticonivl.e. .. | Mnr. | 29. 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 1136 3660 1170 |
901990 | Privnto | Boyd, Hiii’li | Nil | Boyd, Mrs. Isabella | Fraser’s Mills. Antigonishe Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Antigoni«lio .. | Mnr. | 21. 1910. | ||||
4 | 459 1166 3659 1200 |
90 IOCS | Sergeant | Brady, Willinm | Nil | Brady, Alice | 244 Williams Ave., Winnipeg. Man | Canada | Tiuro | Mnr. | 4. 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 1195 3660 1226 |
901407 | I’rivnto | Brnnsticld. John | Nil | Bransfield. Mrs. William | Trenton, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Now (llnncinv . | Mnr. | i:t. 1910. | ||||
4 | 459 1225 3659 1260 |
901401 | Corporal | Brennan, Willinm O | Nil | Brennan. Mrs. Beitha | Pictou, N.S | t ‘nnmin | Piotou | Mar. | 1«. 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 1254 3659 1288 |
90 i 5.11 | Privnto | Bright,,lame* Kendall | Nil | Bright, John W | Goldenville, Guysboro Co , N.S. | (‘unndn | . . | April | 4. 1910. | ||||
4 | 459 1283 3659 1316 |
901901 | Privnto | Brine, Ohnrlea Alfred | Nil | Brine, Charles | Joggin Mines, Cumberlnnd Co.. N.S .., | Canada | llivot 11.1 ••it… | Met. | 29. 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 1312 3660 1346 |
001117 | Privnto | Brow, Pnniel | Nil | Brow, Moses | Harttournu Boiiche, Antigonishe Co., N.S …., | Canada | Now (iliu^ow | Mnr. | 2, 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 1342 3660 1378 |
901012 | l/.-Oorpornl | Brown, David | NM | Brown, Mrs. Jennie | Stellarton, Pictou Co.. N.S | Cnnadn | •itollnit’m | Mar. | 19. I’llli. | ||||
4 | 460 1371 3660 1405 |
901412 | Privnto | Brown, I Journal | Nil | Brown, Mrs. Flora | Now (ilangow, Pietou Co., N.S… | Cnnadn | Now Cltirqnw . . | Mar. | 11, 191’). | ||||
4 | 460 1399 3661 1434 |
901144 | Privnto | Brown, Karlo Harold | Nil | Brown, Stanley li | I0H Church St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S…. | Cnnadn | Amln’iFt | M or. | N. 1*110. | ||||
4 | 460 1430 3660 1464 |
001800 | Privnto | Brown, Guy | Can. Mil. *. | Brown, Ijconnrd | Shubenaeiuiie, Hants Co., N.S | < ‘mind a | ■^Iiubonnrndlo… | Mnr. | 31. 1910. | ||||
4 | 459 1459 3660 1494 |
9021.10 | Privnto | Brown, Howard Roy. | Nil… | Brown, J/eonard | Shubenacadie, Hants Co.. N.H | Cunndn | ‘hubonnrndio… | Ari il 1.1. 1910. | |||||
4 | 459 1487 3660 1523 |
001811 | Privnto | Brown, Malcolm 1/Cs1ie | Nil | Brown, I^slie Annoml | Parrsboro’, Cumberlnnd Co.. N.8 | Cnnadn | Pari(=boio | Mnr. | 29. 191(1. | ||||
4 | 459 1518 3659 1552 |
001:177 | Privnto | Brown, Oswald I^eon | Nil | Brown, James Kd | Maccan, Cumbeilnnd Co., N.S. | Cnnndn | Amhornl | Mnr. | 17, 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 1546 3660 1583 |
901020 | Privato | Brown, Jloderiek. | 78th Regt.. | Browp, Mrs. Flora | New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S ..; | Cnnndn | Now (Jlnrpnvr. Mr>r. | 22. 1910. | |||||
4 | 459 1577 3660 1613 |
001710 | Privnto | Brown, Selden | Nil | Hock, Mrs. Ella | Athol, C*uml»erlnnd <’o., N.S | Cnnndn | I’ruto | Mnr. | 29. 1910. | ||||
4 | 459 1607 3660 1642 |
901904 | Privnto | Brown, Wallace | Nil | Brown, Arnos | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | ( Cnnndn | Hivor Ilcbort… | Mnr. | 29. 1910. | ||||
4 | 459 1631 3660 1672 |
001507 | Privnto | Brown, Willinm Henry | Nil | Brown, Havelock >.. | ifortonville, Kinr’eCo., N.S | (‘.nnmln | Ainborrl | April | 0. Hilt). | ||||
4 | 460 1666 3661 1703 |
901297 | I’rivnto | Bryan, Hector | Nil | Bryan, Mrs. l«nwixneo | Kii*g St., Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | (tnnndii | Spring Hill | Mny | 8. 1910. | ||||
4 | 460 1696 3661 1729 |
902*121 | Privnto | Buchanan, Albert | Nit | Buchanan, Har>ld I) | Moncton, Westmorelnnd Co., N.B. | Cnnndn | Andiorht | April | 7, 1910. | ||||
4 | 461 1720 3663 1757 |
002497 | Privnto | Buchanan, P^vid Wright… | Nil | Bucitnnan. Mis. Robert | Spring Hill, < ‘utnberlnnd Co., N.S. | ( ’-nimdn. | ^prinit Hill | Mny | 23, 1910. | ||||
4 | 462 1754 3664 1788 |
902440 | Privnto | Btif*kl’»y. Wilfrid Ait-hur…. | Nil | Buckley. Dr. A. I) | 2tO South Park St., Halifax, N.H…. | (‘am’, do | Tmio | April 24, I’.Hti. | |||||
4 | 463 1781 3665 1815 |
901972 | Privnto | Bugley, Artlmr l«orno | Nil | Bugley, Mrs. James | 73 La Planch** St., AmherM, Cumberland Co., N.S.. | (‘ntindn | Andii’mt | Mnr. | 39, 1910. | ||||
4 | 465 1811 3665 1842 |
91)127(1 | I’rivnto | Burchill, Oeorgo Stuart | O.T.C | Burch ill. Miss Mary. | Nelson, Northumberland Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Wlrdror | April | 8, 191(1. | ||||
4 | 465 1838 3668 1874 |
902400 | l,.-Oorpornl…. | Burden, (imr^e Clement…, | 93rd Regt. | Burden, Mrs. George W, | P.O. Box IJ>. Spiing Hill, Cumbetland Co , N.S | Cnnndn | Spiir.K Hill | April | 20, 1910. | ||||
4 | 466 1867 3667 1900 |
901381 | Privnto | Burke, Arthur Silas | Nil | Burke, Mrs, Margaret | Sackvillc, Westmoreland Co., N.B | t ‘ntindn | Amh»*rBl | Mnr. | 17, 1910. | ||||
4 | 467 1895 3668 1928 |
90IH02 | Privnto | Burke, Joseph Leo………. | Nil | Burke, Mrs. Bridget | P.O. Bo* 424. Truro, Colchester < *o., N.S | Cnnnda | Tniro | Mnr. | 2, 1910. | ||||
4 | 467 1923 3668 1958 |
901899 | Privnto | Burnet, Hamuli | Nil | Burnett Mrs. Christiana | lUvcr Hebert Ka«t, Cumberland Co.. N.S | Srntlnml | Hivor llobrrl.. | Mnr. | 29, 1910. | ||||
4 | 467 1952 3668 1988 |
902108 | Private… | Burnie, John MeQ | Nil | Burnie, Mrs* Mary 1*5 | P.O. Box IH2, Wcstville. Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn | WeMvillo | Mar. | 31, 1910. | ||||
4 | 468 1982 3669 2020 |
902222 | Sergeant | Burns, Henry FUton…* •…, | 14th IIuss. | Burns, Mrs. F>. L | Bridgetown, Annapolis Co., N.S. | U.P.A.. | Aldoiflliot | An?. | 10, 1910. | ||||
5 | 1845 434 3826 466 |
Rutland, Rninaford | Alma, Albert Co., N.B | Canada… | Truro | April ti, lOHi. | |||||||||
5 | 642 447 1667 479 |
OOUMO | Private | Rutlnnd, George OUomer…. | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1845 464 3825 495 |
Cad dell, Mrs. Alice | Shtibciiaendio, Hants Co., N.S | Canada.,, | Shubennendie… | Mnr, 31, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 641 477 1667 509 |
001850 | Private | CnddHl, Chnunrey I’runris.. | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1844 494 3825 524 |
Cairns, Mrs. Elizabeth | It.lt. No. 2, Emerald, Queen’s Co., P.15.1…. | Canada… | Aldershot | June 17, 1016. | |||||||||
5 | 641 504 1667 538 |
902WW | ((.•Corporal…. | Cnirns, James Ambrose | 82nd Rcgt. | ||||||||||
5 | 1846 523 3826 557 |
Ettingor, Mary | Three Milo Plains, Hunts Co., N.S | Canada… | Windsor | April 4, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 641 537 1666 569 |
001477 | Private | Cnldwcll, Reginald James… | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1843 554 3826 584 |
Cnllnhnn, Bertram | Middlo Manchester, < iuysboro1 (Jo., N.S | Canada… | Now Glasgow.. | May 2, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 640 566 1666 598 |
D02I r,:i | Sergeant | Callahan, Alexander | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1842 583 3826 614 |
Cameron, Oliver | Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., N.B | Canada… | Parrsboro . | Mar. 28, 10lti. | |||||||||
5 | 641 595 1665 628 |
902481 | Ant.-Ncrgcnnt., | Onmeron, lUnir Foster | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1508 614 3826 649 |
03rd Regt., | Cameron, Mrs. Nellio | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada… | Aldershot | Aug. 10, 1010. | ||||||||
5 | 641 627 1419 658 |
(102514 | I’rivnto | Cameron, George Milton | |||||||||||
5 | 1840 643 3826 674 |
Cameron, Mrs. Deliah | Port Philip, Cumberland Co,, N.S | U.S.A…. | Pugwnsh | Mar. 20. 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 640 654 1664 686 |
9021C8 | Privato | Cameron, Walter Alexander., | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1840 672 3826 703 |
Cn in cron, Thomas | West Bay, Inverness Co., N.S | Canada.., | Truro | April 10, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 640 683 1674 714 |
002178 | Private | Cameron, William John | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1842 703 3826 733 |
Beaton, Mrs, Maggie Campbell… | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada…, | Stellnrton | Mar. 10, 1910. | |||||||||
5 | 639 712 1674 746 |
001(113 | L.-Corporal | Campbell, Duncan K | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1839 732 3825 762 |
Campbell, Angus Jj | Stellarton, I’ictou Co.. N.S | Canada…, | Stellarton | April 0, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 638 741 1674 771 |
002270 | i’rivnto | Campbell, John | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1838 762 3826 792 |
Canning, John P. | Diligent River, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada…, | Pnrrsboro | Mar. 20, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 638 771 1674 803 |
001813 | Privnto | Canning, J/iwrenco | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1837 792 3826 822 |
Canning, L. Smith | Wnrd’s Brook, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada…, | Parrsboro | Mar. 28, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 638 800 1674 832 |
0010,’55 | Private | Canning, Lawrence Koith…. | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1837 821 3826 850 |
Canning, James | Ward’s Brook, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada…. | Parrsboro | Mar. 20, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 637 829 1674 860 |
90I8M | Privnto | Canning, Loo V’ern | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1836 850 3826 879 |
Canning, James | Wnrd’B Brook, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Canada…, | Parrsboro | Mar. 20, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 636 858 1674 888 |
901815 | Privnto | Cunning, (H.tis Albert | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1836 880 3826 910 |
Canning, Hallet | Diligent Hivcr, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada…. | Parrsboro | Mar. 20, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 636 887 1674 920 |
001817 | Privnto | nnninu, Uolnnd Ilnnney…. | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1836 909 3825 939 |
Carmichael ,Edmund | Windsor, Hants Co., N.S | ‘anada…, | Windsor. | April 4, 1010. | |||||||||
5 | 636 917 1673 948 |
001478 | Privnto | Carmichael, Red vers Buller. | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 1836 933 3826 969 |
Carrington, Arthur | 218 Guildford St., jJozells, Birmingham, Eng. | Canada…. | River Hebert… | Mar. 20, 1016. | |||||||||
5 | 635 946 1673 979 |
SOIOOO | I’rivnto | Carrington, Harry | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 635 968 3828 1008 |
001181 | Act.-Sergeant.. | Carter, 1’rnnk McI>eod | Nil | Carter, Gcorgo Wilson | P.O. Box 640, Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada…, | Truro | Mnr. 10, 1910. | |||||
5 | 634 998 3826 1038 |
002534 | Privnto | Cnrter, Murray llnsen | Nil | Carter, Mrs. Carris | 30 Albion St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | Aldershot. | July | |||||
5 | 1836 1028 3826 1057 |
Casoy, Clnrenco 10 | 28 Pleasant St., West Amherst, Cumberland Co | •S. | Canada… | Amherst | Mar. | ||||||||
5 | 635 1034 1673 1067 |
00110!) | Corpornl | Casey, Harry Weldon | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 635 1058 3826 1095 |
001001 | Corporal | Caudle, Melville Henry | Nil | Cnudlo, John T | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada… | l’ruro | Mnr. | |||||
5 | 635 1087 3827 1124 |
001310 | Sorccmit | Chambers, Gordon Russell,. | Oltli Regt.. | Chambers, Mrs. Henrietta | King St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada… | Truro | Mar. | |||||
5 | 634 1116 3826 1153 |
002108 | Piivnto | Chandler, Arohio Edward… | Nil | Chandler, Mrs. Annie M | Spring JliJl, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada… | Spring Hill | May 23, 1010. | |||||
5 | 633 1146 3826 1182 |
901550 | Private | Chnpman, Ernest | Nil | Chapman, Gcorgo | Amherst Head, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada… | Amherst | April 7, WIG. | |||||
5 | 633 1174 3827 1213 |
002021 | Privnto | Chapman, Roland Percy | Nil | Chapman, Ainsloy | Chapman Settlement, Cumberland Co., N.S. | Canadn | Amherst | April 7, 1910. | |||||
5 | 632 1200 3828 1242 |
001314 | Privnto | Chapman, Thomas | Nil | Chapman, Mrs. Mike | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada… | Spring Hill | Mar. 17. 1916. | |||||
5 | 632 1234 3828 1271 |
001708 | Corpornl | Chase, Harry Wylio | Nil | Chase, Avard | Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada… | Oxford, | Mar. 27, 1916. | |||||
5 | 631 1263 3828 1301 |
001420 | Privnto | Chisholm, Frank | Nil | Chisholm, Alexander | New Glasgow. Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda… | New Glasgow.. | Mar. 13, 1910. | |||||
5 | 1832 1293 3828 1323 |
Chisholm, Duncan | Antigonishe, N.S | Canada… | Antigonisho…. | Mar. 21, 1016. | |||||||||
5 | 631 1302 1669 1333 |
901001 | Privnto | Chisholm, James Francos…. | Nil | ||||||||||
5 | 632 1322 3829 1362 |
001080 | Privnto | Chisholm, John Lawrence…, | Nil | Chisholm, Mrs. Anne | St. Francis Harbour, Guysboro Co., N.S | Canada | G uysborough… | April 3, 1010. | |||||
5 | 632 1351 3825 1392 |
001003 | Privnto | Chisholm, Joseph Alexander., | Nil | Chisholm, Daniel A | Heatherton, Antigonish Co., N.S | Canada… | Antigonishe | Mar. 21, 1910. | |||||
5 | 631 1381 3830 1421 |
001203 | Piivnlo | Chisholm, Judnon Layton | Nil | Chisholm, Avon B | Highland Village, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Truro | Mar. 13, 1910. | |||||
5 | 631 1411 3830 1450 |
002521 | Privnto | Chisholm, Willinm | Nil | Chisholm, Mrs. MaryJ | Long Point, C.B., N.S | Canada…, | New Glasgow.. | Mny 23. 1910. | |||||
5 | 630 1440 3830 1477 |
002103 | Privnto | Choisnet, Norris Vernon | Nil | Choisnet, Thomas C | Parrsboro’, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Canada… | Parrsboro’ | May 20, 1016. | |||||
5 | 630 1468 3830 1508 |
002542 | Privnto | Clioisnet, Thomas Carroll | 93rd Rcgt.. | Clioisnet, Mrs. Ida May | Parrsboro’, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda… | Aldershot | Aug. 9, 1016. | |||||
5 | 630 1498 3831 1537 |
001818 | L.-Corpornl | Christenson, Robert | Nil | Christensen, Charles | Hillerod, Denmark | Denmark. | Parrsboro’ | Mar. 28. 1910. | |||||
5 | 615 1527 3830 1565 |
‘001140 | Privnto | Clark, Arthur. | Nil | Clnrk, Mrs. Elisabeth | Westvillo, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda… | Westvillo | Mar. 3, 1018. | |||||
5 | 629 1557 3830 1595 |
001005 | Privnto | Clnrk, Arthur Allison | Nil | Clark, Mrs. Ida | lliver Hebert, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada… | River Hebert… | Mar. 29,1910. | |||||
5 | 629 1586 3831 1623 |
001730 | Privnto | Clork, John Gordon | Nil | Clark, Gavin L | Totamagoucbe, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada… | Tntnmngouche., | Mar. 9, 1010. | |||||
5 | 629 1612 3830 1654 |
001079 | Privnto | Clarke, Archie | Nil | Clarke, John A | Londonderry, Colchester Co., N.8 | Canada…, | Tniro | Mar. 7, 1916. | |||||
5 | 628 1645 3830 1682 |
001054 | Privnto | Clarke, Owen Shunton | Nil | Clarke, Charles E | New Salem, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canadn… | Parrsboro’ | Mar. 28.1910. | |||||
5 | 629 1675 3831 1711 |
001211 | Privnto | Clough, Robert | 04tli Regt.. | Clough, Mrs. Dorothy | Westvillo, Pictou Co., N.S | England.., | Westville | Mar. 0, 1010. | |||||
5 | 628 1704 3830 1741 |
001231 | Privnto | Clytmm, Frank | Nil | Clyburn, Mrs. Jennie | Country Harbour Mines, Guysboro Co., N.S. | Canada…, | Stellnrton | Mar. 0, 1010. | |||||
5 | 628 1733 3830 1769 |
001173 | Privnto | Coates, Dougins Coeil | Nil | Coat<>9. Arthur L | 32 La Planoho St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co. | Canada… | Amherst | Mar. 8.1910. | |||||
5 | 628 1763 3830 1799 |
001271 | Privnto 1. | Cobh, Frank | Nil | Cobb, Mrs. Florence | New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada… | Westville | Feb. 29, 1910. | |||||
5 | 628 1792 3831 1828 |
001320 | Private.: | Cook, Normnn | Nil | Cock, Samuel | R.R. No. 3, Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canadn… | Truro | Mar. 15, 1016. | |||||
5 | 628 1821 3830 1857 |
001127 | Privnto | ColTell, Morris Layard | Nil | ColTell, Mrs. Mary | 52 Spring St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.E | Canada… | Amherst | Mar. 8.1010. | |||||
5 | 627 1850 3831 1884 |
001702 | Privnto | Colburn, Willnrd | Can. Mil…. | MoKenzin, Mrs. Edith | Brunswick St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S… | Cnnndn… | Truro | Mar. 31, 1010. | |||||
5 | 627 1880 3831 1916 |
901100 | Privnto | Cold well Percy Thomas | Nil | Coldwell, Harris | 49 York St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.8. | Canada… | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1010. | |||||
5 | 626 1908 3832 1945 |
001820 | Privnto | Colo, Blair Charles | Nil | Colo. Oscar | Advocato Harbour, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S… | Canada… | Parrsboro | Mar. 28,1910. | |||||
5 | 627 1938 3831 1974 |
001821 | I’rivnto..’ | Colo, Dallis Oscar | Nil | Cole, Oscar | Advocate Harbour, Cumberland Co., N.S… | Cannda… | Pnrtnboro’ | Mar. 28,1010. | |||||
5 | 628 1967 3832 2002 |
001600 | Privnto | Collioutt, William Nelson | Nil | Collieutt, John | Amherst Point, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada… | Amherst | April 0,1910. | |||||
5 | 627 1996 3833 2033 |
001508 | Private | Connors, Lloyd | Nil | Connors, Thomas | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | U.S.A…. | Amherst | April 0, 1910. | |||||
5 | 627 2026 3833 2063 |
001044 | Private | Conway, Louis | Nil | Conway, Mrs. Isabel | Stellarton, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada… | Stellnrton | Mar. 19,1910. | |||||
5 | 627 2055 3833 2093 |
901313 | Privnto | Cooper, Arthur Raymond | Nil | Cooper, Mrs. Cail | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cannda… | Spring Hill.; | Mar. 17,1910. | |||||
5 | 628 2085 3834 2122 |
00180S | Privnto | Cooper, James Ernest | Nil | Cooper, Michaol | Shubcnncadie, nnnts Co., N.S | Canada… | Shubenacadie.. | Mar. 81,1916. | |||||
5 | 628 2115 3834 2150 |
901100 | Private | Cormier, William | Can. Mil… | Cormier, Mrs. Tillio | 5 Prince Arthur St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co | Canada… | Amherst | Mnr. 8,1910. | |||||
5 | 627 2144 3834 2181 |
901870 | Privato | Courtnoy, Willinm Arthur…. | Nil | Courtnoy, Mrs. Loin | Shubenncadio, Hants Co., N.S | Canada… | Shubenacadie.. | Mar. 31,1916. | |||||
5 | 627 2174 3835 2211 |
902474 | Private | Cousins, Arthur Elroy | Nil | Cousins, Capt. John | Cnnso, Guysboro Co., N.S | Canada… | Can so…. | . May 9, 1910. | |||||
6 | 644 469 3161 502 |
Hank. | Former Corps. | Country ol | |||||||||||
6 | 473 616 3658 653 |
002214 | Private | Cousins, John McIntosh | Nil | Cousins, Mrs. Peter | Loch Katrine, Antigonishe Co., N.B | Cnnnda… | Antigonisho… | April | 11,1016. | ||||
6 | 473 647 3658 683 |
001104 | Privnto | Cox, JJnvid Frank | Nil | Cox, Alfred | 31 Acadia St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S…. | ‘nnndn… | Amherst | Mar. | 0, 1016. | ||||
6 | 474 678 3659 712 |
001031 | Privnto | Cox, Jninio McLaren | Nil | Cox, Robert | Stirling Brook, Hants Co., N.H | ‘nnndn… | Tniro | Feb. | 20. 1916. | ||||
6 | 473 704 3659 744 |
OOIUC | l’rivnto | Craig, Kvnn IVwHiut | Nil | Craig, InglisC | 5 Melrose St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S…. | Canada… | Amherst | Mar. | 8.1016. | ||||
6 | 473 737 3659 773 |
00121)2 | Privnto | Crown, Lnurio Milford | Nil | Crowe, Mrs. Milford | .Maplcton, Cumberlnnd Co., N.8 | Canada… | Spring Hill…. | Mar. | 30.1016. | ||||
6 | 471 767 3659 804 |
001327 | Privnto | Cullen, Benjamin Robert | Nil | Cullen, Mrs. Lila Mae… | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | .’nnada… | Truro | Afar. | 16, 1910. | ||||
6 | 471 796 3659 833 |
002277 | Privato | Cummings, Willinm Nightingale | Nil | Cummings, Harry | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada… | Stellarton | Mar. | 22.1916. | ||||
6 | 471 825 3660 863 |
002U7 | L.-Corporal. | Cunningham, Arthur Elmer… | Nil | Cunningham, Mrs. Rupert.., | Antigonishe, N.H | Canada… | Antigonishe… | April | 17.1916. | ||||
6 | 470 855 3660 893 |
801000 | Privato | Gunninghnm, Arthur Fred…. | Nil | Cunningham, Mrs. Arthur… | Windsor, Hants Co., N.B | Canada… | Halifax | Mar. | 18, 1916. | ||||
6 | 471 886 3660 922 |
002017 | Privnto | Currie, II mold | Nil | Currie, James | 33}£ Gottingen St., Halifax, N.B | ‘nnada… | Truro | April | 6, 1910. | ||||
6 | 470 916 3660 952 |
001007 | Sergeant…. | Currie, Willinm Silver | 70th Regt. | Currie, Mrs. Muriel Gibson.. | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Jannda… | Truro | Feb. | 10,10)6. | ||||
6 | 470 945 3660 981 |
001470 | Privnto | Curry, Joseph I/co | 81st Rent.. | Curry, Thomas | Windsor, Hants Co., N.S | .’nnndn… | Windsor | April | 4, 1916. | ||||
6 | 469 975 3660 1011 |
001130 | Corpornl… | Custnnce, Janies Moshor | 76th Regt. | Cuetance, Edward Tupper… | Milford Station, HnntaCo., N.S | Canada… | Truro | Mnr. | 23. 1910. | ||||
6 | 470 1000 3661 1040 |
001111) | Act.-Sorgeant | Cuvelier, Ed ward Loo | Nil | Cuvelier, Mrs. Clnra | HI Stanley St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S… | Cnnnda… | Amherst | Mnr. | 8. 1016. | ||||
6 | 470 1033 3661 1069 |
001910 | Privato | Dnborn, John Ilenry | Nil | Daborn, Mrs. Mabel Louise.. | Minudio, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S . | England.. | River Hebert.. | Mnr. | 29, 1916. | ||||
6 | 469 1063 3661 1098 |
90120.1 | Privnto | Onlling, James | 78th Rcgt. | Dnlling, William | Westville, Pietoti I !o., N.S | Canada… | Westvillo | Feb. | 21), 1016. | ||||
6 | 470 1092 3661 1128 |
001200 | Privnto | Dallinr, Timothy | Nil | I Jailing, M rs. Sarah | Westville, Pictou (‘o., N.S | Cannda… | Westville | Fob. | 27, 1916. | ||||
6 | 470 1120 3662 1158 |
001 OIK) | L.>Corporal. | Darling, Tlmmns | Nil | Darling, William | River Hebert. Enr;t, Cumberland Co., N.S | Scotland. | Hiver Hebert.. | Mnr. | 29, 1916. | ||||
6 | 470 1150 3663 1188 |
001007 | Privnto | Dnuphinfto, William Howard.. | 75th Regt. | Dauphirfce, Alexander | Mnrriott’s Cove, Lunenburg Co., N.S | Cnnadn… | Truro | l-eb. | 21, 1910. | ||||
6 | 469 1178 3663 1217 |
001873 | Privnto | Davidson, Austin | Nil | Davidson, Mru. Clatinburg.. | Strwiacke, Colchestcr Co., N.S | ‘nnada… | Shubenacadie.. | Mnr. | 31.1916. | ||||
6 | 469 1209 3662 1247 |
9022811 | Privnto | Dnvis, Edgar. | Nil | Dnvis, Solomon M | Ne.w Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S | U.S.A…. | Truro | April | 17, 1916. | ||||
6 | 469 1237 3663 1276 |
002328 | Privoto | Davis, Frederick. | Nil | Davis, S. N | P.O. Box 318, New Glnpgow, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn… | New Glasgow. | April | 10, 1916. | ||||
6 | 469 1268 3662 1306 |
002120 | Privnto | Davis, George Willnrd | Nil | Davis, Mrs. Leona H | Hantsport, Hants Co., N.S | Cnnada… | Hantsport | April | 15, 1910. | ||||
6 | 468 1297 3663 1335 |
002400 | Private | Davis, Harold Iiovi | Nil | Davis, William | 5 Vine Ave., Boston, Mass., U.S.A | Canada… | ■’arrsl>oro’ | April | 11, 1916. | ||||
6 | 469 1327 3663 1363 |
001001 | Privnto | Davis, JInrold Victor | Nil | Davis, H. A | Ktowinckc, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada… | Truro | April | 3. 1016. | ||||
6 | 469 1356 3664 1394 |
002550 | Privnto. ..,. | Davis, Wnlton Trueinnn | Nil | Davis, Mrs. William | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda… | Aldershot | Aug. | 28. 1916. | ||||
6 | 469 1384 3664 1423 |
002556 | Privnto | Davison, Maxwell | Nil | Davison, Walton | e/o United Fruit Co., New York, N.Y., U.S.A | Canada… | Aldershot | Sept. | 25, 1910. | ||||
6 | 469 1413 2963 1453 |
001052 | Privute | Deane, Lawrence | Nil | Donne, John Hall | Upper MusquodMimt, Sheet Harbour Rd., Halifax | Co., | |||||||
6 | 2204 1441 3665 1470 |
N.S | Cannda.., | Truro | Mnr. 1. 1910. | ||||||||||
6 | 470 1471 3664 1511 |
002001 | Privnto | Do Costo, Willinm Eustace… | Nil | Do Costn, Eel ward | Mulgiave, Guysboro Co., N.S | Cnnnda… | New Glasgow. | Mar. P. 1910. | |||||
6 | 469 1500 3665 1541 |
002378 | Privnto | Deogan, John Alexander | Nil | Deegan, Alexander | Cape Traverse, Prince Co., P.H.I | Cnnnda… | ‘^arrsboro’ | April 12. 1016. | |||||
6 | 470 1529 3665 1569 |
002151) | Private | Demill, Karl Gilbert | Nil | Domill, George | Lakeland, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | (‘nnada… | ’arrslioro’… . | April C. 1916. | |||||
6 | 469 1559 3665 1601 |
002058 | Privnto | Deranpo, Hubert | Nil | Deraspe, Joseph | Mngdnlen Is., P.O. | Canada… | New Glasgow. | April 3, 1910. | |||||
6 | 470 1588 3666 1629 |
001245 | Privnto | Desmond, lOdwnrd | Nil | Desmond, Mrs. Mary | Granton, Pict’ii Co., N.S | (‘nnada… | Wcstville | Fob. 2?, 1910. | |||||
6 | 470 1618 3666 1657 |
001217 | Private | I )enrosier, Adclard | 07th Regt. | Desrosier, Adelard - | Glnco Bay, C.B., N.H _ | (‘annda… | Truro | Mar. 14, 1910. | |||||
6 | 470 1647 3666 1689 |
00IUGH | L.-Corporal. | Devine, Wj lie James | Nil | Devine, James | Joggin Mines, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda.., | Joggin Mines.. | Mar. 29,1910. | |||||
6 | 471 1676 3667 1717 |
002174 | Privnto | Dewar, Robert Kerr | Nil | Dewar, Rev. Robert | Princo William, York Co., N.B | India | l’ruro | Mar. 18, 1916. | |||||
6 | 472 1706 3667 1746 |
90222:> | Privnto | Dcwi^, Victor Porter | Nil | Spicer, Mrs. Julia | Wharton, Ciimberlnnd Co., N.H…. | Cnnndn… | PnrrrlKiro | April 10, 1910. | |||||
6 | 473 1735 3668 1776 |
001908 | Privnto | DoWilt, Curtis Oriel | Nil | DoWitt, Gcorgo | Advocate Ilnrboiir, Cumberland Co., N.S | (j’nmln… | HivcrIlebcrt. | Mar. 29, 11)10. | |||||
6 | 472 1765 3668 1805 |
001822 | Privnto | DoWitt, Willinm Avartl | Nil | DoWitt, Gpf.r^rn | Advoente Ifnrb’mr, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H | 1 ‘annda,., | Pnrrslioro’ | Mar. 2*. 1910. | |||||
6 | 473 1794 3668 1833 |
901992 | Privnto | DeYoung’, John | Nil | DeYoung. Hugh | Heatherton, Ant ii’onirhe Co., N.H | nmi’la.,, | Antagonistic… | Mnr. 21.1910. | |||||
6 | 473 1823 3668 1862 |
90HM9 | Privnto | Dickie, Douglas Hnndnll | TOt.h Rcgt. | Dickie, Sninuid | ll.lt. No. 5, Cintrnl Onslow, Colchester Co., N.H, | (!nnndn… | Truro | Mnr. I, 1910. | |||||
6 | 472 1853 3670 1892 |
90100, | Act.-Corporn | Dickie, Ivan Hamilton | Nil | Dickie, J. Luthor | Ktewiacke, Colehcstcr < ’o., N.H | (‘nnndn… | Truro | Mnr. 3. 1910. | |||||
6 | 472 1881 3670 1920 |
901020 | Privnto | Dickie, Walter Stratton | Nil | Dickie, Snmuel | ‘ll.lt. No. 5, Trmo, (‘olchester Co., N.H | Cnnndn.. | Tniro | Feb. 24, 19U1. | |||||
6 | 473 1909 3672 1948 |
90149! | Privnto | Dickson, Charles Muir | Nil | Dickson, Gcorgo | North Uiver, Victoria Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Tniro | Mnr. 20, 1910. | |||||
6 | 473 1937 3675 1979 |
002334 | Privnto | Dort, David Luke | Nil | Dort, Willinm P | Colo Harbour, Cnysboro Co., N.S | (‘nnndn.. | 1 ,’nnso | April 1.1H10. | |||||
6 | 1679 1964 3676 1996 |
Dort, George L. | Cnnso, Guysboro Co., N.R | Canada., | Cnnso | . Mnr. 31, 1910. | |||||||||
6 | 472 1974 1498 2008 |
902-125 | Privnto | Dort., Geori’o Louis | Nil…….. | ||||||||||
6 | 1679 1993 3677 2026 |
Dort, Daviil II | Colo Harbour, Guysboro Co., N.S | (‘annda.. | (‘.nnso | (April 1,1910. | |||||||||
6 | 472 2010 1268 2038 |
902333 | Privnto | Dort, Iioo Harold | |||||||||||
6 | 1679 2016 3679 2056 |
Dort, Janies A | Cnnso, Guj-sborp.Co., N.S | (‘.’nnada.. | Cnnso…….. | I April 6,1916. | |||||||||
6 | 472 2040 1268 2069 |
902332 | Privato | Dort, Thomas Loo | |||||||||||
7 | 654 435 3846 476 |
«oi3o:t | Privato | Dutton, Snnkey | Nil | Moekins, Daniel | Londonderry Mines, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Spring Hill | Mar. | 17, 1910. | ||||
7 | 654 465 3845 505 |
901917 | Privato | 1 Inlet, Anselm | Nil | Doucot, Arnone | Grand Etiing, Inverness Co., N.S | Canada | River Jlcbert… | Mar. | 29. 1910. | ||||
7 | 654 495 3846 536 |
!>022!lfl | Private | Dmvncy, Clturle* | Nil | Downey, Mrs. Emmii..( | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | Mar. 30, 1910. | |||||
7 | 653 525 3847 566 |
(III 1112 | Private | Downey, Patrick | Nil | Downey, Mrs. lilma B | Stellarton, l’ictou Co., N.S | Newfoundland.. | New Glasgow.. | M ar. | ]<>. 1916. | ||||
7 | 652 555 3847 594 |
01121:17 | Private | 1 ’’iff, William I[ vrris | Nil | Duff, Mrs. Alice R | Shubenncndic, Hants Co., N.S..:….; | Cnnadn | Shubenacndio… | April 13. 1916. | |||||
7 | 653 585 3847 625 |
union | Private | 1 hinlmr, George I’! | Nil | Dunbar, Mrs. Agnes | Stellarton, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Stellarton | Mar. | 19, 1910. | ||||
7 | 653 614 3847 658 |
221177 | Private | Dunlap, Clarence Roy | Nil | Dunlnp, Mrs. Annio | Londonderry, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada.: | Halifax | Feb. | 20. 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 645 3846 686 |
901031 | Private | Dunlap, Harold DoWolfo | Nil | Dunlnp, Mrs. Florence Louiso | 29 Croft St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Jnnada | Amherst | Mar. | 8. 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 676 3846 715 |
9oi.iin | Privato | Dunlap, William Onineron | 70t.h Rogt. | Dunlnp, Allan | Upper Stowiucke, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | I’ruro | Mnr. | 20,1916. | ||||
7 | 652 706 3846 745 |
ouisn | Privato | Enrlo, Even Edward | Nil … | McPherson, Mrs. James A… | Westville, Pietou Co., N.H | Canada | Westville.. | May | 15, 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 735 3846 780 |
902207 | Private | Edgett, IVrey Wnrd | Nil | Crnford, Mrs. H. D | Amherst, < ‘umlwirlftnd Co., N.S | Canada | A Til herst. | Mar. 3(1,1910. | |||||
7 | 653 766 3846 802 |
901028 | Privnto | Edmonds, William James | Nil | Tucker, Emmu | Conception Bay, Nfld | Canada | New Glasgow… | Mar. | 18,1916. | ||||
7 | 652 795 3846 832 |
9010SS | Privato | Edwards, Charles Kryson | Nil | Kd wards, Thomas | Truro, Colchoster Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | War. | 9, 1916. | ||||
7 | 652 825 3847 863 |
90238S | Privato | I’M wards, Sydney Bazacl | Nil | Edwards, Aloxandor | Joggin Mines, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | River Hebert… | April 24, 1910. | |||||
7 | 652 854 3847 889 |
Miller. Leslie Charles | 9(111)81 | Private | Nil | Klilor, David C !.. | Queens Port, Guysboro Co., N.S | Canada i. | GuyBboro | April | 4, 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 883 3846 921 |
9022(2 | L.-Corporal | Kldorlun, St. Clair | Nil | Kldorkin, Mrs. Hubert., | Port Grovillo, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cannda | Aldershot | fuly | 14, 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 913 3847 949 |
90180) | Privato | Elliott, Charles Edward | Nil | Elliott, Mrs. Minnio | Stewiaeke, Colchestcr Co., N.H | Cannda | Shubenacadie… | Mar. | 31, 1910. | ||||
7 | 653 942 3847 979 |
901 IRC | Corporal | I’illiott, Roiinio | Can. Mil… | Elliott, Mrs. Jennie | 15 Comwnllis St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S.. | Canada | Ainheret | May | 13, 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 971 3848 1008 |
901823 | Private | Klliott, Wilbert Henry | Nil…….. | Elliott, Mrs. Clarence | •Vdvocnto Harbour, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Parr»boro’ | Mar. | 28,1916. | ||||
7 | 652 1000 3848 1037 |
901:102 | Private | Ellis, Frnnk Smith | Nil | Ellis, Loandor | Olenholme, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 18, 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 1029 3849 1067 |
901081 | Act.-,Sergeant…. | Ellis, Robert Mollonry | Nil | Lillis, Mrs. Adeline | P.O. Hot 414, Truro, Colchester Co’., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 7, 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 1058 3849 1097 |
0Q173S | f/.-Corporal | Ells, IJronton Sainuol | Nil | Ells, Mrs. Julin | Sand River, Cumborland Co., N.S | Canada | Pugwnsh | Mar. | 28. 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 1087 3849 1126 |
902107 | Privato | Eiim’in, Raymond | Nil | Knmnn, Alexander | Now Glasgow, Piotou Co., N.S | Canada | Now Glasgow.. | April 25, Pi 10. | |||||
7 | 653 1117 3850 1154 |
901287 | Sergeant | Krnst. William Gordon | O.T.C | I’irnst, ID. A | Hahone Bay, Lunenburg Co., N.S | Cannda | Windsor | April | 4, JftlO. | ||||
7 | 652 1147 3850 1186 |
902175 | Corporal | Kuloth, Albert William | tilth Regt. | Kuloth, Goorge | Hazel Hill, Guysboro Co., N.S | Canada | Canso | April | 1. 1916. | ||||
7 | 652 1176 3851 1214 |
902 UH | Private | Kuloth, Richard Alfonzo | Nil | Kuloth, Ilenry A | Cole Harbour, Guysboro Co., N.S | Canada | Cnnso | April | 1, I’.<16. | ||||
7 | 652 1206 3851 1244 |
I’ader, Darrel Roy | 901820 | Privato | Nil | Fader, Henry | Parrsboro’, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | l’nrrsboro’ | Mar. | 29,1916. | ||||
7 | 651 1237 3852 1273 |
902 VIO | Private | Fairbanks, William Oxloy | Nil | Fairbanks, Mrs. Mary M | Windsor, Hants Co., N.H | Canada | Aldershot…… | June | 29. 1U16. | ||||
7 | 652 1266 3851 1303 |
90102’! | Private | Fairchild, John Prescott | Nil | Fairchild, Nelson | Georgetown, Kings Co., P.E.I | Canada | New Glasgow.. | Mar. | 23, 1010. | ||||
7 | 651 1295 3852 1334 |
002101 | Private | Fanning, Charles Robert | Nil | Fannin);, Mrs. Elizabeth | Can3o, Guysboro Co., N.S | Cannda | Canso | April 14, 1916. | |||||
7 | 651 1325 3852 1364 |
Fanning, Louis Josoph | 9021111 | Private | Nil | Ilnnlan, Cnrrio | Canso, Guysboro Co., N.S | Cannda | Canso | Mar. | 31. 1916. | ||||
7 | 651 1355 3852 1391 |
901771 | Private | Farrell, Oharlos | Nil | Farrell, Edward | River Philip, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Oxford | Mnr. | 27. 1916. | ||||
7 | 650 1384 3852 1420 |
90M5I | Private | Farrell, John Bernard | Nil | Farrell, John W | 6 Eddy St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S… | Canada | Amherst | Mar. | 8. 1916. | ||||
7 | 650 1414 3852 1451 |
902 li.) | Co. Q.-M. Sergt.. | Faulkner, Murdock Edward | Nil | Faulkner, Robert S | Stellnrton, Pietou Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | May | 1. 1916. | ||||
7 | 650 1442 3853 1479 |
901299 | Privato | Foar, Josoph Raymond | Nil | Foar, Mrs. Thomas | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | Spring Hill | Mar. | 17, 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1470 3854 1508 |
902028 | Private | I’eltharn, Alfred | Nil | Feltham, Henry | Louisville, Pictou Co., N.S | Englnnd | Amherst | April | 7. 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1500 3853 1538 |
902126 | Private | Foltmatc, Percy | Ulth Regt. | FoRmate, Adam | Hazel I till, Guysboro, N.S | Canada | Canso | April | 1. 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1531 3854 1567 |
901352 | Privato | Fenton, James Benjamin | Nil | Fenton, Mrs. Leila Benjamin. | R.R. No. 2, Truro. Colchestcr Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 20, 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1560 3853 1597 |
9010.7J | Private | Fielding, Wallace. | 70t,h Regt. | Fielding, William | Truro, Colchcster Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 2, 1910. | ||||
7 | 648 1588 3854 1626 |
902105 | Privato | Fillmore, Charles William | Gan. Mil.. | Fillmore, Hiram | 18 Davidson St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S.. | Canada | \nril 24. 191ft. | ||||||
7 | 649 1618 3854 1654 |
901543 | Privato | Filmoro, Angus Harold | Nil | Filmoro, Alfred C | Great Village, Colchester Co., N.S | (’nnada | Great Village… | Mar. | 23. 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1648 3855 1685 |
901500 | Private | Finlay, William David | Nil | Finlay, Mrs. Rebecca | Hass River, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mnr. | 22.1916. | ||||
7 | 648 1677 3855 1713 |
901338 | Privnto | Fisher, John Whidden | Can. Mil… | Fisher, Miss Mary | Londonderry, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 17. 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1706 3855 1743 |
902110 | Privato | Fisher, Robert L | Nil | Fisher, Mrs. Isabel | Lower Mount Thorn, Pietou Co., N.S | Westville | Feb. | 21. 1916. | |||||
7 | 649 1735 3856 1772 |
902127 | Privnto | Fitzgerald, Murk L | Nil | Fitzgerald, Mrs. Martin | Lockhartvillc, Kings Co., N.S ,…, | Canada | Hantsport | April | 4, 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1765 3856 1801 |
901080 | Privato | Fitzgerald, Simon Courtney | Nil | Fitzgerald, Patrick | Queensport, Guysboro Co., N.S…. | Canada | Guysbo rough… | April | 4, 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1794 3856 1833 |
90I6S1 | L.-Corporal | Flaherty, Joseph Michael | 91th Regt. | Flaherty, Mrs. Annio | Canso, Guysboro Co., N.S | Canada | Canso | \pril | 6, 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1823 3857 1859 |
902096 | Privato | Fleck, Roland Arthur | Nil | Fleck, Alexander | South Branch, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | April | 7, 1916. | ||||
7 | 649 1854 3857 1889 |
901053 | Privato | Flemming, Charles Leslie | Nil | Flemming, George R | West Folly Mountain, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 1, 1910. | ||||
7 | 650 1883 3857 1920 |
901581 | Corporal | Fletcher, Willinm Edward | Nil | Fletcher, Mrs. Caroline E | l’.O. Box 669. Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | England | Truro | Mar. 27, 11*16. | |||||
7 | 650 1913 3858 1948 |
(101153 | Privato | Flett, Arthur Parsons | Nil | Flett, Mrs. Mabel II | 12 Clarcncc St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S.. | Canada | Amherst | Mar. | 8, 1916. | ||||
7 | 650 1943 3858 1979 |
902218 | Privato | Flynn, Robert | Nil | Flynn, James | Thorburn, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | New Glasgow.. | Anri | 6, 1916. | ||||
7 | 651 1971 3859 2008 |
902151 | Private | Fogarty, Patrick Augustus | Nil | Rhynold, Mrs. Abbie | Fox Island, Guysboro Co., N.S | Cannda | Cnnso | April 11, 1916. | |||||
7 | 651 2001 3860 2037 |
901415 | Private | Foley, Daniel | Nil | Foley, Mrs. Janet | Wcstville, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Wcstville | Mar. | 13. 1910. | ||||
7 | 652 2029 3861 2067 |
U02220 | Private | Foley, James | 78th Regt. | i Foley, Willinm | Wcstville, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Westville | April 10, 1916. | |||||
7 | 652 2060 3861 2095 |
901192 | Private | Forbes, Charles Howard | Nil | Smith, Mrs. Henry | Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cannda | Truro.. | Mar. | 11. 1916. | ||||
7 | 652 2089 3863 2127 |
901001 | Q.-M. Sergeant.. | Forbes, Daniel | Nil | Forbes, Mrs. Annie Mnudo.. | , Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Feb. | 14, 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 2118 3863 2155 |
901168 | Privnte | Foreman, Archibald Roxvillo | Nil | Foromnn, Albert John | , 6 Hewson Row, Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S… | Englnnd | Amherst | Mar | 8, 1916. | ||||
7 | 653 2148 3864 2187 |
002182 | Aet.-Pergeant…. | Forsyth, Willinm J | Nil | Forsyth, Mrs. Mabel | . Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | April 7, 1916. | |||||
7 | 653 2177 3863 2215 |
902319 | Privnto | Foster, Charles | 78th Regt. | Foster, Mrs. Ellen Sophia… | . Spring Hill, Cumherlnnd Co., N.S | April 26, 1916. | Canada | Spring Hill | |||||
8 | 459 439 3131 476 |
a4, | Rank. | Former Corps. | Country of | ||||||||||
8 | 436 588 3626 629 |
001213 | Privnto | Foator, Clinrles Lynton | Nil | Foster, Mrs. Ada | Wallace Bay, Cumberland Co., N.S | 14, 1916. | |||||||
8 | 436 619 3626 658 |
002209 | i’rivnto | Fowler, Oilbort Grant | Nil | Fowlor, Robort | Ilamtown, York Co., N.H | Canada | Amherst | Mar. | 30, 1916. | ||||
8 | 437 648 3627 688 |
001824 | Privnto | Fowlor, Leonard Charlos…. | Nil | Fowler, Alexander | Parrsboro’, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Cannda | Parrsboro’ | Mar. | 29, 1916. | ||||
8 | 436 677 3627 720 |
00128! | Corpornl | Fowlow, Rnlpli | O.T.C | Fowlow, Mrs. Annio | 10 Devens St., Concord, Mass., U.S.A | Newfoundland.. | Truro | April 30, 1916. | |||||
8 | 437 708 3627 750 |
001000 | Aot.-Sorgeant | Fox, Willinm Ashford | Nil | Fox, Arthur D | Clarke’s Harbour, Shelburne Co., N.S | Canadn | Amherst | Mar. | 8, 1016. | ||||
8 | 1307 737 3627 769 |
Nil | Francis, Thomas | Upper Stcwiacke, Colchcster Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mnr. | 11,1«lft. | |||||||
8 | 438 748 1216 780 |
001100 | Privnto | l’liinciti, Yi’nlWr Buchanan…. | |||||||||||
8 | 1305 767 3627 800 |
Nil | Francis, Frederick Goorge… | Great Village, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 14, 1916. | |||||||
8 | 436 778 1215 809 |
00!208 | I’rivnto | Francis, William Cushing…. | |||||||||||
8 | 1306 796 3628 829 |
Nil | Frnsor, John A | P.O. Box 208, Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Wcstville | Mnr. 30, 1016. | ||||||||
8 | 436 808 1215 837 |
9U2100 | Privnto | Fraser, Aloxandor MoK | |||||||||||
8 | 1307 828 3628 859 |
Nil | Fraser, A. II | Alma, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Wcstville | April | 5, 1916. | |||||||
8 | 436 838 1215 868 |
B0220S | Privnto | Fraser, Alvin \ | |||||||||||
8 | 1306 856 3628 889 |
Nil | Fraser, Mrs. Christy | Blanchard Road, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Stellarton | Mnr. | 13, 1016. | |||||||
8 | 436 868 1216 899 |
001010, | Privnto | Frnsor, Archibald | |||||||||||
8 | 436 885 3628 928 |
001042 | Pnvuto | Fraser, Clarcnco Gcorgo | Nil | Frnscr, Daniel Hugh | P.O. Box 672, Wicklow St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.8. | Canada | Truro | Feb. | 20. 1010. | ||||
8 | 1306 917 3627 949 |
Nil | Frnscr, Andrew | Ilarcourt, Kent Co., N.B | Canada | River Hebert… | April 24, 1016. | ||||||||
8 | 436 927 1216 957 |
002358 | Private | Frnncr, Kdwnrd | |||||||||||
8 | 1306 945 3628 978 |
Nil | Fraser, Braden | Nino Milo River, Hants Co., N.S | Canada | Shubenacndio… | April 13, 1916. | ||||||||
8 | 436 957 1216 987 |
002231 | Privnto | Fraser, Knvin Wnllnco | |||||||||||
8 | 436 976 3628 1017 |
002359 | I’rivnto | Fraser, Henry | Nil | Frnscr, Andrew | Ilarcourt, Kent Co., N.B | Cnnndn | River Hebert… | April 24, Hllfi. | |||||
8 | 1307 1005 3629 1038 |
Nil | Frnscr, Mrs. Jessie B | Windsor, P.Q | Canada | New Glasgow.. | Mar. | 20, 1916. | |||||||
8 | 437 1016 1217 1047 |
001(131 | Sergeant… | Frnscr,i toward l’orbcs | |||||||||||
8 | 436 1033 3629 1075 |
002100 | Privnto | Fraser, lrn David | 70th Regt. | Gcddcs, Mrs. Simon | Unmswick 8t., Tniro, Colchcster Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. | 14. 1916. | ||||
8 | 1307 1063 3629 1098 |
Nil | Frnscr, S | Upper Musquodoboit, Halifax Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Shubenacadie… | April 13,1916. | ||||||||
8 | 437 1076 1217 1104 |
002235 | l’rivuto | Fraser, James Austin | |||||||||||
8 | 1307 1093 3630 1127 |
Nil | Frnsor, Mrs. Catherino | Mill Brook, Pictou Co., N.S | Canadn | Westvillo | Mnr. | 3, 1916. | |||||||
8 | 437 1105 1217 1135 |
902121 | Privnlo | Fraser, James West ley | |||||||||||
8 | 437 1118 3630 1164 |
001201 | Privnto | Fraser, Thomas ]) | Nil | Frnscr, John D. II | Westville, Pictou Co., N.B | Canada | Westvillo……. | Mnr. | 2, 1016. | ||||
8 | 437 1152 3630 1193 |
002210 | I’rivnto | Fraser, Wilii.mi | Nil | Frnscr, Miss Mnry | 15 Church St., Halifnx, N.S | Canada | AntieoTiisho…. | Mnr. 20. 1916. | |||||
8 | 438 1182 3630 1223 |
002279 | I’rivnto | PrnRer, William It | Nil | Frnscr, Mrs. Margaret | ICurekn, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Stellarton | Mar. | 17, 1916. | ||||
8 | 1309 1211 3631 1246 |
Nil | Frazer, Mrs. Kliznbeth | P.O. Box 452, Stellarton, Pictou Co., N.B | England | Stellarton | Mnr. | 21, 1916. | |||||||
8 | 438 1223 1218 1253 |
901017 | Privnto | Frazer, Gcorgo | |||||||||||
8 | 1308 1240 3631 1275 |
Nil | Freeman, Rtolln | 208 Upper Victoria St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S, | Canada | Amherst | Mnr. | 30, 1016. | |||||||
8 | 438 1253 1218 1283 |
002208 | Privato | Freeman, Cnvl Chirenco | |||||||||||
8 | 438 1271 3630 1312 |
001345 | I’rivnto | Freeman, James McDonald.. | Nil | Freeman, Snmuol | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Canada | Amherst | Mnr. | 16, 1016. | ||||
8 | 438 1296 3631 1341 |
901004 | l’rivnto | Frizell, James Alfred | Nil | Frizell, James Willinm | Central North River, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | I > b. | 17. 1916. | ||||
8 | 1308 1330 3631 1365 |
Nil | Frizzel, John | Queen St. K., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | Mnr. | 2S, 1016. | |||||||
8 | 438 1341 1218 1371 |
901071 | Privnto | Frizzel, Wiilinm | |||||||||||
8 | 438 1360 3631 1400 |
902088 | Privato | Fullerton, llupcrt. Stevens…. | Nil | Fullerton, Robert | Pietou, N.S | Cnnnda | Pictou | Mar. | 28, 1016. | ||||
8 | 1641 1389 3632 1419 |
Fullerton, Mrs. Emma Jano. | 10 Copp Ave., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S, | U.S.A | Amherst | Mnr. | 17. 1916. | ||||||||
8 | 439 1397 1460 1430 |
001383 | Privnto | Fullerton, Stanley Burton.,.. | 03rd Regt • | ||||||||||
8 | 440 1419 3632 1460 |
901136 | Privnto | Ftiimer, John Wesley | Nil | Fulmer, James R | Five Islands, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Amherst | Mar. | 8, 1916. | ||||
8 | 439 1448 3633 1487 |
001503 | Privnto | Fnlmore, Bert Leo | Nil | Doyle, Kd | Five Islands, Colchester Co., N.S | 22, 1916. | |||||||
8 | 440 1477 3633 1519 |
902160 | Aot.-Sorgeant | Fill ton, Karlu Albert | 03rd Rogt. | Fulton, Arthur W | Lakeland, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Parrsboro’ | April | 6, 1016. | ||||
8 | 440 1507 3634 1547 |
901022 | Privnto | Fulton, Karin Alexander Ashto | Nil | Ottorson, Mrs. O. It., | Belmont, Colchestcr Co.. N.B | Cnnndn | Tniro | Feb. | 24. 1916. | ||||
8 | 439 1535 3634 1576 |
002161 | Corpornl… | Fulton, JOdwnrtl Arthur | Nil | Fulton, Arthur W | Parrsboro’, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Parrsboro’ | April | 0, 1016. | ||||
8 | 440 1565 3635 1605 |
001035 | Privnto | Fulton, Frank Austin | Nil | Fulton, William | M eadowvalo, Upper Stowincke, Colchester Co., N.B…, | Cnnndn | Tniro | Feb. | 28, 1916. | ||||
8 | 440 1594 3636 1634 |
901187 | Privnto | Fulton, IxjuiH Emil | Nil | Fulton, Samuel A | Upper Stewincko, Colchestcr (Jo., N.S | Cnnnda | Tniro | Mar. | 11, 1916. | ||||
8 | 440 1624 3637 1663 |
901541 | Privnto | Fulton, Percy Clark | Nil | Fulton, Mrs, Emily | Grent Villngo, Colchcster Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Grent Villngo… | Mnr. | 23, 1916. | ||||
8 | 440 1653 3637 1692 |
901473 | Privnto | Gnlligher, F.rncHt, | Can. Mil,. | Galligher, Mrs. James | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Spring Hill | Mnr. | 30, 1016. | ||||
8 | 439 1683 3637 1723 |
902500 | Privnto | Gundy, John Frederick | Nil | Elder, Mrs. Jano | Queens 1’ort, Guysboro Co., N.B | Knglnnd | Giivsboro | May | 25, 1916. | ||||
8 | 1645 1712 3638 1745 |
Gard, Mrs. W. J | 47 Rupert St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Aldershot | July | 7, 1916. | ||||||||
8 | 439 1722 1464 1751 |
002133 | I’rivnto | Gnrd, Gorald | Nil | ||||||||||
8 | 1646 1741 3638 1773 |
Garrison, Mrs. Annio | Birminghnm, Kng. | Knirl and , | Now Glasgow.. | Juno | 21. 1910. | ||||||||
8 | 439 1751 1464 1780 |
002529 | Privnto | Garrison .Charles | Nil | ||||||||||
8 | 1645 1771 3637 1802 |
Gnzeley, John Alfred | Tniro. Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Truro | Feb. | 25. 1016. | ||||||||
8 | 438 1780 1464 1811 |
001027 | Privnto | Gnzeley, James Honry | Nil | ||||||||||
8 | 438 1809 1464 1840 |
001024 | Privnto | Goddos, Sandy | Nil | ||||||||||
8 | 1645 1858 3638 1890 |
Gcngo, Mrs. Elizabeth | Wallace Bridge, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Pugwiwh | Mnr. | 2X, 1016. | ||||||||
8 | 439 1867 1452 1900 |
001740 | L.-Corporal | Geni’o, Roy Cooil | Nil | ||||||||||
8 | 439 1883 3638 1928 |
002517 | Privnto | Gibbon*, Robert Thompson. | Nil | Adnrns, Mrs. Margaret B… | Southampton, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Aldershot | Juno | 22. 1016. | ||||
8 | 1646 1918 3638 1949 |
Giflin, Crawloy | Ooldboro, Guysboro Co., N.S | . Cnnndn | Guysboro | Apri | 1, 1010. | ||||||||
8 | 440 1927 1456 1959 |
901702 | l’rivnto | Giflin, Vincent Arthur | 82nd Regt | ||||||||||
8 | 1646 1947 3638 1979 |
Gilbert, Willinm King..;… | R.R. No. I, Parrsboro, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Pnrrsboro’ | April 17, 1016. | |||||||||
8 | 440 1957 1462 1987 |
902.377 | Privnto | Gilbert, Alonzo Cnimnor.,.. | Can. Mil.. | ||||||||||
8 | 1646 1978 3639 2008 |
Gillis, John…. | Antigonisho, N.H | Cnnndn.. | Antigonishe | M nr. | 13. 1016. | ||||||||
8 | 440 1988 1451 2025 |
001732 | Privnto | Gillis, Joseph Bernard | Nil | ||||||||||
8 | 1645 2008 3639 2037 |
till more. Mrs. William | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | . Cnnndn…….. | Spring llill…. | Mnr. | 17, 1016. | ||||||||
8 | 440 2018 1451 2046 |
901328 | Privnto | Gilmore, William Elijah | Nil | ||||||||||
9 | 1874 284 3861 316 |
Gilroy, Aineley | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn… | Spring Hill | Mnr. 30, ION). | |||||||||
9 | 761 302 1653 333 |
Private | (lilrov, l.loyil Curtin | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1874 314 3861 347 |
Glnlmis, Josoph | Stellnrton. Pietou Co., N.8 | Belgium.. | Now Gliwgow.. | Mar. 20, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 760 332 1652 364 |
Ai’l .-Sergeant | Glnbni*, Fclioicn Joseph. , | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1874 345 3861 375 |
Goff, George J3 | Woodville Mills, King’s Co., P.M.I | Cnnnda… | Amherst | Mnr. ft, 1UI0. | |||||||||
9 | 762 363 1652 392 |
I’l ivnto,,, | (.inti, John | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1873 374 3862 405 |
Goodnll, Giles | Green Hill Ave., Winchester, llnnts, Eng | Knglnnd.. | Truro | Mnr. 28, J9I6. | |||||||||
9 | 761 393 1652 421 |
I’rivnto… | Goodnll, Frederick I’urt., | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 405 3861 435 |
Goodwin, Knos., | Canso, Guysboro’ Co., N.8 | Cnnndn… | Cnnso | May «, 11U0. | |||||||||
9 | 761 423 1651 452 |
Private… | Goodwin, H;isil Norman.. | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 435 3861 465 |
Goodwin, Dtincnn | I’.t >. Hox (><18. Alien 8t., Truro, Colehcster Co | U.S.A…. | Truro | Feb. 28, ItllG. | |||||||||
9 | 761 453 1652 482 |
I’rivntK… | Goodwin, Chester Warren, | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1871 466 3861 495 |
Gordon, Mrs. Cnrolino. | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada.,. | Oxford | Mar. 27, Ifl 10. | |||||||||
9 | 762 483 1652 512 |
I’rivatn,,, | Cordon, Alfred Peek | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 495 3861 525 |
Gordon, Mrs. Kthel Mu | Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cannda… | Oxford | Mar. 27, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 761 511 1651 543 |
I’rivntn,., | Cordon, Clmrlcs Klnir.,,, | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 525 3861 554 |
Gordon, Mtb. Cnrrio A. | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Cnnndn…, | Oxford | Mny 30, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 762 541 1650 572 |
i’rivnto… | Cordon, Gcorgo Hex | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1873 555 3861 584 |
Gordon, Gny | Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.H | Cnnndn… | Oxford | April 0, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 761 571 1650 601 |
Privnto… | Cordon, Howard Carloton | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1871 584 3862 613 |
Thompson, Mrs. Cntherin | Almn, l’ietou Co., N.8 | Cnnndn…, | Westvillo | Feb. 21), 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 761 601 1650 631 |
I’rivnto… | Gordon, John Daniel | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1873 613 3861 643 |
Grnlinm, Dnniel | Cnrr’n Urook, Colchcster Co., N.8 | Cnnadn… | Truro | Feb. 28, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 761 630 1651 662 |
Private… | Crnlmin, Georgo | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1873 642 3862 673 |
Grnhnm, K. II | Ilibln liill, Truro, Colchestcr Co., N.8 | Canadn.., | Truro | Mnr. 2r>, I It 10. | |||||||||
9 | 760 660 1651 693 |
I’rivnto… | Grnhnm, Jninca Kdwnrd.. | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1873 672 3862 703 |
Grnhnm, James | Hazel Hill, Guysboro’ Co., N.B | Cnnadn… | Cnnso | Mny 9, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 759 690 1650 722 |
I’rivnlo.,. | Crnlinm, Lnurie Brine…. | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1873 701 3861 738 |
Grnhnm, Willinm 13… | Burnside, Upper Stowincke, Colchcster Co., N | Cnnadn… | Truro | Mar. 10, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 758 718 1650 751 |
Prii’nto… | Graham, Olin Robert…. | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 731 3862 763 |
Grnnt, Mrs. Annio | Sliubcnncndio, Hants Co., N.H | Cnnndn… | Hhuticnsicadio… | Mar. 31, 1(110. | |||||||||
9 | 755 747 1651 780 |
Sergeant.. | Cirnnt, Charles | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 761 3861 794 |
Grant, Mrs. Mnrin | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | U.S.A | New Glasgow.. | Mar. 18, 1916. | |||||||||
9 | 756 778 1650 811 |
Aet.-Poige | Grant, Charles Emery…. | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1873 791 3862 823 |
McKenzie, Mrs. JcBsio. | U.K. No. 3, Four Milo Brook, Pictou Co., N.£ | Cnnndn… | Westvillo | Mar. 22, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 757 803 1680 838 |
Private…, | Grant, Uni’ll Kdwnrd | 78tli Regt | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 821 3862 853 |
Grnnt, Mrs. Cntherino. | Antigonishe, N.S | Cnnadn… | Antigonisho…. | Mnr. 17, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 758 837 1650 868 |
I,.-Corpora | Grant, James Arthur | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 851 3862 882 |
Grnnt, Duncan J | Antigonisho, N.8 | Cannda… | Antigonisho…. | Mnr. 22, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 758 865 1650 896 |
I’rivnto… | Grnnt, Peter Gerald | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 880 3862 912 |
Grant, Emerson | Spcncer’s Is., Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Cnnndn… | Parrsboro’ | Mnr. 28, 1016. | |||||||||
9 | 759 894 1650 925 |
I’rivnto… | Cirnnt, Willinm lOvorott… | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 909 3863 941 |
Grntto, Ernest | Princo St., Truro, Colchester (Jo., N.S | Cnnnda,.. | Truro | Mnr. 13, 1010. | |||||||||
9 | 759 922 1650 953 |
I’rivnto… | Grntto, Ernest | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 935 3864 970 |
Grntto, John | Lyman St., Truro, Colehenter Co., N.B | Cannda… | Truro | Mar. 14, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 759 952 1651 980 |
1‘rivnto… | Grntto, George Arthur… | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 968 3864 1000 |
Greon, Mrs. Mary | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | England.. | Spring Hill | Mar. 30,1910. | |||||||||
9 | 759 980 1650 1010 |
I’rivnlo… | Croon, Alfred John | Nil | |||||||||||
9 | 1872 998 3865 1030 |
Grceno, Mtb. Maud | Clioveric, llnnts Co., N.S | Canada… | Windsor | April 1, 1915. | |||||||||
9 | 758 1024 3865 1067 |
Privato… | Greonliold, Frank Nnrrnwi | Nif.l”! | Greenfield, Clifford… | 35 Spring St., Amherot, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Cannda… | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1916. | ||||||
9 | 758 1057 3865 1096 |
Privnto,.. | Greer, Robert John | Nil | Greer, John | Two Rivers, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada… | River Herbert.. | Mnr. 20, 1910. | ||||||
9 | 759 1083 3866 1124 |
I’rivnto… | Groggott, Gurnet ltuRsnll. | 93rd Hcgt | Groggett, Mid. Annio.. | P.O. Box 4lfi, Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N | Cannda… | Amherst | April 21. IWO. | ||||||
9 | 759 1116 3867 1152 |
I’rivnto,.. | Groves, Arthur Gordon… | 70th Regt | Groves, Mrs. Etta Jane | Gen. Del. No. 6, Centrnl Onslow, Colchestcr Co | •S. | U.S.A…. | Truro | Mnr. 20, 1910. | |||||
9 | 758 1145 3866 1182 |
Private… | Grue, Alfred Gould | Nil…, | Gruo, Mrs. Mary | Cnstlcrengh, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Cnnnda… | Truro | Mnr. 21, 1910. | ||||||
9 | 758 1171 3866 1214 |
I’rivnto… | Guinan, Willinm Hiolinrd. | Nil…. | Guinan, Thomns | Truro, Colchester Co., N.B | Canada… | Truro | April 4. 1916. | ||||||
9 | 758 1206 3867 1244 |
I’rivnto… | Gunn, Willinm Alexander. | Nil…. | Gunn, Hugh | R.R. No. 1, River John, Pictou Co,, N.S,. | Cnnadn… | River John | Mnr. 20. 1910. | ||||||
9 | 1872 1235 3867 1267 |
Hadley, Daniel | Summer Bank ltd., Tunslnll, Eng | Englnnd.. | Now Glncgow.. | April f>, 1910. | |||||||||
9 | 759 1244 1635 1274 |
I’rivnto… | Ilndloy, Herbert | Nil…. | |||||||||||
9 | 759 1258 3868 1304 |
Privnto… | Hnlo, Charles W | Nil…. | Hnlo, George | P.(3. Box 308, Wentvillc, Pictou Co., N.B… | Cnnndn… | Westville | April !>, 1910. | ||||||
9 | 755 1296 3867 1334 |
Corpornl. | Ilnlo, Sidney | Nil…. | Halo, Mrs. Janet | Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cannda… | Westvillo | Mar. II, 1010. | ||||||
9 | 758 1326 3868 1362 |
I’rivnto… | Ilnll, Andrew J, | Nil…. | Hnll, Mrs. Clara | Black Diamond St., Westvillo, Pictou Co., N. | Canadn… | Westvillo | Feb. 21.1010. | ||||||
9 | 758 1355 3867 1391 |
Privnto… | llallelt, Vinccnt Steven.,. | Nil…. | Hallett, Freeman | Stormont, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cnnndn… | Guysborough… | April IS, I’JlG. | ||||||
9 | 758 1385 3868 1422 |
Privnto… | Hallidny, James Froomnn. | Nil…. | Hnllidny, Gilbert | Wnddell St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S… | Cnnadn… | Truro | Feb. 20. 1916. | ||||||
9 | 757 1409 3867 1450 |
I’rivnto… | Hamilton, Freemnn Pcrcy | 70 th Rogt | Hamilton, Elisha | Alice St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.B | Cnnadn… | Truro | Mnr. 13. 1910. | ||||||
9 | 758 1444 3869 1478 |
Privnto… | Ilnnes, Robert KstuB | Nil | Ilnnes, Alvin | Truro, Colchester Co., N.B | Cnnnda… | Truro | April 4, 1910. | ||||||
9 | 758 1468 3869 1508 |
Privnto… | Hannah, Krvin Whylie…. | Nil | McAlonoy, Krvin | River Ilebcrt, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada… | River Hebert… | Mnr. 29.1910. | ||||||
9 | 757 1502 3868 1538 |
Privnto.., | Hannah, Harry Kthcrt… | Nil | MoAloney, Ervin | River Hebert, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cnnnda… | River Hebert… | Mar. 20,1910. | ||||||
9 | 758 1532 3868 1573 |
I’rivnto,.. | Ilminnli, John.._ | Nil | Ilnnnnh, Mrs. Abrnlinm | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Scotland. | Spring Hill | Mny 23, 1010. | ||||||
9 | 755 1562 3868 1596 |
Corpornl. | Hnnrnlinn, Daniel Frnncis. | Nil | Hnnrahnn. Mrs. Ella… | Antigonishe, N.B | Cnnndn… | Antigonishe…. | Mar. 22, 1916. | ||||||
9 | 757 1590 3867 1625 |
Privnto… | Hnnright, Charlie Okley.. | Nil | Hnnright, Willinm | 4 Queen St., Extention, Amherst, Cumberland Co | •S. | Cnnndn… | Hnlifax | Mar. 0, 1910. | |||||
9 | 757 1621 3868 1652 |
Privnto… | Hnnpford, Jnnics Hirnm.. | Nil | Hansford, Miss Mnrthn | Pictou, N.S | Cnnnda… | Pictou | Mar. 23, 1016. | ||||||
9 | 758 1649 3867 1681 |
Privnto… | Hiwon, James Edwin…. | Nil | Ilaneon, Mtb. Lucy…. | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cnnadn… | Amherst | Mar. ft, 1910. | ||||||
9 | 757 1679 3868 1712 |
Privnto… | Knruy, Albert John | Nil | Hardy, William | Antigonishe, N.S | Cnnndn… | Antigonishe | Mar. 27,1916. | ||||||
9 | 757 1708 3868 1742 |
I’rivnto… | Hnrdy, George Ilonry | Nil | Shaw, Mrs. Emily | Rimpton, nr. Bath, Somerset, Eng | Englnnd.. | Westville | Mar. 3. 1016. | ||||||
9 | 757 1738 3869 1777 |
Privnto… | Ilnrdy, Irving | Nil | llnrdy, Willinm | Antigonishe, N.S | Cnnnda… | Antigonishe | Mnr. 21,11(10. | ||||||
9 | 756 1767 3869 1799 |
Privnto.,. | Harman, E/.ckiel. | Nil | Robinson, Mrs. Mnrgmet | Halifnx, N.B | Canndn… | Shubenacadie… | Mar. 31.1910. | ||||||
9 | 756 1796 3869 1827 |
Privnto,,, | FTnrrinr’ton, Hfuris | Cnn. Mi] | Hnrrini’ton, Mrs. Emily. | rarreboro’, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada… | Parrsboro’ | April 0,1910. | ||||||
9 | 756 1823 3870 1857 |
Privato… | Hurt, ilenry Kcott | Nil | If.irt, Major George W | Cnnso, Guysboro’ Co.. N.S | Cnnndn… | Truro | Mnr. 20,1910. | ||||||
9 | 756 1855 3870 1886 |
Privnto… | Hart, John Alfred | Nil | Hnrt, Clyde | Middle Manchester, Guysboro’, N.S | Cannda… | Guynborough.., | Mnr. 20,1910. | ||||||
9 | 756 1882 3870 1916 |
Privnto,.. | Harnett, John | Nil | Hnnintt, lliehnrd | New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn… | Aldershot | Aug. 2, 1910. | ||||||
9 | 759 1914 3870 1944 |
Privnto…, | lintcli, John George | Nil | Ilnteh, John | River John, Pietou Co., N.B | Cnnnda… | River John | Mur. 20,1916. | ||||||
9 | 759 1944 3871 1975 |
[…-Corpora | ITntherly, Herbert Unincke | Nil | nntherly, Freida | River Ilebert, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cnnnda… | River Ilebert. | . Mar. 29,1016. | ||||||
9 | 756 1973 3872 2004 |
Co. Sergt.! | Hnthorly, Robert Christie | Nil | Ilntherly, Miss Freidn | River Ilebert, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cannda… | River Hebert. | .Mnr. 29,1010. | ||||||
9 | 759 1998 3872 2033 |
Privnto… | Tlnttie, Albert Alexander | Nil | Hnttie, Aleinnder | Copper Lnke, Antigonishe Co., N.S | Cnnnda… | Antigonishe… | . Mnr. 20,1016. | ||||||
9 | 758 2030 3871 2063 |
Privnto… | Ilnywnrd, llnrry Alexnnder | Nil | Ilnywnrd, Hnliburton | 22 Mission St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cannda… | Amherst,…. | .Mnr. 0.1010. | ||||||
10 | 444 444 3155 476 |
.5* | Former Corps. | Country of | |||||||||||
10 | 443 588 3648 622 |
901585 Privato | Iloighton, Alexnnder Duncan | Nil | Heigh ton, Alexander…. | ltivcr John, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda | River John | Mnr. 20,1916. | ||||||
10 | 443 618 3648 652 |
002101 Privnto… | Heighten, Jninc” Sownrd…. | Nil | Heighten, Mrs. Kdwnrd | ltlver John, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnadn | River John | April | 1, 1910. | |||||
10 | 443 649 3648 682 |
0013r.8 Privnto | Holm, < ‘inrles Joseph | Nil | Helm, Mrs. Gladys i/ovo | 58 La rinnche St., Amherst-, Cumberlnnd Co., N.8.. | Cannda | Amherst | Mnr. | 16,1910. | |||||
10 | 443 678 3649 712 |
90IUI8 Privnto | Henderson, (Jharlc* Kdward | Nil | Henderson, Fred W…. | Truro, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro. | Feb. | 24, 1910. | |||||
10 | 443 708 3649 743 |
001201! Privnto | Henderson, .lolm | Nil | Henderson. James | Wcstville. l’ictou Co., N.8 | Cnnadn | Wcstville | Feb. | 26,1910. | |||||
10 | 443 738 3649 777 |
001308 Ii.-Corporal. | Hendry, William Alexander. | Can. Mil. | Hendry, Mrs. Jessie K. | 1 l’nlmer St.., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Scotland | Amherst | Mar. | 16, 1916. | |||||
10 | 442 768 3649 803 |
B01C82 Privato | Hendsbeo, David fcjteolo…. | Nil | Hendsbee, David | Ciiysboro’, N.S | Cnnndn | Guysborough… | April | 1, 1916. | |||||
10 | 442 798 3650 837 |
901023 L.-Corporal. | Herbert, Frederick Willinm. | 70th llegt | Herbert, Mrs. Emma.. | P.O. l?ox697, Water St.. Truro, Colchester Co., N.S.. | Cannda | Truro | Feb. | 2-1, 1910. | |||||
10 | 442 829 3649 864 |
901350 I’rivnto | ilerris, Herbert | Nil | Ilerris, Mrs. Janot | 1 Mloie Ave., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Scotlnrd | Amherst | Mar. | 16.1916. | |||||
10 | 442 859 3650 897 |
902142 Htu. Sergt.-Mnj | I lower, Tlmmna | Cnn. Mil. | Hewer, Mrs. Thomas.. | Wellington Barracks, Halifax, N.S | ling land | Aldershot | June | 22,1910. | |||||
10 | 441 888 3651 924 |
902211 Privato | Hickman, Wilson | Can. Navy | Ilickman, Mrs. Lilian.. | Union St., Westville, Pietou Co., N.S | Newfoundland.. | Westvillo | April | 1,1916. | |||||
10 | 441 919 3649 954 |
901033 Corpornl…. | Hill, Charles Willinm | ~8tK Kegt | Hill, Mrs. Kliiabeth… | New Glasgow, Pietou Co., N.S | Cannda | New Glafgow.. | Mnr. | 15. 1916. | |||||
10 | 441 949 3649 984 |
9011)16 Privnto | llill, George Henry | Nil | Hill, Thomas | Joggin Mines, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Canadn | River Hebert… | Mnr. | 29,1910. | |||||
10 | 441 979 3648 1015 |
901775 lj.-Corpornl. | Hills, Harry Carmen……. | Nil | Hills, George | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | f >iford | Mar. | 27, 1916. | |||||
10 | 442 1007 3649 1041 |
002005 Privato | Hilt*, Cordon Clifford | Nil | IIilt*, Charles | Port Biokcrton. Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cannda | New Glnsgow.. | Mnr. 30,1U1C. | ||||||
10 | 442 1036 3649 1073 |
901215 1-.-Corpornl. | llonre, Ohnrles Bent | Nil | Ilonrp, Mrs. Alma | Dominion St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cannda | Truro | Mar. | 14,1016. | |||||
10 | 442 1066 3650 1101 |
902190 Private….. | Hodge, Harry Watson | Nil | Hodge, Mrs Roso | 14 Strathearn Itond, Kdinhurgh, Scot | Scotland | Kcntville | June | 1, 1916. | |||||
10 | 442 1095 3650 1129 |
901100 I’rivnto | Hogan, Jnhti Charles | Nil | Hogan, Jnmes II | 02 Willow St., Amherst., Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amheret | Mar. | 9, 1910. | |||||
10 | 442 1125 3651 1163 |
001711 L.-Corporal. | ilollip, Ohnrles Creed | Nil | Hollis, Mrs. LauraJ… | l’ugwnsh, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H | Canada | l’ugwash | Mar. | 10,1916. | |||||
10 | 441 1155 3650 1189 |
901587 Privato | Holmes, Fred Kus«ell | Nil | Holmes, Stewart | River John, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | River John | Mar. | 17,1916. | |||||
10 | 442 1182 3651 1220 |
902231 Privnto | Hopkins, Roy lVrcivnl | Nil | Hopkins, Clifford | Barrington Pn’fnge, .Shelburne Co., N.S | Canada | Truro … | April 17,1910. | ||||||
10 | 442 1213 3651 1251 |
9013<>S Ij.-Corporal. | Howard, Hoy | Nil | Howard, Mrs. N.P…. | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H | Canada | Sprirg Hill | Mar. | 17,19)0. | |||||
10 | 443 1241 3651 1279 |
001281 Privnto… | liiivt, Harry Kdwnrd | Nil | Hoyt, John | Windsor, Hants Co., N.H | Cannda | \ indsor | April | 4, 1910. | |||||
10 | 442 1272 3649 1309 |
901230 Privnto | II uiiert, Her (or Joseph | Nil | Hubert, Mrs. Theresa. | P.O. Hox 152, Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Westville | Feb. | 29, 1916. | |||||
10 | 442 1303 3650 1339 |
901434 Private.., | Illusion, Arthur Cordon…. | Nil | Hughes, Thomas | New Glasgow, l’ictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda | New Glasgow.. | Mar. | 8. 1910. | |||||
10 | 443 1330 3650 1370 |
901827 Private.,,.. | Hughes, Leonard J’onjnmin. | Nil | Hughes, Nelson James. | Diligent River, Cirmliorlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Parrsboro* | Mar. | 28, 1916. | |||||
10 | 443 1361 3651 1399 |
902030 Privnto | Hughes, Milton King | Nil | Hughes, Frank | Amherst Point, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | April | 7,1916. | |||||
10 | 443 1391 3651 1427 |
902031 Privnto | Hutchinson, llownrd | Nil | Hutchinson, Grnhnm.. | Amherst, I !umberlni’d Co., N.H | Cannda | Amherst | April | 7. 1910. | |||||
10 | 443 1421 3651 1459 |
901298 Privnto… | Hyatt,, Klvin Percivnl | Nil | llyntt. Mrs. Flora | Spring llill, Cmnberlnml Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Hpring Hill | Mar. 30, 1910. | ||||||
10 | 442 1450 3651 1487 |
902392 Privnto | Jack, John | Nil | Jack, Mrs. Jessie | Joggin Mines, Cumberland Co., N.S | Scotland | River Ilebert… | April 24, 1916. | ||||||
10 | 443 1480 3652 1516 |
902202 Privnto…. | •lack, Thomas Alexander…. | Territorials | Jack, Mrs. Mnry | .Joggin Mines, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Scotland | Truro | April 11, 1910. | ||||||
10 | 443 1508 3652 1545 |
901313 Privnto | Jackson, Arthur Laurier…. | Nil | Jackson, Arthur Willinm | P.O. Box 510, West Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.8. | Cannda | Amherst……. | Mar. | 16,1916. | |||||
10 | 443 1538 3653 1575 |
902302 Privnto.,., | Jackson, < ‘harles | Norwegian | Jackson, Chailes II…. | Bergen, Norway | Norway | Truro | April 22,1910. | ||||||
10 | 443 1567 3653 1605 |
901558 Privnto…. | Jackson, Horliort Leonard.. | Nil | Jackson, Charles T…. | Tidnish, Cumberland Co., N.fi | Canada | Amherst | April 21. 1910. | ||||||
10 | 443 1596 3654 1636 |
902033 Private…. | Jackson, Walter Tuppor | Nil | Jnekson, Charles T…. | Tidnish, Cumberlnnd Co.. N.B | Canada | Amherst | April | 7. 1910. | |||||
10 | 442 1625 3654 1665 |
001776 PrivnU’…. | Jameson, Chnpo | Nil | Jameson, .Robert | Oxford. Cumberlnnd Co.. N.S | Canadn | Oxford | M nr. | 27, 1916. | |||||
10 | 441 1655 3653 1694 |
902172 Private,-… | Jamieson, Carl Townsend,.. | Nil | Jamieson, Mnjor | Fall River, Halifax Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | May | 12, 111 10. | |||||
10 | 441 1684 3653 1724 |
902538 Privnto | Jamieson, ilnrold Pcrey,,.. | 70th Kegt | Jamieson, Mnjor C | Waverley, Fall River, Halifax Co., N.8 | Canada | Aldershot | July | 11. 1916. | |||||
10 | 440 1712 3654 1753 |
9011181 Privnto | Jamison, William l/owis | Nil | Jamison. Alexander…. | Queen’s Port, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cannda | Guysborough… | April | 4,1916. | |||||
10 | 441 1743 3653 1784 |
901777 I’rivnto.., | Jelfcm, Hugh Talinago | Nil | Jeffers, James | Oxford., Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Oxford | Mar. | “7, 1916. | |||||
10 | 440 1773 3654 1814 |
901I2O I’rivnto… | Jenkins, Charles Wentworth. | Nil | Jenkins, Hobert | Joggin Mines. Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | Mar. | 8. 1916. | |||||
10 | 1328 1802 3653 1835 |
Nil | Jennings. Stephen | Mass Town. Colchester Co., N.H | Cannda | Truro | April 18, 1916. | ||||||||
10 | 1328 1831 3653 1865 |
Nil | Jewers. Mrs, Sarah C.. | Beaver Ilnrbour, Halifax Co., N.H | Canada | New Glasgow.. | Mar. | 12. 1910. | |||||||
10 | 1328 1861 3653 1895 |
Nil | Jobb, James | Wlllinmwlnle. Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Oxford | April | 0, 1»I<1. | |||||||
10 | 1657 1890 3653 1923 |
Johnson, Mins Elsio…. | Westchester, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Aldershot | July | 7. 1910. | ||||||||
10 | 441 1899 1466 1934 |
9112.103 Privato,.. | Johnson, Arthur Melville…. | Nil | |||||||||||
10 | 1657 1920 3653 1952 |
Johnson, Willinm Gcorgo | R.R. No. 2. Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | Mar. | 21. 1916. | ||||||||
10 | 442 1930 1466 1964 |
901491 Privato… | Johnson, Burton | Nil | |||||||||||
10 | 1324 1950 3654 1986 |
76th Itegt | Johnson, William | Valley Station. Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | April 24. 1916. | ||||||||
10 | 1662 1980 3653 2012 |
Robert, Hill | Upper Economy, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Truro | Mnr. | 22. 1916. | ||||||||
10 | 441 1990 1466 2022 |
901501 I’rivnto… | Johnson, Chester Gordon… | Nil | |||||||||||
10 | 1657 2011 3654 2042 |
Johnson, W. li | Truro. Colchester Co., N.H | Cnnnda | Truro | Feb. | 28, HMfl. | ||||||||
10 | 441 2020 1465 2055 |
901037ICorpnrnl.. | Johnson. Kdwnrd Joseph…. | Nil | |||||||||||
11 | 676 516 3874 551 |
901778 | Sorgennt. | Johnson, George I-oi’.’iii…, | Nil.. | Johnson, Rnlph Corey. | Oxford, Cumberlnml Co., N.H | (‘nnndn | Oxford | Mnr. ?7, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 676 546 3874 581 |
IM’Atiki | I’rivnlo…. | Johnson, llnrry Arthur…. | Nil.. | Johnson, Arthur | Nowton Mills, Colchcster (Jo., N.H | Cnnndn | Truro | April II, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 675 576 3874 610 |
DOII.SU | I’rivnto… | Johnson, llnrry Lawrence,. | Nil.. | Johnson, llnrry E | Pnrk St. Koiid, Tniro, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | Mnr. II, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 675 606 3874 638 |
D02.V.I | I’rivnto… | Johnson, Wnlt.’r | Nil.. | Johnson, Wnrren II | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H | (‘nnndn | Ilnlilni | Hept. 14, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 674 635 3875 671 |
(•01701 | I’rivnto… | Jours, George Murray | Nil.. | Jones, Mrs. Goorgo | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Spring Hill | Mnr. 30, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 674 665 3874 700 |
001008 | Privnto… | Jones, Willinm J,oonnrd..,, | Nil.. | Joiioh, Robert. | Il.lt. No. 3, Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | U.S.A | Amherst | Mnr. 0, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 674 695 3874 730 |
(lOIfiliJ | Privnte… | Jordan, .lumps | Nil.. | ■InnInn, Mrs. Elizabeth. | Pouch Cove, N’fld | Newfoundland., | Stellnrton | Feb. 25, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 674 725 3874 761 |
% I ill 9 | Private… | Kelley, 1 >row Heid | Nil.. | Knilcy, Howard | River Hebert, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cannda | River Hebert.. | Mar. 20, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 673 754 3874 790 |
0017/1!) | Sergeant.. | Kelley, Edgar Emmcrson., | Nil-. | Kelloy, Adnm W | Belloni-Milton, C.U., N.H | Cnnndn | Truro | Mnr. 31, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 673 783 3874 819 |
41831G | Privnto… | Kolipy, Ellnrd | Mil | (Inn. | Kelley, J | Shtibenncadio, Hants Co., N.H | Canada | Halifnx | April (>, | ioio. | |||
11 | 672 813 3873 849 |
001070 | I’rivnlo….. | Kemp, Wallace St.. Clair… | Nil.. | Komp, Mrs. Annio Evnns | I Uunnld Avn., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.8… | Cnnndn | Truro | April 4, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 672 842 3873 879 |
(Him:, | Aet.-Scrgcnnt | Konnody, Aloysius Dnniol. | Nil.. | Kennedy, Mrs. Annio.. | Mulgravn, Ciuysboro’ Co., N.B | Cnnnda | Guyshorough.. | April 4, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 671 873 3874 908 |
901010 | I’rivntn… | Kennedy, George | Nil.. | Kennedy, John M | Lyman St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | Feb. 23, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 671 902 3874 937 |
400024 | I’rivnte… | KnnnP<ly, Jared Fcnwick… | Nil.. | Kennedy, R. II | ililden, Colchcster Co., N.S | Canada | Sussex | Hept. 7, | 1015. | ||||
11 | 671 932 3873 967 |
0010.18 | I’rivntc… | Kennedy, John Lewis | Nil.. | Kennedy, Mrs. Evangelin | Uox 533, Truro, Colchcster Co., N.H | Cnnnda | Truro | Mar. 2, | 101C. | ||||
11 | 672 956 3873 996 |
ooins i | Privnto… | Konnody, John Sownrd…. | Nil.. | Kennedy, Mrs. Mnry…. | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Spring Hill…. | Mnr. 17, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 672 990 3875 1025 |
DO IOS I | Privnto… | Konnody, l«eo. | Nil.. | Kennedy, John | Mulgrnve, (luysboro’ Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Guysborough.. | April 5, | 1010/ | ||||
11 | 672 1020 3873 1054 |
002008 | Privnto… | Kennedy, Patrick | Nil.. | Kennedy, Johnno K. .. | Cnrbononr, N’lld | Newfoundland.. | New Glasgow. | Mnr. 24, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 672 1050 3873 1083 |
00li>20 | Privnto… | Konnody, Rufus James | Nil.. | Kennedy, Jnmcs | Joggin Mines, Cumherlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | River Hebert.. | Mar. 20, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 673 1078 3873 1112 |
001720 | Privnto… | Konnody, Willinm Charles. | Nil.. | Kennedy, Angus | Mrophy’s, Ant igonisho Co., N.S. | Cnnndn | Antigonishe… | Mnr. 3, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 673 1109 3875 1142 |
902150 | Privnto… | Kenny, George Loo | Nil.. | Kenny, Thomas | R.R. No. 3, Morell, Kinjr’sCo.. I’.E.I | Cnnndn | ()xford | April 6, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 673 1138 3875 1170 |
0022 III | I’rivntn… | Kerr, Daniel W | Nil.. | Kerr, Frank | R.R. No. 2, Westvillo, )’ic | ou Co., N.S | (‘nnndn | Westville. | April 3, | 1W0. | |||
11 | 672 1167 3875 1199 |
002211 | Privnto… | ICorr, Francis Jl. J | Nil.. | Kerr, Frnnk | Uurnsidc, Middle River, Victoria Co., C.H., N.S.. | Cnnndn | Westville | Feb. 28, | ItHO. | ||||
11 | 672 1196 3875 1230 |
0022111 | Privnto… | Kiely, John Josoph | ( .K.A… | Kiely, Mrs. Isabelle | I-owcrSouth River, Antigonisho Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Antigonishe…. | April 5, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 673 1226 3876 1259 |
0U25I8 | Privnto… | Kiloy, Austin | 91 Ih Reg | Kiloy, Mrs. Willinm | Ilnuel llill, Guysboro’ Co., N.H | Cnnnda | New Glasgow. | Aug. 18, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 672 1255 3876 1288 |
001357 | Privnto… | King, Arthur Minor | Nil | King, George | Tidnish, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | Mar. 10, | IVIO. | ||||
11 | 672 1283 3877 1318 |
001201 | Privnto… | King. Herbert Ronald | Nil | King, II. W..’ | Bridgetown, Annapolis Co., N.S | England | Windsor | April 4, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 672 1315 3876 1346 |
002107 | Privnto… | Krumrei, Fred | Nil | Krumrei, William | West. Bay, Inverness Co., N.H | Canada | Parrsboro’ | Mny 1, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 671 1346 3876 1381 |
0OI82S | L.-Corpora | Kyln, Bertie Emmcrson… | Nil | Kyle, Mrs. Clnra | Port Groville, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda | I’nrrsboro’ | Mar. 28, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 671 1375 3876 1408 |
00222’) | Privnto… | Lnmb, Cocil Kdwnrd | Nil | Lamb, Mrs. Dolln | Diligent, River, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn | 1’nrrsboro’ | April 10, | 1016. | ||||
11 | 671 1399 3876 1436 |
001830 | Privnto… | Lamb, John Miller | 03rd Rogt | Lamb, Mrs. Della | Parrsboro’, Cumherlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Parrsboro’ | Mnr. 28, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 671 1434 3876 1466 |
001 CSS | Privnto… | Lnngill, Hess Isaac | Nil | Lnngill, Bruce | R. R. No. 2. River John, l’ictou Co., N.S | U.S.A | River John | Mnr. 20, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 671 1463 3877 1496 |
001711 | I’rivnto.., | Lnngilln, Harvey Troon…. | Nil | Langille, Mrs. Sarah | Wallace, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Pugwnsh | Mnr. 28, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 670 1493 3876 1524 |
001400 | Privnto… | Lnngillc, Herbert Alexnnder | Nil | Langille, Jnmes D | Mcadowvillo, l’ictou Co., N.S | Canada | Pictou | Mnr. 15, | 1016. | ||||
11 | 670 1522 3877 1554 |
001743 | Privnto… | Lnnr.ille, Lewis Boomiin. .. | Nil | Langille, Mrs. Sarah | Wallace, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | 1’ugwash | Mnr. 28, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 670 1551 3876 1584 |
0010-17 | Privnto… | Lnngillo, Ralph Meredith.. | Nil | Langille, Dr. Melnnchton | Dominion St., Tniro, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Feb. 20, | 1016. | ||||
11 | 670 1581 3877 1613 |
002-103 | Privnto.., | Lanolin, Victor Alfred | Nil | Langille, James D | Mcadowville Station, l’ictou Co., N.S | Canada | River John…. | Mny 10, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 669 1610 3877 1641 |
001481 | I’rivnto… | Lautlier, Willinm Andorson | Nil | Lnuthcr. G. II | Tniro, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Windsor | April 4, | 1016. | ||||
11 | 670 1640 3877 1669 |
901078 | Privnto… | liCndbct.U’r, Mc.loolm Jumos | Nil | Lcadbettcr, Thomas | Londonderry, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Mnr. 7, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 670 1669 3877 1700 |
002200 | Privnlo.., | Leah, Sydney James | Imp. Fore | Lenh, Jnmcs | St. Justin, I’cnwithick, Cornwall, Eng | Englnnd | Amlierst | April 24, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 669 1698 3877 1729 |
001420 | Privnto… | Ilonry, Robert Owen | Nil | Leary,John | Queen’s Port, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cnnnda | New Glasgow. | Mar. 16, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 669 1727 3877 1756 |
002130 | Privnto… | Loos, Ambrose Isanc.. …. | Cnn. Mil, | I.eon, Mrs. Annio Klirnbel | ■Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Englnnd | Aldershot | June 22, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 670 1757 3885 1787 |
001204 | Privnto… | Logero. Jo’oph | Nil | Lcgcro, Mrs. Maggie J… | Spring llill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Spring Hill…. | Mar. 30. | 1916.- | ||||
11 | 669 1780 3878 1815 |
002311 | Privnto… | Leggo, Willinm IT.»nry | Nil | Lo(?rv%. Daniol | Scott’s Bay, King’s Co., N.S | Canada | Parrsboro’ | April 14, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 669 1815 3877 1845 |
00140’, | Privnto.,. | Leithead, II-Miry Ivrs | Nil | Lei thead, John Willio…. | Durham, l’icton Co., N.S | Cannda | New Glasgow. | Mnr. 14, | 1016. | ||||
11 | 669 1845 3877 1874 |
901100 | Privnto… | l-eithead, William 1) | Nil | Leithend, John W | U.K. No. 2. Pictou, N.S | Canada | New Glasgow. | Mnr. 14, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 668 1874 3877 1903 |
00120-t | Privnto… | Leonard, 1’r.for Colonis…. | Nil | Leonarri, Mrs. Phoebe Af | Walker St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.8 | Cannda | Truro | Mnr. 13, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 669 1903 3878 1932 |
0010-r>7 | Privnto… | Leslie, Ar’hur William | Nil | Leslie, John | Apple River, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Parrsboro’ | Mnr. 28, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 669 1933 3877 1963 |
002301 | Privnto… | I/etcher, Alonzo Herbert… | Nil | l.otchor, Hiclinrd | Wentworth, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Amherst | April 2.r>, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 669 1962 3878 1992 |
002312 | Privnto… | I<cwis,Jnmos Milford. …. | Nil | Iipwis, John \V | Parrsboro’, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Cnnndn | Pnrrsboro’ | April II, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 669 1992 3878 2021 |
0018’H | Privnto… | l/owis, Willinm Hunter | Nil | Lewis, William J | P.O. Box 810, Truro, Colchcster Co., N.S | Cannda | Truro | April 1, | 1010. | ||||
11 | 669 2016 3879 2051 |
002322 | Privnto… | LiKht, Peter | Light, Thomns | Chnpcl St., Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S…, | Englnnd | Spring Hill | April 26, | 1916. | |||||
11 | 668 2050 3879 2080 |
001471 | L.-Corpora | Light, Iticlinrd | Nil | Light, Mrs. Minnio | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Englnnd | Spring Hill…. | Mnr. 30, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 669 2079 3879 2109 |
001781 | Privnto… | Linkletter, George Ernest.. | Nil | Linkletter. Mrs. Bessie.. | Collingwood, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | Oxford .•. ;. | Mnr. 20. | 1910. | ||||
11 | 669 2109 3880 2140 |
901680 | I..-Cor porn | Lipnett, Rnlph Stnnley | Nil | Lipsctt. Stanley | Middle Manchester, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cannda | Guysborougli.. | April 3, | 1916. | ||||
11 | 668 2138 3880 2167 |
001300 | Privnto… | Little, George Ilenry | Nil | Lit tip, Samuel | Pictou, N.S | Cnnadn | Pictou | Mnr. 9, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 668 2168 3880 2197 |
001502 | Sergeant.. | Ijookerby, Anderson Mclnto | Nil | l>ookerbv, Mra. Jessie G. | Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | April B, | 1910. | ||||
11 | 667 2197 3880 2227 |
001003 | Privnto… | l/opnn, Austin | Nil | Logim, Mrs. Myrtle…. | Pnrk St., Wcstville, l’ictou Co.. N.8 | Cnnadn | Westville | Mar. 24, | 1016. | ||||
11 | 667 2227 3881 2256 |
002532 | Privnto… | Lognn, Clarence Pryor | Nil | Logan, Charles | Middle Musquodoboit, Halifax, Co., N.S | Canndn | Ottnwa | June 24. | 1916. | ||||
11 | 667 2250 3881 2288 |
0021831 | Privnto… | Logan, Jnmes Ilutch | Nil | . Logan, W. O | Stanley, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S t…….. | Cnnadn | Amherst | April 0, | 1010. | ||||
12 | 656 529 3174 562 |
Rank. | Former Corps. | Name ol Next of Kin. | Count ry of | ||||||||||
12 | 472 677 3668 708 |
901878 | Private | Lowe, Nathan William | Nil | Wnlkor, Mrs. Florence | 145 Up Water St., Halifax, N.S | Cnnnda…. | Shubcnnendie… | Mar. 31. 1910. | |||||
12 | 472 707 3667 739 |
001561 | Private | Lowtlier, KM rod F | Nil | Lowther, Hobert Flemming | Cliignecto Mines, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Cnnnda…. | Amherst | April 7. 1916. | |||||
12 | 472 737 3668 768 |
001080 | Private | Lurked, ilnrold Coerce | Nil | Luckct t. M ra. Annie | Young St., Truro. Colchcster Co., N.S | England… | Truro | Mar. 7, 1910. | |||||
12 | 471 767 3669 801 |
002330 | Private | Lumsden, Albert Kdwnrd | 94th Regt. | Lumsden, Frank | Cnnso, Guyslioro’ Co., N.S | Conadn | Cnnso | April 3. 1910. | |||||
12 | 470 795 3669 829 |
001820 | Private | Lunn, Ashley DoBnros | Nil | Lunn, Silns H | Advorntc Jlnrbour, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S.. | Canada…. | Parrsboro | Mar. 28,1916. | |||||
12 | 471 826 3669 858 |
00100 | Private | Ltinn, Glendon Isaac | Nil | Lunn, Silns H | Advocntc llnrbour, Cumberland Co., N.S.. | Canada…. | Parrsboro | Mar. 2S, 1916. | |||||
12 | 471 856 3681 888 |
ooaztr. | Private | Lynch, Kdwnrd J | Nil | Carrican, Mm. Sarah M | Blnck Diamond St., W estville, Pictou Co., | U.S.A | Wcstville | April 3, 1916.’ | |||||
12 | 471 886 3670 918 |
B0I876 | Privnte | Lynch, ’I’lintnns Burton | Nil. | Lynch, Mrs. Margaret ‘. | Shubennrndie, llnnts (Jo., N.S | Canada…. | Shubenacmlio… | Mar. 31. 1910. | |||||
12 | 470 916 3668 949 |
902533 | Sergeant | Lyons, Robert | 94th Rcgt. | Lyons, Mrs. Catherine | Reserve St., Glnce Hay, C.B., N.S | England… | Aldershot Camp | July • 0, 1916. | |||||
12 | 470 946 3669 976 |
901900 | Private | MncAleoso, Stewart Alton | Nil | MncAlocsp, Mrs. Clarence | Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada…. | PnrTsboio | Mnr. 29. 1910. | |||||
12 | 471 975 3669 1006 |
902210 | Private | MneDonnld, Charles | Nil | MneDonnld, Mrs. Maud | Welrford, River John, Pictou Co., N.S.. | Cnnnda | River John | April 0, 1916. | |||||
12 | 471 1006 3669 1037 |
901457 | I’rivnte | MneDonald, Charles Swcatnian. | Nil | MneDonnld, Mrs. Margaret Ellen.. | Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada…. | Wcstville | Mnr. 12, 1916. | |||||
12 | 472 1035 3669 1067 |
902250 | Privato | MnrDonnld, Dougnl Angus | Nii | MacDonnld, Mrs. Mary A | Mnlignnnt Cove, Antigonishe Co., N.S.. | Canada…. | Antigonishe | Mnr. 29, 1916. | |||||
12 | 472 1065 3670 1097 |
001650 | Privato | MacDonnld, Edwin Wilbert | Nil | MncDonald, Mrs. Mary | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada…. | Stellarton | Mar. 19.1916. | |||||
12 | 473 1094 3670 1126 |
901481 | Private | MacDonnld, Ernest Ilenry | O.T.C | MacDonald, Clnude | Pirnlcr, York Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Hnntsport | May 23, 1916. | |||||
12 | 473 1118 3671 1156 |
001183 | Corporal | Macdonald, Frank James | Nil. | Mncdonnld, Angus | Walker St., Tntro, Colchcster Co., N.S. | Canada…. | Tniro. | Mar. 10, 1916. | |||||
12 | 473 1153 3670 1183 |
002003 | Private | MacDonald, Grant | Nil | MacDonald, Mrs. J. J | New Westminster, B.O | Canada…. | Antigonishe | Mar. 21, 1016. | |||||
12 | 473 1176 3670 1213 |
901500 | Privnto | MacDonnld, James Reid | (‘an. Mil… | MacDonnld, Mrs. Eminn | 45 Hill St.. Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.P | Canada…, | Amherst | April 6. 1916. | |||||
12 | 474 1205 3670 1244 |
00231)0 | Private | MacDonald, Robert. I truce | 93rd Rogt. | MacDonnld, Miss Margaret | P.O. Box 355, Spring llill. Cumberlnnd ( | Conndn…. | Spring Hill | April 26. 1916. | |||||
12 | 474 1240 3670 1275 |
002121 | Privato | MacDou, Dougins Guy. | Nil | Mnr Don. Mrs. A | Avonport, King’s Co., N.S | Canada…. | llnntrport | April 4, 1916. | |||||
12 | 474 1270 3671 1303 |
46(1488’ | Private | MncEachron, Ilnrold A | Nil | MnoFnohron, Angus | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada…. | Sussex | Aug. 28, 1915. | |||||
12 | 476 1299 3671 1334 |
002387 | Sergeant | MacGillivrny, 11 uyli .Tolin | 78th Rcgt. | MacCillivrav, Hugh J | High St., New Glnrgow, Pictou Co., N.l | Cnnndn | New Glnsgow. . | April 24. 1U13. | |||||
12 | 476 1329 3672 1362 |
902252 | Private | Mncllattie, Wendell Alexander.. | C.F.A | Mncllattie. Alexander J | Copper Lnke, Anl igonishe Co.. N.S | Canada…. | Antigonishe…. | Mnr. 31, 1916. | |||||
12 | 477 1358 3671 1393 |
001202 | Private | MncKny, Donald Atlierton | Nil | MncKny, Mrs. Margaret | New Glasgow, Pietou Co., N.S | Cnnnda…. | Wcstville | Mar. 1, 1016. | |||||
12 | 476 1388 3672 1421 |
901855 | Privnto | MncKcnitie, Artlntr | Nil | MnrKenzio, Mrs. Minnio | it. F. D. No. 1. Elmsdnlp, Hants Co., N | Canada..,. | Shubenncndie… | Mar. 31, 1916. | |||||
12 | 477 1417 3671 1450 |
001414 | Private | MncKCnzie, Daniel | Nil | MncKenjie, James | New Glasgow. Pictou Co., N.S | Cannda…. | New Glnsgow.. | Mnr. 6. 1916. | |||||
12 | 477 1447 3672 1482 |
0020511 | Corporal | MnoKonzio, Neil Wilfred | Nil | MncKnnr.ie, Alexander L | Pictou, N.H | .’nnndn,… | Pictou | Mar. 27. 1916. | |||||
12 | 478 1470 3672 1509 |
901 SSI | Private | MncKriizic, Willinm Konnoth… | Nil | MacKennie, W. C | Shubcnnendie, limits Co., N.S | Cnnndn…. | Shubcnnendie… | Mar. 31. 1916. | |||||
12 | 479 1506 3673 1542 |
901573 | Private | MacKey, William | Nil | MacKey, Mrs. Sarah | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canndn…. | Spring llill | Mor. 30. 1916. | |||||
12 | 480 1535 3674 1570 |
001710 | Private | MacKinnon, Angus Francis | C.F.A | MneKinnon, Malcolm | Gross llonds, Ohio, Antigonisho Co., N | U.S.A | Antigonisho | Mar. 20. 1916. | |||||
12 | 480 1564 3675 1601 |
902285 | Privato | MacKinnon, John llugh | Nil | MacKinnon, Mrs. Kate | Kurekn, Pictou Co., N.H | Cnnndn..,. | Stellnrton | Mar. 17, 1916. | |||||
12 | 2987 1593 3675 1620 |
Canada…. | Amherst | Mnr. R, 1916. | |||||||||||
12 | 481 1601 2750 1630 |
001108 | Privnto | Mncl/ean, Lyman Headier | Nil | MacLran, Mrs. Elizabeth | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | ||||||||
12 | 481 1618 3675 1659 |
9011 Oft | Privnto | MncLcnn, William Caswell…… | Nil | MncLonn, Andrew | Mtilgrtive, Guysboro’Co.. N.S | Cannda…. | Truro | Mnr. 11,1916. | |||||
12 | 2987 1651 3674 1680 |
Cnnnda…. | New Glasgow.. | Mnr. 10. 1916. | |||||||||||
12 | 481 1660 2749 1688 |
901037 | Privnte | MncLennun, Milton | M iller, Edward | cntrnl Lot No. lfi, P.K.l | |||||||||
12 | 481 1676 3674 1719 |
001240 | Privato | MaeLood, (Iliarlon Frederick…. | Nil | Mncl/’od, Mrs. Margnrct | P.O. Box 71(1, Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda…. | Westvillo | Mnr. 1, 1916. | |||||
12 | 2988 1705 3674 1736 |
Cnnndn…. | Truro | Mar. 14. 1916. | |||||||||||
12 | 482 1713 2823 1748 |
901211 | Privato | Mneljood, Herbert Head | Nil | MncLcod, Mrs. Edna Soplironin… | Knit. Prince St., Truro, Colchestcr Co., N.S | ||||||||
12 | 482 1738 3675 1777 |
902040 | I’rivnte | Mncl/’od, John I, | Nil | MacLeod, John D | Point Prim, Queen’s Co., P.K.l | Cnnndn…. | Amherst | April 6, 1916. | |||||
12 | 2988 1769 3675 1796 |
Cnnnda…. | Antigonishe…. | Mnr. 21, 1916. | |||||||||||
12 | 483 1774 2753 1807 |
002255 | L.-Corporal.., | Macnoil, Alexander I,nuglilin…. | Macnoil. Hugh | Harbour Centre, Antigonishe Co., N.H. | |||||||||
12 | 2988 1798 3675 1825 |
Cnnnda…. | Wcstville | Mar. 31,1916. | |||||||||||
12 | 482 1801 2775 1836 |
002217 | Privnto | MncNcil, Willard | 78t.li Rcgt. | MacNoil, Mrs. Margarot | P.O. Box 258, Westville, Pietou Co., N.H | ||||||||
12 | 2775 1827 3675 1856 |
Cnnndn | Pugwnsh….*.. | Mny 13, 1916. | |||||||||||
12 | 483 1834 2761 1865 |
9021(10 | Privnto | MncNutt, Klmcr | Nil | MacNutt, Mrs. Rhoda | It.R. No. 2, liny llend, Colchcster Co., | ||||||||
12 | 2988 1851 3675 1886 |
Cnnnda…. | Now Glasgow.. | April 17, 1916. | |||||||||||
12 | 483 1865 2739 1894 |
902371 | Privato | MncQunrric, Cordon A | Nil | MarQuarrie, Mrs. Florn | Port Hastings, Inverness Co., N.B… • | ||||||||
12 | 2987 1888 3673 1916 |
Cnnnda…. | Pietou | Mnr. 20, 1919. | |||||||||||
12 | 482 1892 2739 1924 |
002000 | Privnto | MncQimrrie, John Murdoch | Nil | MacOuarrie, Neil | South Khorlrmi, Inverness Co., N.S… | ||||||||
12 | 2987 1917 3673 1947 |
England… | Spring llill | Mnr. 30, 1916. | |||||||||||
12 | 481 1923 2739 1954 |
901949 | Privato | Mnddison, James | Nil | Mnddison, Mrs. Jorushia | Spring Hill, (‘umberlnnd Co., N.H…. | ||||||||
12 | 482 1948 3673 1984 |
001301 | Privato | Mnddison, John Hobert | Nil | Mnddison, Mrs. Martha | Spring llill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.8…. | Englnnd… | Spring Hill | Mnr. 17, 1916. | |||||
12 | 2987 1977 3674 2006 |
Englnnd… | Spring 11 111 | Mnr. 30, 191(1. | |||||||||||
12 | 482 1983 2736 2015 |
901948 | Privato | Mnddison, Joseph Crnvon | Nil | Maddison, Mrs. Elina J | Spring llill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S…. | ||||||||
12 | 483 2007 3674 2045 |
902207 | Privnto | Madore, Ambrose Ilonry | Nil | Mndoro, Mrs. I^ittie | Trenton, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda…. | New Glnpgow,. | April 3, 1916. | |||||
12 | 2987 2038 3674 2066 |
Cnnnda…. | New Glasgow.. | Mnr, 13, 191(1. | |||||||||||
12 | 483 2044 2737 2073 |
001403 | Private | Malcolm, Isaac Lawson | Nil | Malcolm, Mrs. Sarah | New Glasgow, Pietr-u Co., N.H | ||||||||
12 | 484 2068 3675 2105 |
00251 | Sorgennt | Maloney, Gcorgo Patrick | H.C.H…. | Mnloncy, George Patrick | 20 Swords St., Dublin, Ire | Irrlnnd | Aldershot | Aug. 14, 1916. | |||||
12 | 2987 2098 3675 2123 |
Cnnndn | Tniro | Mnv 19, 1016. | |||||||||||
12 | 484 2104 2738 2135 |
902480 | Privnto | Mnloncy, Peter | Nil | Maloney, Thomns | ‘Phubennendie, llnnts Co., N.S | ||||||||
13 | 685 340 3861 377 |
P02I77I l’rivfttn.,. | Mnnloy, fieorgo | Nil | Mnnley, Oconto | South Maitland, llnnts Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | April | 10, 1910. | |||||
13 | 685 368 3860 405 |
W2.1.M | l,rivnto..1 | Mniipin, Mathew Mrfirntli | Nil…. | Manson, Francis | Sherbrooke, IfUysboro’ Co., N.H | Canadn | Aldershot | Aug. | 12, 1910. | ||||
13 | 686 402 3860 437 |
in >17t> 11I’rivnlo, | Mnrrufl, l)”nnld Archibald | Cnn. Mil | Marcus, Mrs. James | Colonmn, Prince Co., P.10.1 | Cannda | Oxford | Mar. | 20, Hill). | |||||
13 | 685 432 3860 464 |
SKI I fill | Private. | Mnrstors, Wolton Davison | Nil…. | Marsters, Mrs. Regina | Ilnntsport, JlantsCo., N.H | Canada | Hnntspnrt | April | 4, 1910. | ||||
13 | 685 462 3860 496 |
(Ml I.’ML’ | I’rivnlo. | Martin, Alexander Bernard | 93rd Rogt | Martin, Mrs. Wm | Spring llill, Cumberland Co., N.H | Cannda | Spring llill | Mar. | 30, 1916. | ||||
13 | 684 492 3861 527 |
It’ll III | I’rivnto. | Mnwm, Arthur Warren | Nil..,. | Mason, Willinm | 9 Crolt St., AmhorHt, Cumberland Co., | Canada | Amherst | Mnr. | 8, 1910. | ||||
13 | 684 522 3861 555 |
OOL’O.’M | I’rivnto. | Mason, Frank Molvillo | Mason, Gcorgo | Amherst Head, Cumberland Co., N.H., | Canada | Amherst | April | 7, 1910. | |||||
13 | 684 551 3861 585 |
non;, i | Privftto, | Mason, Irn | Mason, Mrs. Ira | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.H | Cnnnda | Stellnrton | Mar. | 10, 1910. | |||||
13 | 683 581 3861 615 |
POM 83 | l’rivnfo.. | Mntlir ion, 1111kIi | Nil | Matheson, E | Water Bt., Windsor, Harts Co., N.S…. | Cnnnda | Windsor | April | 4, 1910. | ||||
13 | 683 606 3861 643 |
UOIUOU I’rivnlo, | Matheson, Willinm Hull | Nil | Matheson, Mrs. Elizaboth | Spring llill, Cumbeiland Co., N.8 | Cannda | Spring llill | April | 20, 1910. | |||||
13 | 682 640 3860 674 |
IK) 12311 | Privnto | Mattnlnll, Goorgo | Nil | Elloit, Mib. Abison | .Stellarton, Pietou Co., N.H | Canaria | Westvillo | Feb. | 28, 1910. | ||||
13 | 681 670 3861 703 |
9011)75 | Privnto | Mnttntnll, Lnwrenno | Nil | Mattatall, Jnmes. | Denmark, Colchcster Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | April | 4, 19)0. | ||||
13 | 680 700 3861 733 |
0017-10 | Privnto | Mnttinson, (Joorno Francis | Nil | Mnttinson, Mrs. Minnio | Pugwnsh, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cannda | I’ugwash | Mnr. | 27, 1910. | ||||
13 | 679 725 3860 762 |
9015-1(1 | Privnto | Mnttinson, Lnwsun Egbert | Nil | Mnttinson, James E | Great Village, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Great Village.,. | Mar. | 23, 1910. | ||||
13 | 679 759 3860 793 |
801121 | Private | Mnl.tH.rn, Hoy | Nil | Mattson, William | Truro, Colchcster Co., N.H | Canada | New Glasgow.. | Mar. | 10, 19)0. | ||||
13 | 678 789 3861 823 |
901872 | Privnto | Maynard, James Willinm… i.. | Nil | Maynard, Mrs. Gladys | Shubenacadie, Hants Co., N.S | Canada | Shubenacadie,.. | Mar. | 31,1010. | ||||
13 | 679 819 3861 852 |
901883 | I’rivnto | Mnnroulle, Josoph | Nil | Mazroullo, William | St. Louis do Kent, N.B | Canada | Shubenacadie… | Mar. | 31,1016. | ||||
13 | 679 848 3861 882 |
002281 | I’rivnlo | McArthur, A. Gordon | Nil | McArthur, Mrs. Lucy | Stellarton, l’ictou Co., N.8 | Cnnnda | Stellnrton | Mar. | 20, 1910. | ||||
13 | 678 878 3861 912 |
901001) | Privnto | McUnurnie, Frnnk, | 70th Regt | Chambers, Henry | Alico St., Truro, Colchestcr Co., N.S.., | Cannda | Truro | Mar. | 2, 1910. | ||||
13 | 677 908 3861 942 |
901082 | I’rivnlo | McCabo, Hnrry Austin | Nil…. | McCabe, George | Montrose, Colchester Co., N.B | Cannda | Truro | Mnr. | 8, 1910. | ||||
13 | 677 937 3860 971 |
OOJ5SO | Privnto | McCnllum, Edward Campbell. | Nil. | McCallum, Cooko | Lyons Brook, Tictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Pictou | Mnr. | 21, 1910. | ||||
13 | 677 967 3860 1000 |
902030 | Privnto | McCallum, Ernest | Nil. | McCallum, Edwin | Hastings, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnada | Amherst | April | 7, 1910. | ||||
13 | 677 990 3859 1030 |
U020:ifi | Corporal | McCallum, Gordon Lamy | Nil. | McCallum, John Robert | Ainhcrrt, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | April | 24, 1910. | ||||
13 | 677 1026 3859 1058 |
902511 | Privnto | McCnllum, Jninoa | Nil. | McCallum, Mrs, Emma | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | Spring Hill | May | 23, 1910. | ||||
13 | 676 1055 3861 1087 |
901-193 | Privnto | McCnllum, Lishman Fulton…. | Nil…. | McCallum, Mrs. Mary | Onslow Station, Colchester Co., N.S,.. | Cnnnda | Truro | Mnr. | 21.1910. | ||||
13 | 676 1084 3861 1138 |
1101329 | Privnto | McCnllum, Willinm Stedman.. | Nil…. | McCallum, Mrs. Sarah | McClure, Colchester Co., N.S | 8 annda | Spring Hill | Mar. | 30,)910. | ||||
13 | 676 1110 3862 1147 |
901175 | Privnto | McCarthy, Patrick Joseph | 93rd Regt | McCarthy, Mrs. Bridget | Spring llill, Cumberland Co., N.S | anada | Spring llill | Mar. | 30.1910. | ||||
13 | 677 1143 3861 1175 |
9011,18 | Privnto | McCuish, Angus | Nil | McCuish, Mrs. Janet | Wcstville, I’ictou Co., N.S | Cannda | Westvillo | Mar. | 11.1910. | ||||
13 | 676 1169 3861 1202 |
001 (HO | Privnto | McCulloch, Glendon Enrl | Nil | McCulloch, Daniel Frnsor | Londonderry, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Cannda | Truro | Feb. | 29, 1910. | ||||
13 | 676 1200 3862 1231 |
901223 | Privato | McCulloch, lJnrold G. Grnhnm | Nil…. | McCulloch, A. F. M | New Glasgow, I’ictou Oo., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Mar. | 15, 11)10. | ||||
13 | 676 1229 3862 1263 |
902018 | Sergeant | McCurdy, Willinm Ilnrold | Nil…. | McCurdy, Mrs. Laura R | Old Barns, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | April | 12, 1916. | ||||
13 | 675 1258 3862 1291 |
90IG07 | Privnto | McDcnnnid, .Sidney | Nil…. | McDcrmaid, John | New Westminster, B.C | Cnnada | New Glasgow.. | Mar. | 20. M0. | ||||
13 | 675 1288 3862 1321 |
002347 | Privnto | McDonald, Albert Havelock… | Nil | McDonald, Mrs. Wm | Mount Denson, Hants Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Ilnntsport | April | 15,1’tilO. | ||||
13 | 675 1317 3862 1351 |
901731 | Privnto | McDonald, Alexnnder Joseph.. | Nil | McDonald, Mrs. Janot | Antigonishe. N 8 | Canada | Antigonishe | Mnr. | 11, 1916. | ||||
13 | 674 1346 3862 1379 |
902002 | l’rivnto | MeDonnld, Alfred James | Nil…. | McDonald, Mrs. Mary | Willinm Point, Antigonishe Co., N.S… | Canada | Antigonisho | Mar. | 23, 1916. | ||||
13 | 674 1376 3863 1409 |
902521 | Privnto | McDonald, Clarcnco | Nil…. | McDonald, Mrs. Mary | Trenton, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | New Glasgow.. | May | 27, 1910. | ||||
13 | 674 1406 3862 1439 |
901035 | Privnto | MeDonnld, Dnniol Archibald.. | Nil…. | McDonald, Kenneth | Port Ilawkcsbury, Inverness Co., C.B., | Canada | New Glargow.. | Mnr. | 1, 1916. | ||||
13 | 675 1435 3864 1468 |
901713 | Privnto | MeDonnld, Daniel Kory | Nil…. | McDonald, Dnniol | Harbour Rd., Antigonishe, N.S | Canndn | Antigonishe | Feb. | 18.1916. | ||||
13 | 675 1464 3864 1499 |
002170 | L.-Corporal | McDonald, Donald Frank | Nil…. | McDonald, Angus D | Canso, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Canada | Cnnso | Mar. | 31, 1910. | ||||
13 | 675 1494 3864 1527 |
902000 | Privnte | MeDonnld, John Angus | Nil…. | McDonald, Mrs. Catherine | Thorburn, l’ictou Co., N.S. | Canada | Now Glnsgow.. | Mar. | 29.1910. | ||||
13 | 674 1520 3864 1556 |
90214 | Privnto | MeDonnld, John Duncan | Nil…. | McDonald, Mrs. Mary. | Lanark, Antigonisho Co., N.B | Canada | Antigonisho | Mar. | 28. 1916. | ||||
13 | 674 1553 3865 1586 |
001 CCS | Private | McDonald, Purvis | Nil…. | Hnmmorsley, Geo. W | West Roxbury, Mnss., U.S.A | Canndn | Westvillo | Mar. | 18, 1916. | ||||
13 | 673 1578 3864 1614 |
901927 | Privnto | McDonald. Robert Brown | Nil | McDonald, Mrs. Minnie Jane.. | Lower Maccan, Cumberland Co., N.8… | Canada | River Hebert… | Mar. | 29.1910. | ||||
13 | 673 1612 3864 1643 |
902001 | Privnto | McDonald, Ronnld | Nil | McDonald, W. J | Vancouver, HC | Cnnnda | Antigonishe | Mar. | 21. 1910. | ||||
13 | 673 1641 3864 1672 |
901780 | Privnto | McDonald, Thomas | Nil | McDonald, Thomas | Thomson, Cumberland Co., N.8 | U.S.A. | Oxford | Mar. | 27.1916. | ||||
13 | 673 1668 3865 1701 |
0021)01 | i’rivnto | McDonald. Vincent | Nil | McDonald, James | Salt Springs, Antigonishe Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Antigonishe | Mar. | 21.1916. | ||||
13 | 672 1700 3864 1731 |
90M20 | Privnte | MeDonnld. William | Nil | McDonald, Allan J | I’.O. Box 42, Trenton, Pictou Co., N.S.. | Cnnada | New Glasgow.. | Feb. | 26, 1910. | ||||
13 | 672 1725 3865 1761 |
902502 | Private | McOougnli. Ilup.h | Nil | McDougall, William | Ilnxel Hill, Guysboro’ Co., N.8 | Canada | Guysboro’ | May | 10.1916. | ||||
13 | 672 1759 3865 1792 |
902007 | Sergeant | McKaehom, Daniel | C.F.A… | McEachern, John | Malignant Cove, Antigonisho Co., N.8.. | U.S.A. | Antigonishe | Mar. | 21, 1916. | ||||
13 | 673 1789 3865 1822 |
801093 | Privnto | Melinehorn, Ed;car George | G2nd Regt | McKnchorn, John D | 4f>9 Germain St., St. John, N.B | Canndn | Amherst. | Mnr. | 8, 1910. | ||||
13 | 672 1818 3865 1849 |
902300 | Privnto | MoIOncliern, Laughlin A | Nil…. | McEachern, A | Pictou, N.S. | Canadn | Amherst. | April | 10, 1910. | ||||
13 | 673 1848 3865 1877 |
223178 | Privnto | McJiachorn. Jtanm : | McEachern, Colin | Londonderry, Colchestcr Co., N.B | Cnnada | Halifax | Mnr. | 2.1910. | |||||
13 | 672 1877 3866 1908 |
001214 | Privnto | MeJSnehron, John liarl | Nil | McEachron, Angus | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mnr. | 14.1910. | ||||
13 | 672 1907 3866 1939 |
902132 | Privnte | McKnnis, William Lawrenco…. | Nil | MeEnnis, Mrs. Matilda | Scotch Village, Hants Co., N.S | Canada | Windsor | April | 4, 1016. | ||||
13 | 672 1936 3866 1967 |
902038 | Privnte | MeFarlano, All>rrt IVtor | Nil | McFarlnne, Thomas | Chatham, Northumberland Co., N.S… | Canada | Amherst | April | 7.1910. | ||||
13 | 672 1967 3866 1998 |
901188 | Act.-Porgennt | McGee, John Gordon | Nil | McGee, Mrs. F. S | Queen St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.B.. | Canada | Truro… | Mar. | 11. 1916. | ||||
13 | 672 1996 3867 2028 |
001720 | Private | McGillivray, Alexander | Nil | MeGillivray, Mrs. Eliiabeth.. | Ant igonislie, N.S | Cannda | Antigonisho…. | Mnr. | 13.1916. | ||||
13 | 672 2025 3866 2058 |
901723 | Private | MeGillivray, Daniel | Nil | McGillivray, Ronald | Doctor’s Brook. Antigonishe Co., N.S.. | Canadn | Antigonishe | Mnr. | 16.1910. | ||||
13 | 672 2056 3867 2088 |
902251 | Privnto | MeOillivray. Dougald | MeGillivray. Mrs. Jessie | Big Marsh, Antigonishe Co., N.S | Canada | Antigonishe | Mnr. | 30, 1010. | |||||
13 | 672 2080 3867 2117 |
901126 | Privnte | McGlaskig, William Owen | Nil. | McGlnskig, J. G | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | ICanada | Amherst.. | Mar. | 8, 1916. | ||||
14 | 614 487 3124 518 |
Rank. | Former Corps. | Name o( Next of ICin. | Country of | ||||||||||
14 | 431 635 3615 669 |
001721 | Private | McGuire, Michael Joseph | Nil | Boyd, Ronald R | West Lakevale, Antigonishe Co., N.S | Ireland | Antigonishe | Mar. 4,1016. | |||||
14 | 432 666 3615 700 |
001870 | Privnto | McHrlfy, Charles Hoy | Nil | McHofTy, Mrs. Mary Jano…. | Shubcnnendie, Hants Co., N.B | Cnnada | Shubenacadie… | Mnr. 31, 1910. | |||||
14 | 431 695 3615 729 |
902251! | Private | McInniH, John Roderick | Nil | Mclnnis, Mrs. Sarah | Ohio, Antigonishe Co., N.S | Canada | Antigonishe | Mar. 29,1910. | |||||
14 | 432 726 3616 758 |
001747 | Private | Mclnnis, Norman | Nil | Mclnnis, Mrs. Sarah | Wnllnee, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | Pugwnsh | Mnr. 28,191G. | |||||
14 | 433 755 3616 787 |
002071 | Private | Mclnnis, William F | Nil | Mclnnis, Mrs. Mary | ?4 Clare St., Charlottetown, P.E.I | Cannda | New Glasgow.. | Mar. 23,1910. | |||||
14 | 431 786 3616 818 |
0l>250’l | Privule | Mclnnis, Winfield Scott | 93rd Rent. | Mclnnis, Mrs. Jnnnic | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cnnnda | Spring Hill | Mny 12, 1910. | |||||
14 | 431 813 3616 848 |
001718 | Private | McIntosh, Angus | 78th Rcgt. | McDonald, Mrs. Charles | Bridgeville, Pictou Co., N.B | Cannda | lStgwnsh | Mnr. 10,1910. | |||||
14 | 431 845 3617 878 |
902.’ir,’{ | Private | McIntosh, lid ward Janies | Nil | McIntosh, Wm | Still Water, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cannda | Aldershot | July 7, 1910. | |||||
14 | 432 876 3617 909 |
001055 | Acl.-Scrgcant. | McIntosh, Victor Trueman…. | 70th Regt. | McIntosh, Mrs. Kenneth | Laurie St., Tniro, Colchester Co., N.B | Cnnadn | Tniro.. . | Mnr. 1, 1910. | |||||
14 | 432 905 3618 939 |
902010 | Corporal | Mclsaac, Alexander | Nil | Mclsaac, Mrs. Flora | Giant’s Lake, Guysboro’ Co., N.8 | Cnnadn | Antigonishe | Mar. 21,1916. | |||||
14 | 431 935 3617 967 |
001002 | Private | Melwvic, Arthur Vincent | Nil | Watkins, Thomas | Hate! Hill, Guysboro’Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Cnnfo. | Mnr. ,11, 1910. | |||||
14 | 432 965 3617 996 |
00 Id.)? | Private | Mclsnnc, Daniel | Nil | Mclsaac, Daniel J | Inverness, C.B., N S | Cnnnda | Stellarton | Mar. 10,1016. | |||||
14 | 432 995 3618 1026 |
002127 | Private | Mainline, Jlenry Martin | Nil | Hawes, Sadie .’ | Canso, Guysboio’ Co., N.S ; | Cnnada | Cnnso | April 1, 1010. | |||||
14 | 431 1024 3618 1056 |
omoos | Private | Melnnnc, Joseph Manson | Nil | Mclsaac, Daniel | nar.i l Hill, Gnysboro’Co., N S | Canadn | Canso | April I. 1010. | |||||
14 | 431 1054 3618 1090 |
002281 | t ‘orpnral. | Mclsaao, Malcolm | Mclsaac, Augus D | Inverness, C.B., N.S | U.S.A | New Glnsgow.. | Mar. 30,1010. | ||||||
14 | 431 1084 3619 1115 |
Oill’W | Private | M cl nano, Malcolm | Nil | Mclsaac, Daniel | Port Hastings, Inverness Co., N.S | Cnnada | New Glnsgow.. | April 17, 1010. | |||||
14 | 432 1113 3618 1145 |
DOlCO-i | Ij.-Corpornl… | Mcl«aac, William H | 8 th Regt. | Mclsaac, John | P.O. Box 293, Westville, Pictou Co., N.8 | Cannda | Westville | Mar. 21, 1910. | |||||
14 | 433 1143 3619 1175 |
002:’.t5 | Ii.-Corporal… | Mclvor, Merton Fidmund | Nil | Melver, Bertram | River Ilebert, Cumberland Co., N.8…… | Cannda | River Ilebert.. | April 24, 1010. | |||||
14 | 433 1172 3619 1205 |
001147 | L.-Corporal… | Melvor, Wylie Orahatn | Nil | Mclvor, Mrs. Lila | 4 Mea>low St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S. | Cnnnfin | Amherst | Mnr. 8, 1911). | |||||
14 | 433 1202 3620 1234 |
#02100 | Private | Me Kay, Alexander | Nil | McKay, Mrs. James | Port Hove, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H | Canada | Pugwnsh | Mar. 29, 1910. | |||||
14 | 433 1231 3620 1263 |
00HMI | Privato | McKay, Alexander Raymond, | Nil | McKay, Mrs. Annie | Willowdalo, Tictnu Co., N.P | Cnnnda | New Glnsgow.. | Mnr. 15, 1910. | |||||
14 | 433 1261 3619 1292 |
oo?2o:t | Private | McKay, Clarence Kennnth…. | Nil | Murray, Mrs. Airnos | ” atamagomhe, Colchcster Co., N.S | Cnnndn | ‘I ruio | April IR, ItUO. | |||||
14 | 433 1291 3620 1322 |
001 III | Privnte | McKay, Harold I’,most | McKay, Joseph Howe | Newport, llnnts Co., N S | Canada | Truro | Mnr. 10, 1910. | ||||||
14 | 434 1320 3621 1352 |
002108 | Private | MeJiiiy,.),1)111 Ferguson | 70th Regt. | McKay, Mrs. Mabel | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | April II. 1910. | |||||
14 | 434 1350 3621 1381 |
901025 | Private | McKay, Merril Arthur | Nil | McKay, Amos | Slmlie, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canndn……. | River Hebeit.. | Mnr. 29, 1910. | |||||
14 | 435 1379 3621 1412 |
9U23B5 | Private .. | Mr Kay, Hayinond George.,.. | Nil | McKay, Amos | Bhulie, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn .’ | River Hrl>ert. | April 24,1010. | |||||
14 | 435 1409 3621 1440 |
001017 | Private | MeKny, Thomas Alexander,,. | Nil | McKay, Mr?. lidna | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Spring llill…. | Mnr. 30, 1910. | |||||
14 | 435 1437 3621 1469 |
«012.17 | Privato | MeKeivie, Robert David | Nil | McKelviu, Mrs. Matilda | Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnnda | W estville | Feb. 2R, 1910. | |||||
14 | 436 1468 3622 1500 |
1)1)2:115 | Private | McKenzie, < icorgo | O.F.A | McKenzie, Mrs. Christina Hayden | New Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn | River John .., | April R, 1910. | |||||
14 | 436 1498 3622 1528 |
0010.-) I | Private | MnKon*/.ie, John | Nil | McKcnrie, Willinm | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.H | Cnnndn | Stellarton | Mar. 19, 1910. | |||||
14 | 436 1524 3622 1559 |
001020 | Private | McKenzie, Russell David | 70th Regt. | McKenzie, David Campbell.. | Iliblo llill, Truro, Colchester Co., N.8 | Cannda | Tniro | Feb. 25, 1010. | |||||
14 | 436 1557 3623 1588 |
mm | Private | McKinley, Juilsoii Currie | Cnn. Mil.. | MoKinlcy, Mrs. James.. | Shulicnnradie, llnnts Co., N.H. | Cnnndn | Halifax .. | Mnr. 4, 1010. | |||||
14 | 437 1586 3623 1618 |
901882 | 1..-Corporal… | McKinley, Melvin Clifford… | Can. Mil.. | McKinley, Mrs. Mary | Shubenacadie, Hants Co., N.H | Cnnada | Ph’ibeimi ndie,. | Mnr. 31,1010, | |||||
14 | 438 1616 3623 1646 |
001450 | Private | McKinnon, (Jhnrle:* : | Nil | McKinnon, John | 1’ailey’s Brook, Pictou Co., N.B | Cnnadn | New Glasgow. | Mnr. 17,1010, | |||||
14 | 437 1645 3624 1676 |
002255 | Private | McKinnon, Hugh Daniel | Nil | McKinnon, John | Purlhrook, Antigonisho Co., N.S | Canada……. | Antigonishe. ., | April 10, 1010. | |||||
14 | 437 1674 3625 1705 |
0107X7 | Private | McKinnon, Hugh Ronald…. | Nil | McKinnon, Angus. | McAskell Iliver, ixit 42, P.K.l | Cnnndn | Oxford | Mar. 27, 1010. | |||||
14 | 438 1703 3626 1737 |
001722 | 1..-Corpornl… | McKinnon, Willinm Dougnld. | Nil | McKinnon, Mrs. Margaret | Mnryvale, Antigonishe Co., N.H | Cnnadn | Antigonishe— | Mnr. 7, 1010, | |||||
14 | 437 1732 3625 1765 |
0015:il | Private | McLane, Frank Hurton | Nil | McLane, Henry A | Stillwater, OuyHboro’ Co., N.S | Cannda | Guysborough,. | April 5, 1910. | |||||
14 | 437 1762 3626 1794 |
002355 | Private | McLann, James Adam | Nil | MeLane, Adam | Sherbrooke, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Halifnx | Sept. 14, 1010, | |||||
14 | 437 1790 3626 1826 |
001395 | f/.-O’orpornl… | MrLnren, John David | Nil | McLaren, \V. K | Pictou, N.S | Cnnnda | Pictou | Mar. 7,1910. | |||||
14 | 437 1819 3626 1854 |
00!R:i4 | Privato | McLaughlin, Uernard 0 | Nil | McLnughlin, Patrick J | Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cnnnda | I’nrrsboro | Mnr. 28, 1010. | |||||
14 | 438 1849 3626 1886 |
001 sir. | I/.-Corporal… | McLaughlin, Kdwnrd Joseph. | Nil | McLaughlin, Mrs. W. A | Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., N.H | Cnnnda | Pnrrshoro | Mar. 28,1010. | |||||
14 | 437 1878 3627 1914 |
001073 | Private | McLaughlin, Josi’pli Nelson.. | Nil | McLaughlin, Wellington | Dnss River, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada……. | Truro | Mnr. 0, 1010. | |||||
14 | 439 1908 3627 1944 |
0011:12 | Privato | Melxian, llnrry George | Can. Mil.. | Mcl/can, Mrs. liliznbcth | 14 Dale Rt., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S… | Cnnnda | Amherst | Mnr. R, 1010. | |||||
14 | 439 1938 3626 1973 |
0014 | Private | Mclxinn, Hugh John | Nil | Mclsaac, Mrs. Christina | Port Hawkesbtiry, Inverness Co., N.B | Cnnnda | New C.hifgow. | Mnr. 15, 1910. | |||||
14 | 439 1968 3626 2003 |
001410 | Private | Mclx’an, Jnim’H Allen | Nil | McLean, John Joseph | Trenton, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnada | New Glasgow. | Feb. 20, 1010, | |||||
14 | 439 1998 3627 2033 |
001138 | Private | Melx’llnn, Arnold Guy | Nil | MelxMInn, William A | Tyndnle lid., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H. | Cnnnda | Amherst | Mnr. R, 1010. | |||||
14 | 439 2027 3628 2063 |
1)01501 | Private | Melx’llan, Joliii Andrew… | Nil | MrJjOllnn, James D | lironomy, Colchester Co., N.S | (‘nnndn……. | Truro | Mar. 22, 1010, | |||||
14 | 439 2058 3627 2093 |
002 IRS | Privato | Mclx’llan, Roy Douglas | Nil | McLellnn, William A | Tyndnln ltd., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H. | (‘nnada | Amherst | April <!, 1010. | |||||
15 | 662 441 3845 475 |
orrao | Privnte | iMcLonnnn, John Murdoch., | Nil | McLennan, John | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnadn.. | Truro | April 13, 101(1. | |||||
15 | 662 471 3845 507 |
90130.1 | Privnto | IMelx-od, Aliin | U3rd Rcgt, | McLeod, Mrs. Nicholas | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn., | Spring Hill…. | Mnr. 17, 1U10. | |||||
15 | 661 501 3844 535 |
iNwior | Private | McLeod, Adolph | Nil | McLeod, Hugh J | Scotsburn Station, Pic.lou Co., N.S | U.S.A…, | River John…. | Mnr. 30, 1910. | |||||
15 | 661 531 3845 565 |
902UI | Privato | Mclx’od, Albert George | Nil | McLeod, John Gordon | 27B Belloviow St., West Jloxhury, Mass., U.S.A | U.S.A.., | Westville | April 1,1910. | |||||
15 | 661 561 3844 596 |
901000 | Sergeant | Mclx’od, llcrt | Nil | McLeod, John William | Church St., Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnadn.. | Wcstville | Mar. 21, 1910. | |||||
15 | 660 590 3844 625 |
9112280 | Privato | Me I,cod, llnrry | Nil | O’Hnrn, James | New Harbour, Guysboro1 Co., N.S | Cnnnda.. | Stellnrton | April 0, 1910. | |||||
15 | 660 621 3844 657 |
901 ONI | Aot.-Sorgeunt.. | Mclx’od, Jnmes Gordon…. | Nil | McLeod, Alexander F | Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada.. | .ruro | Mnr. I), 1910. | |||||
15 | 660 650 3845 684 |
uoMr. | Privnto | McLeod, John Dan | Nil | Mclx’od, Alex | Plymouth, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | New Glnsgow. | Mar. 1, 1910. | |||||
15 | 660 680 3845 716 |
902329 | Privato | McMnsttT, Charles Angus.. | Nil | McMsster, Hugh | Port Hood, Inverness Co., C.B., N.S | Cnnnda.. | New Glasgow, | Feb. 20, 1910. | |||||
15 | 659 710 3845 746 |
m423 | Privnto | McMillan, Malcolm | Nil | McMillan, John A | Willowdalo, Pictou Co., N.B | Canndn,., | New Glnsgow. | April 28, 1910. | |||||
15 | 658 740 3845 775 |
W1202 | Privato | McMillnn, Neil 6. | Nil | McMillnn, Donald | Westville, Pic.lou Co., N.S | Canada.. | Westvillo | Feb. 19. 1910. | |||||
15 | 658 770 3845 806 |
UO1088 | L.-Corporal..,, | McMillan, Wallace Graham | Nil | McMillnn, Frank | Briercrest, Bask | Cnnnda.. | luynborougli.. | April 1, 1910. | |||||
15 | 658 800 3844 835 |
902115 | McNnughton, John | 78th Rcgt. | McNnughton, Mrs. Margaret | Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada.. | Westvillo | Mnr. 18, 1910. | ||||||
15 | 657 829 3844 864 |
001001 | Privnto | McNnughton, Simon | Nil | McNaughton, Mrs. Christina | Westville, Pictou Co., N.H | nnndn.. | Westville | Mnr. 12, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 859 3843 895 |
001089 | Privnto | McNeil, Ambrose | Nil | McNeil, Murdock | Cnnso, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cnnnda.. | ‘nnso | Mar. 31,1910. | |||||
15 | 656 887 3843 924 |
901729 | Private | McNeil, Daniel Alexander J | Nil | McNeil, Mrs. John - | Lanark, Antigonisho Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Antigonishe…. | Mar. 11, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 917 3845 955 |
9014 33 | L.-C’orpornl…. | MeNoill, John Anderson … | Nil | McNeill, F. T | Now Glasgow, Pictou Co., N.H | Cnnndn.. | New Glnsgow. | Mnr. 18, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 947 3845 983 |
901020 | Privnto | McNeill, 1,auric ltoynl …. | Nil | McNeill, Alexander | Great, Villnge, Colchcster Co., N.S | Canada.. | Truro | Mnr. 27, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 970 3844 1012 |
902287 | Privnto | McNeil, Jx>rno | Nil | McNeil, MrB. Millie | Eureka, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada.. | Stellnrton | April 7, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 1005 3844 1042 |
901891 | Privnto | McNeil, Rod | Nil | McNeil, Mrs. Christina Mnrj | Thorburn, Pictou Co., N.S | Cannda.. | New Glasgow. | Mnr. 11, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 1029 3843 1072 |
9021 or. | Private | MoNntt, Arthur | Nil | McNutt, Mrs. Stella | R.ll. No. 2, Wallace Highlands, Cumberlnnd Co | Cnnndn.. | Pugwnsh | Mnv 13, 1910. | |||||
15 | 657 1065 3844 1102 |
90I74C | I’rivnto | McNutt, Harlow Morris…. | Nil | McNutt, Mrs. Nellio | Wnllnco Highlands, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnadn.. | Pugwnsh | Mnr. 28, 1910. | |||||
15 | 657 1089 3845 1131 |
90171.1 | Private | McNutt, Everett | Nil | McNutt, Robert | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Truro | Mnr. 29, Wifi. | |||||
15 | 657 1124 3846 1161 |
90i2IO | Privato | MoNiitt, Guy Ixjwis | Nil | McNutt, Elisha | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnadn.. | Truro | Mnr. 14, iBJiV. | |||||
15 | 657 1153 3845 1193 |
901830 | Private | McPheo, Clinton Alexander | Nil | McPhco, Mrs. Eva | Shubenncndie, Hnnts Co., N.S | Canada.. | Shubenacndie.. | Mar. 31, 191*. | |||||
15 | 657 1183 3846 1221 |
902092 | Privnto | McPherson, Arthur | Nil | McPherson, Mrs. Libbio | Pictou Lnndirg, N.S | Cnnndn.. | Pielou | Mar. 18, 191*. | |||||
15 | 656 1212 3846 1251 |
902203 | Privato | McPherson, Duncan Neil.. | Nil | McPherson, John | Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N.H | Canadn.. | Westville | Mnr. 1, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 1242 3846 1282 |
90150.; | Privnto | McPherson, Joseph Alexnnde | Nil | McPherson, Hugh | Cnlgnry, Alta | Cannda.. | Ainherst | April 7, 1916. | |||||
15 | 656 1271 3846 1311 |
901501 | Private | McPherson, Stewart Annus | Nil | McPherson, Hugh | Calgary, Alta | Canada.. | Amherst | April 7, 1910. | |||||
15 | 655 1301 3846 1343 |
901071 | L.-Corporal…. | McRae, Roderick | Nil | McRae, Norman | Stellarton, I’ictou Co., N.8 | Canada.. | Truro | Mnr. t., 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 1331 3845 1370 |
223111 | Privnto | McSavnncy, John | 91th Rogt. | McSavnncy, James | Dominion, South C.IL, N.S | Cnnndn.. | Halifnx | Nov. 1, I91A. | |||||
15 | 656 1355 3846 1400 |
901300 | Private | McWilliams, Gcorgo Carl.. | Can. Mil… | McWilliams, Mrs. Annio…. | 181 High St., Moncton, Westmoreland Co., N.B | Cnnndn.. | Atnh<’tsf. | Mnr. 10, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 1391 3846 1430 |
001072 | Privnte | Meuse, James Ixjuis | Nil | Cope, Mrs. Kate | Truro, Colchester Co., N.8 | Canndn.. | Truro | Mnr. 28, 1910. | |||||
15 | 656 1414 3847 1461 |
90 U 95 | Corporal | Millcn, Raymond Leo | Cnn. Mil… | Millcn, Jumcs | Hnnnony, Kings Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Truro | Mnr. 11,1910. | |||||
15 | 656 1449 3846 1489 |
902-170 | Pri-nto | Millcn, Vcmo Butler | Nil | Millcn, James | Harmony, Kings Co., N.8 | Cnnndn.. | Truro | Mny 9, 1910. | |||||
15 | 655 1473 3847 1519 |
90I789 | Privato | Miller, Alton | 93r<l Refit. | Miller, Malcolm | Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Oxford | Mnr. 27, 1910. | |||||
15 | 655 1508 3846 1549 |
901-15-1 | Privato | Miller, John Robert | Nil | Miller, Mrs. Catherine | P.O. Box 405, Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Westvillo | Mar. 14, 1910. | |||||
15 | 1857 1538 3847 1570 |
Miller, John W | Tidnish, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Ainherst | Mar. 10, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 655 1547 1677 1579 |
’.’01373 | Privnto | Miller, Joseph Albert | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 655 1567 3846 1609 |
901707 | Privnto | Miller, Murray Warton | Nil | Miller, Hugh | Miller’s Creek, Hnnts Co., N.S | Cnnadn.. | Windsor | April 4, 1910. | |||||
15 | 655 1595 3847 1637 |
90M50 | Privato | Miller, William Lirdsay … | Nil | Miller, Mrs. Catherine | P.O. Box 405, Westvillp, Pictou Co., N.S | (..’nnndn.. | Westvillo | Mnr. 14, 1910. | |||||
15 | 1855 1627 3847 1659 |
McClnry, Mrs. Myra | Joggin Mines, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Cnnndn.. | Aldershot | June 22,1910. | |||||||||
15 | 657 1636 1677 1672 |
902519 | L.-Corporal..,. | Mills, Cecil Rhodes | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1848 1651 3847 1687 |
iMilncr, Mrs. Mntilda Jean…. | 1171 xiwer V ictorin St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co | Cnnnda.. | Amherst | Mnr. 10, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 657 1666 1677 1698 |
901309 | Privnte | Milner, William Arthur.. . | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1848 1687 3848 1717 |
iMitehner, Simmon | Ilnntsport. N.S | Canada.. | Ilnntsport | April 4, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 657 1712 3848 1758 |
9011)71 | Co. Q.-M. Sergt | Monaghan, John Nelson…. | C.P.A.S.C. | Monoghnn, Mrs. J. N | Truro, Colchcster Co., N.S | Ireland.. | Aldershot | Juno 25,1910. | |||||
15 | 657 1745 3848 1785 |
902391 | Privnto | Moore, Hup.hio Scott | ,93rd Rcgt. | ‘Moore, Mrs. EttnJano | North Greenville, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Spring Hill…. | April 20; 1910. | |||||
15 | 1858 1775 3848 1805 |
Moore, Mrs. Annio | Fnrrsboro; Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | River Hebert.. | Mnr. 29, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 657 1784 1679 1816 |
901922 | Privnto | Moore, Perry | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1861 1804 3847 1836 |
Morrell, Henry | PtcllnrtoK, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Stellarton | Mnr. 7, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 658 1813 1679 1845 |
901452 | Privnte. | Morrell, George Henry | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1860 1833 3847 1865 |
Morrell, Mrs. Olla… | 42 Rupert St., Ainherst, Cumberland Co., N.S. | Cnnndn.. | Amherst | Mnr. 8, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 658 1843 1679 1876 |
901141 | Sergeant | Morrell, Willinm Andrew.. | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1862 1863 3847 1895 |
Morris, Ephrnim | Nnvnl Service, Halifax, N.S | Cnnnda.. | Truro……… | Mnr. 14,1910. | |||||||||
15 | 658 1872 1680 1904 |
901334 | Privnto | Morris, Cecil Rhodes | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1861 1892 3848 1923 |
Morris, Mrs. Laura L | Advorntc Harbour’, Cumberland Co., N.B | Canndn.. | Pnrrsboro | Mnr. 29,1910. | |||||||||
15 | 658 1902 1680 1934 |
9018.18 | Private | Morris, Fred Wilson | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1861 1922 3848 1952 |
Morris, Willinm D | Wcstville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndu.. | River Ilebert.. | Mnr. 29,1910. | |||||||||
15 | 658 1931 1681 1966 |
901921 | L.-Corporal | Morris, Jlarry Senforth…. | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1862 1951 3849 1982 |
Morris, James | Three Milo Plain, Hants Co., N.S | Cnnadn.. | Windsor | April 4, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 659 1960 1682 1993 |
901277 | Private | Morris, Joseph Willinm..,. | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1862 1981 3150 2013 |
Morris, Willinm | Vail Block, La Planche St., Amherst, Cumberlnw | o.( | |||||||||||
15 | 659 1991 1682 2024 |
901371 | Privnto | Morris, Ru.wll Ebon | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 2427 2010 3849 2038 |
“ S | N.l | Cnnndn.. | Ainherst | Mnr. 10, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 660 2040 3850 2083 |
(’11837 | Private | Morris, Willnrd | Nil | Morris, Leopold | Advocate Harbour, Cumberland Co., N.S.. | Cnnndn.. | Parrsboro | Mnr. 28, 1910. | |||||
15 | 1864 2064 3850 2102 |
Morrison, Vllill | Church St., Westvillo, Pictou Co., N.8 | Cnnndn.. | Westville. …… | Mnr. 27, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 660 2080 1683 2113 |
902110 | Private | Morrison, Alexander | Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1865 2094 3850 2132 |
Morrisrey, Mrs. Annie Ilnley | Parrsboro. Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Parrsboro | April 10, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 660 2106 1683 2143 |
902220 | Privnte | Morrissey, John | I Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1863 2124 3850 2161 |
Morse, rnrker | Oxford, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Oxford | Mar. 27, 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 661 2139 1684 2172 |
901792 | Privnte | Morse, Albert Yorston | i Nil | ||||||||||
15 | 1866 2159 3851 2190 |
Morse. Henry | Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | Parrsboro | Mnr. 28.191>’. | |||||||||
15 | 661 2168 1686 2202 |
901810 | Privnte | Morse, lfornee Keith | jt’nn. Mil,.. | ||||||||||
15 | 1864 2183 3851 2221 |
Ward, Mrs. Agnos | Stellarton, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn.. | IStellarton | Mnr. 4. 1910. | |||||||||
15 | 661 2189 1684 2232 |
901153 | Private | Muir, Gilbert | 1 Nil | ||||||||||
16 | 650 591 3161 625 |
Former Corps. | Name of Next of Kin. | Country of | |||||||||||
16 | 492 639 3606 665 |
o | Place. | Dnte. | |||||||||||
16 | 470 739 3660 772 |
002338 | Munroo, Mnrlha | White Ilcnd, GuyBboro’, N 8 | ‘Vpril 1,1910. | ||||||||||
16 | 470 777 1320 805 |
00233V | Privnte | Munroe, Mlon bllsworth | |||||||||||
16 | 471 799 3661 834 |
B02.137 | Privnte | Munroo, Curtin Cleveland | Nil | Munroo, John P | Colo Harbour, Guyeboro* Co., N.S | Canada | Danso | April 1,1010. | |||||
16 | 470 829 3662 866 |
OOlO’.’t | L.-Corporal | Munroo, William Knowles | Nil | Munroo, Lewis | Canko, (tjyfiboro’ Co., N.S | Onnado | Cnnso | Mar. 31, l’Jlfi- | |||||
16 | 470 858 3662 891 |
902230 | Privnto | Mnrrhv t 1 .to/I | Cole, Mrs. Harvey | Shubenacadie… | April 13,1910. | I’l III » 11 A'M* 1 u J H» i • | |||||||
16 | 469 889 3661 922 |
H0H 75 | Siiri’r’fi n fc | Miirdoelr lloriitio Wurd ….. | Murdock, W. li | 34 Spring St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Mar. 8, 1910. | *. Ll <111 Vi i • * i . ■ a • | |||||||
16 | 469 918 3661 955 |
B02094 | Private | Murray, Charles Henderson | Nil | Murray, Joseph | Lyons Brook, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Pictou | Mnr. 27, 1910. | |||||
16 | 470 948 3661 984 |
901259 | Privato | Murray, Kdrcnr | Nil | Murray, Mrs. Isabel | Trenton, Pictou Co., N.B | Cnnada | Westville | Feb. 29, 1910. | |||||
16 | 470 978 3661 1014 |
I)017fl0 | Pnvofrt | M nrniv 1 tnrnlrl Hnrnl.in « | Nil | Port Elgin, Westmoreland Co., N.8 | Oxford | Mnr. 27, 1910. | llv 1 4 tfU | i’l 111 1 i»J | J.llVIUl’1 1 IVlltVlWi . ! …II | ||||
16 | 470 1002 3663 1043 |
902321 | Murray, James IWwick… | Nii:::: | Spring llill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Spring Hill | April 20,1910. | ||||||||
16 | 1671 1037 3654 1051 |
% 1 _ ml TA | (1 _ Tflll . Ui»fc.l -«^1 \T CS | A Of* lOtft | |||||||||||
16 | 470 1039 3586 1073 |
yo23uo | Murrnv, .John McKcnr.io. | bprmg Jtlill, tumncriann i_/0.f M.S5… | Canada | Apru /ui | |||||||||
16 | 470 1067 3663 1103 |
901052 | Corporal | Murray, MntUww Hlair | Territorial# | Murray, Mrs. Ellen | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | Scot land | Stellnrton | Mnr. 19, 1910. | |||||
16 | 470 1096 3663 1132 |
901003 | Private | Murray, Orlo I’ruco | Nil | Murray, Angus. | Tatnmngouehe Mountain, Colchcster Co., N.S | Cnnnda. | Truro | I’cb. 17, 1910. | |||||
16 | 470 1121 3663 1161 |
907114 | Privato | Murray, Willinm Ixnvis | Nil | MacPherson, Mrs. Androw | 11.11. No. 2, Glengarry Station, Pictou Co., N.S | Canadn | Wcstville | April 12, 19111. | |||||
16 | 470 1155 3664 1192 |
002128 | L.-Corporal…… | Myers, Fred Kussol | Nil | Myers, Georgo W | Cnnso, Guysboro Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Canso | Mar. 31.1910. | |||||
16 | 469 1185 3664 1221 |
P01-121 | Privnto | Myers, Gentry Kdwnrd | Nil | Myers, Georgo W | Mnlngnsli, Cumberlnnd Co., N S | Canndn | Cnnso | Mnr. 10, 1910. | |||||
16 | 469 1213 3664 1250 |
(1023-1(1 | Privato | Myers, Spurgon Charles | Nil | Myers, Abner P | Cole llnrbour, Guysboro Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Cnnso | April 1, 19 Hi. | |||||
16 | 470 1242 3665 1280 |
902341 | L.-Corporal | Myers, Willard Spurgeon | Nil | Myers, Fred, h | Colo Jlnrbonr, Guysboro’ Co., N S | Canada | f ‘nnRO | April 1, 1910. | |||||
16 | 467 1272 3664 1306 |
9012.15 | Privato | Neath, I’.rnest | Nil | Neath, Mrs. Klixnbeth | P.O. T?ox519, Westville, Piclou Co., N.S | l£nginnd | Westvillo | Feb. 27, 1910. | |||||
16 | 468 1298 3665 1337 |
9D1034 | Sergeant | Nelson. DuCTus Warburton | Nil | Nelson, William Dawson | P.O. Box 215, Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Feb. 2H, 1910. | |||||
16 | 468 1331 3665 1367 |
90 MOO | Privato | Nelson, l’nymon«i W | Nil | Nelson, Mrs. Rliinbeth | Oox 708, Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Westvillo | Mar. 15, 1910. | |||||
16 | 468 1360 3666 1395 |
S01G06 | Private | Newcomb, Jpdcdinh Henry | Nil | Newcomb, Mrs. Maggie M | Hantsport, N.H | Cannda | Ilnntsport | April 4,1910. | |||||
16 | 468 1386 3667 1424 |
901005 | Privato | Newcli, Vincent Androw | Nil | Nowell, Joseph | 55 Dresden How, Halifax, N.S | Cannda | Truro | April 3,1910. | |||||
16 | 469 1418 3667 1455 |
901072 | Privato | Newton, Willnrd | Nil | Newton, Mrs. Grorgio Mny | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. 14, 1910. | |||||
16 | 469 1449 3668 1485 |
001430 | Private | Nicholson, John Lulco . | Nil | Nicholson, Npil tt | Hnrnchois Harbour, C.B., N.S | Canada | New Glnsgow.. | Mar. 11, 1910. | |||||
16 | 470 1478 3668 1513 |
901425 | Private | Nickerson, Hnzen Morton | Nil | Nickerson. William | Stellnrton, l’ictou Co., N.S | Canada | New Glnsgow.. | Mar. IB, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1504 3669 1543 |
902013 | Private………. | Nix, liny Orlnn | Nil | Stewart, Mrs. Daniel | Westchester, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Canada..: | Amherst. | April 24. 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1537 3669 1572 |
901884 | Private | Noble, James F.dwnrd | Nil | Noble, Mrs. Agnes | Shubcnnendie, limits Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Shubenncndie… | Mnr. 31, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1566 3669 1603 |
902552 | Privato | Noilcs, Joseph Wnlkpr | 93rd Itcgt | Noiles, Mrs. P. M | l/ower Mnecnn, < ‘utnhrrlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | New Glnsgow.. | Aug. 17,1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1595 3670 1632 |
902133 | Privato | Northup, Howard Kitrlipnor | Nil | Northup, Jerminli | Scotch Village, llnnts (Jo., N.S | Cnnnda | Windsor | April 4. laio. | |||||
16 | 472 1623 3670 1661 |
902325 | Private | O’Hrien, Frederick Willinm | 93rd Rcgt | O’Brien, Mrs. Kmina | Spring llill, < Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Spring Hill | April 20.1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1652 3669 1692 |
902453 | Privato | O’ Hricn, Jnme:< Kdwnrd | Nil | O’Brien, John J | Cnnso, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Canndn | Canso | April 11, K’10. | |||||
16 | 471 1681 3669 1722 |
901181 | Private | 0’(’onnr-U, Kdwnrd Raymond…. | Nil | O’ConnpIl, .lamps Francis | Londonderry, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Mnr. 10, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1714 3670 1750 |
902395 | Private | Odcrkirk, Henry llnvcrstoek | 93rd Regt | Oderkirk, Mrs. Surah | North Greenville, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnadn | Spring Hill | April 20, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1744 3669 1787 |
902312 | Privnto. | O’Hnloy, Rirnon | Nil | O’Haley, John A | Port Felix, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Canada | Cnnso | April 1, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1774 3670 1806 |
901247 | Private. | Olivp, Arthur | Nil | Olive, Mrs. Klisnbelh | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | Englnnd | Stellnrton | Mnr. 10, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1802 3671 1836 |
901470 | Privato | O’Neil, John | Nil | O’Neil, Mrs. Annie. | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Spring Hill | Mar. 30, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1832 3671 1866 |
902292 | Prfrnto | O’Neil, Hobert, Newton | Cnn. Mil | O’Neil, Mrs. Levinin | Kempt Town, (‘olclipnlrr Co., N.B | U.S.A | Truro | April 1«. 1910. | |||||
16 | 470 1862 3672 1897 |
901880 | Privato | Orpeliin, Georgp.lnmes | Nil | Orechin, Mrs. Floreneo | Miubenncndie. limits Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Shubcnncndip… | Mnr. 31, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 1892 3672 1926 |
901207 | Private | Ormistnn, .Inlin Andrew | Nil | Ortniston, Mrs. Gertrude | Hopewell, Pictou Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Stellnrton | Mar. 3,19 in. | |||||
16 | 470 1921 3674 1956 |
488272 | Privato | Osbornn, (lU’nn Wiinhourne | Can. Mil | Osborne, Mrs. James | Onklield, Hnlifnx Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Halifax | Mar. 4, 19 | ft. | ||||
16 | 471 1951 3673 1986 |
901S23 | Private.. | Osborne, James Wimborno | Nil | Osborne, Mrs. Ktt.lV | Stcwincke, Colchester Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Halifax | Feb. 27, 19111. | |||||
16 | 471 1981 3674 2015 |
901408 | Privato | Ouellette, Willie | Nil | Ouellette, Anthony | Trenton. Pictou Co., N.H | Cnnndn | New Glasgow. . | Mnr. 13. 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 2011 3674 2046 |
901382 | Private………. | Parker, 11 ibbert | Nil | Pnrkor, Mrs. I’.lta | Mnecnn, Cumberland Co., N.H | Cnnnda | Ainherst | Mnr. 17, 19W. | |||||
16 | 470 2041 3674 2076 |
901807 | Private | l’nrker, Inane | Nil | Parker, Mrs. Mnrin | Shubennendin, Hnnts Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Kliul’nnacndie… | Mnr. 31, Ifllfl. | |||||
16 | 470 2070 3674 2107 |
902237 | Private | Pnrkcr, Sidney Mansfield | Nil | Parker, Mrs. James | Nine Mile lliver, llnnts Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Khubeimcad ie.. | Apiil 13, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 2100 3675 2135 |
901379 | Privato | Pnrlen, Ivlins.. | Nil | Pnrlee, Harry | Mnecnn, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Amherst | Mnr. 17, 1910. | |||||
16 | 471 2131 3675 2167 |
4S8.105 | Private… | I’urlnp, Henry Andrew | Cnn. Mil.’. | Parlee, Mrs | Auburn, Kings Co., N.S | < ‘nnndn | Halifax | Mnr. 25, 1910. | |||||
16 | 472 2160 3676 2195 |
901378 | Private | Pnrlco, Willinm Havelock | Cnn. Mil •-… | Pnrlee, llnrry | Mnecnn, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | Mnr. 17. 1910. | |||||
17 | 1866 396 3860 427 |
Paton, Dnvid | Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cannda | Westville | Mnr. 25, 1010. | |||||||||
17 | 671 411 1718 443 |
i»02:r,i | Private | l’ntnn. Inn M | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1868 426 3860 459 |
Patri< | uin, John Donnld | Great Villnge, Colchester Co., N.H | Cnnnda | Truro | Mar. 15, 1010. | ||||||||
17 | 671 442 1718 475 |
001 Mil | Privnto | Pnlriqtiin, Clydo Aubrey.. | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1869 457 3861 489 |
I’ntriquin, William | Now Glnrgow, I’ictou Co., N.S | Canndn | New Glasgow.. | Mnr. | 14, 1016. | ||||||||
17 | 671 472 1718 506 |
O’) 10:18 | ’rivnto | Pntriijuin, Leonard | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1868 486 3861 517 |
Pat terson, Willinm L | Truro, Colchester Co., N.H | Cnnndn | Truro | •nb. | 20, I Old. | ||||||||
17 | 652 502 1718 534 |
. OOlOlil | ’rivnto | Patterson, Albert i’idward, | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1868 516 3861 548 |
Patterson. Georgo Walter…, | Green llill, Pnrrsboro, Cumberland Co., N.B | Canada | l’arraboro | Mar. | 2H. 1010. | ||||||||
17 | 671 532 1718 565 |
001812 | i’rivnto……. | Patterson, Georgo | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1866 546 3861 577 |
Stownrt, Mrs .Mnry | P.O. Box 240, Westville, Pictou Co., N.8 | Cnnnda | Westvillo | Mar. | 8, 1016. | ||||||||
17 | 671 562 1718 594 |
IWI2I0 | ’rivnto | I’attornon, John | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1869 572 3860 607 |
Patterson, Edward ;., | Falmouth, limits Co., N.H | Cnnnda | Windsor | May | a, 1010. | ||||||||
17 | 671 592 1718 625 |
001711 | Privnto | Pallorion, Wylie | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1868 606 3860 638 |
Patton, Ilodley | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H | Cnnnda | Oxford | Mar. 27, 1010. | |||||||||
17 | 671 621 1718 655 |
UDI7H3 | L.-Corporal… | Patton, 1 Teller Aldcn | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1868 636 3860 668 |
Payiaat, W. I, | 01 Oxford St., Halifax, N.H | Canadn | Windsor | May 8. 1010. | |||||||||
17 | 671 655 1437 684 |
00-18;’ | Act.-Sergcant. | Pnyinnt, St. George Charles | |||||||||||
17 | 1868 665 3860 698 |
Klliott., Miss Mylctn | Spring llill, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cannda | Pugwnsh….;.. | Mnr. 28, 1016. | |||||||||
17 | 671 680 1718 713 |
1)01781 | ’rivnto | Peck, ilnrold Dougins | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1869 696 3860 727 |
Pent*, Mrs. C. II | Young St., Truro, Colchester Co, N.8 | Canndn | Truro | Mar. 15, 1010. | |||||||||
17 | 669 714 1415 743 |
II0I22;. | ’rivnto | Pent*, Frank L03U0 | |||||||||||
17 | 1869 725 3859 757 |
Peppard, Mrs. Annie Ilynn… | Grout Villnge, Colchestcr (‘o., N.8 | Canadn | Great. Village… | Mar. 23.1010. | |||||||||
17 | 669 739 1718 772 |
ooiois | ’rivnto | Peppard, Freil | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1867 754 3860 786 |
Peppard, Mrs. Alva Willitta. | Londonderry Station, Culclicutor Co., N.8 | Cnnada | T/uro | •’eb. 10, 1010. | |||||||||
17 | 669 768 1718 802 |
DU1006 | Jorporal | Poppnrd, James Alvin | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1869 784 3860 816 |
Perry, Mrs. M. E | Ilnntsport, N.H | Canada | ilnntsport | April 4,1010. | |||||||||
17 | 668 797 1718 831 |
1)0160.! | Act.-Sergcant. | Perry, Arthur WoBley | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1868 813 3860 845 |
Whilo, Mrs. Loring | River ilebert, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | River Hebert… | Mar. 20, 1010. | |||||||||
17 | 670 827 1718 860 |
001020 | I’rivnto | Perry, John Frederick | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1871 843 3860 875 |
Pimm, K. G 1.. | 8 Fentimnn ltd., Ixmdon, 8.W., Eng | linglnnd | Windsor | April 8. 1010. | |||||||||
17 | 669 856 1718 889 |
001283 | Co. Q.-M. Sorgi | Pimm, Ilonry Tlioinns…. | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1872 873 3860 905 |
Pippy, Mrs. Charles | Spring Hill, Cumberland (Jo., N.H… | Newfoundland.. | Spring Hill | May 12, 1016. | |||||||||
17 | 669 889 1418 918 |
mioi | Privnto | Pippy, Charles | |||||||||||
17 | 1872 902 3861 934 |
Boudreau, Mrs. Harriet | Ilentherton, Antigonishe Co., N.8 | Canada | New Glnsgow.. | Mar. 23,1016. | |||||||||
17 | 669 914 1706 945 |
OOKWtl | Privnto | Pitts, Solomon | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1872 932 3860 963 |
Porter, William | River Hebert, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnada | River Hebert… | Mar. 20, 1010. | |||||||||
17 | 670 943 1707 975 |
00103(1 | I’riviilo | I’orler, Arthur Thompson., | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1872 961 3860 991 |
Porter, Miller | Arlington. Kings Co., N.H | Canada | Parrsboro | Mar. 28.1016. | |||||||||
17 | 669 972 1707 1004 |
001811 | I’rivnlo | Porter, (Jhristophor illor. | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1869 991 3859 1023 |
Hpinnnry, Mrs. Inez | ( nmiing, Kings Co., N.S | Cannda | Halifax | Mar. 13. 1916. | |||||||||
17 | 669 1001 1707 1034 |
001521 | Private | Porter, llermnn | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 1872 1020 3860 1053 |
Porter, Mrs. Coclia | Hivcr ilebert, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnada | River Hebert… | Mar. 20. 1910. | |||||||||
17 | 669 1031 1707 1063 |
0011)31 | I’rivntu | Porter, Willinm | Nil | ||||||||||
17 | 669 1050 3861 1092 |
OOlWll | Privnto | Potter, Gordon Vincent..,. | Nil…. | Potter, Thomas | Fisherman’s Harbour, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cnnada | Guysborough… | April 4, I!* 16. | |||||
17 | 669 1080 3861 1120 |
1101! 13-1 | I’rivnlo | Powers, George Willinm… | Nil | Tottice, Mrs. Jessie Powers. | Beacon Hill, Colchcster Co., N.8 | Canndn | Oxford | Mar. 27, 1016. | |||||
17 | 669 1107 3861 1149 |
001:151 | I’rivnto | Prntt, Samuel Denny | Nil | Prntt, Alexnnder | Londonderry Station, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mnr. 4, 1&0. | |||||
17 | 669 1139 3861 1178 |
1102:191 | Private | t’riest, Hedley Gilbert…. | Nil | Priest., Jnmes | Rhulie, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canadn | River Hebert… | April 24, lv?0. | |||||
17 | 668 1168 3786 1208 |
001 10/ | Privnto | Prodger, Allred James | Territorials. | Prod r, Mrs. Winnie Olive. | Lower Truro, Coclchcater Co., N.S | Knglnnd | Truro | Mar. II, | |||||
17 | 668 1197 3861 1234 |
001509 | I’rivnlo | Proverbs, Laurie Owen…. | Nil | Proverbs, Mrs. Clement…. | Hillston, Christ Church, Barbados, B.W.I | B.W.I | Ilnntsport | April 4. ivMf>. | |||||
17 | 668 1228 3862 1264 |
11021.VI | I’rivnlo | Paddington, Herbert Hcovil | Nil | Puddington, Mrs. Emma… | P.O. Box 03, Shediac, Westmoreland Co., N.B | Canada | Oxford | Mar. 20, 1V.10. | |||||
17 | 668 1256 3863 1295 |
doijiisi; | Privato | Pugslcy, Carlyle Douglas.. | Nil | Pugslo.y, Clarence | DarronsfieUl, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | Canada | River Hebert… | April 24, 1#IG. | |||||
17 | 669 1286 3863 1325 |
001118 | Pu.’sley, Sterling . | Nil | I’ugsley, Mark E | 3 Townshend Avo., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.8.. | U.H.A | Amherst | Mar. 8, KMO. | ||||||
17 | 669 1316 3864 1353 |
WO ISPS | L.-Corporal… | Pnlni[er, Wnltor Howard… | Nil | Pulsiler, Mrs. Margaret | Ilnntsport, N.S | Cnnnda | Ilnntsport | April 4, 11*10. | |||||
17 | 670 1345 3864 1381 |
1)01141) | I’rivnto | Purchase, Henry Erie | Nil | Purchase. Ilenry Archer | Hiirborne, Binninghntn. Eng | England | Truro | Mar. 10. p’lrt. | |||||
17 | 669 1375 3864 1408 |
ooisir, | L’rivnto | Purrhes. James | Nil | Purches. Mrs. Beatrice | 20 Christie St., Ainherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnada | Amherst | April 0, IX* 10. | |||||
17 | 670 1404 3864 1439 |
002137 | Privnto | Purdy, Dnniol Lester | Nil | Purdy, Mrs. C. C | Wert Sackville, Westmoreland Co., N.B | Canada | Aldershot | July 7, 1910. | |||||
17 | 670 1433 3865 1468 |
001011 | Privnto | Rne, Gernld Crawford…. | Nil | line, John | Truro, Colchcster Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Feb. 22. 1916. | |||||
17 | 670 1462 3865 1498 |
001’-’.Vi | Act.-Sergeant, | Ratehford, Cyril Kdwnrd | O.T.C | Ratehford, Charles E | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.8 | Canada | Truro | April 30, 1016. | |||||
17 | 670 1493 3865 1526 |
001107 | Privnto | Hondo, John Byron | 74th Regt.. | Rende, Georgo M | Mcmramcook, Westmoreland Co., N.B | Canada | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1010. | |||||
17 | 670 1522 3865 1553 |
902177 | I’rivnto | Render, Albert Edward… | Nil | Reader, Mrs. William | Five Mile River, Hnnts Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Mav 10. 1010. | |||||
17 | 670 1552 3865 1583 |
001100 | Privnto | lines, Walter | (Jan. Mil… | Rees, William | Nine Mill Ht., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | Mar. 0, 1910. | |||||
17 | 670 1581 3865 1613 |
001.wo | Privnto | Reid, llolnnd Conllleot…. | Nil | Keid, Mrs. Jcssio Marin | Ilnntsport, N.S | Canndn | Ilnntsport | April 4. 1010. | |||||
17 | 670 1611 3865 1644 |
00212!) | Privnto | Rhyncld, John Scott | Nil | Rhynold, Airs. Laura | Cnnso, Guysboro’ Co., N.H | Cnnnda | (‘uriHO | Mar. 31,1910. | |||||
17 | 670 1640 3865 1672 |
001270 | Privnto | Rice, John Ivennio | Nil | Riee, Mrs. Clara B | Westville, Pie,tou (Jo., N.S | Canndn | Westvillo | Mar. 2, 1010. | |||||
17 | 670 1670 3866 1702 |
0011 | Privnto | Ripley, Laurie Walter | Nil | Ripley, Jonathan V | 24 Acndia St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnada | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1016. | |||||
17 | 670 1700 3866 1732 |
001 MO | Privnto | Ripley, I,ewis Arthur | Nil | Ripley, Jessie Sanford | River Hebert, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnada | Amherst | Mnr. 8,1016. | |||||
17 | 670 1727 3866 1762 |
002320 | Privnto | Ripley, Robert Cecil | Nil | Ripley, Mrs. Mabel Emily.. | llpper Nnppan, Cumberlnnd Co., N.8 | Canada | Amherst | April 24,1010. | |||||
17 | 671 1758 3867 1791 |
1/01113 | Privnto | Ripioy, Vincent | Nit | Ripley, Willinm C | Macc.m, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Amherst | Mnr. 8, 1910. | |||||
17 | 671 1782 3867 1820 |
002017 | I’rivnU’ | Ripley, William Ilenry..,. | Nil | Ripley, A. R…..; | Trueinnnville, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | April 7, 1010. | |||||
17 | 671 1817 3867 1848 |
ooinso | Privnto | Ristcon, l’rnnk Barrett…. | Nil | Risteen, Frederick | Woodstock, Onrloton (Jo., N.B | Canada | Amherst | Mnr. 8, 1010. | |||||
17 | 671 1846 3867 1876 |
0011*32 | I’rivnto | Robert*, Robert | Nil | Roberts, Thomas | Joggin Mines, Cumberland Co., N.S | Wales | River Hebert.. | Mnr. 20. 1910. | |||||
17 | 671 1876 3867 1906 |
001813 | Privnto | Roberta, Verne Dougin?… | Nil | Roberts, Freemnn | Parrsboro, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B. | Cnnnda | Pnrrsboro | Mnr. 28, 1010. | |||||
17 | 672 1904 3869 1936 |
001162 | Privnto | Robertson, Donnld Gordon | Nil. | Robertson, Mrs. Mary | 1G5 Pleasant St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S…. | Cnnnda | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1910. | |||||
17 | 672 1934 3869 1967 |
001752 | L.-Corporal… | Robertson, William Tait… | Nil. | Robertson, Mrs. Even | R.R. No. 1, Pugwnsh, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Pugwaeli……. | Mar. 2, 1010. | |||||
17 | 672 1963 3869 1995 |
001874 | Privnto | Robinson, Georgo William. | Nil. | Robinson, Mrs. Annie | Shubcnnendie, Hants Co., N.S | Canada | Shubcnnendie.. | Mar. 31,1010. | |||||
17 | 672 1992 3869 2024 |
002016 | Privnto | Robson, Jnmei | Nil. | Robson, Mrs. Angie | Amherst. Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | April 0, 1010. | |||||
17 | 672 2020 3870 2055 |
ooi.soi | l’rivnto | Rogers, Blancli Henry | Nil. | Rogers, Mrs. Maivinn | River John, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn | River John…. | Mnr. 18.1916. | |||||
17 | 672 2052 3870 2085 |
0010 If | I’rivnto | Ropers, ltny Joseph | Nil. | Rogers, Mrs. Jnne | West Folly Mountain, Colchcster Co., N.S. | Cnnada | Truro…. | Feb. 20, 1010. | |||||
17 | 673 2081 3870 2114 |
001071 | I’rivnto | Roode, Ernest Perloy | Nil. | RO’vle, Arthur., | (.’rov e’ii Mills, Colchester Co., N.8 | Canadn | Tniro | April 4,1010. | |||||
17 | 673 2112 3870 2144 |
001221 | Privnto | Hoop, Frank Kdwnrd | Nil. | Roop, Phyllis & Neil TI…. | c/o G. II. Vernon, Truro, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. 15, 1010. | |||||
17 | 673 2142 3871 2174 |
001120 | Privnto | Hoop, Itnlph Smith | Nil. | Hoop, Ralph.. .. | New Glnsgow, Pictoti Co., N.S | Cannda | New Glnsgow. | Mar. 13. 1916. | |||||
18 | 496 510 3171 541 |
.5 £ | Rank. | Former Corps. | Country of | ||||||||||
18 | 476 658 3666 689 |
90153.’! | Privato.. | Rons, George Willinm | Nil | Ross, Mrs. Salva Harriett | Sherbrooke, Guyiiboro’ Co., N.B | Canndn | Guysborough.. | April 4, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 476 688 3667 717 |
901200 | Private.. | Ross, Jloiner. | Nil | Ross. M rs. Jane T | l’ruro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. 13, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 476 718 3668 749 |
901070 | Privnte.. | •tos*, Russell Dychman…. | Nil | Murray, Gcorgo | New Gairloch, Pictou Co., N.S | Canada | Westville | Feb. 29, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 477 747 3668 777 |
902095 | Private.. | Ross, Walter | Nil | Hops. Robert | Great Village, Colchcster Co., N.S | Cannda | Truro | April 7, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 476 777 3668 806 |
0010B8 | Privnto.. | Rossong, (“harlcs | Nil | Rossong. Maurice. | Hazel Hill, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cannda | Can’o | April 1, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 475 806 3668 836 |
001576 | Co. Sergt | Kowboltom, Richard | Cnn. Mil | Ron-bottom, Mrs. liouisa | 51 Patterson St., Amlierst, Cumberland Co., N.S. | Knglnnd | Amherst. | May 13, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 475 836 3668 867 |
001l&l | Corporal. | Rowbottoin, Wnlter | Nil | Rowbottom. Mrs. Mory. | DOwniren, Bclber, Derby, Eng | Fuel and…. | Amherst | Mar. 8, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 474 864 3667 897 |
9020X0 | Privato.. | Rowlands. George | Nil | Rowlands, Mrs. Annnbcll | Thorbum, Pictou Co., N.B | Wnles | New Glasgow. | Mar. 22. | 1916. | ||||
18 | 474 896 3667 926 |
902:) 10 | Privnto.. | Rudolph, Charles | Nil | Rudolph, Mrs. Susnn Dell | Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Cnnndn | New Glasgow. | Mar. 13, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 925 3667 964 |
901890 | Privnto.. | RushUm, Asa Bradley | Nil | Weathcrbee, Dnvid | Westchester, Cumberland Co., N.S | (‘annda | Truro | April 1, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 955 3667 984 |
901541 | Privnto.. | Rushton, Charles Robert… | Nil | Rushton, Mrs. Jessie | Great Village, Colchestcr Co., N.B | Cnnada | Grent Village.. | Mnr. 24. | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 985 3667 1014 |
901510 | Privnto.. | Rushton, Nelson Wnlter…. | 93r<l Regt | Rushton, Mrs. I*ucy | Spring Hill, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B. | Canndn | Spring Hill | Mar. 30, | 1916. | ||||
18 | 473 1014 3668 1044 |
902150 | Privnto.. | Rushton, I>scnr Eugene | Nil | Rushton, Woodbury… | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S .. | Canada | Oxford | April 0, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 472 1044 3667 1074 |
901795 | I’rivnto.. | Rushton, Wylie Jnmes | Nil | ‘Rushton, James W | Oxford, Cutnberinml Co., N.S… | Connda | Oxford | Mnr. 27, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1073 3667 1101 |
901933 | Private.. | Rutherford, Willinm Arthur | Nil | Rutherford. Jnmes | River Hebert, Cumberland Co., N.B | Canada | Iliver Hebert.. | Mar. 2’J, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1102 3667 1133 |
9(11372 | Privnto.. | St. Peter, Josopli Henry. . .. | Nil | St. Peter, Mrs. Clnrn Mny | Mnccnn, Cuiiiber’.-md Co., N.S | Canadn | Amherst | Mar. 1C, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1132 3668 1162 |
901370 | Privnto.. | St. l’cter, ]rf>o Hnliburton… | Nil | St. Peter, Mrs. Rosnnnn | Mnconn, Cumbcibind Co., N.B | < Jnnada | Ainherst | Mar. 16, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1162 3668 1192 |
901937 | I’rivnto.. | Sunders, John | Nil | Sanders, Dnvid | Uotherhnm, VorkB, Eng . | Knglnnd…. | River Hebert.. | Mar. 29, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1192 3668 1222 |
901853 | Pi ivnto.. | Sanford, Thomns Richard.. | Nil | Sanford. Mrs. Ernmn Jnne | New ton Millf. Colchcster Co., N.S | Cnnnda | “Truro | April 1, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1222 3668 1252 |
00189’) | Privnto., | ‘nngstor, Allison | Nil | Sangster, Fred. P | New Harbour, Guysborough Co., N.8 | Cnnada | New Glasgow. | Mnr. 14, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 474 1252 3668 1282 |
901418 | Sergeant. | Saunders, Gcorgo Raymond | Nil | Saunders, James | Westville, Pietou (Jo., N.S | Canadn | New Glnsgow. | Mar. 4, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 472 1281 3667 1311 |
901054 | ! Privnto,. | >nvm;e, Join | Nil | Savage, Mrs. llolenn… .*. | leecs, Russinn Poland | Russinn Polnn | Stellarton | Mar. 21. | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1310 3668 1341 |
902315 | Privnto.. | Seidiriore, Edwin Snnford… | Nil | Scidmore, Frederick | Oxford June., Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn… | Oiford | April 10, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1340 3667 1370 |
901930 | Privnto.. | Scott, Nelson | Scott, Mrs. Ruby | iver Hebert, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnndn… | River Hebert.. | Mar. 29. | 1910. | |||||
18 | 474 1370 3669 1399 |
901013 | Privnto., | Seaman, John 1-omucl | Seaman, John H | Riverside, Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnndn… | Truro | Feb. 22. | 1916. | |||||
18 | 474 1398 3670 1429 |
901570 | Privnto.. | Seaman, John ‘1’ | Nil | Senmnn, Mrs. Beatrice… | Chignecto Mines, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnadn… | Ainherst | April 7, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 475 1428 3669 1459 |
902105 | Privnto.. | Senrle, Dougin* Charles G., | 81 st Regt | Langford, R. J | Windsor, llnnts Co., N.H | Indin | Windsor | April 4, | 1916. | ||||
18 | 475 1458 3670 1488 |
901335 | Privnto.. | Searle, Jehu James | Nil…. | Senrle, Mrs. Harriot | MoLellnn St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Newfoundlmw | Truro | Mnr. 14, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 475 1488 3671 1519 |
901535 | Privnto.. | Sehvay. William | 70tii Rogt | Selway, Mrs. Ulizn..,… | Truro, Colchester Co., N.H | Cnnndn | Truro | Mnr. 23, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 474 1517 3671 1548 |
902082 | Privnte.. | Shaw, Donald | Nil…. | Slinn-, Bnrali | Glasgow St., Glasgow, Scot | Scotland… | New Glnrgow. | Mnr. 22, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 474 1545 3671 1578 |
902227 | Privnto.. | Shock, Wnltep | !)3r<i Regl | Shock, Judson | Pnrrsboro, Ciimborlund Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Parrsboro | April 10, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 474 1576 3672 1607 |
902014 | Privnto,. | Sheehan, John Annus | “ inald, Ale*. W | Clydesdale, Antigonish Co., N.B | U.S.A | Antigonish…. | Mnr. 10, | 1910. | |||||
18 | 474 1606 3673 1638 |
901115 | Privnto.. | Shepherd, Georgo | N’il | Shepherd, George | 19 Terraco St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B… | Scotland… | Ainherst | Mnr. 8, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 474 1634 3672 1666 |
901790 | Privnto.. | Sherman, Millago | Nil | Sherman, John Willinm,. | Oollingwood Corner, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Oxford | Mar. 27, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1663 3672 1696 |
901185 | Privnto… | Sherren, John Stephen | 82nd Rogt | Shcrrnn, W. I) | Crnpnud, Queen’s Co., P.K.l | Cnnndn | Windsor | April 4, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1694 3673 1727 |
901131 | I j.-Cor porn | Sherwood, ltirharil Lyman. | Nil | Sherwood, Mrs. Irino…. | 5 Foundry St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S… | Cnnndn | Amherst | Mar. 8, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1722 3673 1757 |
OOIStW | Privnto.. | Shipley, ],)ovd Albert | Nil | Shipley, Fred H. | Brookdnle, Cumberland Co., N.B. | Cnnndn | Amherst | April 0. | 1910. | ||||
18 | 472 1752 3672 1784 |
901700’ | Privnto.. | Shriller, Joseph II | Nil | Shridor, Mrs. Jane | Alborton, Prince Co., p.K.1 | Cnnndn | Canso. > | Mar. 31. | 1916. | ||||
18 | 472 1782 3673 1814 |
902239 | Privnto.. | Simmonds, Robert Iloy…. | Nil | Simmonds, Thomns | Nino Milo River, Hants Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Shubcnnendie.. | April 13, | 1916. | ||||
18 | 472 1812 3671 1843 |
902249 | Privnto.. | Simmonds, Thomns ClifTorc | Nil | Siminouds, Thomns C… | Upper Nino Milo River, Hants Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Shubcnncndic.. | April 13, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1842 3672 1874 |
222494 | Privnto.. | Simmons, John K | 93rd Regt | Simmons, Mis. ICIisabeth | Ainherst, Cmnborlnnd Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Ifni if nx | Oct. 20, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1871 3672 1904 |
901935 | Privnto.. | Simms, Prank | Nil | Simms, Mrs. Margaret… | River Hebert, Cumberlnnd Co.. N.S | Englnnd…. | River Ilebert.. | Mnr. 29, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1901 3672 1934 |
901019 | I’rivnlo.. | Simpson, Trueman Thompson | Nil | Simpson, Isaac | Grent Village, Colchcster Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Mnr. 27. | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 1931 3673 1963 |
902215 | I’rivnto.. | Sinclair. Jnmes Murray | Nil | Sinclair, Blanche. ……. | Isaac’s Hnrbour, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Antigonish…. | Apiil 10, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 472 1960 3673 1993 |
901387 | Privnto.. | Sm«er, 1’ red Lawrence | 7Kt.h Reg | .Singer, Samuel | Willow St., Truro, CHrhesler Co., N.S | (‘nnndn | Truro | Mnr. 20, | 1910. | ||||
18 | 472 1990 3673 2023 |
901385 | Privnto.. | Skerry, < ‘hosier Scott | Skerry, Wnlter R | l/ondonderry, Colclnster Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | Mnr. 20, | 1910. | |||||
18 | 472 2020 3673 2052 |
901087 | I’rivnlo.. | Skerry, Earnest I>co | N’il | Skerry, Wnlter | ILondonderry, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | Mnr. li. | 1910. | ||||
18 | 473 2049 3674 2087 |
902115 | I’rivnlo.. | Skinner, John K | Skinner, Alexander. ….. | P.O. Box 301, Westville, Pietou Co., N.S | Cnnndn | [Westville. | Apt il If’, | ,1910. | |||||
18 | 473 2080 3674 2112 |
901931 | Corpornl. | Skinner, John Hoy | (Nil | Skinner, Mrs. Margaret.. | River Ilebert, Cuiiibirlniid Co.. N.H | (‘nnndn | iliver Hebert.. | Mnr. 29. | 1910. | ||||
19 | 1873 374 3860 408 |
Slack, Archibald | Alliol, C’litn 1 ivrlitiicl Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | Mnr. 8. 1010. | |||||||||
19 | 673 385 1709 422 |
HOI 113 | Private | Slack, Charles 1 >amen | Nil | ||||||||||
19 | 1873 405 3860 437 |
Slack, Mrs. Gcnnetta. | Wallace Bridge, (‘imihcrlnnd Co., N.B | Cnnndn | Pugwnsh | Mar. 28, 1910. | |||||||||
19 | 673 416 1709 451 |
DOiT.W | Private | Slack. Ilnrold | Nil | ||||||||||
19 | 1872 432 3859 468 |
Slack, Archibald | Alliol, (‘umlierinnd Co., N.S | Cannda | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1910. | |||||||||
19 | 672 445 1708 482 |
(■OHM | Privnto | Slack, 11ny liiuifcnl | Nil | ||||||||||
19 | 1872 465 3860 499 |
Slade, Mrs. Myra | Sh;ibenacndie, Hnnts Co., N.S | Cannda | Sliubcnacadic… | April 13, lHlfi. | |||||||||
19 | 672 482 1464 512 |
002110 | Private | ■Slade, Willinm Henry | |||||||||||
19 | 1873 495 3860 529 |
Slater, Mra. Elizabeth Maxwell. | Wcslville, Pietou Co., N.H ‘. | Knglnnd | Westville | Feb. 25, 1 li 16. | |||||||||
19 | 672 513 1476 542 |
001250 | Private | ■Slater, Joseph | |||||||||||
19 | 1873 525 3860 558 |
Sloan, Mrs. Agnes | Windsor, Hnnls Co., N.S J. | Canada | Windsor | April 4. 1010. | |||||||||
19 | 672 542 1476 571 |
001012 | Privnte | Slnan, Charles L | |||||||||||
19 | 1872 555 3861 588 |
Smith, Alexander…. | Port llawkesliury, Inverness Co., N.B | Scotland | New Glasgow.. | Mar. 10, 1010. | |||||||||
19 | 672 573 1476 602 |
001272 | Private | Smitli, Alexander | |||||||||||
19 | 1871 586 3861 618 |
Smith, Mrs. Ida | Itnie Yerle, Weslinorclnnd (Jo., N.B : | Janada.. | Amherst | April 24. 1910. | |||||||||
19 | 672 602 1476 631 |
002010 | Private | Siiiit.lt, Hlair Ileal* | |||||||||||
19 | 1870 616 3860 647 |
Smith, Frnnk | i’ruro, Colchester Co., N.H | Janada | 1’ruro | Feb. 17, 1016. | |||||||||
19 | 672 630 1476 661 |
HO 100’) | Sergeant | Smith, Charles Kdwnrd 8 | |||||||||||
19 | 1871 646 3862 676 |
Smith, Frederick Melville | P.O. Box 847, Prince St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S.. | Canada | l’ruro | Mar. 2, 1016. | |||||||||
19 | 672 661 1476 693 |
DOIOjO | Corpornl | •Smith, Charles Wesley | |||||||||||
19 | 1541 675 3862 708 |
Illilth Kent. | Smith, Jothnn | Itivor Hebert, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cannda. | Aldershot | Juno 22, 1016. | ||||||||
19 | 672 690 1476 724 |
002520 | Privato | Smith, Clarence ^ | |||||||||||
19 | 672 717 1476 751 |
22212V | Corporal | Smith, Frederick Benjamin,… | |||||||||||
19 | 1870 724 3864 763 |
Smith, Mrs. Penri icilon | P.O. Box 2*03, Truro, Colchcster Co., N.B | Canada | I’ruro | Mnr. 14, ioifl.’ | |||||||||
19 | 671 749 1476 777 |
901218 | Privnte | Smith, Frederick Willinm | |||||||||||
19 | 1870 764 3861 793 |
Smith, George W | Hast Applo River, Cumbcilnnd Co., N.S | Canada | Parrsboro | Mnr. 28, 1016. | |||||||||
19 | 670 778 1476 807 |
00210:1 | Private | Smith, George Ivlmund | |||||||||||
19 | 1871 793 3861 823 |
Smith, Mrs. Kiln Jano | 57 Pleasant St. W., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.B… | Jnnnda | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1016. | |||||||||
19 | 670 800 1706 836 |
00112:? | Private | Smith, George Mnrven | Nil | ||||||||||
19 | 1871 817 3861 853 |
Smith, Mrs. Heine | 50 Rupcr St., Ainherst, Cumberland Cp., N.B | Cnnadn | Amherst | Mar. lfi, 1016. | |||||||||
19 | 670 830 1707 866 |
0013 74 | Privato | Sinitli, George Rosa | Nil | ||||||||||
19 | 671 853 3861 894 |
UOlS’iO | Private | Smith, John Alexander | O.K. A | Smith, Mrs. Lottio .’ | Shubeimcadic, llnnts Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Shubenacadie… | Mar. 31, 1916. | |||||
19 | 1543 883 3861 914 |
Nil | Smith, Mrs. Susie Ettinger | Stewincke, Colchcster (Jo., N.S | Cnnnda | Aldershot | Oct. 5, 1016. | ||||||||
19 | 671 894 1464 924 |
002.157 | Privato | Smith, John Robert | |||||||||||
19 | 673 912 3862 953 |
bo il on | I’rivnto | Smith, Joseph | Nil | “rnith, Mrs. Mary J , | P.O. Box.lOI, Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | Knglnnd | Westville | Mar. 16, 1016. | |||||
19 | 672 942 3862 981 |
O0I001 | Privato | S.riith, Maurice ClilTord | Nil | Smith, Mrs. Maud | Ilnntsport, N.S | Canada | Ilnntsport | April 4, 1016. | |||||
19 | 1543 971 3862 1003 |
Nil……… | Smith, A. Kdwnrd | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H | (Janada | Oxford | Mar. 27, 1016. | ||||||||
19 | 672 983 1465 1012 |
00171)7 | Privnte | Smith, Percy Mooro | |||||||||||
19 | 1544 1001 3863 1033 |
Nil | Smith, James W | 21 Spring St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | Mar. 8. 1016. | ||||||||
19 | 673 1011 1465 1040 |
l)0lll« | Privnte | Smith, Hobert Laurie | |||||||||||
19 | 1544 1031 3862 1062 |
Nil…. | Smith. David W | Baft Mines, Colchestcr Co., N.S | Canadn | Truro | Mar. 22. 1016. | ||||||||
19 | 673 1041 1465 1070 |
001400 | Private | Smith, Stanford Arnold | |||||||||||
19 | 1544 1060 3864 1091 |
Nil | Smith, Mrs. Ella Jano | 07 West Plensnnt St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.B. | Canada | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1016. | ||||||||
19 | 673 1070 1465 1102 |
0011.11 | L.-Corporal | Smith, Stanley George | |||||||||||
19 | 673 1090 3864 1130 |
00252.1 | Privnte | Smith, Wrsloy | Nil | Smith, Joshua | East Wentworth, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | (Janada | New Glasgow.. | Mny 24. 1016. | |||||
19 | 1544 1119 3865 1150 |
Nil | Smith, Joshua | linst Wentworth, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnadn | New Glasgow.. | Mny 21. loir.. | ||||||||
19 | 673 1128 1465 1158 |
002.’, 211 | Private | Smith, Willinm George | |||||||||||
19 | 674 1148 3866 1187 |
001152 | Private | Smith, Willinm Scott | Nil | Smith, William Henry | P.O. Box 101, Centre St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.S.. | Canndn | I’ruro | Mar. 10,1016. | |||||
19 | 673 1179 3867 1219 |
0018 in | L,-Corpornl | Smythe, Charles Henry…… | Nil | Smytho, Mrs. Bertie | Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnada | Parrsboro | Mnr. 2M016. | |||||
19 | 1543 1208 3867 1238 |
Nil | Snowdon, Mrs. Elizabeth | !>2 Hickman St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.B | Cannda | Ainherst | Mnr. 9. 1916. | ||||||||
19 | 674 1217 1465 1246 |
1)01101 | Privato | Snowdon, Willinm | |||||||||||
19 | 1543 1237 3868 1268 |
Nil | Snyder, Georgo | Hallway Cove, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | (Janada | Guysborough… | April 1,1910. | ||||||||
19 | 674 1246 1465 1276 |
0019S0 | Privato | Snyder, Abner Lonest, | |||||||||||
19 | 1544 1266 3868 1298 |
Nil | Murray, Mrs. Catherine | Elm field. Pictou Co., N.S | U.S.A | River John | Mny 24. 1016. | ||||||||
19 | 674 1275 1465 1305 |
002102 | Private | Spcnee, Charles Kdwnrd | |||||||||||
19 | 674 1297 3868 1334 |
001101 | Privato | Spencer, Harold Dougnll | Nil | Sponger, James Mitchell | Great Village, Colchcster Co., N.S….’. | Canada…. | Truro | Mnr. 11,1910. | |||||
19 | 1544 1326 3868 1356 |
Nil | Spenoor, Jnmes Mitchell | Great Village, Colchcster Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mnr. 16, 1916. | ||||||||
19 | 675 1334 1466 1365 |
90UI26 | L.-Corporal | Spencer, Horace McGregor…. | |||||||||||
19 | 674 1355 3869 1394 |
901010 | Private | Spencer, Percy Glair | N’il | Sponcer, Mrs. Henrietta | I,ondomlorry, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mar. 27, 1910. | |||||
19 | 675 1380 3869 1422 |
002018 | Privato | Spencer, Ralph Kmmerson…. | 13rd Regt.. | Spencer, Mra. Etta | Londonderry, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | April 6, 1916. | |||||
19 | 1545 1414 3870 1444 |
Nil | Spencer, Mrs. John A | Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Parrsboro | Mar. 28. 1016. | ||||||||
19 | 674 1421 1466 1450 |
on 18 m | Privato | Spencer, Hussell Corrall | |||||||||||
19 | 675 1443 3870 1480 |
001017 | Private | Spencer, Thomas Notting | Nil | Spencer, John William | Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Feb. 23. 1916. | |||||
19 | 1545 1473 3870 1502 |
Nil | 3taples, David | Staple’s Brook. Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | Mar. 22. 1916. | ||||||||
19 | 675 1480 1466 1510 |
001102 | Privato | Staples, Lloyd Dougins | |||||||||||
19 | 675 1501 3870 1539 |
001858 | Privato | StarreU, Fulton | Nil | Starrett, Mrs. Katherino | Slcwiacko, Colchester Co., N.B | Canada | Shubonacadio… | Mnr. 31. 1016. | |||||
19 | 675 1531 3871 1568 |
001028 | Private | Starritt, John Percy | Nil | Starritt, Mrs. Mnrthn Jano | Portap»iue, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Trnro | Feb. 26, 1916. | |||||
19 | 675 1561 3871 1597 |
002313 | Privnte | Steele, Samuel Joseph | Nil | Steele, Jasper N | Scott’s ltay. Kings Co., N.S | Canada | Parreboro | April 14. 1916. | |||||
19 | 676 1590 3872 1628 |
001137 | Act.-Scrgeant…. | Steeves, Harry Clinton | Nil | Steoves, Willinm C | 3(5 Academy St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | Mnr. 8, 1916. | |||||
19 | 675 1620 3872 1654 |
002ISO | Privnte | Stevens, Charles Herbert | Nil | Stevens, Mrs. Alma | Truio, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | April 11, 1916. | |||||
19 | 675 1649 3873 1685 |
901182 | Private | Stevens, William Gcorgo | Nil | Stevena, Mrs. Emily Florence… | c/o Telephone Co., Truro, Colchester Co., N.B | Cannda | Truro | Mar. 10, 1016. | |||||
19 | 677 1679 3872 1714 |
001307 | Private | Stevenson, ltenry M. Stanley. | Nil | Stevenson, Thomns | 140 Lockmnn St., Hnlifnx, N.8 | Cnnada | Westville | Mnr. 1. 1916. | |||||
19 | 677 1708 3873 1741 |
001148 | Privnte | Stewart. Ghurles Norris | Nil | Stewart,, John | Upper Musqnodoboit, Halifax Co., N.S | Cannda | Burnside | Mnr. 1. 19lo. | |||||
19 | 678 1737 3873 1773 |
001714 | Private | Stewart, Clarence Berry | C.F.A | Stewart, James II | Vnligonish, N.S | Cannda | Antigonish | Feb. 21, 1916. | |||||
19 | 678 1767 3874 1803 |
001730 | L.-Corporal.- | Stewart, Klmore Harold | Nil | Stewart, James H | \ntigonish, N.S ; - | Antigonish | Mar. 11.1916. | ||||||
19 | 678 1796 3873 1831 |
002118 | Privnte | Stewart, Harry M | Can. Mil… | Stewart, Daniel W | Westvillo | Mar. 16, 1016. | P.O. Box 509, Westville, Pictou Co., N.B | Canada | |||||
19 | 679 1825 3873 1862 |
001487 | L.-Corporal | St.ev.art, Leonard | Can. Mil… | Stewart, Mrs. Margaret. L | 49 Hill St., Amherst. Cumberland Co., N.S | England | Amherst | Mav 13, 1916. | |||||
19 | 679 1855 3876 1889 |
1)01015 | Private | Stewart. Willinm Gcorgo | Nil | Stewart. John Crawford | P.O. Box 506, Truro, Colchester Co., N.B | Cannda | Truro | Feb. 23, 1910. | |||||
19 | 680 1884 3874 1920 |
002110 | Private | Stewart, Wylio | 78th Regt.. | Stewart, Jnmes | Prince Albert St., Westville, Pietou Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Wcstville | Mnr. 29, 1910. | |||||
19 | 681 1913 3876 1949 |
001220 | Private | Slrombenr. James Lloyd | 63rd Regt., | Stromberg, Dnnicl R | Fox Harbour, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Mar. 14, 1916. | |||||||
19 | 681 1942 3877 1978 |
002200 | Private | Stroyd, llnrry | Nil | Stroyd, Mrs. Alice | 16 Albert St., Dudley, Worcester, Eng | Mnr. 8, 1010. | England | Westvillo | |||||
19 | 682 1972 3877 2005 |
00I10T | Privato | Stuart, Allison Contes | Nil | Stuart. Mrs. Ella | tO Hill St., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Amherst | Mar. 8, 1910. | |||||
19 | 682 2001 3878 2038 |
002102 | Co. Sergt.-Major | Stubbert, Charles Hownrd…. | U.C.R…. | Stubbert, Mrs. Mnry E | Wellington Bnrracks, Halifnx, N.S | Canada…….. | Aldershot | July 8, 1016. | |||||
19 | 683 2031 3878 2065 |
00117(1 | Privnte | Sullivan, Lewis Wnlton | Nil | Sullivan, Mrs. Margaret Ellen.. | 33 Acadia St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | Canaria | Amherst | iMar. 8, 1910. | |||||
19 | 684 2061 3879 2095 |
902112 | Privato | Sullivan, Reldon | Nil | Sullivan, Frank | Wallncc I5ridgo, Cumberland Co., N.S | Canada | Pugwnsh | 1 April 24, 1910. | |||||
19 | 684 2091 3168 2125 |
00122! | Sullivnn, Walter David | Nil | Sullivnn, Mrs. Beatrice | P.O. Box 925, West Prince St., Truro, Colchester, Co. | |||||||||
20 | 488 439 3599 467 |
c | Taken on | Strength. | |||||||||||
20 | 481 487 3154 521 |
J/. | Rank. | Former Corps. | Country of | ||||||||||
20 | 465 635 3650 670 |
Canadn | Shubenacadie… | Mar. 31, lOlfi. | 001801 | Corpornl… | Sutherland, Georgo Robert. | Nil | Suthcrlnnd. Mra. Minnie | Gay’s River, Colchcster Co., N.H | |||||
20 | 464 665 3650 698 |
Cnnndn | Shubenacadie… | Mnr. 31, 1916. | VO1887 | I’rivuto | Suthcrlnnd, Jnmes Ilector.. | Nil | Sutherland, Mra. Mnry | Shubenncndie, llnnts Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 465 695 3651 729 |
England | Guvsborough… | April 4, 1910. | 901532 | l’rivnto | Sutlis, Willinm Thomns…. | Nil | Suttis. Alfred | No. 5, Providence l’lnce, Birmingham, Eng | |||||
20 | 464 725 3651 759 |
Cunndn | Cnnso | Mar. 31, 19i0» | HOLM.’II | Privnto | Stvaiuo, XM’iijumiu | Nil | Swaino, Mrs. Fmmn | Cnnso, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 755 3650 789 |
Canadn | Canno | Mnr. 31, 1010. | WJ2130 | Privnto…,. | Sufiine, Frederick | Nil | Swaino, Rupert | Cnnso, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 463 785 3650 818 |
Cnnadn | Cnnso | April 1. 1916. | 002132 | I’rivnlo | Swaine, John Willinm | Nil | Swnine, Rupert | Cnnso, Guysboro’ Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 463 814 3650 848 |
Cnnadn | Oxford | April 6, 1010. | 0(12157 | I’rivnto | Sweet, Cecil Truotnnn | Nil | Sweet, Henry | Willinmsdale East, Cumberland Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 843 3651 879 |
Canadn | Aldershot | July 7, 1910. | 002438 | Privnto | Kwolnnni, Puniel Hewitt… | Nil | Swetnnm, Mrs. H. W | 22 Lower Victoria St.. Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S. | |||||
20 | 463 874 3651 909 |
Canadn | Ainherst | Mar. 8, 1910. | 11(11122 | Privnto | Swetnnm. Jnmes Walter. … | Nil | Swetnnm, Mrs. Angel inc…. | 22 lower Victoria St.. Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., | |||||
20 | 464 905 3651 941 |
Cnnadn | Spring llill | Mny 23. 1916. | 002505 | Privato..,.. | Tnbor. George Sherwood… | Nil | Tnbor, M rs. Georgo | Spring llill, Cumberland Co., N.8 | |||||
20 | 463 933 3650 969 |
Canadn | New Glnsgow.. | Mnr. 18. 1910. | 002083 | L.-Corporal | Tail, Bur Kin | Nil | Burton, Mrs. Margaret | P.O. ltoi 210, Chatham, Northumberland Co., N.B… | |||||
20 | 464 964 3650 997 |
Canndn | Oxford | April 6, 1910. | 902158 | l’rivnto | Tail, Hilbert Mel I | Nil | Tait, Georgo | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 463 994 3651 1030 |
Cannda | Truro | lrcb. 22, 1016. | 001012 | ■Corporal | Tnlbot, Conran KnsloW | 03 rd Keif | Tnlbot., Mrs. Sadie | Truro, Colchestcr Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1023 3651 1060 |
Cannda | Amherst | Mnr. 8, 1010. | 001002 | Privnto | Toylor, Arthur Jnmes | Nil….. | MePhee, Mrs. Mnry J3 | Sackville, Westmoreland Co., N.B | |||||
20 | 463 1051 3652 1090 |
Cnnadn | Truro | Mnr. 15,1910. | 001221 | Privnto | Tnylor, llnrry Irvine | Nil | Tnylor, Rdnnr 1$ | Rast Apple River, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1083 3652 1120 |
Cnnadn | Stellnrton | Mar. 10, 1910. | 001057 | Privnto | Taylor, James Arthur | Nil | Tnylor, Willinm | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1111 3652 1150 |
Cnnndn | Amherst | Mnr. 8. 1910. | 001135 | Privnte | Tnylor, -hidson Noblo | Nil | Tnylor, Noble | 15 Academy St., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 1663 1142 3653 1172 |
Cannda | Aldershot | July 7, 1910. | Tnylor, Abrahnm | River Hebert, Cumberland Co., N.S | |||||||||
20 | 464 1145 1442 1179 |
002530 | I’rivnto | Tnylor, Snmuel Horton | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 463 1171 3653 1208 |
Cnnudu | Tniro | Mar. 0, 1916. | 901070 | Corpornl,,, | Todforcl. Donnld Clive | Nil | Tedford, George D | Brookfield, Colchester Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 463 1200 3653 1237 |
Cnnadn | Ilnntsport | April 4, 1910. | 001501 | Privnto | Terfrv, Wilfred Avon | Nil | Tcrfry, Mrs. Thomas | Ilnntsport, N.S | |||||
20 | 463 1230 3653 1269 |
Cnnada | Oxford | Mnr. 27,1916. | 001803 | I’rivnto | Terns. Raymond | Nil | Terris, Seymour | River Philip, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 463 1259 3653 1298 |
Cnnndn | Amherst | Mar. 10,1916. | 901:MO | I’rivnto | Thibodeau, Fred Dominique | Nil | Thibodeau, JJorninique. | Jnmes Bt., Amherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.B | |||||
20 | 462 1290 3653 1329 |
Canndn | New Glasgow.. | Mar. 19, 1910. | 002085 | I’rivnto | Thompson, Donnld | Nil | Thompson, Mrs. Jessie | New Glasgow, Pietou Co., N.B | |||||
20 | 463 1320 3653 1358 |
Canndn | < >xtord | Mar. 27. 1010. | HO1801 | I’rivnto | Thompson, Ilnncn Victor.,. | Nil | Thompson, Rupert | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1349 3653 1387 |
Cnnnda | New Glasgow.. | Mar. 13. 1H16. | H02II81 | Privnte | Thompson, John Grant | Nil | Thompson, Mrs. Jessie E…, | New Glasgow, Pietou Co., N.H | |||||
20 | 463 1378 3654 1417 |
Cnnndn | Oxford | April 25. 1910. | 002120 | I’rivntn | Thompson, * >lnf F | Nil | Thompson, William Ulisa… | Pnrrsboro, Cumberlond Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 1664 1408 3655 1438 |
Cnnnda | Oxford | Mar. 27. 1910. | Thompson, Rielmrd | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | |||||||||
20 | 464 1412 1442 1447 |
001802 | Privnto | Thompson, Wnlter | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 464 1438 3656 1477 |
Canndn | Truro | Mnr. 22,1016. | 00I4H8 | I’rivnto | Thompson, Wilfred Scott… | Nil | Thompson, Charles R | Bass River, Colchester Co., N.B | |||||
20 | 1665 1466 3657 1496 |
Knglnnd | Westvillo | Feb. 20, 1910. | Theme, Mrs. Berthn | P.O. Pox 537, Westville, Pictou Co., N.B | |||||||||
20 | 464 1472 1443 1503 |
001201 | l’rivnto | Thorne, Willinm | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 464 1496 3658 1535 |
Cnnndn | Oxford | Mar. 27, 1910. | 001801 | Privnto | Thornthwnilp, Allnn Hugh,. | Nil | Thornthwnite, Mrs. Lois.., | Oxford, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1525 3658 1565 |
Knglnnd | Amherst | Aoril 21,1910. | 0023CH | Privnto | Thornton, Kdwnrd Arnold.. | Nil | Thornton, John T | P.O. Box 312, Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1554 3658 1595 |
U.S.A | New Glnsgow.. | Mnv 0. 1910. | 002512 | I’rivnto | Tompkins, ThornnB | Nil | Ilnrtigan, Thoinns | Sydney Mines, C.B., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1584 3657 1626 |
Cnnndn | Pietou | Mar. 29, 1910. | 110208(1 | Privnto | Toney, Stephen | Nil | Toney, Noel | Pietou Landing, N.S | |||||
20 | 1332 1613 3657 1646 |
Canada | Truro | Mnr. 20, 1910. | 701 h Keg | Totten, Leonard | Tnro, C’olcheiit.er Co., N.S | ||||||||
20 | 465 1625 1230 1655 |
00 MHO | Privnto | Tolton, 1/ytimn, Walker | |||||||||||
20 | 1667 1641 3656 1674 |
Cnnnda | Ilnntsport | April 4, 1910. | Tracey, Mrs. Ruby | Ilnntsport, N.S .* | |||||||||
20 | 465 1650 1445 1684 |
001503 | I’rivnto | Trncey, John Nolson | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 1667 1672 3657 1702 |
Cnnada | Ilnntsport | April 0, 1010. | Trneey, Mrs (Jharlcs | Ilnntsport, N.S | |||||||||
20 | 465 1679 1445 1713 |
002125 | I’rivnto | Trnrey. Willinm Henry | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 465 1702 3657 1741 |
Cnnnda | Oxford | Mnr. 27, 1010. | 001805 | Privnte | Treen, Lconurd Honcho | Nil | Trcen, Joseph 11 | Rnst Hansford, Cumberland Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1731 2950 1772 |
001344 | Privnto | Truemnn, Henry lister | Nil | Trueman, Thompson | Trumnnville, R.R. No. 4, Amhernt, Cumberland Co, | ||||||||
20 | 1666 1790 3658 1822 |
Cnnndn | Truro | Feb. 21, 1910. | Tucker, Willinm Henry…. | Onslow Mountain, Colchester Co,, N.S | |||||||||
20 | 461 1797 1445 1830 |
00100H | Privnto | Tucker, Hugh Allnn | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 1667 1815 3657 1850 |
Cnnnda | Amherst | Mnr. 17, 1010. | Turple, J. W | Advoento Harbour, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | |||||||||
20 | 463 1827 1445 1862 |
901376 | Privnto | Turple, Willinm Wasson | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 463 1849 3657 1891 |
U.S.A | Parrsboro’ | Mnr. 28, 1910. | 001847 | Privnto | T.vrrll,- Frank Ilnrold | Nil | Tyrell, John | Newville, Cumberland Co., N.H | |||||
20 | 1670 1878 3657 1910 |
Cnnndn | fjRnso | April 1,1910. | Ulotli, Ilenry A | Colo Harbour, Guysliorougn Co., N.S | |||||||||
20 | 463 1886 1446 1918 |
002344 | Privnto | lilotli. Fred l/»uis | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 464 1908 3657 1951 |
Tniro | Feb. 21, 1010. | 901010 | Privnto | Urquhnrt, Milton Sanborn.. | Nil | Urquhart, John Alexander. | Hiversdale, Colchester Co., N.S | ||||||
20 | 464 1938 3658 1979 |
Cnnadn | Aldershot | June 22, 1010. | 002527 | I’rivnto | Vnohoresse. Henry | Nil….; | Vacheresse, Mrs. Mary | Stellnrton, Pictou Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 464 1968 3658 2010 |
Cnnndn | Tniro | Mar. 11, 1910. | 001191 | Privnto | Vance, Hiehnrd l-enlio | Cnn. Mi | Vnnce, Chnrles | Mass Town, Colchester Co., N.S | |||||
20 | 465 1998 3659 2040 |
. Cnnnda | Truro | Feb. 28, 1010. | 901010 | Act.-Sergt., | Vineent, Gordon Sweet | Nil | Vineent, Arthur Judson…. | P.O. Box 711, Oucen St., Truro, Colchester Co., N.B.. | |||||
20 | 1670 2028 3658 2059 |
. Cnnnda | Westville | Mar. .10, 1910. | Wndden, Mrs Mnry | P.O. Box 313, Westville, Pictou Co., N.8 | |||||||||
20 | 465 2035 1446 2069 |
00 HftS | I’rivnto | WnrJden, Stephen | Nil | ||||||||||
20 | 1670 2058 3659 2088 |
. (.Janada | Oxford | Mar. 27. 1010. | Walker, Mrs. Sarah | Williamsdale, Cumherlnnd Co., N.S | |||||||||
20 | 465 2064 1446 2098 |
901*00 | I’rivnlo | Wn | kcr, Itnymond | Nil | |||||||||
20 | 1669 2080 3659 2119 |
. (’nnada | ‘Oxford | April 19, 1016. | Wall, Williams | Iliversdnle, Colchester Co.( N.S | |||||||||
20 | 465 2094 1446 2129 |
110235 | Privnto | Wnll, John Alexander | Nil | ||||||||||
21 | 1508 340 3839 370 |
iMl | Wallare, Mrs. Amy…… | Lorkhnrlvillo, King’s Co., N.H..,. | Cannda | I fnntpport | April 4, | imo. | |||||||
21 | 652 368 3839 401 |
frt) | i M | Pi J VntO | N»I | Walsh, Mrs. Fred | Hnntspml, N.S | Cnfindn | linntH | >ott…… | April 4. | INlti. | |||
21 | 652 398 3840 431 |
UO’JliV’! Privnto. | S’* | Walnh, Mrs. Annie | l:ppei Springfield, Anlvgonifhe < N.H | (’nnada | An! igtmishe | Apnil 24, | Witt. | ||||||
21 | 652 428 3840 461 |
<nPrivnto. | Si! | Walsh, Mrs. Fred | Hnntppru’l, N.S | (-nnada | IJnntKjH*! t | April I, | ink;, | ||||||
21 | 654 459 3841 490 |
i’ri vnto | N’L’ IN 1 | Sit | Walters, Mrs. Cat.horino. | IM K Pox 70N, \ out vil 1 o, Pirim (‘o.f N.fl. | (’nnada | Westvillo | Mnr. 3o, | in Hi. | |||||
21 | 653 489 3840 520 |
uh :r:i | * ’orjvTMl,, | Nil | Walters, John | 22 Conway St., Livnrpool, Erg | England | Aldershot | Sept. 2, | IN Hi. | |||||
21 | 653 510 3839 547 |
WJ.Vd | Privnto ,. | .iWni»er«, John | m>ih Regt. | Walton, Horton | P.( >. Rox 7Wfl, Truro, (‘oleheMor (’o., N.H | Cannda.. | ruio | Feb. 28, | low. | ||||
21 | 653 547 3840 578 |
nhio:;n | Ser^oenl.. | Nil | Ward, Mrs. Chesley M… | 8 IMonsnnt St.r Arnhoist, (‘iiMdu rlnnd (’o., N.S…. | Cannda | Amherst……. | Mnr. 8, | HMfi. | |||||
21 | 653 564 3839 607 |
901 i 1, | Privn If*.,, | ijWnrd, Chesloy Molburn | Nil | Ward, Mrs. Hazel | Amhorst, (’umberlnnd Co., N.H | (’nnada | Amherst | April ti, | I NIG. | ||||
21 | 652 596 3839 636 |
1>0J IX | Private.,, | . Ward, Herbert E | Nil | Ward, Mrs. Mary | Windsor, Hants (’o., N.H | (/anada | Windsor | April 4, | INK). | ||||
21 | 651 634 3839 666 |
nuhwo | l*i ivnte.. | Nil | Ward, Mrs. Helen Mary. | 31 Queen St., Ainlieiht, Cumberlnnd Co., N-H | (‘nnnda | ‘I’ruro | April 12, | INK). | |||||
21 | 651 659 3839 696 |
No^o/i:: | Art.-Sorgt | Nil | Wardrope, Kdwnrd | Si ilford Si at ion, Hunts Co.( N.S | (‘nnnda | ftuio | Mnr. 23, | 1010. | |||||
21 | 651 693 3840 726 |
ll.’)IW7 | Privnte,.. | Nil | Wardrope, Kdwin | Milford, limit*Co., N.H, | < *anada | Tnti o | April 28, | imo. | |||||
21 | 751 722 3764 756 |
Private.., | Nil | Warren, Mrs. Krnily | Spring Hill, Cumberland Co., N.H | England | Spiir.g Hill | Mnr. 30, | |||||||
21 | 752 751 3839 785 |
Private… | Nil | Wat ling, Mrs, Kthel | 131 Church St., Amhcrrd, Ctimborlnrd Co., N.S . | Canada | Amherst……. | Mar. 8, | HH0. | ||||||
21 | 1522 783 3839 816 |
Nil | Watson, William | Young Hi., ‘I’ruro, Colchester Co., N.H | (‘annda | Tiuio | Mar. 3, | IP Ifi. | |||||||
21 | 1522 814 3839 845 |
Nil | Watters, Mrs, Della | Westville, Pictou Co., N.S | (’nnnda | Westville | Feb. 27, | 11)10. | |||||||
21 | 1522 843 3839 874 |
Nil | Watters, Mrs, Florence.., | We#lvillo, Pictou Co., N.H | (’nnndn | Wcstville | Mar. fi, | 1010- | |||||||
21 | 1521 873 3839 905 |
Nil | Walker, Mrs. Janet | Cnnso, Cuysboro’ Co., N.S | U.S.A | Aldershot | July 11. | INHi. | |||||||
21 | 1521 902 3839 936 |
Nil | Wentherbe, Charles E. .. | R.R. No. 4, Lower Truro. (‘olehester Co., N.H…. | Cannda | ‘I’ruro | Mnr. 13, | I IMO. | |||||||
21 | 650 918 1426 949 |
90U9M | Privnte*… | .jWeathorbo, Alonso | |||||||||||
21 | 987 931 3839 973 |
. Wentherbcp, Albert Georgo.. | Nil | Wontheboe, James | Lower I’ruro, Colchester Co., N.H | Cnnada | I’ruro | Mar. Ifi, | 1910. | ||||||
21 | 1518 961 3840 994 |
Cun. M il.,. | Woatbcrbee, Mrs. Ina… . | Great Village, Colchester Co., N.H | (’anadn | Tiuro | April 1, | 1010. | |||||||
21 | 650 973 1426 1003 |
HIM8NN | Privnto… | . Wontherbee, Ensworlh | |||||||||||
21 | 651 990 3840 1032 |
NOIMN’Privnlo.., | Wonthorbee, Wilfred Lauricr. | IClril lU’Kt | Weathcrboe, Mrs. Mary. | North Greenville, Cumberlnnd Co., N.H | Canada | Spring llill | Mar. 30, | 1010. | |||||
21 | 1511 1017 3840 1050 |
17r»; 11 | Wontherbee, James A… . | Lower I’ruro, (‘olehoster Co., N.H | (‘nnada | ‘I’ruro | Mar. 27, | 1010. | |||||||
21 | 652 1049 3841 1097 |
NO I7 ti | i’rivnto… | Weaihcrby, Howard | ’ Nii | Wontherby, Mrs. Laura.. | Lower Truro, Colchester Co., N.H | Cnnnda | ‘I’ruro | Mur. 21*, | 1910. | ||||
21 | 652 1078 3841 1120 |
NO I INil; Privnto… | . Woathorby, Percy Allison…. | Nil | Wentherby, Henry. .. . | R.R. No. 4, Fairvirw, Colchester Co., N.H | (‘nnnda | I’ruro | Mar. II, | 1J»I0. | |||||
21 | 988 1107 3842 1145 |
. Webb, James Everett | O.lrd lloKt. | Webb ,Mrs. Kmmfi…. | East Hansford, Cumberland Co., N.H | (‘nnada | Pugwnsh……. | April 4, | IMO. | ||||||
21 | 652 1137 3842 1182 |
Nf> | .”»7 i j Privnto… | . Webb, WiKred | Nil | Webb, Mp. Cassic | Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.H | (‘nnada | Ainherst | April 7, | P.^0. | ||||
21 | 652 1166 3842 1208 |
NO’.MO’lj Pr iva*o… | . Webster, Frank Reid | Nil | W»*bstor, James C | West Advoeatf* Cumberland Co., N.H | (‘anada | Parrs borough… | Mny I, | !<>*»». | |||||
21 | 652 1195 3842 1232 |
90110.’ | ’’rivnto. | . Weldon, Vaughn Arthur | Nil | Weldon, Mrs. Mabel. , . | 11 Mill Avo., Amherst, Cumberland Co., N.H | (‘nnnda | Amherst | Mar. | 1910. | ||||
21 | 651 1225 3842 1261 |
N0220I | I’rivnlo | Welsh, Lionel Chesley | Nil | Welsh, Charles ‘Fupper… | Economy, Colchcnter Co., N.H | Canndn | Truro | April II, | I?* if*. | ||||
21 | 651 1254 3843 1292 |
11011 59 | Sr rgeant.. | .’West, Frank Lemuel | Nil. | West, Mrs. Klla M | 47 llieknifin St., Ainherst, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S. | Cnuudn… | Amherst | Mnr. 8, | r.uo. | ||||
21 | 652 1284 3843 1319 |
OOlNI’J | Privnto… | . W heatun, Clark John | Nil | Wheaton, John | Joggin Mines, Cumberlnnd Co., N.S | < ‘nnada | River Hebert… | Mar. 2ft. | 1910. | ||||
21 | 652 1313 3844 1348 |
001228 | Private,.. | . W | ,e | an, Richard | Cnn. Mil… | Whelan, Mrs. Richard… | Harbour < irnec, Nlld | New fnimdland. | Stellarton | Mnr. 1, | 1910. | ||
21 | 652 1343 3843 1377 |
902051 | Privnto.,, | . While, Hrnjamin R | Nil | White, Mrs. Catherine.. | Amhorst, Cumberland Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Amherst | April 7, | 1*10. | ||||
21 | 651 1372 3843 1406 |
Noio;w | Privnto… | White, Hrainnrd Hicks | Nil | Campbell, Mrs. Kuther P | Debert, Colchester Co., N.S | Cnnnda | I’ruro | Feb. 28, | mo. | ||||
21 | 652 1401 3843 1435 |
902143 | Privr to,.. | . Wjckwire. Llovd Hopkins | Nil | Wiekwiro, James W | Milford Station, Hants Co., N.S | Cnnnda | Truro | April 8, | 1940. | ||||
21 | 652 1432 3843 1464 |
!#02!W 1 | Private… | . VViln, Reginald Loon | Nil | Wile, Enoch | Gore, HnnfsCn., N.S | (‘anada | Shubonnepdic.. | Mny 2. | 1910. | ||||
21 | 652 1461 3844 1498 |
OOlMNljPrivntP… | . WjHott, Malcolm Kdwnrd— | Nil | Willett, W. S | Pugwaf*li, Cumberland Co., N.S | jCnnnda | Aldershot < ’ainp | June 7, | 1910. | |||||
21 | 651 1489 3844 1522 |
NOlfcSS; Privnto… | . W’jUjjijns, Fred | Nil | Williams, Mrs. Isabelle. . | Shubonnendie, Hants Co., N.S | (‘nrada | Shybenacadie.. | Mar. 31, | 1910. | |||||
21 | 651 1519 3842 1554 |
NCiolilJPi ivuto… | . Williams, Hobert Willinm… | Nil | Williams. John I) | Groat Village. Colchestcr Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Truro | Mar. 18, | 1910. | |||||
21 | 651 1546 3845 1585 |
WOltij Privnte.,, | Wtlmot, William | Nil | Wilmut, Mrs. Catherine. | Antigonishe, N.S | (‘nnnda | Ant igonisbe | Mar. 21. | 1910. | |||||
21 | 652 1578 3845 1611 |
NO?‘OS Privnto,.. | . Wil«on. Andrew Murdison…. | Nil | Wilson, Mrs. Andrew…. | St. Johns, Nfld | Scotland | Spring Hill | Mav 23, | 1910. | |||||
21 | 652 1606 3845 1641 |
90230 •: Pr< vnto… | . Wilson, Erik G | I’.K. Army | Wilson, Mrs. Pam^lia V. | New Glasgow. Pietou Co., N.S | (.’anada | Amherst | April 25. | 1910. | |||||
21 | 651 1636 3845 1668 |
901K02. Privato… | . Wjlpon, James Ilonry | Nil | Wilson, M rs. Emma … | Gay’s River, Hants Co., N.S | Cnnndn | Shubenacadie… | Mnr. 31. | 1910. | |||||
21 | 652 1664 3845 1697 |
NOJS’tO’ Pri vnto… | . Winters, (‘Imido H ilton | Nil | Winters, Perry…. . | Parrsboro’. Cumberland Co., N.S | (’anada | Pai rsborough… | Mar. 28. | 1910. | |||||
21 | 652 1694 3845 1727 |
NO i s »i Privnto.,, | . Winters, Melvin Eldridgo…, | Nil | Winters, Onnicl | Advocate Harbour, Cumberland Co., N.S | (.‘anada | Rarrsborough… | Mar. 28, | 1910. | |||||
21 | 652 1722 3845 1757 |
WMM9. Privnto… | . Winters, William Mnjor | Nil | Winters, Perry | Parrsboro’. Cumberland Co., N.S | (‘anada | Parrsboruugh… | Mar. 28. | 1910. | |||||
21 | 652 1748 3845 1786 |
UOinw1 \et,.-Serge | . W »H’»y, James | ToiritoriulK | Wittoy, Mr*. Pelthina .. | Sluice Hridge, Outwell, Norfolk, Eng | England | Truro | Feb. 2!>. | 1910. | |||||
21 | 652 1781 3845 1817 |
I’rivnto.., | No.’18* | .;Woifo, Ilnrold Carl | Nil | Wolfe, Mrs. John. | Ilnntsport. N.S | Cnnnda | Hnntspnrf | April 4. | 1910. | ||||
21 | 652 1810 3844 1847 |
Private… | 901311 | Wor>fj, Alfred Guy | O’rd Urgt. | Wood, Mrs. John…. | Spring llill. Cumberland Co., N.H… | ‘anada | Spring Hill | Mar. 17, | 1910. | ||||
21 | 652 1837 3846 1876 |
Privnto.., | 9022GK | . Wnod, Chester C» | Nil | W’omi, Mr. Arihu Rlakc | P.O. Rox 375, Westville. Pietou Co., N.S………. | Cnnada | Westville | April 0, | 1910. | ||||
21 | 652 1868 3846 1904 |
Private… | 901407 | . Woods, Henry William | Nil | Woods, Mrs. Minnio | P.O. Hot 515, Westville, Pietou Co., N.S | Canada | New Glasgow.. | Mnr. 7, | 1910. | ||||
21 | 653 1898 3846 1933 |
■Vi vnto.,, | 901415 | . Wood, Manuel | Nil | Cameroon, Cnmpbell… | New Glasgow, l’ictou Co.. N.S.. | S. Wales. | Westville | Mar. M». | 19IG. | ||||
21 | 652 1927 3847 1965 |
Privat…. | 901595 | . WoolT. Roy | Nil | WoofT, Mrs. Leurn H | 8 Cro<»m*H Hill, Greenwich, London, Eng | England | ;IlantFport | April 4. | 1910. | ||||
21 | 654 1954 3847 1994 |
9(M083 | Act.-Scrgt | . Wrircht, Cordon Lewis | Nil | Wright, Mrs. Mabel Gem | P.O. Rox 35J, Truro, Colchester Co., N.S | Canada | Truro | Mnr. 8, | I9 | 0. | |||
21 | 654 1980 3847 2022 |
902122] Private… | . Wymnn, Walter | Nil | Wyman, Mrs. Martha… | Wcstville. Pictou Co., N.S | (’nnnda | Westville | Mnr. IS*, | 1910. | |||||
21 | 654 2014 3847 2051 |
91) I 350iPrivnto… | . Yntonmn, Frederick | ■ Nil | Yntoman, Jennie | 39 Church St., Amherst. Cumberland Co., N.S… | Cnnada | Amherst | Mnr. 1 fi. | 1910. | |||||
21 | 654 2044 3848 2084 |
<101051 L.-Corporal | . Ytiill, Warren Arthur | .Nil | . Yuill, (leoriro W | ‘I’ruro, ColchoMet Co.. N.S | (‘anada | Tniro. | Mar. I, | 1910. | |||||
21 | 655 2068 3849 2109 |
902531I L.-Corporal | Zinek, Russell Clark | . 55inek. Mrs. Ellio | Chester, Lunenburg Co.. N.S | (‘nnada | Chester | June 3. | 1910. |